968 resultados para constant pressure gradient elution


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Experiments are conducted to examine the mechanisms behind the coupling between corner separation and separation away from the corner when holding a high-Machnumber M∞ = 1.5 normal shock in a rectangular channel. The ensuing shock wave interaction with the boundary layer on the wind tunnel floor and in the corners was studied using laser Doppler anemometry, Pitot probe traverses, pressure sensitive paint and flow visualization. The primary mechanism explaining the link between the corner separation size and the other areas of separation appears to be the generation of compression waves at the corner, which act to smear the adverse pressure gradient imposed upon other parts of the flow. Experimental results indicate that the alteration of the -region, which occurs in the supersonic portion of the shock wave/boundary layer interaction (SBLI), is more important than the generation of any blockage in the subsonic region downstream of the shock wave. © Copyright 2012 Cambridge University Press.


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The numerical solution of problems in unbounded physical space requires a truncation of the computational domain to a reasonable size. As a result, the conditions on the artificial boundaries are generally unknown. Assumptions like constant pressure or velocities are only valid in the far field and lead to spurious reflections if applied on the boundaries of the truncated domain. A number of attempts have been made over the past decades to design conditions that prevent such reflections. One approach is based on characteristics. The standard analysis assumes a spatially uniform mean flow field but this is often impractical. In the present paper we show how to extend the formulation to the more general case of a non-uniform mean velocity field. A number of test cases are provided and our results compare favourably with other boundary conditions. In principle the present approach can be extended to include non-uniformities in all variables.


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Experiments have been conducted to examine the mechanisms behind the coupling between corner separation and centreline separation when holding a normal shock in a rectangular channel. The study has focused on a M ∞ = 1.5 normal shock held in a wind tunnel with a parallel rectangular cross-section. The primary mechanism explaining the link between the corner separation size and the centreline separation appears to be the generation of compression waves which act to smear the adverse pressure gradient imposed upon other parts of the flow. In addition, the origin of the λ-foot leading leg appears to be depended upon the size of the corner separations. Experimental results indicate that the alteration of the λ-region, which occurs in the supersonic portion of the SBLI, is more important than the generation of any blockage in the subsonic region downstream of the shock wave. Copyright © 2012 by H. Babinsky, D.M.F. Burton.


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There is strong evidence that the transport processes in the buffer region of wall-bounded turbulence are common across various flow configurations, even in the embryonic turbulence in transition (Park et al., Phys. Fl. 24). We use this premise to develop off-wall boundary conditions for turbulent simulations. Boundary conditions are constructed from DNS databases using periodic minimal flow units and reduced order modeling. The DNS data was taken from a channel at Reτ=400 and a zero-pressure gradient transitional boundary layer (Sayadi et al., submitted to J. Fluid Mech.). Both types of boundary conditions were first tested on a DNS of the core of the channel flow with the aim of extending their application to LES and to spatially evolving flows.


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A separated oblique shock reflection on the floor of a rectangular cross-section wind tunnel has been investigated at M=2.5. The study aims to determine if and how separations occurring in the corners influence the main interaction as observed around the centreline of the floor. By changing the size of the corner separations through localised suction and small corner obstructions it was shown that the shape of the separated region in the centre was altered considerably. The separation length along the floor centreline was also modified by changes to the corner separation. A simple physical model has been proposed to explain the coupling between these separated regions based on the existence of compression or shock waves caused by the displacement effect of corner separation. These corner shocks alter the adverse pressure gradient imposed on the boundary-layer elsewhere which can lead to local reductions or increases of separation length. It is suggested that a typical oblique shock wave/boundary-layer interaction in rectangular channels features several zones depending on the relative position of the corner shocks and the main incident shock wave. Based on these findings the dependence of centre-line separation length on effective wind tunnel width is hypothesised. This requires further verification through experiments or computation. © 2013 by H. Babinsky.


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Previous studies of transonic shock control bumps have often been either numerical or experimental. Comparisons between the two have been hampered by the limitations of either approach. The present work aims to bridge the gap between computational fluid dynamics and experiment by planning a joint approach from the outset. This enables high-quality validation data to be produced and ensures that the conclusions of either aspect of the study are directly relevant to the application. Experiments conducted with bumps mounted on the floor of a blowdown tunnel were modified to include an additional postshock adverse pressure gradient through the use of a diffuser as well as introducing boundary-layer suction ahead of the test section to enable the in-flow boundary layer to be manipulated. This has the advantage of being an inexpensive and highly repeatable method. Computations were performed on a standard airfoil model, with the flight conditions as free parameters. The experimental and computational setups were then tuned to produce baseline conditions that agree well, enabling confidence that the experimental conclusions are relevant. The methods are then applied to two different shock control bumps: a smoothly contoured bump, representative of previous studies, and a novel extended geometry featuring a continuously widening tail, which spans the wind-tunnel width at the rear of the bump. Comparison between the computational and experimental results for the contour bump showed good agreement both with respect to the flow structures and quantitative analysis of the boundary-layer parameters. It was seen that combining the experimental and numerical data could provide valuable insight into the flow physics, which would not generally be possible for a one-sided approach. The experiments and computational fluid dynamics were also seen to agree well for the extended bump geometry, providing evidence that, even though thebumpinteracts directly with the wind-tunnel walls, it was still possible to observe the key flow physics. The joint approach is thus suitable even for wider bump geometries. Copyright © 2013 by S. P. Colliss, H. Babinsky, K. Nubler, and T. Lutz. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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Continuous gradient elution chromatography (CGEC) was employed to purify and separate enzymes and polysaccharides from the sap of Rhus vernicifera Chinese lacquer tree. There are three different molecules with laccase enzyme activity. Two are enzymes of each other (L1, and L2), whereas the third (RL) is an entirely separate entity. Two polysaccharides (GP1 and GP2) were also found. The Rhus laccase (RL), and isoenzymes L1 and L2, have peak molecular masses of 109,100, 120,000, 103,000 respectively; each has four copper atoms per molecule, and the pI values were 8.2, 8.6, and 9.1, respectively. The structure of the laccases was studied by Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) and Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. The typical amide I (1646 cm(-1)) and amide II (1545 cm(-1)) bands were observed. The results from MALDI-TOF were similar to those from CGEC, but the molecular mass from the MALDI-TOF was significantly different from that obtained from sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article considers constant-pressure autoignition and freely propagating premixed flames of cold methane/air mixtures mixed with equilibrium hot products at high enough dilution levels to burn within the moderate to intense low oxygen dilution (MILD) combustion regime. The analysis is meant to provide further insight on MILD regime boundaries and to identify the effect of hot products speciation. As the mass fraction of hot products in the reactants mixture increases, autoignition occurs earlier. Species profiles show that the products/reactants mixture approximately equilibrates to a new state over a quick transient well before the main autoignition event, but as dilution becomes very high, this equilibration transient becomes more prominent and eventually merges with the primary ignition event. The dilution level at which these two reactive zones merge corresponds well with that marking the transition into the MILD regime, as defined according to conventional criteria. Similarly, premixed flame simulations at high dilutions show evidence of significant reactions involving intermediate species prior to the flame front. Since the premixed flame governing equations system demands that the species and temperature gradients be zero at the "cold" boundary, flame speed cannot be calculated above a certain dilution level. Up to this point, which again agrees reasonably well with the transition into the MILD regime according to convention, the laminar burning velocity was found to increase with hot product dilution while flame thickness remained largely unchanged. Some comments on the MILD combustion regime boundary definition for gas turbine applications are included. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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When water seeps upwards through a saturated soil layer, the soil layer may become instability and water films occur and develop. Water film serves as a natural sliding surface because of its very small friction. Accordingly, debris flow may happen. To investigate this phenomenon, a pseudo-three-phase media is presented first. Then discontinuity method is used to analyze the expansion velocity of water film. Finally, perturbation method is used to analyze the case that a water flow is forced to seep upwards through the soil layer while the movement of the skeleton may be neglected relative to that of water. The theoretical evolutions of pore pressure gradient, effective stress, water velocity, the porosity and the eroded fine grains are obtained. It can be seen clearly that with the erosion and re-deposited of fine grains, permeability at some positions in the soil layer becomes smaller and smaller and, the pore pressure gradient becomes bigger and bigger, while the effective stress becomes smaller and smaller. When the effective stress equals zero, e.f. liquefaction, the water film occurs. It is shown also that once a water film occurs, it will be expanded in a speed of (U)(t)/(1 - E >).


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Presented in this paper is a mathematical model to calculate the probability of the sediment incipient motion, in which the effects of the fluctuating pressure and the seepage are considered. The instantaneous bed shear velocity and the pressure gradient on the bed downstream of the backward-facing step flow are obtained according to the PIV measurements. It is found that the instantaneous pressure gradient on the bed obeys normal distribution. The probability of the sediment incipient motion on the bed downstream of the backward-facing step flow is given by the mathematical model. The predicted results agree well with the experiment in the region downstream of the reattachment point while a large discrepancy between the theory and experiment is seen in the region near the reattachment point. The possible reasons for this discrepancy are discussed.


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Three molecularly imprinted monolithic columns with different length but almost identical column volume had been prepared. It was observed that the separation factors of diastereomers and enantiomers were almost unaffected by column length. However, the short column with dimension of 38 mm x 8 mm W. showed much lower resistance to flow rate so that it could be operated at much higher flow rates. By combining stepwise gradient elution with elevated flow rate, the diastereomers of cinchonine and cinchonidine and the enantiomers of Cbz-DL-Trp and Fmoc-DL-Trp were successfully separated within 3 min on the short column with dimension of 38 mm. x 8 mm i.d.. Based on the above results, a cinchonine imprinted monolithic disk with dimension of 10 mm x 16 mm W. was further developed. The SEM image and the pore size distribution profile showed that large flow-through pores are present on the prepared monolith, which allowed mobile phase to flow through the disk with very low resistance. Chromatographic performances on the monolithic disk were almost unchanged compared with the long columns. A rapid separation of cinchonine and cinchonidine was achieved in 2.5 min at the flow rate of 9.0 ml/min. Furthermore, it was observed that there was almost no effect of the flow rate on the dynamic binding capacity at high flow rates. In addition, the effect of the loading concentration of analytes on the dynamic binding capacity, namely adsorption isotherm, was also investigated. A non-linear adsorption isotherm of cinchonine was observed on the molecularly imprinted monolith with cinchonine as template, which might be a main reason to result in the peak tailing of template molecule. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A simple, sensitive, and mild method for the determination of amino compounds based on a condensation reaction with fluorescence detection has been developed. 9-(2-Hydroxyethyl)acridone reacts with coupling agent N,N-carbonyldiimidazole at ambient temperature to form activated amide intermediate 9-(2-acridone)oxyethylcarbonylimidazole (AOCD). The amide intermediate (AOCD) preferably reacts with amino compounds under mild reactions in the presence of 4-(dimethylamino)pyridine (base catalyst) in acetonitrile to give the corresponding sensitively fluorescent derivatives with an excitation maximum lambda(ex) 404 mn and an emission maximum at lambda(em) 440 nm. The labeled derivatives exhibit high stability under reversed-phase conditions. The fluorescence intensities of derivatives in various solvents or at different temperatures were investigated. The method, in conjunction with a gradient elution, offers a baseline resolution of the common amine derivatives on a reversed-phase C-18 column. The LC separation for the derivatized amines shows good reproducibility with acetonitrile-water including 2.5% DMF as mobile phase. The relative standard deviations (n = 6) for each amine derivative are <4.5%. The detection limits (at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3) per injection were 0.16-12.8 ng/mL. Further research for the field of application, based on the AOCD amide intermediate as derivatization reagent, for the determination of free amines in real water samples is achieved.


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Phycoerythrins have been widely used in food, cosmetics., immunodiagnostics and analytical reagents. An efficient one-step chromatography method for purification of R-phycoerythrins from Polysiphonia urceolata was described in this paper. Pure R-phycoerythrin was obtained with an absorbance ratio A(565)/A(280) of 5.6 and a high recovery yield of 67-33%, using a DEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow chromatography with a gradient elution of pH, alternative to common gradient elution of ionic strength. The absorption spectrum of R-phycoerythrin was characterized with three absorbance maxima at 565, 539 and 498 mum, respectively and the fluorescence emission spectrum at room temperature was measured to be 580nm. The results of native-PAGE. and SDS-PAGE showed no contamination by other proteins in the phycoerythrin solution. which suggests an efficient method for the separation and purification of R-phycoerythrins from Polysiphonia urceolata. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The role of snow depth of Tibetan Plateau in the onset of South China Sea summer monsoon and the influence of ENSO on snow depth of Tibetan Plateau are investigated with use of data from ECMWF reanalysis and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. The results are as follows: (1) The snow depth data from ECMWF reanalysis are tested and reliable, and can be used to study the influence of snow depth of Tibetan Plateau on the onset of South China Sea summer monsoon; (2) Anomaly of snow depth of Tibetan Plateau causes anomaly in air temperature and its contrast between the Indian Ocean and the continent resulting in easterly wind anomaly over 500 hPa and hence as well as in the atmospheric circulation in the lower layer. For the year of negative anomaly of snow depth a westerly wind anomaly with a cyclone pair takes place, while for positive anomaly of snow depth an easterly anomaly occurs with an anticyclone pair; (3) While positive anomaly of SST occurs in the eastern Pacific Ocean, positive anomaly of air pressure also takes place over the eastern Indian Ocean and the South China Sea, causing stronger meridional pressure gradient between the ocean and continent and then westerly wind anomaly. At the same time, the atmospheric pressure increases in the northern Tibetan Plateau, northerly wind gets stronger, and subtropical front strengthens. All of these are favorable for snowfall over Tibetan Plateau.


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We developed an HPLC method for analysis of the monosaccharide composition of fucoidans. The fucoidan was hydrolyzed into monosaccharides with 2 mol/L trifluoroacetic acid. Using ribose as the internal standard, the monosaccharide derivatives, obtained with 1-Phenyl-3-methyl-5-pyrazolone (PMP), were separated by reverse-phase HPLC using a gradient elution process, and monitored by ultraviolet detection at 245 nm. In the concentration range of 0.1-2.0 mmol/L, the peak area of each monosaccharide had a good linear relationship with its concentration (r(2)> 0.998). The average recoveries of mannose, rhamnose, glucuronic acid, glucose, galactose, xylose, and fucose were 86.2%, 95.1%, 62.5%, 102.0%, 94.8%, 66.6%, and 105.1%, respectively. This method was accurate and had good reproducibility and could be used to determine the monosaccharide contents of fucoidans.