828 resultados para compression parallel
Fragility fractures are recognized complication of diabetes, but yet the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. This is particularly pronounced in type 2 diabetes in which the propensity to fall is increased but bone mass is not necessarily low. Thus, whether factors implicated in the development of insulin resistance and diabetes directly impact on the musculoskeletal system remains to be investigated. PPARβ(-/-) mice have reduced metabolic activity and are glucose intolerant. We examined changes in bone and muscle in PPARβ(-/-) mice and investigated both the mechanism behind those changes with age as well as their response to exercise. Compared with their wild type, PPARβ(-/-) mice had an accelerated and parallel decline in both muscle and bone strength with age. These changes were accompanied by increased myostatin expression, low bone formation, and increased resorption. In addition, mesenchymal cells from PPARβ(-/-) had a reduced proliferation capacity and appeared to differentiate into more of an adipogenic phenotype. Concomitantly we observed an increased expression of PPARγ, characteristic of adipocytes. The anabolic responses of muscle and bone to exercise were also diminished in PPARβ(-/-) mice. The periosteal bone formation response to direct bone compression was, however, maintained, indicating that PPARβ controls periosteal bone formation through muscle contraction and/or metabolism. Taken together, these data indicate that PPARβ deficiency leads to glucose intolerance, decreased muscle function, and reduced bone strength. On a molecular level, PPARβ appears to regulate myostatin and PPARγ expression in muscle and bone, thereby providing potential new targets to reverse bone fragility in patients with metabolic disturbances.
PURPOSE: Most existing methods for accelerated parallel imaging in MRI require additional data, which are used to derive information about the sensitivity profile of each radiofrequency (RF) channel. In this work, a method is presented to avoid the acquisition of separate coil calibration data for accelerated Cartesian trajectories. METHODS: Quadratic phase is imparted to the image to spread the signals in k-space (aka phase scrambling). By rewriting the Fourier transform as a convolution operation, a window can be introduced to the convolved chirp function, allowing a low-resolution image to be reconstructed from phase-scrambled data without prominent aliasing. This image (for each RF channel) can be used to derive coil sensitivities to drive existing parallel imaging techniques. As a proof of concept, the quadratic phase was applied by introducing an offset to the x(2) - y(2) shim and the data were reconstructed using adapted versions of the image space-based sensitivity encoding and GeneRalized Autocalibrating Partially Parallel Acquisitions algorithms. RESULTS: The method is demonstrated in a phantom (1 × 2, 1 × 3, and 2 × 2 acceleration) and in vivo (2 × 2 acceleration) using a 3D gradient echo acquisition. CONCLUSION: Phase scrambling can be used to perform parallel imaging acceleration without acquisition of separate coil calibration data, demonstrated here for a 3D-Cartesian trajectory. Further research is required to prove the applicability to other 2D and 3D sampling schemes. Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The use of self-calibrating techniques in parallel magnetic resonance imaging eliminates the need for coil sensitivity calibration scans and avoids potential mismatches between calibration scans and subsequent accelerated acquisitions (e.g., as a result of patient motion). Most examples of self-calibrating Cartesian parallel imaging techniques have required the use of modified k-space trajectories that are densely sampled at the center and more sparsely sampled in the periphery. However, spiral and radial trajectories offer inherent self-calibrating characteristics because of their densely sampled center. At no additional cost in acquisition time and with no modification in scanning protocols, in vivo coil sensitivity maps may be extracted from the densely sampled central region of k-space. This work demonstrates the feasibility of self-calibrated spiral and radial parallel imaging using a previously described iterative non-Cartesian sensitivity encoding algorithm.
Transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder is a malignancy that metastasizes frequently to lymph nodes including the mediastinal lymph nodes. This occurrence may produce symptoms due to compression of adjacent structures such as the superior vena cava syndrome or dysphagia from esophageal compression. We report the case of a 59-year-old man with metastatic transitional cell carcinoma for whom mediastinal lymphadenopathy led to pulmonary artery compression and a rapidly fatal outcome. This rare occurrence has to be distinguished from pulmonary embolism, a much more frequent event in cancer patients, in order that proper and prompt treatment be initiated.
We address the problem of scheduling a multiclass $M/M/m$ queue with Bernoulli feedback on $m$ parallel servers to minimize time-average linear holding costs. We analyze the performance of a heuristic priority-index rule, which extends Klimov's optimal solution to the single-server case: servers select preemptively customers with larger Klimov indices. We present closed-form suboptimality bounds (approximate optimality) for Klimov's rule, which imply that its suboptimality gap is uniformly bounded above with respect to (i) external arrival rates, as long as they stay within system capacity;and (ii) the number of servers. It follows that its relativesuboptimality gap vanishes in a heavy-traffic limit, as external arrival rates approach system capacity (heavy-traffic optimality). We obtain simpler expressions for the special no-feedback case, where the heuristic reduces to the classical $c \mu$ rule. Our analysis is based on comparing the expected cost of Klimov's ruleto the value of a strong linear programming (LP) relaxation of the system's region of achievable performance of mean queue lengths. In order to obtain this relaxation, we derive and exploit a new set ofwork decomposition laws for the parallel-server system. We further report on the results of a computational study on the quality of the $c \mu$ rule for parallel scheduling.
The human primary auditory cortex (AI) is surrounded by several other auditory areas, which can be identified by cyto-, myelo- and chemoarchitectonic criteria. We report here on the pattern of calcium-binding protein immunoreactivity within these areas. The supratemporal regions of four normal human brains (eight hemispheres) were processed histologically, and serial sections were stained for parvalbumin, calretinin or calbindin. Each calcium-binding protein yielded a specific pattern of labelling, which differed between auditory areas. In AI, defined as area TC [see C. von Economo and L. Horn (1930) Z. Ges. Neurol. Psychiatr.,130, 678-757], parvalbumin labelling was dark in layer IV; several parvalbumin-positive multipolar neurons were distributed in layers III and IV. Calbindin yielded dark labelling in layers I-III and V; it revealed numerous multipolar and pyramidal neurons in layers II and III. Calretinin labelling was lighter than that of parvalbumin or calbindin in AI; calretinin-positive bipolar and bitufted neurons were present in supragranular layers. In non-primary auditory areas, the intensity of labelling tended to become progressively lighter while moving away from AI, with qualitative differences between the cytoarchitectonically defined areas. In analogy to non-human primates, our results suggest differences in intrinsic organization between auditory areas that are compatible with parallel and hierarchical processing of auditory information.
This study examines syntactic and morphological aspects of the production and comprehension of pronouns by 99 typically developing French-speaking children aged 3 years, 5 months to 6 years, 5 months. A fine structural analysis of subject, object, and reflexive clitics suggests that whereas the object clitic chain crosses the subject chain, the reflexive clitic chain is nested within it. We argue that this structural difference introduces differences in processing complexity, chain crossing being more complex than nesting. In support of this analysis, both production and comprehension experiments show that children have more difficulty with object than with reflexive clitics (with more omissions in production and more erroneous judgments in sentences involving Principle B in comprehension). Concerning the morphological aspect, French subject and object pronouns agree in gender with their referent. We report serious difficulties with pronoun gender both in production and comprehension in children around the age of 4 (with nearly 30% errors in production and chance level judgments in comprehension), which tend to disappear by age 6. The distribution of errors further suggests that the masculine gender is processed as the default value. These findings provide further insights into the relationship between comprehension and production in the acquisition process.
THESIS ABSTRACT Low-pressure anatexis of basic dykes gave rise to unusual, zebra-like migmatites, in the contact metamorphic aureoles of two layered gabbro-pyroxenite intrusions, PXl and PX2, in the root zone of an ocean island, Fuerteventura Basal Complex (Canary Islands). This thesis focuses on the understanding of processes attributing to the partial melting and formation of these migmatites, characterised by a dense network of closely spaced, millimetre-wide leucocratic segregations with perfectly preserved igneous textures. The presence of fluids are required to decrease the solidus of basic igneous lithologies, to allow partial melting in such aloes-pressure (1-2 kb) environment. An oxygen isotope study was thus carried out on dykes inside and beyond the PX2 aureole, in order to decipher the nature and origin of such fluids. Low or negative δ18O values were obtained for whole rocks and mineral-separates, decreasing towards the contact, with the intrusion itself retaining fairly high values. This trend has been attributed to the advection of meteoric water during magma emplacement, with increasing fluid/rock ratios (higher dyke intensities towards the intrusion acting as fluid-pathways) and higher temperatures promoting increasing exchange during recrystallisation. A comparison of whole rock and mineral major- and trace- element data allowed the redistribution of elements .between different mineral phases and generations, during contact metamorphism and partial melting to be assessed. Certain trace-elements, e.g. Zr, Hf, Y, and REEs, were internally redistributed during contact metamorphic recrystallisation, causing- the enrichment of neocrystallised diopsides compared to relict phenocrysts. This has been assigned to the liberation of trace elements on the breakdown of primary minerals, kaersutite and sphene, on entering the thermal aureole. Major and trace element compositions of minerals in migmatite melanosomes and leucosomes are almost identical, pointing to a syn- or post- solidus reequilibration on cooling of the migmatite terrain. The mineralogical, textural and geochemical evolution of dykes in a contact metamorphic aureole, is recorded around an apophysis of the PX1 intrusion, where there is evidence of incipient partial melting. Hydrothermal mineral pseudomorphs in the outer parts of the aureole are progressively replaced by dry mineral assemblages, with increasingly recrystallised diopside and evidence of partial melting -the extent of which varies from one lithology to another. The appearance of more mafic lithologies towards the intrusion, with lower whole rock SiO2 and mobile element abundances, e.g. Rb, Cs, K, has been explained by the migration and accumulation of feldspathic material into leucosomes outside the samples. A micro-structural study of leucosomes and leucocratic pods, with the aid of high-resolution X-ray computed micro-tomography (HRXµCT), allowing the visualization and quantification of shapes and orientations, was carried out in order to better understand the processes of melt segregation in the PX1 aureole. Leucocratic pods, representing former amygdales, are considered as natural strain ellipsoids. Their short axes are oriented perpendicular to leucosome planes, which sub-parallel the intrusive contact. Leucosomes thus effectively represent foliation planes. This implies that the direction of maximum shortening, during migmatisation, was perpendicular to the orientation of leucosomes, contradicting earlier models that suggest leucosomes represent tension veins. RESUME DE LA THESE Un phénomène rare de fusion partielle de filons basiques à basse pression a été étudié dans les auréoles de contact de deux intrusions litées de gabbro-pyroxénite, PX1 et PX2, localisées dans le soubassement de l'île volcanique de Fuerteventura aux Canaries. Cette anatexie a engendré des migmatites finement zébrées d'aspect très inhabituel, dont les processus de formation ont été étudiés dans le présent travail. Ces roches sont caractérisées par un réseau dense de veinules leucocrates d'épaisseur millimétrique, dont les textures ignées sont parfaitement préservées. La fusion partielle de roches basiques à basse pression (1-2 kbar) requiert la présence d'eau afin d'abaisser le solidus du système à des températures géologiquement réalistes. Une étude comparative des isotopes de l'oxygène a ainsi été menée sur des filons respectivement affectés et non affectés par le métamorphisme de contact, afin de confirmer la présence de ces fluides, de déterminer l'importance de leur interaction avec les roches et leur origine. Des valeurs de δ180 basses ou négatives ont été mesurées sur roche totale et minéraux séparés, décroissantes en direction du contact, alors que l'intrusion elle-même a conservé des valeurs élevées. Ce gradient a été attribué à l'advection d'eau météorique durant la mise en place du magma, les températures les plus élevées favorisant d'autant plus la circulation des fluides et les échanges isotopiques durant la recristallisation des roches. Cette recristallisation engendré une redistribution chimique complète des éléments entre les différentes générations de minéraux résultant du métamorphisme de contact et de l'anatexie, mise en évidence par microanalyse. Certains éléments traces comme Zr, Hf, Y et les REE ont été concentrés dans le diopside néoformé consécutivement à la déstabilisation de minéraux primaires riches en ces éléments comme la kaersutite ou le sphène. Les compositions en éléments majeurs et traces des minéraux des mélanosomes et leucosomes des migmatites sont pratiquement identiques, indiquant une rééquilibration syn- à postsolidus lors du refroidissement de l'auréole de contact. La transformation progressive des filons basiques au niveau de leur minéralogie, textures et composition chimique a pu être observée en détail à l'approche du contact d'une apophyse de l'intrusion PX1. La paragenèse magmatique initiale n'est jamais préservée, les faciès les plus distants du contact étant constitués d'un assemblage pseudomorphique hydrothermal. Ce dernier est progressivement remplacé par des assemblages anhydres incluant du diopside néoformé, puis apparaissent les premiers signes de fusion partielle, dont l'importance varie fortement d'une lithologie à l'autre. L'apparition de faciès plus basiques en direction du contact, avec des teneurs réduites en SiO2 et en éléments incompatibles tels Rb, Cs, K, a été attribuée à l'échappement de leucosomes feldspathiques hors du système. Une étude microstructurale de la distribution spatiale du matériel leucocrate au sein des migmatites par microtomographie X de haute résolution (HRXµCT) a été menée pour mieux comprendre les processus de ségrégation des liquides dans l'auréole de PX1. De petites entités ovoïdes, représentant d'anciennes structures amygdalaires au sein des filons, ont été considérées comme des ellipsoïdes marqueurs de la déformation finie. Leur petit axe est orienté perpendiculairement aux plans définis par les leucosomes, eux-mêmes subparallèles au contact intrusif. Les leucosomes matérialisent donc des plans de clivage. Ainsi, la direction de raccourcissement maximum durant la fusion partielle était perpendiculaire à l'orientation des leucosomes, contrairement à ce qui a été dit dans de précédentes publications, qui suggéraient que les leucosomes représentaient des veines de tension. RESUME DE LA THESE (POUR LE GRAND PUBLIC) L'observation directe du soubassement d'une île volcanique est une occasion rare, accessible dans le «complexe de base » de l'île canarienne de Fuerteventura. Ce dernier a enregistré divers phénomènes magmatiques, métamorphiques et de fusion partielle induits par l'intrusion répétée de magmas alimentant des appareils volcaniques sus jacents, sous forme de petits plutons, essaims de filons et complexes annulaires de gabbros alcalins, pyroxénites, syénites et carbonatites. Dans ce contexte de flux de chaleur élevé, des filons basiques ont subi une fusion partielle au contact de deux intrusions de gabbro-pyroxénite, un phénomène extrêmement rare à une profondeur aussi réduite, estimée à quelque 3-6 km. Les produits de cette fusion partielle sont des liquides très riches en feldspath, concentrés en un réseau dense de veinules blanches (leucosomes) au sein du matériau résiduel sombre non fondu (mélanosome) pour former ce qu'on appelle des migmatites. Outre les aspects pétrologiques liés à la formation de ces migmatites, l'intérêt majeur du phénomène réside dans le fait qu'il puisse représenter la source des magmas évolués parfois observés sur les îles océaniques. A des pressions aussi faibles que dans le soubassement de Fuerteventura (1-2 Kbar), la présence de fluides abondants est nécessaire pour abaisser la température de début de fusion des roches (solidus) à des valeurs géologiquement réalistes. Des expériences ont montré que même en présence de plusieurs %-poids d'eau, une température de 1000°C était encore nécessaire pour obtenir une proportion de liquide équivalente à celle observée sur le terrain, soit 25%. Or les magmas alcalins des îles océaniques, bien qu'hydratés, n'en contiennent de loin pas autant, ce qui implique une source d'eau externe. Une étude isotopique de l'oxygène a été entreprise afin de tester cette hypothèse. Les valeurs obtenues en 5180 sont basses ou négatives et indiquent l'influence d'eau d'origine météorique. Cette eau de pluie se serait infiltrée le long des filons depuis la surface du volcan et les aurait complètement hydrothermalisés en profondeur (situation encore visible à l'extérieur de l'auréole de contact), leur permettant ainsi de stocker l'eau nécessaire à leur fusion partielle ultérieure. L'interaction entre eau de pluie et filons a été d'autant plus importante que ces derniers étaient proches du contact avec l'intrusion, ce qui suggère que la circulation de ces eaux et leur interaction avec les roches a été favorisée par la chaleur fournie par l'intrusion elle-même. Un autre aspect de ce travail s'est focalisé sur la redistribution des éléments traces au sein des minéraux des filons basiques durant le métamorphisme de contact et la fusion partielle. Ainsi, le pyroxène de seconde génération est-il sensiblement enrichi en traces telles Zr, Hf, Y et les terres rares, par rapport au pyroxène magmatique originel, en relation avec la déstabilisation de minéraux primaires riches en ces éléments tels le sphène et la kaersutite. Cependant, les compositions en éléments majeurs et traces des minéraux recristallisés des migmatites sont pratiquement les mêmes dans les leucosomes et les mélanosomes, suggérant une rééquilibration chimique complète durant le refroidissement de ces lithologies. Si certaines migmatites se sont comportées en système chimiquement fermé (hormis l'eau météorique), d'autres filons ont manifestement perdu une partie de leurs leucosomes, ainsi qu'en témoigne leur composition progressivement appauvrie en silice et autres éléments incompatibles mobiles, tels K et Rb à l'approche du contact de l'intrusion. Parallèlement à cette évolution chimique, les paragenèses hydrothermales distantes du contact sont progressivement remplacées par des paragenèses anhydres, puis par l'apparition des premiers leucosomes, tandis que les textures magmatiques initiales sont complètement effacées au profit d'une combinaison de textures magmatique dans les leucosomes et en mosaïque dans les mélanosomes. Enfin, la distribution spatiale des liquides de fusion partielle a été étudiée par microtomographie X de haute résolution, dans des filons contenant des entités ovoïdes leucocrates, sans doute d'anciennes amygdales à zéolites. Ces dernières ont été considérées comme des ellipsoïdes de la déformation finie. L'orientation de leur petit axe, perpendiculaire au plan défini par les veinules de leucosomes, indique que ces derniers représentent des plans de clivage perpendiculaires à la direction de raccourcissement maximum. Ainsi, la ségrégation des liquides de fusion partielle se serait faite dans les plans de compression et non dans des plans de dilatation, contrairement à ce que laisserait penser le sens commun.
The subdivisions of human inferior colliculus are currently based on Golgi and Nissl-stained preparations. We have investigated the distribution of calcium-binding protein immunoreactivity in the human inferior colliculus and found complementary or mutually exclusive localisations of parvalbumin versus calbindin D-28k and calretinin staining. The central nucleus of the inferior colliculus but not the surrounding regions contained parvalbumin-positive neuronal somata and fibres. Calbindin-positive neurons and fibres were concentrated in the dorsal aspect of the central nucleus and in structures surrounding it: the dorsal cortex, the lateral lemniscus, the ventrolateral nucleus, and the intercollicular region. In the dorsal cortex, labelling of calbindin and calretinin revealed four distinct layers.Thus, calcium-binding protein reactivity reveals in the human inferior colliculus distinct neuronal populations that are anatomically segregated. The different calcium-binding protein-defined subdivisions may belong to parallel auditory pathways that were previously demonstrated in non-human primates, and they may constitute a first indication of parallel processing in human subcortical auditory structures.
Background: Excessive mediastinal shift into the vacated thoracic cavity after pneumonectomy can result in dyspnea without hypoxemia by compression of the tracheobronchial tree, a phenomenon called postpneumonectomy syndrome. More rarely hypoxemia in upright position (platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome, POS) after pneumonectomy can result from re-opening of an atrial right-to-left shunt through a patent foramen ovale (PFO) due to mediastinal distorsion. Review of literature also shows a unique report of pulmonary veins stenosis resulting in POS without intracardiac shunt after pneumonectomy. Methods: We report the case of a 32-year-old woman who presented POS 6 months after right pneumonectomy for destroyed lung post tuberculosis. Results: The patient described severe dyspnea disappearing when lying. SpO2 decreased from 94% when lying to 60% sitting. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) suspected a possible PFO. We first tried to highlight clinical repercussions of PFO by noninvasive exams. Hyperoxia shunt quantification was not tolerated because of increased dyspnea in sitting position. Contrast bubbles TTE was difficult because of the important mediastinal shift but identified only rare left heart bubbles with/without Valsalva both in lying and sitting position, excluding a significant right-to-left shunt. A lung perfusion scintigraphy (injection while sitting) confirmed the absence of systemic isotope uptake. Computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (angio-CT) revealed a stretched but not stenosed left main bronchus, while the shift of the heart into the right cavity was major. Pulmonary angiography did not show embolism but revealed compression of the inferior vena cava (IVC) with impaired venous return to the right heart, as well as compression of the left pulmonary veins. There was no arteriovenous shunt. Cardiac MRI showed torsion of IVC at the level of the diaphragm, and strong atrial contraction contributing to a passive filling of the RV, while the right ventricle was normal. Right catheterism showed major hemodynamic disturbances with negative diastolic pressure in right heart cavities (atrium -12 mm Hg ventricle pressure -7 mm Hg). SaO2 measured in the pulmonary artery decreased from 58% when lying to 45% sitting. Conclusion: We described here an exceedingly rare and complex mechanism explaining POS after right pneumonectomy. Mediastinal repositioning with a silicone breast implant of appropriate size has been scheduled.
Objectives: The study aims to assess the feasibility and midterm outcome of trans-peritoneal laparoscopy for coeliac artery compression syndrome (CACS).Design: Retrospective chart review involving four European vascular surgery departments and two surgical teams.Materials and methods: charts for patients who underwent laparoscopy for symptomatic CACS between December 2003 and November 2009 were reviewed. Preoperative computed tomography (CT) angiography and postoperative duplex scan and/or CT angiography were performed.Results: Eleven consecutive patients (nine women) with a median age of 52 years (interquartile range: 42.5-59 years) underwent trans-peritoneal laparoscopy for CACS. All patients had a history of postprandial abdominal pain; weight loss exceeded 10% of the body mass in eight cases. Preoperative CT angiography revealed coeliac trunk stenosis >70% in all cases. One patient had additional aortitis and inferior mesenteric artery occlusion, while another patient presented with an occluded superior mesenteric artery. Two conversions occurred (one difficult dissection and one aorto-hepatic bypass needed for incomplete release of CACS). The median blood loss was 195 ml (range: 50-900 ml) and median operative time was 80 min (interquartile range: 65-162.5 years). Symptoms improved immediately in 10/11 patients (no residual stenosis) while one remained unchanged despite a residual stenosis treated by a percutaneous angioplasty. Symptoms reappeared in one patient due to coeliac axis occlusion. The mean follow-up period was 35 +/- 23 months (range: 12-78 months).Conclusion: Our study demonstrates that trans-peritoneal laparoscopy for treating median arcuate ligament syndrome is safe and feasible. Additional patients and a longer follow-up are needed for long-term assessment of this laparoscopic technique. (C) 2011 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.