951 resultados para digital asset management
MARC 21 (‘Machine-Readable Cataloguing’) is a US library standard established worldwide and recently translated also in Bulgarian (those parts used most by librarians in their everyday work). The Bulgarian translations are freely available on the NALIS website (http://www.nalis.bg/) under the Library Standards Section, where also an Online Multilingual Dictionary of MARC 21 Terms can be found. All these works are approved by the US Library of Congress and published on its MARC 21 website under Translations (http://www.loc.gov/marc/translations.html#bulgarian).
Purpose: Development of effective disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategies for communities at risk of being affected by natural disasters is considered essential, especially in the wake of devastating disaster events reported worldwide. As part of a wider research study investigating community perspectives on existing and potential strategies for enhancing resilience to natural disasters, community perspectives on infrastructure and structural protection requirements were investigated. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach: Patuakhali region in South-Western Bangladesh is a region significantly at risk of multiple natural hazards. In order to engage local communities and obtain their perspectives, focus group discussions were held with local community leaders and policy makers of at-risk communities in Patuakhali region, South-Western Bangladesh. Findings: Infrastructure and structural protection requirements highlighted included multi-purpose cyclone shelters, permanent embankments and improved transport infrastructure. Much of the discussions of focus group interviews were focused on cyclone shelters and embankments, suggesting their critical importance in reducing disaster risk and also dependence of coastal communities on those two measures. Originality/value: The research design adopted sought to answer the research questions raised and also to inform local policy makers on community perspectives. Local policy makers involved in DRR initiatives in the region were informed of community perspectives and requirements, thus contributing to community engagement in implementing DRR activities.
Purpose Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), which form a significant portion in many economies, are some of the most vulnerable to the impact of Extreme Weather Events (EWEs). This is of particular importance to the construction industry, as an overarching majority of construction companies are SMEs who account for the majority of employment and income generation within the industry. In the UK, previous research has identified construction SMEs as some of the worst affected by EWEs. Design/methodology/approach Given the recent occurrences of EWEs and predictions suggesting increases in both the intensity and frequency of EWEs in the future, improving the resilience of construction SMEs is vital for achieving a resilient construction industry. A conceptual framework is first developed which is then populated and expanded based on empirical evidence. Positioned within a pragmatic research philosophy, case study research strategy was adopted as the overall research strategy in undertaking this investigation. Findings Based on the findings of two in-depth case studies of construction SMEs, a framework was developed to represent EWE resilience of construction SMEs, where resilience was seen as a collective effect of vulnerability, coping strategies and coping capacities of SMEs, characteristics of the EWE and the wider economic climate. Originality/value The paper provides an original contribution towards the overarching agenda of the resilience of SMEs, and policy making in the area of EWE risk management by presenting a novel conceptual framework depicting the resilience of medium-sized construction companies.
Nowadays wireless communication has emerged as a tendency in industry environments. In part this interest is due to the ease of deployment and maintenance, which dispenses sophisticated designs and wired infrastructure (which in industrial environment often prohibitively expensive) besides enabling the addition of new applications when compared to their wired counterparts. Despite its high degree of applicability, an industrial wireless sensor network faces some challenges. One of the most challenging problems are its reliability, energy consumption and the environment interference. In this dissertation will discuss the problem of asset analysis in wireless industrial networks for the WirelessHART standard by implementing a monitoring system. The system allows to carry out various activities of independent asset management manufacturers, such as prediction of battery life, maintenance, reliability data, topology, and the possibility of creating new metrics from open and standardized development libraries. Through the implementation of this tool is intended to contribute to integration of wireless technologies in industrial environments.
Date of Acceptance: 13/03/2015
Date of Acceptance: 13/03/2015
Taxonomies have gained a broad usage in a variety of fields due to their extensibility, as well as their use for classification and knowledge organization. Of particular interest is the digital document management domain in which their hierarchical structure can be effectively employed in order to organize documents into content-specific categories. Common or standard taxonomies (e.g., the ACM Computing Classification System) contain concepts that are too general for conceptualizing specific knowledge domains. In this paper we introduce a novel automated approach that combines sub-trees from general taxonomies with specialized seed taxonomies by using specific Natural Language Processing techniques. We provide an extensible and generalizable model for combining taxonomies in the practical context of two very large European research projects. Because the manual combination of taxonomies by domain experts is a highly time consuming task, our model measures the semantic relatedness between concept labels in CBOW or skip-gram Word2vec vector spaces. A preliminary quantitative evaluation of the resulting taxonomies is performed after applying a greedy algorithm with incremental thresholds used for matching and combining topic labels.
[Excerpt] In a recent public relations document, the New York Stock Exchange defines its mission statement as to: “Support the capital-raising and asset management process by providing the highest quality and most cost-effective, self-regulated marketplace for the trading of financial instruments.” The common thread that runs through this and similar statements made by organized financial markets from Frankfurt to Tokyo is that they hold as their primary goals to help companies raise capital and to provide a liquid and efficient aftermarket for those securities.
Software Architecture is a high level description of a software intensive system that enables architects to have a better intellectual control over the complete system. It is also used as a communication vehicle among the various system stakeholders. Variability in software-intensive systems is the ability of a software artefact (e.g., a system, subsystem, or component) to be extended, customised, or configured for deployment in a specific context. Although variability in software architecture is recognised as a challenge in multiple domains, there has been no formal consensus on how variability should be captured or represented. In this research, we addressed the problem of representing variability in software architecture through a three phase approach. First, we examined existing literature using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) methodology, which helped us identify the gaps and challenges within the current body of knowledge. Equipped with the findings from the SLR, a set of design principles have been formulated that are used to introduce variability management capabilities to an existing Architecture Description Language (ADL). The chosen ADL was developed within our research group (ALI) and to which we have had complete access. Finally, we evaluated the new version of the ADL produced using two distinct case studies: one from the Information Systems domain, an Asset Management System (AMS); and another from the embedded systems domain, a Wheel Brake System (WBS). This thesis presents the main findings from the three phases of the research work, including a comprehensive study of the state-of-the-art; the complete specification of an ADL that is focused on managing variability; and the lessons learnt from the evaluation work of two distinct real-life case studies.
"Retención del talento humano en tiempos de cambio” tiene como principal objetivo encontrar los factores más importantes en este aspecto que tienen nueve empresas representativas de Antioquia con presencia en Colombia y otros lugares de la geografía mundial; además, abordar estas empresas para conocer el estado actual de los procesos de gestión del talento humano como motor para fortalecer la retención y encontrar tendencias en las prácticas de estas organizaciones -- Se parte de una revisión bibliográfica, que considera variables intrínsecas y extrínsecas (que analizan los impactos hacia el ser y el hacer, respectivamente) -- Posteriormente se realizan entrevistas con los líderes de gestión humana de esas empresas, de las cuales se puede concluir que: primero, la gestión continua y de muchos años para fortalecer el liderazgo de los jefes redunda en un clima laboral que permite la retención de sus trabajadores; segundo, es importante permitir al trabajador desarrollarse dentro de la organización entendiendo la transición que empiezan a afrontar estas empresas por la necesidad de contratar jóvenes a los que motivan la alta exposición y el asumir retos evitando trabajos monótonos y repetitivos; tercero, se deben considerar aspectos como la diversidad y la inclusión, los beneficios que ofrece la empresa, y los paquetes de beneficios que cada día son más dinámicos e intentan ser totalmente flexibles para todos los trabajadores, y en menor escala el factor salarial -- Se hace claridad en que cada una de las compañías abordadas ofrecen a sus trabajadores salarios competitivos acordes a los cargos, roles y el sector en el cual trabajan, además de un salario emocional que los impacta directamente y también beneficia sus familias -- El presente estudio se realizó sobre una población de nueve empresas: Grupo Argos, Grupo Bancolombia, Grupo EPM, Organización Corona, Protección, Servicios Nutresa, Sura Asset Management, Sofasa-Renault y la Universidad Eafit -- Todas ellas generan un impacto alto en la tasa de empleo de la ciudad de Medellín y de Colombia, son altamente reconocidas en Colombia, América Latina y otras partes del mundo
In this study, we examine the relationship between good corporate governance practices and the creation of value/performance of credit unions from 2010 to 2012. The objective was to create and validate a corporate governance index for credit unions, and to then analyse the relationship between good governance practices and the creation of value/performance. The problem question is: do good corporate governance practices provide value creation for credit unions? The research started by creating indices from factor analysis to identify latent dependent variables related to value creation and performance; next indices were created from the principal component analysis for the creation of independent latent variables related to corporate governance. Finally, based on panel data from regression models, the influence of the variables and indices related to corporate governance on the indices of value creation and performance was verified. Based on the research, it became evident that the Corporate Governance Index (IGC) is mainly impacted by Executive Management, with 40.31% of the IGC value, followed by the Representation and Participation dimension, with 34.07% of the IGC value. The contribution for academics was the creation of the Corporate Governance Index (IGC) applied for credit unions. As for the contribution to the system of credit unions, the highlight was the effectiveness of the mechanisms for economic-financial and asset management adopted by BACEN, credit unions and OCEMG.
Maintenance of transport infrastructure assets is widely advocated as the key in minimizing current and future costs of the transportation network. While effective maintenance decisions are often a result of engineering skills and practical knowledge, efficient decisions must also account for the net result over an asset's life-cycle. One essential aspect in the long term perspective of transport infrastructure maintenance is to proactively estimate maintenance needs. In dealing with immediate maintenance actions, support tools that can prioritize potential maintenance candidates are important to obtain an efficient maintenance strategy. This dissertation consists of five individual research papers presenting a microdata analysis approach to transport infrastructure maintenance. Microdata analysis is a multidisciplinary field in which large quantities of data is collected, analyzed, and interpreted to improve decision-making. Increased access to transport infrastructure data enables a deeper understanding of causal effects and a possibility to make predictions of future outcomes. The microdata analysis approach covers the complete process from data collection to actual decisions and is therefore well suited for the task of improving efficiency in transport infrastructure maintenance. Statistical modeling was the selected analysis method in this dissertation and provided solutions to the different problems presented in each of the five papers. In Paper I, a time-to-event model was used to estimate remaining road pavement lifetimes in Sweden. In Paper II, an extension of the model in Paper I assessed the impact of latent variables on road lifetimes; displaying the sections in a road network that are weaker due to e.g. subsoil conditions or undetected heavy traffic. The study in Paper III incorporated a probabilistic parametric distribution as a representation of road lifetimes into an equation for the marginal cost of road wear. Differentiated road wear marginal costs for heavy and light vehicles are an important information basis for decisions regarding vehicle miles traveled (VMT) taxation policies. In Paper IV, a distribution based clustering method was used to distinguish between road segments that are deteriorating and road segments that have a stationary road condition. Within railway networks, temporary speed restrictions are often imposed because of maintenance and must be addressed in order to keep punctuality. The study in Paper V evaluated the empirical effect on running time of speed restrictions on a Norwegian railway line using a generalized linear mixed model.
El objetivo general de esta revisión es explicar que la educación superior en Colombia necesita integrar al campo administrativo el reconocimiento y manejo de las emociones, para que la gerencia contribuya al verdadero desarrollo social sostenible. Como el campo de interés está centrado en la gerencia, se hizo uso de los aportes del marketing relacional, la teoría de creación de valor compartido y la inteligencia emocional, así como otras aproximaciones teóricas y bibliográficas que sirvieron de soporte durante el desarrollo del seminario de gerencia. Consecuentemente, los aportes de los autores soportan las razones por las cuales se requiere de una reestructuración de la gerencia para mitigar las externalidades del medio y promover el desarrollo social y económico. Finalmente, se pretendió proporcionar la información adecuada al lector acerca del tema, de forma tal que facilite la comprensión y promueva la discusión acerca de los diferentes aportes de los autores.
La presente trattazione concerne gli European long-term investment fund, disciplinati dal regolamento UE 2015/760 del 29 aprile 2015, meglio noti come ELTIF, di cui si è inteso indagare i molteplici aspetti che attengono all’operatività degli stessi, dalla genesi sino alla fase della liquidazione. Trattandosi di uno dei più recenti tasselli della composita disciplina europea del risparmio gestito, si è ritenuto opportuno anzitutto prendere le mosse dall’evoluzione della regolamentazione, domestica e comunitaria, della gestione collettiva del risparmio, la quale rappresenta la “cornice” normativa di riferimento entro cui si colloca il veicolo in discorso. Definito il percorso evolutivo della disciplina de qua, si è posta quindi l’attenzione sulla regolamentazione degli ELTIF che, pur migliorabile sotto diversi profili, rappresenta un significativo passo in avanti nel senso della costruzione dell’Unione dei mercati di capitali e del rilancio dell’economia europea. In particolare, l’indagine ha riguardato anzitutto i connotati della nuova fattispecie (carattere europeo, orizzonte temporale di lungo periodo, illiquidità). L’analisi dei tratti fisiognomici è stata funzionale non solo a verificare se essi, nella loro peculiarità, siano o meno idonei a definire un tipo a sé stante di prodotto, ma altresì a valutare in che termini essi producano un effetto conformativo sulla disciplina del prodotto stesso, specie con riferimento alla fase dell’investimento e del disinvestimento. Con l’intento di vagliare l’opportunità di interventi sul dato normativo che mirino ad accrescere l’attrattività degli ELTIF, si è volta quindi l’attenzione alla fase finale della vita del fondo, in quanto l’esiguità della disciplina dettata con riferimento alla liquidazione si espone ad applicazioni dubbie che, in larga parte, lasciano spazio all’autonomia regolamentare del prodotto e, dunque, all’applicazione di discipline nazionali disomogenee; e ciò specie con riferimento a una peculiare ipotesi di liquidazione promossa dagli investitori in conseguenza del mancato soddisfacimento della richiesta di rimborso avanzata.
Il lavoro di tesi ha avuto come obbiettivo quello di indagare il corpo normativo, lo stato dell’arte sulla gestione patrimoniale anche attraverso l’analisi di alcune esperienze condotte in Italia, per definire l’approccio metodologico e gli strumenti per la valorizzazione del patrimonio immobiliare disponibile di un Ente pubblico, applicata al caso studio del comune di Bologna, con la collaborazione del Dipartimento Lavori Pubblici, Verde, Mobilità e Patrimonio ed in particolare con il Settore Patrimonio. L’indagine si è concentrata sulla sezione dei fabbricati del patrimonio edilizio comunale e non sui terreni, in quanto ritenuta più interessante ai fini della valorizzazione. Il patrimonio immobiliare del comune di Bologna, secondo il materiale fornito, è composto da circa 1800 unità di varia natura e dimensione; tuttavia la maggior parte di queste proprietà fanno parte del patrimonio indisponibile. Il presente lavoro, ha riguardato il patrimonio disponibile distribuito su tutto il territorio metropolitano di Bologna, per il quale è stata condotta l’indagine per fornire gli elementi necessari per sviluppare alternative per la sua valorizzazione. L’analisi condotta sul patrimonio disponibile del comune di Bologna, nonostante le varie selezioni effettuate sull’elenco fornito, ha portato ad individuare un numero considerevole di immobili valorizzabili, per i quali è emerso uno stato di conoscenza generale piuttosto scarso. E’ emersa quindi la difficoltà da parte dell’amministrazione di occuparsi degli immobili, che non sono direttamente utilizzati a fini istituzionali per la loro messa a reddito, nonostante si abbiano a disposizione strumenti normativi specifici per questo tipo di operazioni.