972 resultados para coupled chaotic oscillators
Antiphase dynamics of an optically pumped NH3 bidirectional ring laser under the chaotic, phase-sensitive mode coupling is experimentally observed. Our experimental result suggests strongly that the dynamics is a generic behavior of the laser.
Retinal neurons with distinct dendritic morphologies are likely to comprise different cell types, subject to three important caveats. First, it is necessary to avoid creating “artificial” cell types based on arbitrary criteria—for example, the presence of two or three primary dendrites. Second, it is essential to take into account changes in morphology with retinal eccentricity and cell density. Third, the retina contains imperfections like any natural system and a significant number of retinal neurons display aberrant morphologies or make aberrant connections that are not typical of the population as a whole. Many types of retinal ganglion cells show diverse patterns of tracer coupling, with the simplest pattern represented by the homologous coupling shown by On-Off direction-selective (DS) ganglion cells in the rabbit retina. Neighboring DS ganglion cells with a common preferred direction have regularly spaced somata and territorial dendritic fields, whereas DS ganglion cells with different preferred directions may have closely spaced somata and overlapping dendritic fields.
Traditional Periodic Acid Schiff has been extensively used, coupled with immunohistochemistry for epithelia or mesenchymal cells, to highlight renal tubular basement membrane (TBM). We recently tried to perform such technique in a 5/6 nephrectomy model of progressive renal fibrosis to demonstrate TBM disruption as an evidence for epithelial-mesenchymal transdifferentiation. Despite excellent basement membrane staining with traditional fuchsin-Periodic Acid Schiff, the interface between epithelial and mesenchymal cells was frequently blurred when revealed with 3`3 diaminobenzidine tetrachloride-peroxidase. Also, it was inadequate when revealed with alkaline phosphatase-fast red. We devised a triple staining method with Periodic Acid-Thionin Schiff to highlight basement membrane in blue, after double immunostaining for epithelium and mesenchymal cells. Blue basement membrane rendered a brisk contrast and highlighted boundaries between epithelial-mesenchymal interfaces. This method was easy to perform and useful to demonstrate the TBM, yield a clear demonstration of the very focal TBM disruption found in this model of progressive renal fibrosis.
The integrable open-boundary conditions for the Bariev model of three coupled one-dimensional XY spin chains are studied in the framework of the boundary quantum inverse scattering method. Three kinds of diagonal boundary K-matrices leading to nine classes of possible choices of boundary fields are found and the corresponding integrable boundary terms are presented explicitly. The boundary Hamiltonian is solved by using the coordinate Bethe ansatz technique and the Bethe ansatz equations are derived. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The acousto-ultrasonic (AU) input-output characteristics for contact-type transmitting and receiving transducers coupled to composite laminated plates are considered in this paper. Combining a multiple integral transform method, an ordinary discrete layer theory for the laminates and some simplifying assumptions for the electro-mechanical transduction behaviour of the transducers, an analytical solution is developed which can deal with all the wave processes involved in the AU measurement system, i.e, wave generation, wave propagation and wave reception. The spectral response of the normal contact pressure sensed by the receiving transducer due to an arbitrary input pulse excited by the transmitting transducer is obtained. To validate the new analytical-numerical spectral technique in the low-frequency regime, the results are compared with Mindlin plate theory solutions. Based on the analytical results, numerical calculations are carried out to investigate the influence of various external parameters such as frequency content of the input pulse, transmitter/receiver spacing and transducer aperture on the output of the measurement system. The results show that the presented analytical-numerical procedure is an effective tool for understanding the input-output characteristics of the AU technique for laminated plates. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
We obtain the finite-temperature unconditional master equation of the density matrix for two coupled quantum dots (CQD's) when one dot is subjected to a measurement of its electron occupation number using a point contact (PC). To determine how the CQD system state depends on the actual current through the PC device, we use the so-called quantum trajectory method to derive the zero-temperature conditional master equation. We first treat the electron tunneling through the PC barrier as a classical stochastic point process (a quantum-jump model). Then we show explicitly that our results can be extended to the quantum-diffusive limit when the average electron tunneling rate is very large compared to the extra change of the tunneling rate due to the presence of the electron in the dot closer to the PC. We find that in both quantum-jump and quantum-diffusive cases, the conditional dynamics of the CQD system can be described by the stochastic Schrodinger equations for its conditioned state vector if and only if the information carried away from the CQD system by the PC reservoirs can be recovered by the perfect detection of the measurements.
A purple acid phosphatase from sweet potato is the first reported example of a protein containing an enzymatically active binuclear Fe-Mn center. Multifield saturation magnetization data over a temperature range of 2 to 200 K indicates that this center is strongly antiferromagnetically coupled. Metal ion analysis shows an excess of iron over manganese. Low temperature EPR spectra reveal only resonances characteristic of high spin Fe(III) centers (Fe(III)-apo and Fe(III)-Zn(II)) and adventitious Cu(II) centers. There were no resonances from either Mn(II) or binuclear Fe-Mn centers. Together with a comparison of spectral properties and sequence homologies between known purple acid phosphatases, the enzymatic and spectroscopic data strongly indicate the presence of catalytic Fe(III)-Mn(II) centers in the active site of the sweet potato enzyme. Because of the strong antiferromagnetism it is likely that the metal ions in the sweet potato enzyme are linked via a mu -oxo bridge, in contrast to other known purple acid phosphatases in which a mu -hydroxo bridge is present. Differences in metal ion composition and bridging may affect substrate specificities leading to the biological function of different purple acid phosphatases.
Experimental and thermodynamic modeling studies have been carried out on the Zn-Fe-Si-O system. This research is part of a wider program to characterize zinc/lead industrial slags and sinters in the PbO-ZnO-SiO2-CaO-FeO-Fe2O3 system. Experimental investigations involve high-temperature equilibration and quenching techniques followed by electron probe X-ray microanalysis (EPMA). Liquidus temperatures and solid solubilities of the crystalline phases were measured in the temperature range from 1200 °C to 1450 °C (1473 to 1723 K) in the zinc ferrite, zincite, willemite, and tridymite primary-phase fields in the Zn-Fe-Si-O system in air. These equilibrium data for the Zn-Fe-Si-O system in air, combined with previously reported data for this system, were used to obtain an optimized self-consistent set of parameters of thermodynamic models for all phases.
Form factors are derived for a model describing the coherent Josephson tunneling between two coupled Bose-Einstein condensates. This is achieved by studying the exact solution of the model within the framework of the algebraic Bethe ansatz. In this approach the form factors are expressed through determinant representations which are functions of the roots of the Bethe ansatz equations.
We introduce an integrable model for two coupled BCS systems through a solution of the Yang-Baxter equation associated with the Lie algebra su(4). By employing the algebraic Bethe ansatz, we determine the exact solution for the energy spectrum. An asymptotic analysis is conducted to determine the leading terms in the ground state energy, the gap and some one point correlation functions at zero temperature. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
This paper details an investigation of a power combiner that uses a reflect array of dual-feed aperture-coupled microstrip patch antennas and a corporate-fed dual-polarized array as a signal distributing/combining device. In this configuration, elements of the reflect array receive a linearly polarized wave and retransmit it with an orthogonal polarization using variable-length sections of microstrip lines connecting receive and transmit ports. By applying appropriate lengths of these delay lines, the array focuses the transmitted wave onto the feed array. The operation of the combiner is investigated for a small-size circular reflect array for the cases of -3 dB, -6 dB and -10 dB edge illumination by the 2 x 2-element dual-polarized array.
Control of chaotic vibrations in a dual-spin spacecraft with an axial nutational damper is achieved using two techniques. The control methods are implemented on two realistic spacecraft parameter configurations that have been found to exhibit chaotic instability when a sinusoidally varying torque is applied to the spacecraft for a range of forcing amplitudes and frequencies. Such a torque, in practice, may arise under malfunction of the control system or from an unbalanced rotor. Chaotic instabilities arising from these torques could introduce uncertainties and irregularities into a spacecraft's attitude motion and, consequently, could have disastrous effects on its operation. The two control methods, recursive proportional feedback and continuous delayed feedback, are recently developed techniques for control of chaotic motion in dynamic systems. Each technique is outlined and the effectiveness on this model compared and contrasted. Numerical simulations are performed, and the results are studied by means of time history, phase space, Poincare map, Lyapunov characteristic exponents, and bifurcation diagrams.
Control of chaotic instability in a rotating multibody system in the form of a dual-spin spacecraft with an axial nutational damper is achieved using an algorithm derived using energy methods. The control method is implemented on two realistic spacecraft parameter configurations which have been found to exhibit chaotic instability when a sinusoidally varying torque is applied to the spacecraft for a range of forcing amplitudes and frequencies. Such a torque, in practice, may arise under malfunction of the control system or from an unbalanced rotor. Chaotic instabilities arising from these torques could introduce uncertainties and irregularities into a spacecraft's attitude and consequently impair pointing accuracy. The control method is formulated from nutational stability results derived using an energy sink approximation for a dual-spin spacecraft with an asymmetric platform and axisymmetric rotor. The effectiveness of the control method is shown numerically and the results are studied by means of time history, phase space, Poincare map, Lyapunov characteristic exponents and Bifurcation diagrams.
Control of chaotic instability in a simplified model of a spinning spacecraft with dissipation is achieved using an algorithm derived using Lyapunov's second method. The control method is implemented on a realistic spacecraft parameter configuration which has been found to exhibit chaotic instability for a range of forcing amplitudes and frequencies when a sinusoidally varying torque is applied to the spacecraft. Such a torque, may arise in practice from an unbalanced rotor or from vibrations in appendages. Numerical simulations are performed and the results are studied by means of time history, phase space, Poincare map, Lyapunov characteristic exponents and bifurcation diagrams. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.