1000 resultados para colaboração reflexiva


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O presente trabalho teve origem na realização de pesquisa desenvolvida pela equipe do Instituto de Ciências da Educação da Universidade Federal do Pará que analisou o processo de elaboração, implantação e implementação do Plano de Ações Articuladas (PAR) no estado do Pará, no período de 2008 a 2011. Esta Dissertação teve por objetivo analisar o PAR desenvolvido no Município de São Sebastião da Boa Vista e a sua configuração como instrumento para implementar o Regime de Colaboração entre os entes federados. Trata-se de um estudo de caso de caráter qualitativo que contou com trabalho de campo, com realização de entrevistas com os atores envolvidos em todo o processo de implantação do PAR. O estudo também contou com a análise das legislações (Constituição Federal 1988, LDB/9.394, Plano Nacional de Educação, PDE, Plano de Metas Compromisso Todos pela Educação, entre outras). A revisão bibliográfica realizada partiu das contribuições de estudiosos sobre a política educacional brasileira, como Carlos Roberto Jamil Cury, Luiz Fernandes Dourado, Fernando Haddad, José Carlos Libâneo e Demerval Saviani. A partir dos resultados encontrados, observamos que o PAR é um valioso instrumento para organização da gestão da educação municipal, que permite o ente federado conhecer a sua realidade, e também auxilia o Município ao sinalizar suas necessidades e propor ações e subações para mudar sua realidade. No entanto, a execução do Plano depende de fatores alheios para que o município atinja a execução total do que foi planejado, em muitas ações é necessário um aporte financeiro específico. Diante dos resultados dessa pesquisa também foi possível observar que o PAR desenvolvido no Município de São Sebastião da Boa Vista, representou uma inovação no planejamento do trabalho da Secretaria Municipal de Educação, se constituiu em um complexo desafio em termos de sua efetivação, pois revelou a fragilidade de articulação e de cumprimento das metas, e da efetividade de um legítimo regime de colaboração entre os entes federados.


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Neste trabalho pretendo acrescentar algumas questões à reflexão mais ampla que venho realizando sobre formação de professores e em que tenho discutido a importância do papel do pesquisador da Universidade como agente formador e instigador das mudanças no interior das escolas e do processo de apropriação e transformação dos conceitos que envolvem a prática do professor na sala de aula. Pretendo ainda, analisar duas experiências que revelam o desenvolvimento de processo de colaboração Universidade-escolas de Ensino Fundamental e Médio numa direção em que professor, pesquisador e alunos do curso de Pedagogia desta Universidade atuam conjuntamente num processo de formação que se dá em espiral: da ação para a reflexão, apontando para a formação.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper describes an investigation into the initial training of foreign language teachers (German and English) and the internships required in the fourth year, considering the possibility that online forums may provide a virtual environment for the manifestation of critical thinking by future teachers. We analyze the messages and themes addressed in three forums, based on concepts of critical thinking and on the theoretical model of Practical Inquiry proposed by Garrison, Anderson and Archer (2000; 2001). For a better understanding of the phases in discussions on topics, we use the model of these authors, also identifying some discourse markers characterized by them, mainly based on the assumptions of Systemic Functional Linguistics (HALLIDAY, 1994) and on the types of conversational moves proposed by Eggins and Slade (1997). A new model was created based on the selected theoretical underpinnings and on the analysis of the data, as well as the conclusion was that online forums can be considered an important tool for the manifestation of teachers' critical thinking and for a critical reflexive education, in a context marked by the specificities of information society.


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Os autores do livro apontam a importância de os professores serem propositores dos programas de formação contínua, a partir das necessidades que apontam. Essa perspectiva, que dá voz aos professores, tem se mostrado fértil no desenvolvimento de processos dessa natureza, pois considera fundamental o protagonismo dos sujeitos-professores na implementação de mudanças que se fazem necessárias nas práticas e nos currículos escolares. Procedendo ao levantamento de necessidades junto a uma amostra significativa de 533 professores, em dez municípios da região, com a colaboração da UNDIME - União Nacional dos Dirigentes Municipais de Educação, e desenvolvendo uma análise crítica e contextualizada dos resultados, os autores apresentam indicativos e propostas para a efetivação de políticas de formação contínua que superam eventuais desperdícios de recursos em ações pontuais, fragmentadas e externas às demandas reais das escolas e dos professores. Ao valorizar a formação crítica e reflexiva desses sujeitos, alinham-se às perspectivas que superam a racionalidade técnica instrumental das competências docentes, característica dos governos neoliberais que culpabilizam os professores diretamente pelo fracasso escolar, desvalorizam sua formação universitária de intelectual e pesquisador e não investem na melhoria da infraestrutura necessária ao trabalho docente de qualidade nem nas condições de carreira e salário dos professores.


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The aim of this research is to make a bibliometric analysis of the journal Scire: Representación y Organización del Conocimiento, edited in Spain, in order to evidence the most productive institutions and countries, as well as to build a cooperation network and calculate the density indicators, centrality degree and betweenness. The 292 articles of the period 1996 to 2010 were analyzed. It was found out that, of the institutions participating in the articles, 25 institutions have been clearly the most productive. Almost all of them are Spanish, except four Brazilian ones and three more from three different countries. The institutional network showed a low density, but several cooperative sub-networks were identified, which suggest the existence of an international dialogue among researchers on the discipline.


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This research aimed to study the international scientific collaboration, through co-authorship, and the impact of full papers published in journals Qualis A1 and A2 of Graduate Programs in Animal Science of excellence (2007-2009). Through the indicators of production of graduate evaluation from CAPES, the research gathered the scientific production of three graduate programs, adding up to 125 articles. The citations received were gathered from the SCOPUS database and the impact of journals from the SCImago Journal & Country Rank. In order to investigate the correlation among the indicators analyzed, Pearson’s linear correlation coefficients were calculated. It was observed that the Impact Factor (IF) of the journal may influence the number of citations and that there is a weak trend for association of IFs with the number of coauthor countries. It was not observed a statistically significant correlation between the number of collaborating countries and citations received by the article.


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The school library is a preferential placefor the contact of students with various informationresources and action of librarians and teachers, likemediators in order to enhance this experience. Thecollaborative relationship between this mediators isessential for planning and implementing activitiesfor learning. This article discusses some aspects ofcollaborative work between teachers and librarianand presents the results of applying a model ofcollaboration with the two librarians in Marília-SP, Brazil. Data collection was conducted withlibrarians from two schools, through interviews.The analysis was performed using the technique ofcontent analysis from four models of collaboration.It is noticed that the models are applicable tothe brazilian context and that there is a model ofcooperation prevailing in the participating schools.KEYWORDS: School library. Librarian. Teacher.Colaboration. Information literacy.


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This research seeks to demonstrate the scientific collaboration in the field of Information Science, specifically in the thematic indexing, by analyzing the co-authors network, based on scientific collaboration in Brazilian journals online, according to CAPES. We selected six Brazilian journals online, namely: Ciência da Informação; Transinformação; Perspectivas da Ciência da Informação; Encontros BIBLI: Revista Eletrônica de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação; DataGramaZero and Em Questão, totaling 25 articles. It was built in coauthorship network, using Pajek software in order to evaluate interactions between researchers and cohesion of the network by calculating its density.


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The aim of this research is to point out the most productive researchers and institutions in the “Social Network” theme, in the ENANCIBs, from 2009 to 2010, as well as to describe their institutional scientific collaboration network. As research procedure, we searched for works with the entry network in the annuals of the event. 169 works were found, from which 120 were developed in co-authorship by 40 institutions. A matrix with the institutional coauthorships was created and the scientific collaboration network was reached. The results point out the same number of both most productive institutions and most productive authors. As for the scientific collaboration network, it is relevant that 37 institutions are interconnected by co-authorship. It’s also relevant that the studies in social network have been more and more present in the Information Science, mainly as investigative method for the construction of knowledge.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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There are substantial evidences that the period experienced by humanity globally is unprecedented and is heading towards a major transformation that results from the Globalization. Totally conditioned to the addictions of the dominant and predatory capitalism, humanity has, for decades, exhausted natural resources, disregarded the nature of its own social existence and walked away from its humanity. It is notable, however, an impressive flow of factors that dialogue and support each other as trends that go towards sustainable development, based on the harmonious integration between Technology, Culture, Society, Environment and Economy. This emerging moment can be seen from the perspectives of the Creative Economy as economic paradigm centered on the subjectivity and the human capacity to undertake innovative services, products and solutions guided by social values. Within this fluid and dynamic global context, initiatives that legitimately intend to act sustainably are gaining space. This socioeconomic moment fosters and is fostered by new kinds of work and organization guided by the Collaboration and social structuring on Network Patterns. These new social models significantly transform the understanding and insights about the Communication flows. The HUB São Paulo, as creative and social organization that operates under the logic of Collaboration through a Network Structure, was the subject of a case study used to sustain the defense of this emerging scenario and also to perform an analysis on the new role of Communication, at perspectives of transformation of mental paradigms towards sustainability and establishment of meaningful connections