494 resultados para cucumber cotyledons
O objetivo desta Circular Técnica é descrever as principais viroses que afetam espécies de cucrbitáceas no Brasil, quanto aos sintomas, etiologia, epidemiologia e medidas de controle.
Human activities within the marine environment give rise to a number of pressures on seabed habitats. Improved understanding of the sensitivity of subtidal sedimentary habitats is required to underpin the management advice provided for Marine Protected Areas, as well as supporting other UK marine monitoring and assessment work. The sensitivity of marine sedimentary habitats to a range of pressures induced by human activities has previously been systematically assessed using approaches based on expert judgement for Defra Project MB0102 (Tillin et al. 2010). This previous work assessed sensitivity at the level of the broadscale habitat and therefore the scores were typically expressed as a range due to underlying variation in the sensitivity of the constituent biotopes. The objective of this project was to reduce the uncertainty around identifying the sensitivity of selected subtidal sedimentary habitats by assessing sensitivity, at a finer scale and incorporating information on the biological assemblage, for 33 Level 5 circalittoral and offshore biotopes taken from the Marine Habitat Classification of Britain and Ireland (Connor et al. 2004). Two Level 6 sub-biotopes were also included in this project as these contain distinctive characterising species that differentiate them from the Level 5 parent biotope. Littoral, infralittoral, reduced and variable salinity sedimentary habitats were excluded from this project as the scope was set for assessment of circalittoral and offshore sedimentary communities. This project consisted of three Phases. • Phase 1 - define ecological groups based on similarities in the sensitivity of characterising species from the Level 5 and two Level 6 biotopes described above. • Phase 2 - produce a literature review of information on the resilience and resistance of characterising species of the ecological groups to pressures associated with activities in the marine environment. • Phase 3 - to produce sensitivity assessment ‘proformas’ based on the findings of Phase 2 for each ecological group. This report outlines results of Phase 2. The Tillin et al., (2010) sensitivity assessment methodology was modified to use the best available scientific evidence that could be collated within the project timescale. An extensive literature review was compiled, for peer reviewed and grey literature, to examine current understanding about the effects of pressures from human activities on circalittoral and offshore sedimentary communities in UK continental shelf waters, together with information on factors that contribute to resilience (recovery) of marine species. This review formed the basis of an assessment of the sensitivity of the 16 ecological groups identified in Phase 1 of the project (Tillin & Tyler-Walters 2014). As a result: • the state of knowledge on the effects of each pressure on circalittoral and offshore benthos was reviewed; • the resistance, resilience and, hence, sensitivity of sixteen ecological groups, representing 96 characteristic species, were assessed for eight separate pressures; • each assessment was accompanied by a detailed review of the relevant evidence; Assessing the sensitivity of subtidal sedimentary habitats to pressures associated with human activities • knowledge gaps and sources of uncertainty were identified for each group; • each assessment was accompanied by an assessment of the quality of the evidence, its applicability to the assessment and the degree of concordance (agreement) between the evidence, to highlight sources of uncertainty as an assessment of the overall confidence in the sensitivity assessment, and finally • limitations in the methodology and the application of sensitivity assessments were outlined. This process demonstrated that the ecological groups identified in Phase 1 (Tillin & Tyler-Walters 2014) were viable groups for sensitivity assessment, and could be used to represent the 33 circalittoral and offshore sediments biotopes identified at the beginning of the project. The results of the sensitivity assessments show: • the majority of species and hence ecological groups in sedimentary habitats are sensitive to physical change, especially loss of habitat and sediment extraction, and change in sediment type; • most sedimentary species are sensitive to physical damage, e.g. abrasion and penetration, although deep burrowing species (e.g. the Dublin Bay prawn - Nephrops norvegicus and the sea cucumber - Neopentadactyla mixta) are able to avoid damaging effects to varying degrees, depending on the depth of penetration and time of year; • changes in hydrography (wave climate, tidal streams and currents) can significantly affect sedimentary communities, depending on whether they are dominated by deposit, infaunal feeders or suspension feeders, and dependant on the nature of the sediment, which is itself modified by hydrography and depth; • sedentary species and ecological groups that dominate the top-layer of the sediment (either shallow burrowing or epifaunal) remain the most sensitive to physical damage; • mobile species (e.g. interstitial and burrowing amphipods, and perhaps cumaceans) are the least sensitive to physical change or damage, and hydrological change as they are already adapted to unstable, mobile substrata; • sensitivity to changes in organic enrichment and hence oxygen levels, is variable between species and ecological groups, depending on the exact habitat preferences of the species in question, although most species have at least a medium sensitivity to acute deoxygenation; • there is considerable evidence on the effects of bottom-contact fishing practices and aggregate dredging on sedimentary communities, although not all evidence is directly applicable to every ecological group; • there is lack of detailed information on the physiological tolerances (e.g. to oxygenation, salinity, and temperature), habitat preferences, life history and population dynamics of many species, so that inferences has been made from related species, families, or even the same phylum; • there was inadequate evidence to assess the effects of non-indigenous species on most ecological groups, and Assessing the sensitivity of subtidal sedimentary habitats to pressures associated with human activities • there was inadequate evidence to assess the effects of electromagnetic fields and litter on any ecological group. The resultant report provides an up-to-date review of current knowledge about the effects of pressures resulting from human activities of circalittoral and offshore sedimentary communities. It provides an evidence base to facilitate and support the provision of management advice for Marine Protected Areas, development of UK marine monitoring and assessment, and conservation advice to offshore marine industries. However, such a review will require at least annual updates to take advantage of new evidence and new research as it becomes available. Also further work is required to test how ecological group assessments are best combined in practice to advise on the sensitivity of a range of sedimentary biotopes, including the 33 that were originally examined.
To exploit the microbial ecology of bacterial metabolite production and, specifically, to: (i) evaluate the potential use of the pigments prodigiosin and violacein as additives to commercial sunscreens for protection of human skin, and (ii) determine antioxidant and antimicrobial activities (against pathogenic bacteria) for these two pigments.
Prodigiosin and violacein were used to supplement extracts of Aloe vera leaf and Cucumis sativus (cucumber) fruit which are known to have photoprotective activity, as well as some commercial sunscreen preparations. For each, sunscreen protection factors (SPFs) were determined spectrophotometrically. Assays for antimicrobial activity were carried out using 96-well plates to quantify growth inhibition of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli.
For the plant extracts, SPFs were increased by an order of magnitude (i.e. up to ~3.5) and those for the commercial sunscreens increased by 10–22% (for 4% w/w violacein) and 20–65% (for 4% w/w prodigiosin). The antioxidant activities of prodigiosin and violacein were approximately 30% and 20% those of ascorbic acid (a well-characterized, potent antioxidant). Violacein inhibited S. aureus (IC506.99 ± 0.146 μM) but not E. coli, whereas prodigiosin was effective against both of these bacteria (IC50 values were 0.68 ± 0.06 μM and 0.53 ± 0.03 μM, respectively).
The bacterial pigments prodigiosin and violacein exhibited antioxidant and antimicrobial activities and were able to increase the SPF of commercial sunscreens as well as the extracts of the two plant species tested. These pigments have potential as ingredients for a new product range of and, indeed, represent a new paradigm for sunscreens that utilize substances of biological origin. We discussed the biotechnological potential of these bacterial metabolites for use in commercial sunscreens, and the need for studies of mammalian cells to determine safety.
Dissertação mest., Biologia Marinha, Universidade do Algarve, 2007
Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
An analytical multiresidue method for the simultaneous determination of seven pesticides in fresh vegetable samples, namely, courgette (Cucurbita pepo), cucumber (Cucumis sativus), lettuce (Lactuca sativa, Romaine and Iceberg varieties) and peppers (Capsicum sp.) is described. The procedure, based on microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) and analysis by liquid chromatography– photodiode array (LC–PDA) detection was applied to four carbamates (carbofuran, carbaryl, chlorpropham and EPTC) and three urea pesticides (monolinuron, metobromuron and linuron). Extraction solvent and the addition of anhydrous sodium sulphate to fresh vegetable homogenate before MAE were the parameters optimised for each commodity. Recovery studies were performed using spiked samples in the range 250–403 µgkg- 1 in each pesticide. The pesticide residues were extracted using 20mL acetonitrile at 60 ºC, for 10 min. Acceptable recoveries and RSDs were attained (overall average recovery of 77.2% and RSDs are lower than 11%). Detection limits ranged between 5.8 µgkg- 1 for carbaryl to 12.3 µgkg- 1 for carbofuran. The analytical protocol was applied for quality control of 41 fresh vegetable samples bought in Oporto Metropolitan Area (North Portugal). None of the samples contained any detectable amounts of the studied compounds.
Au cours de la grossesse, une perfusion placentaire adéquate est indispensable au bon développement du fœtus. Dans certaines maladies comme la prééclampsie, celle-ci est altérée, compromettant ainsi la vie du fœtus, mais aussi celle de sa mère. Le retrait du placenta mène à la disparition des symptômes de la prééclampsie, suggérant un rôle central de ce dernier dans la maladie. Le placenta étant dépourvu d’innervation autonome, le tonus vasculaire placentaire doit être sous le contrôle de facteurs humoraux et tissulaires. Les vaisseaux placentaires sont très réactifs aux prostanoïdes. Le rapport thromboxane A2 (TXA2)/prostacycline (PGI2) est fortement augmenté dans les placentas de grossesses avec prééclampsie. De plus, le taux d’isoprostane, marqueur du stress oxydatif, est accru dans les placentas de femmes avec prééclampsie. Finalement, la prééclampsie s’accompagne d’un stress oxydatif placentaire marqué. Les espèces réactives de l’oxygène sont connues d’une part, pour oxyder l’acide arachidonique (AA), formant ainsi des isoprostanes et d’autre part, pour augmenter la production de TXA2 dans différents tissus, suite à l’activation des cyclooxygénases (COXs). Nous proposons que : 1. les prostanoïdes sont parmi les molécules endogènes qui contrôlent le tonus vasculaire placentaire. 2. la maladie modifie la réponse aux isoprostanes dans les vaisseaux placentaires. 3. l’induction d’un stress oxydatif placentaire entraîne une réponse vasoactive par activation de la voie du métabolisme de l’AA. Nous avons tout d’abord montré, dans des placentas obtenus de grossesses normotensives, que l’U-46619, un mimétique de la TXA2, de même que l’isoprostane, 8-iso-prostaglandine E2 (8-isoPGE2), ont augmenté fortement la pression de perfusion dans les cotylédons perfusés in vitro et la tension dans les anneaux d’artères chorioniques suspendus dans des bains à organe isolé. En revanche, dans les artères chorioniques de placentas obtenus de grossesses avec prééclampsie, ces réponses étaient modifiées puisque la réponse maximale à l’U-46619 était augmentée et celle à la 8-isoPGE2 diminuée. D’autre part, nous avons montré que les réponses maximales aux deux prostanoïdes étaient augmentées dans les vaisseaux placentaires de grossesse normale ou avec prééclampsie issus d’une délivrance prématurée par rapport à ceux d’une délivrance à terme. Ceci suggère une évolution de la réactivité des artères placentaires au cours du 3e trimestre de grossesse. En outre, les vaisseaux placentaires ont répondu aux prostanoïdes de façon semblable qu’ils aient été issus d’un accouchement vaginal ou d’une césarienne élective. Ceci indique que les prostanoïdes placentaires n’interviennent pas dans le processus de délivrance. D’un autre côté, l’utilisation de bloqueurs spécifiques des récepteurs TP à la TXA2, le SQ29,548 et l’ICI192,605, et des récepteurs EP à la prostaglandine E2, l’AH6809, nous ont permis de mettre en évidence le fait que l’U-46619 et la 8-isoPGE2 pouvaient agir de façon non-sélective sur l’un ou l’autre des récepteurs. Ces résultats supportent donc nos 2 premières hypothèses : les prostanoïdes font partie des molécules endogènes qui peuvent contrôler le tonus vasculaire placentaire et la prééclampsie modifie la réponse aux isoprostanes dans les artères chorioniques d’une manière compatible avec l’augmentation de la production de ces substances qui elle, est probablement le résultat du stress oxydatif. En revanche, en ce qui concerne les substances capables de jouer la contrepartie vasodilatatrice, l’utilisation d’un inhibiteur des synthases de monoxyde d’azote, le L-NAME, et celle d’inhibiteurs des COXs, l’ibuprofène, l’indométacine et le N-2PIA, ne nous a pas permis de mettre en évidence un quelconque rôle du monoxyde d’azote ou des prostanoïdes vasodilatatrices à ce niveau. Finalement, nous avons montré que l’induction d’un stress oxydatif dans les cotylédons perfusés in vitro et les artères chorioniques entraînait une vasoconstriction marquée. Celle-ci semble résulter de l’action des prostanoïdes puisqu’un blocage des récepteurs TP ou des COXs diminuait significativement la réponse maximale au peroxyde d’hydrogène. Les prostanoïdes impliquées dans la réponse au stress oxydatif proviendraient essentiellement d’une activation des COXs puisque l’étude ne nous permet pas de conclure à une quelconque implication des isoprostanes dans cette réponse. Ces observations confirment donc notre hypothèse que, dans le placenta, le stress oxydatif possède des propriétés vasoactives par activation du métabolisme de l’AA. En résumé, les résultats obtenus dans les placentas de grossesses normotensives et avec prééclampsie suggèrent que les prostanoïdes sont des molécules d’importance dans la régulation du tonus vasculaire placentaire. Le fait que la prééclampsie modifie la réponse aux prostanoïdes pourrait expliquer pourquoi la perfusion placentaire est altérée chez ces patientes. En outre, il apparaît évident qu’il existe un lien étroit entre le stress oxydatif et la voie de synthèse des prostanoïdes placentaires. Cependant d’autres études sont nécessaires pour mieux comprendre la nature de ce lien, qui pourrait, d’une certaine façon, jouer un rôle important dans le développement de la prééclampsie.
Im ersten Teil dieser Dissertation stand die Analyse der Motilitätsentwicklung bei Vertretern der Gattung Methylobacterium im Vordergrund. Diese zu den pink pigmentierten fakultativ methylotrophen Mikroorganismen (PPFMs) gehörenden Prokaryoten sind in der Umwelt weit verbreitet. Besonders häufig besiedeln die Mikroben pflanzliche Oberflächen und können als so genannte Phytosymbionten in einer wechselseitigen Beziehung zu pflanzlichen Organismen stehen. In aquatischer Umgebung können Methylobakterien Flagellen aufweisen. Hierbei handelt es sich um spezielle Fortbewegungsorganellen, die den Mikroben eine aktive Beweglichkeit ermöglichen. Die Ausbildung polarer Einzelflagellen bei Methylobacterium-Zellen in planktonischer Lebensweise konnte unter Anwendung verschiedener mikroskopischer Techniken dokumentiert werden. Quantitative Beweglichkeitsstudien zeigten einen charakteristischen Entwicklungsverlauf, korreliert mit den Wachstumsphasen der Bakterienkulturen und machten deutlich, dass die Motilitätsrate durch Umweltfaktoren, wie z. B. die Nährstoffversorgung, beeinflusst werden kann. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Pflanzen-assoziierten PPFMs in der Lage sind, zwischen einer sessilen und planktonischen Lebensweise zu wechseln und dass sowohl die zelluläre Beweglichkeit als auch die Biofilm-Bildung der Prokaryoten ein reversibles, reaktivierbares Verhalten darstellt. Weiterhin konnte belegt werden, dass die Motilität der epiphytischen Mikroben bezüglich der Besiedelung von Pflanzen, z. B. bei der Ausbreitung auf Keimblatt-Oberflächen von Sonnenblumen (Helianthus annuus), keine zentrale Rolle spielt und eine endophytische Lebensweise unwahrscheinlich ist. Ziel der Arbeit war weiterhin die Charakterisierung und Identifizierung eines aus der Phyllosphäre der Echten Feige (Ficus carica, Standort Griechenland) isolierten Bakterien-Stammes (Mtb. sp. Fc1). Die fakultativ methylotrophe Stoffwechseleigenschaft, sowie die auffällige rötliche Pigmentierung belegen, dass es sich um einen Vertreter der PPFMs handelt. Die Analyse morphologischer, physiologischer und biochemischer Eigenschaften bestätigte in Übereinstimmung mit molekularphylogenetischen Untersuchungen zur Klassifizierung und taxonomischen Einordnung, dass es sich um Pflanzen-assoziierte Mikroben der Gattung Methylobacterium handelt. Analysen der 16S rDNA sowie partieller Sequenzen der für Methylobakterien etablierten Marker-Gene mxaF und gyrB verdeutlichten die phylogenetische Stellung und die evolutionären Beziehungen des Ficus-Isolates. Obwohl enge Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse zu anderen Methylobacterium-Arten ermittelt werden konnten, war eine Identifizierung als valide beschriebene Spezies nicht möglich. Die Resultate legen den Schluss nahe, dass es sich um eine neue, unbeschriebene Spezies der epiphytisch lebenden Methylobakterien handelt.
Seeds of Sterculia foetida were tested for germination following desiccation and subsequent hermetic storage. Whereas seeds at 10.3% moisture content were intact and provided 98% germination, further desiccation reduced germination substantially. The majority of seed coats had cracked after desiccation to 5.1% moisture content. Ability to germinate was not reduced after 12 months' hermetic storage at 10.3% and 7.3% moisture content at 15 degrees C or -18 degrees C, but was reduced considerably at 5.1%. Fungal infection was detected consistently for cracked seeds in germination tests and they did not germinate. However, almost all embryos extracted from cracked seeds germinated if first disinfected with sodium hypochlorite (1%, 5 minutes). In addition. 80 -100% of disinfected extracted embryos from cracked seeds stored hermetically for 28 d at -18 degrees C or -82 degrees C with 3.3% to 6.0% moisture content, and excised embryos stored in this way, were able to germinate. Hence. failure of the very dry seeds of Sterculia foetida to germinate was not due to embryo death from desiccation but to cracking increasing susceptibility to fungal infection upon rehydration. Cracking was associated negatively and strongly with relative humidity and appears to be a mechanical consequence of substantial differences between the isotherms of whole seeds compared with cotyledons and axes.
The influence, was investigated, of abiotic parameters on the isolation of protoplasts from in vitro seedling cotyledons of white lupin. The protoplasts were found to be competent in withstanding a wide range of osmotic potentials of the enzyme medium, however, -2.25 MPa (0.5 M mannitol), resulted in the highest yield of protoplasts. The pH of the isolation medium also had a profound effect on protoplast production. Vacuum infiltration of the enzyme solution into the cotyledon tissue resulted in a progressive drop in the yield of protoplasts. The speed and duration of orbital agitation of the cotyledon tissue played a significant role in the release of protoplasts and a two step (stationary-gyratory) regime was found to be better than the gyratory-only system.
Several tissue types of Lupinus albus L. were investigated as sources for the isolation of protoplasts. Cotyledons from in vitro seedlings were found to yield the highest number of protoplasts compared with leaves, hypocotyls and roots. A combination of the protoplast isolation enzymes, cellulase and Pectolyase Y23, was capable of releasing the highest number of protoplasts compared with a combination of cellulase and Macerase. Protoplast yield increased with increasing cotyledon age but was accompanied by a progressive decline in protoplast viability. The optimal combination of protoplast yield and viability occurred when the protoplasts were isolated from 14- to 18-day-old cotyledons. The ratio between the volume of enzyme solution and the tissue biomass did not affect the protoplast production significantly. This is the first report of the isolation of protoplasts from a lupin cotyledon and, following the procedure described in this paper, an average yield of 1.2 x 10(6) protoplasts per gram of fresh tissue was obtainable.
The acid phosphatase (orthophosphoric-monoester phosphohydrolase, EC complement from dormant hazel (Corylus avellana L.) seeds was found to exhibit significant electrophoretic heterogeneity partially attributable to the presence of distinct molecular forms. In axiferous tissue, total acid phosphatase activity increased in a biphasic fashion during chilling, a treatment necessary to alleviate seed dormancy. Three acid phosphatase isozymes were isolated from cotyledons of dormant hazel seeds by successive ammonium sulphate precipitation, size-exclusion, Concanavalin A affinity, cation- and anion-exchange chromatographies resulting in 75-, 389- and 191-fold purification (APase1, APase2, APase3, respectively). The three glycosylated isoforms were isolated to catalytic homogeneity as determined by electrophoretic, kinetic and heat-inactivation studies. The native acid phosphatase complement of hazel seeds had an apparent Mr of 81.5±3.5 kDa as estimated by size-exclusion chromatography, while the determined pI values were 5.1 (APase1), 6.9 (APase2) and 7.3 (APase3). The optimum pH for p-nitrophenyl phosphate hydrolysis was pH 3 (APase1), pH 5.6 (APase2) and pH 6 (APase3). The hazel isozymes hydrolysed a variety of phosphorylated substrates in a non-specific manner, exhibiting low Km and the highest specificity constant (Vmax/Km) for pyrophosphate. They were not primary phytases since they could not initiate phytic acid hydrolysis, while APase2 and APase3 had significant phospho-tyrosine phosphatase activity. Inorganic phosphate was a competitive inhibitor, while activity was significantly impaired in the presence of vanadate and fluoride.
An ethnobotanical study was made of the uses of Atuna racemosa subsp. racemosa (Chrysobalanaceae) in Samoa. The main use is of the cotyledons to extract an anti-inflammatory massage oil and a putty to caulk boats. Minor uses as a medicinal and of the wood are reported and a survey of herbarium material shows that the fruit of Atuna is widely used throughout the Pacific region.
This study reports on the influence of critical isolation factors on the subsequent culture of protoplasts of Lupinus albus L. Protoplasts were isolated from in vitro seedling cotyledons of five early maturing accessions in which protoplast yields and division frequencies appeared to be correlated as a high protoplast yield corresponded with a high division frequency. The overall difference among the accessions for mitosis was non- significant, although the highest yield and division frequency were observed in accession LA132, with Alban giving a significantly lower level. Accession Lucrop produced the lowest number of protoplasts, all of which collapsed during culture. Of the enzyme types used for tissue maceration, Pectolyase Y23, was significantly inferior to Macerase in terms of giving way to mitosis. The extent of division in Macerase- isolated protoplast population was 266% higher than that in the Pectolyase Y23- isolated one. The physiological maturity level of the explant, expressed in terms of developmental age, was optimal when 14 - 18- day- old seedling cotyledons were used for protoplast production and culture, rather than more mature ones, despite higher protoplast yields in the latter. On K8p medium, the protoplast division frequency was 129% greater when 18- day- old seedling cotyledons were used, than that with any other treatment. This work on protoplast culture of the potentially important lupin species, which is a pulse rich in dietary protein, oil and fibre, allows a further understanding of the biology, with an aim to advance lupin biotechnology.