973 resultados para diffuse-interface method


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Geological storage of CO2 is nowadays internationally considered as the most effective method for greenhouse gas emission mitigation, in order to minimize its effects on the global climatology. One of the main options is to store the CO2 in deep saline aquifers at more than 800 m depth, because it achieves its supercritical state. Among the most important aspects concerning the performance assessment of a deep CO2 geological repository is the evaluation of the CO2 leakage rate from the chosen storage geological formation. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to increase the knowledge on the interaction among CO2, storage and sealing formations, as well as on the flow paths for CO2 and the physico-mechanical resistance of the sealing formation. Furthermore, the quantification of the CO2 leakage rate is essential to evaluate its effects on the environment. One way to achieve this objective is to study of CO2 leakage on natural analogue systems, because they can provide useful information about the natural performance of the CO2, which can be applied to an artificial CO2 geological storage. This work is focused on the retention capacity of the cap-rock by measuring the diffuse soil CO2 flux in a site selected based on: i) the presence of a natural and deep CO2 accumulation; ii) its structural geological characteristics; and iii) the nature of the cap-rocks. This site is located in the so-called Mazarrón-Gañuelas Tertiary Basin, in the Guadalentin Valley, province of Murcia (Spain) Therefore the main objective of this investigation has been to detect the possible leakages of CO2 from a deep saline aquifer to the surface in order to understand the capability of this area as a natural analogue for Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS). The results obtained allow to conclude that the geological sealing formation of the basin seems to be appropriate to avoid CO2 leakages from the storage formation.


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We investigated the atomic surface properties of differently prepared silicon and germanium (100) surfaces during metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy/chemical vapour deposition (MOVPE/MOCVD), in particular the impact of the MOVPE ambient, and applied reflectance anisotropy/difference spectroscopy (RAS/RDS) in our MOVPE reactor to in-situ watch and control the preparation on the atomic length scale for subsequent III-V-nucleation. The technological interest in the predominant opto-electronic properties of III-V-compounds drives the research for their heteroepitaxial integration on more abundant and cheaper standard substrates such as Si(100) or Ge(100). In these cases, a general task must be accomplished successfully, i.e. the growth of polar materials on non-polar substrates and, beyond that, very specific variations such as the individual interface formation and the atomic step structure, have to be controlled. Above all, the method of choice to grow industrial relevant high-performance device structures is MOVPE, not normally compatible with surface and interface sensitive characterization tools, which are commonly based on ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) ambients. A dedicated sample transfer system from MOVPE environment to UHV enabled us to benchmark the optical in-situ spectra with results from various surfaces science instruments without considering disruptive contaminants. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) provided direct observation of different terminations such as arsenic and phosphorous and verified oxide removal under various specific process parameters. Absorption lines in Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectra were used to identify specific stretch modes of coupled hydrides and the polarization dependence of the anti-symmetric stretch modes distinguished different dimer orientations. Scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) studied the atomic arrangement of dimers and steps and tip-induced H-desorption proved the saturation of dangling bonds after preparati- n. In-situ RAS was employed to display details transiently such as the presence of H on the surface at lower temperatures (T <; 800°C) and the absence of Si-H bonds at elevated annealing temperature and also surface terminations. Ge buffer growth by the use of GeH4 enables the preparation of smooth surfaces and leads to a more pronounced amplitude of the features in the spectra which indicates improvements of the surface quality.


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Interface discontinuity factors based on the Generalized Equivalence Theory are commonly used in nodal homogenized diffusion calculations so that diffusion average values approximate heterogeneous higher order solutions. In this paper, an additional form of interface correction factors is presented in the frame of the Analytic Coarse Mesh Finite Difference Method (ACMFD), based on a correction of the modal fluxes instead of the physical fluxes. In the ACMFD formulation, implemented in COBAYA3 code, the coupled multigroup diffusion equations inside a homogenized region are reduced to a set of uncoupled modal equations through diagonalization of the multigroup diffusion matrix. Then, physical fluxes are transformed into modal fluxes in the eigenspace of the diffusion matrix. It is possible to introduce interface flux discontinuity jumps as the difference of heterogeneous and homogeneous modal fluxes instead of introducing interface discontinuity factors as the ratio of heterogeneous and homogeneous physical fluxes. The formulation in the modal space has been implemented in COBAYA3 code and assessed by comparison with solutions using classical interface discontinuity factors in the physical space


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Performing three-dimensional pin-by-pin full core calculations based on an improved solution of the multi-group diffusion equation is an affordable option nowadays to compute accurate local safety parameters for light water reactors. Since a transport approximation is solved, appropriate correction factors, such as interface discontinuity factors, are required to nearly reproduce the fully heterogeneous transport solution. Calculating exact pin-by-pin discontinuity factors requires the knowledge of the heterogeneous neutron flux distribution, which depends on the boundary conditions of the pin-cell as well as the local variables along the nuclear reactor operation. As a consequence, it is impractical to compute them for each possible configuration; however, inaccurate correction factors are one major source of error in core analysis when using multi-group diffusion theory. An alternative to generate accurate pin-by-pin interface discontinuity factors is to build a functional-fitting that allows incorporating the environment dependence in the computed values. This paper suggests a methodology to consider the neighborhood effect based on the Analytic Coarse-Mesh Finite Difference method for the multi-group diffusion equation. It has been applied to both definitions of interface discontinuity factors, the one based on the Generalized Equivalence Theory and the one based on Black-Box Homogenization, and for different few energy groups structures. Conclusions are drawn over the optimal functional-fitting and demonstrative results are obtained with the multi-group pin-by-pin diffusion code COBAYA3 for representative PWR configurations.


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The boundary element method (BEM) has been applied successfully to many engineering problems during the last decades. Compared with domain type methods like the finite element method (FEM) or the finite difference method (FDM) the BEM can handle problems where the medium extends to infinity much easier than domain type methods as there is no need to develop special boundary conditions (quiet or absorbing boundaries) or infinite elements at the boundaries introduced to limit the domain studied. The determination of the dynamic stiffness of arbitrarily shaped footings is just one of these fields where the BEM has been the method of choice, especially in the 1980s. With the continuous development of computer technology and the available hardware equipment the size of the problems under study grew and, as the flop count for solving the resulting linear system of equations grows with the third power of the number of equations, there was a need for the development of iterative methods with better performance. In [1] the GMRES algorithm was presented which is now widely used for implementations of the collocation BEM. While the FEM results in sparsely populated coefficient matrices, the BEM leads, in general, to fully or densely populated ones, depending on the number of subregions, posing a serious memory problem even for todays computers. If the geometry of the problem permits the surface of the domain to be meshed with equally shaped elements a lot of the resulting coefficients will be calculated and stored repeatedly. The present paper shows how these unnecessary operations can be avoided reducing the calculation time as well as the storage requirement. To this end a similar coefficient identification algorithm (SCIA), has been developed and implemented in a program written in Fortran 90. The vertical dynamic stiffness of a single pile in layered soil has been chosen to test the performance of the implementation. The results obtained with the 3-d model may be compared with those obtained with an axisymmetric formulation which are considered to be the reference values as the mesh quality is much better. The entire 3D model comprises more than 35000 dofs being a soil region with 21168 dofs the biggest single region. Note that the memory necessary to store all coefficients of this single region is about 6.8 GB, an amount which is usually not available with personal computers. In the problem under study the interface zone between the two adjacent soil regions as well as the surface of the top layer may be meshed with equally sized elements. In this case the application of the SCIA leads to an important reduction in memory requirements. The maximum memory used during the calculation has been reduced to 1.2 GB. The application of the SCIA thus permits problems to be solved on personal computers which otherwise would require much more powerful hardware.


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Due to the sensitive international situation caused by still-recent terrorist attacks, there is a common need to protect the safety of large spaces such as government buildings, airports and power stations. To address this problem, developments in several research fields, such as video and cognitive audio, decision support systems, human interface, computer architecture, communications networks and communications security, should be integrated with the goal of achieving advanced security systems capable of checking all of the specified requirements and spanning the gap that presently exists in the current market. This paper describes the implementation of a decision system for crisis management in infrastructural building security. Specifically, it describes the implementation of a decision system in the management of building intrusions. The positions of the unidentified persons are reported with the help of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The goal is to achieve an intelligent system capable of making the best decision in real time in order to quickly neutralise one or more intruders who threaten strategic installations. It is assumed that the intruders’ behaviour is inferred through sequences of sensors’ activations and their fusion. This article presents a general approach to selecting the optimum operation from the available neutralisation strategies based on a Minimax algorithm. The distances among different scenario elements will be used to measure the risk of the scene, so a path planning technique will be integrated in order to attain a good performance. Different actions to be executed over the elements of the scene such as moving a guard, blocking a door or turning on an alarm will be used to neutralise the crisis. This set of actions executed to stop the crisis is known as the neutralisation strategy. Finally, the system has been tested in simulations of real situations, and the results have been evaluated according to the final state of the intruders. In 86.5% of the cases, the system achieved the capture of the intruders, and in 59.25% of the cases, they were intercepted before they reached their objective.


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The origins for this work arise in response to the increasing need for biologists and doctors to obtain tools for visual analysis of data. When dealing with multidimensional data, such as medical data, the traditional data mining techniques can be a tedious and complex task, even to some medical experts. Therefore, it is necessary to develop useful visualization techniques that can complement the expert’s criterion, and at the same time visually stimulate and make easier the process of obtaining knowledge from a dataset. Thus, the process of interpretation and understanding of the data can be greatly enriched. Multidimensionality is inherent to any medical data, requiring a time-consuming effort to get a clinical useful outcome. Unfortunately, both clinicians and biologists are not trained in managing more than four dimensions. Specifically, we were aimed to design a 3D visual interface for gene profile analysis easy in order to be used both by medical and biologist experts. In this way, a new analysis method is proposed: MedVir. This is a simple and intuitive analysis mechanism based on the visualization of any multidimensional medical data in a three dimensional space that allows interaction with experts in order to collaborate and enrich this representation. In other words, MedVir makes a powerful reduction in data dimensionality in order to represent the original information into a three dimensional environment. The experts can interact with the data and draw conclusions in a visual and quickly way.


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La Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) y la Università degli Studi di Firenze (UniFi), bajo la coordinación técnica de AMPHOS21, participan desde 2009 en el proyecto de investigación “Estrategias de Monitorización de CO2 y otros gases en el estudio de Análogos Naturales”, financiado por la Fundación Ciudad de la Energía (CIUDEN) en el marco del Proyecto Compostilla OXYCFB300 (http://www.compostillaproject.eu), del Programa “European Energy Program for Recovery - EEPR”. El objetivo principal del proyecto fue el desarrollo y puesta a punto de metodologías de monitorización superficiales para su aplicación en el seguimiento y control de los emplazamientos donde se realice el almacenamiento geológico de CO2, analizando técnicas que permitan detectar y cuantificar las posibles fugas de CO2 a la atmósfera. Los trabajos se realizaron tanto en análogos naturales (españoles e italianos) como en la Planta de Desarrollo Tecnológico de Almacenamiento de CO2 de Hontomín. Las técnicas analizadas se centran en la medición de gases y aguas superficiales (de escorrentía y manantiales). En cuanto a la medición de gases se analizó el flujo de CO2 que emana desde el suelo a la atmósfera y la aplicabilidad de trazadores naturales (como el radón) para la detección e identificación de las fugas de CO2. En cuanto al análisis químico de las aguas se analizaron los datos geoquímicos e isotópicos y los gases disueltos en las aguas de los alrededores de la PDT de Hontomín, con objeto de determinar qué parámetros son los más apropiados para la detección de una posible migración del CO2 inyectado, o de la salmuera, a los ambientes superficiales. Las medidas de flujo de CO2 se realizaron con la técnica de la cámara de acúmulo. A pesar de ser una técnica desarrollada y aplicada en diferentes ámbitos científicos se estimó necesario adaptar un protocolo de medida y de análisis de datos a las características específicas de los proyectos de captura y almacenamiento de CO2 (CAC). Donde los flujos de CO2 esperados son bajos y en caso de producirse una fuga habrá que detectar pequeñas variaciones en los valores flujo con un “ruido” en la señal alto, debido a actividad biológica en el suelo. La medida de flujo de CO2 mediante la técnica de la cámara de acúmulo se puede realizar sin limpiar la superficie donde se coloca la cámara o limpiando y esperando al reequilibrio del flujo después de la distorsión al sistema. Sin embargo, los resultados obtenidos después de limpiar y esperar muestran menor dispersión, lo que nos indica que este procedimiento es el mejor para la monitorización de los complejos de almacenamiento geológico de CO2. El protocolo de medida resultante, utilizado para la obtención de la línea base de flujo de CO2 en Hontomín, sigue los siguiente pasos: a) con una espátula se prepara el punto de medición limpiando y retirando el recubrimiento vegetal o la primera capa compacta de suelo, b) se espera un tiempo para la realización de la medida de flujo, facilitando el reequilibrio del flujo del gas tras la alteración provocada en el suelo y c) se realiza la medida de flujo de CO2. Una vez realizada la medición de flujo de CO2, y detectada si existen zonas de anomalías, se debe estimar la cantidad de CO2 que se está escapando a la atmósfera (emanación total), con el objetivo de cuantificar la posible fuga. Existen un amplio rango de metodologías para realizar dicha estimación, siendo necesario entender cuáles son las más apropiadas para obtener el valor más representativo del sistema. En esta tesis se comparan seis técnicas estadísticas: media aritmética, estimador insegado de la media (aplicando la función de Sichel), remuestreo con reemplazamiento (bootstrap), separación en diferentes poblaciones mediante métodos gráficos y métodos basados en criterios de máxima verosimilitud, y la simulación Gaussiana secuencial. Para este análisis se realizaron ocho campañas de muestreo, tanto en la Planta de Desarrollo Tecnológico de Hontomón como en análogos naturales (italianos y españoles). Los resultados muestran que la simulación Gaussiana secuencial suele ser el método más preciso para realizar el cálculo, sin embargo, existen ocasiones donde otros métodos son más apropiados. Como consecuencia, se desarrolla un procedimiento de actuación para seleccionar el método que proporcione el mejor estimador. Este procedimiento consiste, en primer lugar, en realizar un análisis variográfico. Si existe una autocorrelación entre los datos, modelizada mediante el variograma, la mejor técnica para calcular la emanación total y su intervalo de confianza es la simulación Gaussiana secuencial (sGs). Si los datos son independientes se debe comprobar la distribución muestral, aplicando la media aritmética o el estimador insesgado de la media (Sichel) para datos normales o lognormales respectivamente. Cuando los datos no son normales o corresponden a una mezcla de poblaciones la mejor técnica de estimación es la de remuestreo con reemplazamiento (bootstrap). Siguiendo este procedimiento el máximo valor del intervalo de confianza estuvo en el orden del ±20/25%, con la mayoría de valores comprendidos entre ±3,5% y ±8%. La identificación de las diferentes poblaciones muestrales en los datos de flujo de CO2 puede ayudar a interpretar los resultados obtenidos, toda vez que esta distribución se ve afectada por la presencia de varios procesos geoquímicos como, por ejemplo, una fuente geológica o biológica del CO2. Así pues, este análisis puede ser una herramienta útil en el programa de monitorización, donde el principal objetivo es demostrar que no hay fugas desde el reservorio a la atmósfera y, si ocurren, detectarlas y cuantificarlas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el mejor proceso para realizar la separación de poblaciones está basado en criterios de máxima verosimilitud. Los procedimientos gráficos, aunque existen pautas para realizarlos, tienen un cierto grado de subjetividad en la interpretación de manera que los resultados son menos reproducibles. Durante el desarrollo de la tesis se analizó, en análogos naturales, la relación existente entre el CO2 y los isótopos del radón (222Rn y 220Rn), detectándose en todas las zonas de emisión de CO2 una relación positiva entre los valores de concentración de 222Rn en aire del suelo y el flujo de CO2. Comparando la concentración de 220Rn con el flujo de CO2 la relación no es tan clara, mientras que en algunos casos aumenta en otros se detecta una disminución, hecho que parece estar relacionado con la profundidad de origen del radón. Estos resultados confirmarían la posible aplicación de los isótopos del radón como trazadores del origen de los gases y su aplicación en la detección de fugas. Con respecto a la determinación de la línea base de flujo CO2 en la PDT de Hontomín, se realizaron mediciones con la cámara de acúmulo en las proximidades de los sondeos petrolíferos, perforados en los ochenta y denominados H-1, H-2, H-3 y H-4, en la zona donde se instalarán el sondeo de inyección (H-I) y el de monitorización (H-A) y en las proximidades de la falla sur. Desde noviembre de 2009 a abril de 2011 se realizaron siete campañas de muestreo, adquiriéndose más de 4.000 registros de flujo de CO2 con los que se determinó la línea base y su variación estacional. Los valores obtenidos fueron bajos (valores medios entre 5 y 13 g•m-2•d-1), detectándose pocos valores anómalos, principalmente en las proximidades del sondeo H-2. Sin embargo, estos valores no se pudieron asociar a una fuente profunda del CO2 y seguramente estuvieran más relacionados con procesos biológicos, como la respiración del suelo. No se detectaron valores anómalos cerca del sistema de fracturación (falla Ubierna), toda vez que en esta zona los valores de flujo son tan bajos como en el resto de puntos de muestreo. En este sentido, los valores de flujo de CO2 aparentemente están controlados por la actividad biológica, corroborado al obtenerse los menores valores durante los meses de otoño-invierno e ir aumentando en los periodos cálidos. Se calcularon dos grupos de valores de referencia, el primer grupo (UCL50) es 5 g•m-2•d-1 en las zonas no aradas en los meses de otoño-invierno y 3,5 y 12 g•m-2•d-1 en primavera-verano para zonas aradas y no aradas, respectivamente. El segundo grupo (UCL99) corresponde a 26 g•m-2•d- 1 durante los meses de otoño-invierno en las zonas no aradas y 34 y 42 g•m-2•d-1 para los meses de primavera-verano en zonas aradas y no aradas, respectivamente. Flujos mayores a estos valores de referencia podrían ser indicativos de una posible fuga durante la inyección y posterior a la misma. Los primeros datos geoquímicos e isotópicos de las aguas superficiales (de escorrentía y de manantiales) en el área de Hontomín–Huermeces fueron analizados. Los datos sugieren que las aguas estudiadas están relacionadas con aguas meteóricas con un circuito hidrogeológico superficial, caracterizadas por valores de TDS relativamente bajos (menor a 800 mg/L) y una fácie hidrogeoquímica de Ca2+(Mg2+)-HCO3 −. Algunas aguas de manantiales se caracterizan por concentraciones elevadas de NO3 − (concentraciones de hasta 123 mg/l), lo que sugiere una contaminación antropogénica. Se obtuvieron concentraciones anómalas de of Cl−, SO4 2−, As, B y Ba en dos manantiales cercanos a los sondeos petrolíferos y en el rio Ubierna, estos componentes son probablemente indicadores de una posible mezcla entre los acuíferos profundos y superficiales. El estudio de los gases disueltos en las aguas también evidencia el circuito superficial de las aguas. Estando, por lo general, dominado por la componente atmosférica (N2, O2 y Ar). Sin embargo, en algunos casos el gas predominante fue el CO2 (con concentraciones que llegan al 63% v/v), aunque los valores isotópicos del carbono (<-17,7 ‰) muestran que lo más probable es que esté relacionado con un origen biológico. Los datos geoquímicos e isotópicos de las aguas superficiales obtenidos en la zona de Hontomín se pueden considerar como el valor de fondo con el que comparar durante la fase operacional, la clausura y posterior a la clausura. En este sentido, la composición de los elementos mayoritarios y traza, la composición isotópica del carbono del CO2 disuelto y del TDIC (Carbono inorgánico disuelto) y algunos elementos traza se pueden considerar como parámetros adecuados para detectar la migración del CO2 a los ambientes superficiales. ABSTRACT Since 2009, a group made up of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM; Spain) and Università degli Studi Firenze (UniFi; Italy) has been taking part in a joint project called “Strategies for Monitoring CO2 and other Gases in Natural analogues”. The group was coordinated by AMPHOS XXI, a private company established in Barcelona. The Project was financially supported by Fundación Ciudad de la Energía (CIUDEN; Spain) as a part of the EC-funded OXYCFB300 project (European Energy Program for Recovery -EEPR-; www.compostillaproject.eu). The main objectives of the project were aimed to develop and optimize analytical methodologies to be applied at the surface to Monitor and Verify the feasibility of geologically stored carbon dioxide. These techniques were oriented to detect and quantify possible CO2 leakages to the atmosphere. Several investigations were made in natural analogues from Spain and Italy and in the Tecnchnological Development Plant for CO2 injection al Hontomín (Burgos, Spain). The studying techniques were mainly focused on the measurements of diffuse soil gases and surface and shallow waters. The soil-gas measurements included the determination of CO2 flux and the application to natural trace gases (e.g. radon) that may help to detect any CO2 leakage. As far as the water chemistry is concerned, geochemical and isotopic data related to surface and spring waters and dissolved gases in the area of the PDT of Hontomín were analyzed to determine the most suitable parameters to trace the migration of the injected CO2 into the near-surface environments. The accumulation chamber method was used to measure the diffuse emission of CO2 at the soil-atmosphere interface. Although this technique has widely been applied in different scientific areas, it was considered of the utmost importance to adapt the optimum methodology for measuring the CO2 soil flux and estimating the total CO2 output to the specific features of the site where CO2 is to be stored shortly. During the pre-injection phase CO2 fluxes are expected to be relatively low where in the intra- and post-injection phases, if leakages are to be occurring, small variation in CO2 flux might be detected when the CO2 “noise” is overcoming the biological activity of the soil (soil respiration). CO2 flux measurements by the accumulation chamber method could be performed without vegetation clearance or after vegetation clearance. However, the results obtained after clearance show less dispersion and this suggests that this procedure appears to be more suitable for monitoring CO2 Storage sites. The measurement protocol, applied for the determination of the CO2 flux baseline at Hontomín, has included the following steps: a) cleaning and removal of both the vegetal cover and top 2 cm of soil, b) waiting to reduce flux perturbation due to the soil removal and c) measuring the CO2 flux. Once completing the CO2 flux measurements and detected whether there were anomalies zones, the total CO2 output was estimated to quantify the amount of CO2 released to the atmosphere in each of the studied areas. There is a wide range of methodologies for the estimation of the CO2 output, which were applied to understand which one was the most representative. In this study six statistical methods are presented: arithmetic mean, minimum variances unbiased estimator, bootstrap resample, partitioning of data into different populations with a graphical and a maximum likelihood procedures, and sequential Gaussian simulation. Eight campaigns were carried out in the Hontomín CO2 Storage Technology Development Plant and in natural CO2 analogues. The results show that sequential Gaussian simulation is the most accurate method to estimate the total CO2 output and the confidential interval. Nevertheless, a variety of statistic methods were also used. As a consequence, an application procedure for selecting the most realistic method was developed. The first step to estimate the total emanation rate was the variogram analysis. If the relation among the data can be explained with the variogram, the best technique to calculate the total CO2 output and its confidence interval is the sequential Gaussian simulation method (sGs). If the data are independent, their distribution is to be analyzed. For normal and log-normal distribution the proper methods are the arithmetic mean and minimum variances unbiased estimator, respectively. If the data are not normal (log-normal) or are a mixture of different populations the best approach is the bootstrap resampling. According to these steps, the maximum confidence interval was about ±20/25%, with most of values between ±3.5% and ±8%. Partitioning of CO2 flux data into different populations may help to interpret the data as their distribution can be affected by different geochemical processes, e.g. geological or biological sources of CO2. Consequently, it may be an important tool in a monitoring CCS program, where the main goal is to demonstrate that there are not leakages from the reservoir to the atmosphere and, if occurring, to be able to detect and quantify it. Results show that the partitioning of populations is better performed by maximum likelihood criteria, since graphical procedures have a degree of subjectivity in the interpretation and results may not be reproducible. The relationship between CO2 flux and radon isotopes (222Rn and 220Rn) was studied in natural analogues. In all emissions zones, a positive relation between 222Rn and CO2 was observed. However, the relationship between activity of 220Rn and CO2 flux is not clear. In some cases the 220Rn activity indeed increased with the CO2 flux in other measurements a decrease was recognized. We can speculate that this effect was possibly related to the route (deep or shallow) of the radon source. These results may confirm the possible use of the radon isotopes as tracers for the gas origin and their application in the detection of leakages. With respect to the CO2 flux baseline at the TDP of Hontomín, soil flux measurements in the vicinity of oil boreholes, drilled in the eighties and named H-1 to H-4, and injection and monitoring wells were performed using an accumulation chamber. Seven surveys were carried out from November 2009 to summer 2011. More than 4,000 measurements were used to determine the baseline flux of CO2 and its seasonal variations. The measured values were relatively low (from 5 to 13 g•m-2•day-1) and few outliers were identified, mainly located close to the H-2 oil well. Nevertheless, these values cannot be associated to a deep source of CO2, being more likely related to biological processes, i.e. soil respiration. No anomalies were recognized close to the deep fault system (Ubierna Fault) detected by geophysical investigations. There, the CO2 flux is indeed as low as other measurement stations. CO2 fluxes appear to be controlled by the biological activity since the lowest values were recorded during autumn-winter seasons and they tend to increase in warm periods. Two reference CO2 flux values (UCL50 of 5 g•m-2•d-1 for non-ploughed areas in autumn-winter seasons and 3.5 and 12 g•m-2•d-1 for in ploughed and non-ploughed areas, respectively, in spring-summer time, and UCL99 of 26 g•m-2•d-1 for autumn-winter in not-ploughed areas and 34 and 42 g•m-2•d-1 for spring-summer in ploughed and not-ploughed areas, respectively, were calculated. Fluxes higher than these reference values could be indicative of possible leakage during the operational and post-closure stages of the storage project. The first geochemical and isotopic data related to surface and spring waters and dissolved gases in the area of Hontomín–Huermeces (Burgos, Spain) are presented and discussed. The chemical and features of the spring waters suggest that they are related to a shallow hydrogeological system as the concentration of the Total Dissolved Solids approaches 800 mg/L with a Ca2+(Mg2+)-HCO3 − composition, similar to that of the surface waters. Some spring waters are characterized by relatively high concentrations of NO3 − (up to 123 mg/L), unequivocally suggesting an anthropogenic source. Anomalous concentrations of Cl−, SO4 2−, As, B and Ba were measured in two springs, discharging a few hundred meters from the oil wells, and in the Rio Ubierna. These contents are possibly indicative of mixing processes between deep and shallow aquifers. The chemistry of the dissolved gases also evidences the shallow circuits of the Hontomín– Huermeces, mainly characterized by an atmospheric source as highlighted by the contents of N2, O2, Ar and their relative ratios. Nevertheless, significant concentrations (up to 63% by vol.) of isotopically negative CO2 (<−17.7‰ V-PDB) were found in some water samples, likely related to a biogenic source. The geochemical and isotopic data of the surface and spring waters in the surroundings of Hontomín can be considered as background values when intra- and post-injection monitoring programs will be carried out. In this respect, main and minor solutes, the isotopic carbon of dissolved CO2 and TDIC (Total Dissolved Inorganic Carbon) and selected trace elements can be considered as useful parameters to trace the migration of the injected CO2 into near-surface environments.


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In the framework of a global investigation of the Spanish natural analogues of CO2 storage and leakage, four selected sites from the Mazarrón?Gañuelas Tertiary Basin (Murcia, Spain) were studied for computing the diffuse soil CO2 flux, by using the accumulation chamber method. The Basin is characterized by the presence of a deep, saline, thermal (?47 ?C) CO2-rich aquifer intersected by two deep geothermal exploration wells named ?El Saladillo? (535 m) and ?El Reventón? (710 m). The CO2 flux data were processed by means of a graphical?statistical method, kriging estimation and sequential Gaussian simulation algorithms. The results have allowed concluding that the Tertiary marly cap-rock of this CO2-rich aquifer acts as a very effective sealing, preventing any CO2 leak from this natural CO2 storage site, being therefore an excellent scenario to guarantee, by analogy, the safety of a CO2 storage.


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Dynamics of binary mixtures such as polymer blends, and fluids near the critical point, is described by the model-H, which couples momentum transport and diffusion of the components [1]. We present an extended version of the model-H that allows to study the combined effect of phase separation in a polymer blend and surface structuring of the film itself [2]. We apply it to analyze the stability of vertically stratified base states on extended films of polymer blends and show that convective transport leads to new mechanisms of instability as compared to the simpler diffusive case described by the Cahn- Hilliard model [3, 4]. We carry out this analysis for realistic parameters of polymer blends used in experimental setups such as PS/PVME. However, geometrically more complicated states involving lateral structuring, strong deflections of the free surface, oblique diffuse interfaces, checkerboard modes, or droplets of a component above of the other are possible at critical composition solving the Cahn Hilliard equation in the static limit for rectangular domains [5, 6] or with deformable free surfaces [6]. We extend these results for off-critical compositions, since balanced overall composition in experiments are unusual. In particular, we study steady nonlinear solutions of the Cahn-Hilliard equation for bidimensional layers with fixed geometry and deformable free surface. Furthermore we distinguished the cases with and without energetic bias at the free surface. We present bifurcation diagrams for off-critical films of polymer blends with free surfaces, showing their free energy, and the L2-norms of surface deflection and the concentration field, as a function of lateral domain size and mean composition. Simultaneously, we look at spatial dependent profiles of the height and concentration. To treat the problem of films with arbitrary surface deflections our calculations are based on minimizing the free energy functional at given composition and geometric constraints using a variational approach based on the Cahn-Hilliard equation. The problem is solved numerically using the finite element method (FEM).


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The objective of this paper is to present a simplified method to analyze small-signal stability of a power system and provide performance metrics for stability assessment of a given power-system-architecture. The stability margins are stated utilizing a concept of maximum peak criteria (MPC), derived from the behavior of an impedance-based sensitivity function that provides a single number to state the robustness of the stability of a well-defined minor-loop gain. For each minor-loop gain, defined at every system interface, the robustness of the stability is provided as a maximum value of the corresponding sensitivity function. Typically power systems comprise of various interfaces and, therefore, in order to compare different architecture solutions in terms of stability, a single number providing an overall measure of the whole system stability is required. The selected figure of merit is geometric average of each maximum peak value within the system, combined with the worst case value of system interfaces.


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A fast marching level set method is presented for monotonically advancing fronts, which leads to an extremely fast scheme for solving the Eikonal equation. Level set methods are numerical techniques for computing the position of propagating fronts. They rely on an initial value partial differential equation for a propagating level set function and use techniques borrowed from hyperbolic conservation laws. Topological changes, corner and cusp development, and accurate determination of geometric properties such as curvature and normal direction are naturally obtained in this setting. This paper describes a particular case of such methods for interfaces whose speed depends only on local position. The technique works by coupling work on entropy conditions for interface motion, the theory of viscosity solutions for Hamilton-Jacobi equations, and fast adaptive narrow band level set methods. The technique is applicable to a variety of problems, including shape-from-shading problems, lithographic development calculations in microchip manufacturing, and arrival time problems in control theory.


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Escoamentos bifásicos estão presentes em diversos processos naturais e industriais, como na indústria de petróleo. Podem apresentar-se em diferentes configurações topológicas, ou, padrões de escoamento, entre eles o escoamento estratificado ondulado e o estratificado com mistura na interface. Os escoamentos bifásicos estratificados óleo-água têm sido utilizados como uma forma conveniente de evitar a formação de emulsões de água em óleo em oleodutos e possuem uma ocorrência comum em poços de petróleo direcionais. Quando a onda interfacial ultrapassa determinado limite geométrico e cinemático, surge o fenômeno do entranhamento de gotas, representado por misturas entre as fases junto à interface que promovem um aumento na queda de pressão. Modelos têm sido apresentados pela literatura na tentativa de descrever o fenômeno do entranhamento de gotas. Neste trabalho é apresentada uma nova proposta de modelagem matemática unidimensional para o entranhamento de gotas com o objetivo de melhorar a previsão dos parâmetros envolvidos, em especial, da fração volumétrica de óleo e da queda de pressão bifásica. Também foi utilizada simulação numérica computacional, CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), com o uso de software comercial para obtenção dos valores dos parâmetros do escoamento estratificado ondulado óleo-água (fração volumétrica de óleo, queda de pressão, amplitude e comprimento da onda interfacial). Os resultados da modelagem fenomenológica para entranhamento e os de CFD foram comparados com bancos de dados experimentais. Os resultados em CFD mostram concordância com os resultados experimentais, tanto na análise qualitativa das propriedades geométricas das ondas interfaciais, quanto na comparação direta com os dados para fração volumétrica e queda de pressão. Os resultados numéricos da modelagem fenomenológica para fatores de entranhamento apresentam boa concordância com dados da literatura.


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The interface between a Pt(111) electrode and a room temperature ionic liquid, 1-ethyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide, was investigated with the laser-induced temperature jump method. In this technique, the temperature of the interface is suddenly increased by applying short laser pulses. The change of the electrode potential caused by the thermal perturbation is measured under coulostatic conditions during the subsequent temperature relaxation. This change is mainly related to the reorganization of the solvent components near the electrode surface. The sign of the potential transient depends on the potential of the experiment. At high potential values, positive transients indicate a higher density of anions than cations close the surface, contributing negatively to the potential of the electrode. Decreasing the applied potential to sufficiently low values, the transient becomes negative, meaning that the density of cations becomes then higher at the surface of the electrode. The potential dependence of the interfacial response shows a marked hysteresis depending on the direction in which the applied potential is changed.


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In this paper, we present a technique for equilibria characterization of activated carbon having slit-shaped pores. This method was first developed by Do (Do, D. D. A new method for the characterisation of micro-mesoporous materials. Presented at the International Symposium on New Trends in Colloid and Interface Science, September 24-26, 1998 Chiba, Japan) and applied by his group and other groups for characterization of pore size distribution (PSD) as well as adsorption equilibria determination of a wide range of hydrocarbons. It is refined in this paper and compared with the grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMG) simulation and density functional theory (DFT). The refined theory results in a good agreement between the pore filling pressure versus pore width and those obtained by GCMG and DFT. Furthermore, our local isotherms are qualitatively in good agreement with those obtained by the GCMC simulations. The main advantage of this method is that it is about 4 orders of magnitude faster than the GCMC simulations, making it suitable for optimization studies and design purposes. Finally, we apply our method and the GCMG in the derivation of the PSD of a commercial activated carbon. It was found that the PSD derived from our method is comparable to that derived from the GCMG simulations.