999 resultados para dietary selenium


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Four feeds having different protein levels were separately tested on Tor khudree fry having an average length of 23.5 mm and weight 55 mg. The best average growth of 15.66 mg and 0.456 mm/day was obtained with Feed IV which comprised rice bran, ground nut oil cake, Acetes, wheat flour and mineral mix at the ratio of 1:1:1:0.7143:0.01428. These constitute 35.29% of proteins. The Feed II which comprised R.B + G.O.C. + prawn shell + wheat flour and mineral mix at a ratio of 1:1:1:0.7143:0.01428 contained 32.61% crude proteins. It provided a growth rate of 14.83 mg and 0.440 mm per day. The conversion rates were 38.258 and 37.776 for feeds IV and II respectively. Since Feed II is cheaper than Feed IV and provides almost equal growth rate, it can be used in the nurseries for intensive rearing of T. khudree fry.


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The present communication deals with the feeding trials of brown (Sargassum bovianum), green (Caulerpa faridii) and red (Gracilaria corticola) seaweeds in albino rats for a period of thirty days in order to investigate their digestibility and acceptability as supplementary food for animals. The parameters used were: changes in blood hemoglobin, ESR, MCHC, PCV and plasma vitamin levels. The result revealed that all the three species of seaweeds had acceptability up to 5% level, as no ill effect was noted during the experiment. But at 10% and 20% levels, marked changes were observed in blood parameters with diarrhea, vomiting and convulsions indicating possibilities of either tissue and muscular dystrophy, gastrointestinal tract necrosis or functional disorder of central nervous system. A heavy mortality was noted due to excessive water loss through diarrhea and vomiting. However, no mortality was observed after 22nd day at both 10% and 20% levels with subsided clinical signs. The results suggest that these three seaweed species could be used safely as a supplementary food, in native form, in animals at low concentrations.


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A 60-day long growth trial was conducted to evaluate the suitability of duckweed Lemna minor as dietary fish meal substitute for silver barb (Borbodes gonionotus Bleeker). Five iso-nitrogenous diets were formulated to contain 35% protein and each treatment had three replicates with 15 fish in each aquarium with a mean initial weight of 1.5 ± 0.2 g. Duckweed was used in the experiment to replace 10, 20, 30 and 35% of the dietary fish meal in diet 2, 3, 4 and 5 respectively. Fish meal was used as the sole source of protein in control diet (Diet 1). Fish were fed three times daily at satiation level. In terms of growth, food conversion and protein utilization, the control diet and diet containing 17.07% duckweed showed the best (P<0.05) performance followed by diets containing 34.14%, 51.21% and 59.24% duckweed. Fish fed diets containing higher levels of duckweed had higher carcass moisture and lower lipid content compared to the control diet. Histopathological examination revealed abnormalities in the liver of fish fed diets containing higher inclusion of duckweed. It was noted that 10% of the dietary fish meal protein could be replaced by duckweed (L. minor) in the diet of silver barb (B. gonionotus).


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Two sets of experiments were conducted to determine the dietary cholesterol requirement of larvae and postlarvae 1-10 of Penaeus indicus. Seven approximately isocaloric and isonitrogenous purified experimental diets were tried with graded levels of cholesterol ranging from 0 to 4%. The control feed for larvae and postlarvae 1-10 were phytoplankton and compounded feed NPCL-17, developed by CMFRI, Cochin respectively. Result of these experiments indicates that cholesterol is an essential nutrient in the diet of larvae and postlarvae 1-10. Survival and growth of larvae and postlarvae 1-10 were greatly affected by cholesterol deficiency in the diet. The optimal cholesterol requirement for larvae appeared to be 0.5% of the diet, while it was higher for postlarvae where inclusion of cholesterol at a level of 2% in the diet gave higher growth.


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A laboratory based 2 x 2 factorial experiment was conducted to investigate the influences of dietary phosphorus and zinc levels on growth and bone mineralization in fingerlings of rainbow trout for 21 weeks. Two levels of phosphorus (19 and 30 mg/g) and two levels of zinc (55 and 103 Ag/g) in the dry diets were tested. Duplicate tanks of 30 rainbow trout (average weight 1.56 ± 0.24 g) per 60L glass tank were fed experimental diets three times a day to apparent satiation level at 15 to 24°C water temperature. The results of the present study demonstrated that dietary phosphorus supplementation influenced the growth and bone mineralization whereas zinc levels significantly (p<0.05) influenced bone mineralization in rainbow trout. Further investigations in this area with different size and age groups of this fish are broadly needed.


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Experiments on the study of different dietary levels of vitamin E on the growth and breeding performance of Heteropneustes fossilis brood fish were carried out in two phases. The first phase consisted of studying its ovarian development and the second phase on breeding performance. Sixty female fishes were stocked in twelve experimental chambers of a raceway. The effects of four dietary vitamin E levels viz. 0 (served as control), 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg feed, on the somatic growth, ovarian development of brood fish and on their breeding performance were studied. Each treatment had three replications. It was observed that body growth in terms of length and weight was best with 0 mg vitamin E/kg feed and 200 mg vitamin E/kg of feed gave poorest result. The gonado-somatic index and fecundity, however, was highest in the fish fed with 100 mg vitamin E/kg of feed. In case of breeding performance such as ovulation rate, fertilization rate, hatching rate and survival rate, the best result was obtained with 200 mg vitamin E/kg of feed. The overall result of this experiment indicates that 200 mg vitamin E/kg of feed is the best vitamin E dose for H fossilis brood and vitamin E content has a positive impact on ovarian development.


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A study was carried out to determine the effect of tocopherol acetate along with cod liver oil astaxanthin enriched Moina micrura (MC- control, Ml- tocopherol acetate enriched, M2-tocopherol acetate combined with cod liver oil (CLO) enriched and M3- tocopherol acetate combined with astaxanthin enriched) on growth, survival and fatty acid composition of M. rosenbergii (de Man) larvae (TC- unenriched Moina fed larvae, Tl- tocopherol acetate enriched Moina fed larvae, T2- tocopherol acetate + CLO enriched Moina fed larvae to T3 – tocopherol acetate+ astaxanthin enriched Moina fed larvae). Growth was expressed as the time taken in to the settlement of 95% post larvae. Maximum growth i.e., the lowest time taken to the 95% PL settlement (40 days) and the maximum survival percentage (61%) was observed in both T2 and T3 treatments fed with M2 and M3 Moina respectively. Minimum growth and survival was observed in unenriched Moina fed larvae (TC). In larval treatments T2, (larvae fed with (M2) vitamin E + CLO enriched Moina), showed a higher percentage of EPA, DHA and higher HUFA level than other treatments.


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The paper reports results of a study on the effect of oxidised fish oil in the diet on the quality of dietary fish proteins. With increased oxidation of oil, digestibility and utilization of the protein registered a decrease. Oxidation of fish oil beyond a stage was found to affect the intake of diet itself and rats lost weight rapidly.