980 resultados para chloride solution


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Polarization measurements were conducted to monitor the corrosion behavior of superduplex stainless steel ASTM A995M-Gr.SA/EN 10283-Mat#1.4469(GX2CrNiMo26-7-4) when exposed to a) an electrolyte containing 22,700 parts per million (ppm) of chloride ions at seven different temperatures and b) an electrolyte at 25 GC and different chloride ion concentrations (5800, 22,700, 58,000 and 80,000 ppm of Cl(-)). The polarization curves indicate that the passive films formed are only slightly affected by NaCl concentration, but the pitting potential decreases drastically increasing the temperature, in particular >60 degrees C. The image analysis of the microstructure after potentiodynamic polarization showed that the pitting number and size vary in function of the temperature of the tested medium. Nyquist diagrams were determined by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to characterize the resistance of the passive layer. According to Nyquist plots, the arc polarization resistance decreases increasing the temperature due to a catalytic degradation of the oxide passive films. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The machining of super duplex stainless steel castings is usually complicated by the difficulty involved in maintaining the dimensional tolerances required for given applications. Internal stresses originating from the solidification process and from subsequent heat treatments reach levels that exceed the material`s yield strength, promoting plastic strain. Stress relief heat treatments at 520 degrees C for 2 h are an interesting option to solve this problem, but because these materials present a thermodynamically metastable condition, a few precautions should be taken. The main objective of this work was to demonstrate that, after solution annealing at 1130 degrees C and water quenching, stress relief at 520 degrees C for 2 h did not alter the duplex microstructure or impair the pitting corrosion resistance of ASTM A890/A890M Grade 6A steel. This finding was confirmed by microstructural characterization techniques, including light optical and scanning electron microscopy, and X-ray diffraction. Corrosion potential measurements in synthetic sea water containing 20,000 ppm of chloride ions were also conducted at three temperatures: 5 degrees C, 25 degrees C and 60 degrees C. (c) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The influence of the solvent-evaporation rate on the formation of of. and P crystalline phases in solution-cast poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) films was systematically investigated. Films were crystallized from PVDF/N,N-dimethylformamide solutions with concentrations of 2.5, 5.0, 10, and 20 wt % at different temperatures. During crystallization, the solvent evaporation rate was monitored in situ by means of a semianalytic balance. With this system, it was possible to determine the evaporation rate for different concentrations and temperatures of the solution under specific ambient conditions (pressure, temperature, and humidity). Fourier-Transform InfraRed spectroscopy with Attenuated Total Reflectance revealed the P-phase content in the PVDF films and its dependence on previous evaporation rates. Based on the relation between the evaporation rate and the PVDF phase composition, a consistent explanation for the different amounts of P phase observed at the upper and lower sample surfaces is achieved. Furthermore, the role of the sample thickness has also been studied. The experimental results show that not only the temperature but also the evaporation rate have to be controlled to obtain the desired crystalline phases in solution-cast PVDF films. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 116: 785-791, 2010


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Chloride migration tests are used to measure the concrete capacity to inhibit chloride attack. Many researchers carry out this test in a slice of concrete extracted from the central part of cylindrical specimens, discarding about 75% of the concrete used to mold the specimens. This fact generated the question: would it be possible to extract more slices from a same specimen without losing the confidence in the results? The main purpose of this work is to answer this question. Moreover, another aim of this study was to show the difference of chloride penetration between finished faces and the formwork surfaces of concrete beams and slabs. The results indicated that it is possible to use more slices of a single specimen for a chloride migration test. Moreover, it was demonstrated that there is a significant difference of chloride penetration between the finished surface and the formwork surface of the specimens. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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There are currently many types of protective materials for reinforced concrete structures and the influence of these materials in the chloride diffusion coefficient still needs more research. The aim of this paper is to study the efficacy of certain surface treatments (such as hydrophobic agents, acrylic coating, polyurethane coating and double systems) in inhibiting chloride penetration in concrete. The results indicated that all tested surface protection significantly reduced the sorptivity of concrete (reduction rate > 70%). However, only the polyurethane coating was highly effective in reducing the chloride diffusion coefficient (reduction rate of 86%). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chloride attack in marine environments or in structures where deicing salts are used will not always show profiles with concentrations that decrease from the external surface to the interior of the concrete. Some profiles show an increase in chloride concentrations from when a peak is formed. This type of profile must be analyzed in a different way from the traditional model of Fick`s second law to generate more precise service life models. A model for forecasting the penetration of chloride ions as a function of time for profiles having formed a peak. To confirm the efficiency of this model, it is necessary to observe the behavior of a chloride profile with peak in a specific structure over a period of time. To achieve this, two chloride profiles with different ages (22 and 27 years) were extracted from the same structure. The profile obtained from the 22-year sample was used to estimate the chloride profile at 27 years using three models: a) the traditional model using Fick`s second law and extrapolating the value of C(S)-external surface chloride concentration; b) the traditional model using Fick`s second law and shifting the x-axis to the peak depth; c) the previously proposed model. The results from these models were compared with the actual profile measured in the 27-year sample and the results were analyzed. The model was presented with good precision for this study of case, requiring to be tested with other structures in use.


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Hydrophobic agents are surface protection materials capable of increasing the angle of contact between the water and the concrete surface. For this reason, hydrophobic agents reduce water (in liquid form) penetration in concrete. Therefore, many European construction regulating agencies recommend this treatment in their maintenance policy. Nonetheless, there continues to be a gap in the understanding about which transport mechanisms of the concrete are modified by the hidrophobic agents. The aim of this study was to fill this gap in regards to reinforced concrete structures inserted in a marine environment. To this end, certain tests were used: Two involving permeability mechanism, one determining capillary absorption, and the last, a migration test used to estimate the chloride diffusion coefficient in saturated condition. Results indicated the efficacy of the hydrophobic agents in cases where capillary suction is the mechanism of water penetration (reduced by 2.12 and 7.0 times, depending of the product). However, when the transport mechanism is permeability this product is not advisable. Moreover, it was demonstrated that the chloride diffusion coefficient (in saturated condition) is reduced by the hydrophobic agents, however, the magnitude of this reduction is minor (reduced by 11% and 17%, depending on the product).


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An exact non-linear formulation of the equilibrium of elastic prismatic rods subjected to compression and planar bending is presented, electing as primary displacement variable the cross-section rotations and taking into account the axis extensibility. Such a formulation proves to be sufficiently general to encompass any boundary condition. The evaluation of critical loads for the five classical Euler buckling cases is pursued, allowing for the assessment of the axis extensibility effect. From the quantitative viewpoint, it is seen that such an influence is negligible for very slender bars, but it dramatically increases as the slenderness ratio decreases. From the qualitative viewpoint, its effect is that there are not infinite critical loads, as foreseen by the classical inextensible theory. The method of multiple (spatial) scales is used to survey the post-buckling regime for the five classical Euler buckling cases, with remarkable success, since very small deviations were observed with respect to results obtained via numerical integration of the exact equation of equilibrium, even when loads much higher than the critical ones were considered. Although known beforehand that such classical Euler buckling cases are imperfection insensitive, the effect of load offsets were also looked at, thus showing that the formulation is sufficiently general to accommodate this sort of analysis. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a study of the stationary phenomenon of superheated or metastable liquid jets, flashing into a two-dimensional axisymmetric domain, while in the two-phase region. In general, the phenomenon starts off when a high-pressure, high-temperature liquid jet emerges from a small nozzle or orifice expanding into a low-pressure chamber, below its saturation pressure taken at the injection temperature. As the process evolves, crossing the saturation curve, one observes that the fluid remains in the liquid phase reaching a superheated condition. Then, the liquid undergoes an abrupt phase change by means of an oblique evaporation wave. Across this phase change the superheated liquid becomes a two-phase high-speed mixture in various directions, expanding to supersonic velocities. In order to reach the downstream pressure, the supersonic fluid continues to expand, crossing a complex bow shock wave. The balance equations that govern the phenomenon are mass conservation, momentum conservation, and energy conservation, plus an equation-of-state for the substance. A false-transient model is implemented using the shock capturing scheme: dispersion-controlled dissipative (DCD), which was used to calculate the flow conditions as the steady-state condition is reached. Numerical results with computational code DCD-2D vI have been analyzed. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This work presents and discusses the influence of the surface tension (gamma(LV)) of methanol/water mixtures on the flotation response of apatite versus gangue minerals conditioned with flotation reagents (75 g/t cornstarch and 100 g/t Berol 867) at pH 10.6. Berol 867 is a collector composed of sodium alkyl sarcosinate plus nonionic surfactant. The highest Schulz efficiency of separation (recovery of apatite minus recovery of gangue) was achieved at approximate to 51.0 mN/m. The critical surface tension of wettability (gamma(C)) of apatite was found to occur at 34.7 mN/m when determined by means of gamma flotation experiments, , and it was 33.9 mN/m when determined by Zisman`s approach.


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The exact vibration modes and natural frequencies of planar structures and mechanisms, comprised Euler-Bernoulli beams, are obtained by solving a transcendental. nonlinear, eigenvalue problem stated by the dynamic stiffness matrix (DSM). To solve this kind of problem, the most employed technique is the Wittrick-Williams algorithm, developed in the early seventies. By formulating a new type of eigenvalue problem, which preserves the internal degrees-of-freedom for all members in the model, the present study offers an alternative to the use of this algorithm. The new proposed eigenvalue problem presents no poles, so the roots of the problem can be found by any suitable iterative numerical method. By avoiding a standard formulation for the DSM, the local mode shapes are directly calculated and any extension to the beam theory can be easily incorporated. It is shown that the method here adopted leads to exact solutions, as confirmed by various examples. Extensions of the formulation are also given, where rotary inertia, end release, skewed edges and rigid offsets are all included. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Ni-doped SnO(2) nanoparticles, promising for gas-sensing applications, have been synthesized by a polymer precursor method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) data analyses indicate the exclusive formation of nanosized particles with rutile-type phase (tetragonal SnO(2)) for Ni contents below 10 mol%. The mean crystallite size shows a progressive reduction with the Ni content. Room-temperature Raman spectra of Ni-doped SnO(2) nanoparticles show the presence of Raman active modes and modes activated by size effects. From the evolution of the A(1g) mode with the Ni content, a solubility limit at similar to 2 mol% was estimated. Below that content, Raman results are consistent with the occurrence of solid solution (ss) and surface segregation (seg.) of Ni ions. Above similar to 2 mol% Ni, the redshift of A(1g) mode suggests that the surface segregation of Ni ions takes place. Disorder-activated bands were determined and their integrated intensity evolution with the Ni content suggest that the solid-solution regime favors the increase of disorder; meanwhile, that disorder becomes weaker as the Ni content is increased. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This work studied the electrochemical behavior of a solution treated or 550 degrees C aged Cu10Ni-3Al-1.3Fe alloy, in 0.01 M NaCl aqueous solution, through potentiodynamic polarization in both stagnant condition or under erosion process. Results showed the occurrence of a passivity break potential (E(pb)), related to the beginning of the denickelification process, which occurred as a localized attack under stagnant electrolyte. Under erosion conditions localized denickelification was not observed, despite of the presence of E(pb). This could indicate that selective corrosion of Ni, which caused the observed E(pb), occurred as a dissolution-redeposition process, with removal of the Cu deposits during erosion process. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The electrochemical behaviour of a near-beta Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy for the application as implants was investigated in various solutions. The electrolytes used were 0.9 wt% NaCl solution, Hanks` solution and a culture medium known as minimum essential medium (MEM) composed of salts, vitamins and amino acids, all at 37 degrees C. The electrochemical behaviour was investigated by the following electrochemical techniques: open circuit potential measurements as a function of time, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and determination of polarisation curves. The obtained results showed that the Ti alloy was passive in all electrolytes. The EIS results were analysed using an equivalent electrical circuit representing a duplex structure oxide layer, composed of an inner barrier layer, mainly responsible for the alloy corrosion resistance, and an outer and porous layer that has been associated to osteointegration ability. The properties of both layers were dependent on the electrolyte used. The results suggested that the thickest porous layer is formed in the MEM solution whereas the impedance of the barrier layer formed in this solution was the lowest among the electrolytes used. The polarisation curves showed a current increase at potentials around 1300 mV versus saturated calomel electrode (SCE), and this increase was also dependent on the electrolyte used. The highest increase in current density was also associated to the MEM solution suggesting that this is the most aggressive electrolyte to the Ti alloy among the three tested solutions.


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This article reports experimental results obtained in a laboratory-scale photochemical reactor on the photodegradation of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) in aqueous solutions by means of the photo-Fenton and H(2)O(2)/UV processes. Dilute water solutions of PEG were fed to a batch reactor, mixed with pertinent reactants, and allowed to react under different conditions. Reaction progress was evaluated by sampling and analyzing the concentration of the total organic carbon (TOC) in solution as a function of the reaction time. Organic acids formed during oxidation were determined by HPLC analyses. The main acids detected in both processes were acetic and formic. Glycolic acid was detected only in the photo-Fenton process, and malonic acid was detected only in the H(2)O(2)/UV treatment, indicating that different reaction paths occur in these processes. The characteristics of both processes are discussed, based on the evolution of the TOC-time curves and the concentration profiles of the monitored organic acids. The experimental results constitute a contribution to the design of industrial processes for the treatment of wastewaters containing soluble polymers with similar properties.