978 resultados para chemical recovery cycle


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La larva de Grapholita molesta (Busck), que produce daños en brotes y frutos de carozo y de pepita, fue criada en condiciones artificiales con dietas a base de granos y otros nutrientes. Se prepararon y evaluaron siete dietas con poroto, garbanzo, arveja, maíz, soja, trigo y avena. Los objetivos del trabajo fueron: 1. Evaluar dietas con granos de cultivares locales. 2. Evaluar las características físico-químicas (pH y sólidos solubles). 3. Evaluar la eficiencia mediante ciclo biológico, grados día, viabilidad, peso de pupas, recuperación de huevo a adulto, fecundidad y adultos esperados. 4. Determinar costos y rendimientos. El análisis de los parámetros biológicos y económicos indicó que las dietas de menor costo y mayor rendimiento fueron, en orden decreciente, poroto y garbanzo, pero la primera además presentó características físicoquímicas similares a la dieta preferencial de la larva salvaje: los brotes de duraznero.


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Oceanic authigenic carbonates are classified according to origin of the carbonate carbon source using a complex methodology that includes methods of sedimentary petrography, mineralogy, isotope geochemistry, and microbiology. Mg-calcite (protodolomite) and aragonite predominate among the authigenic carbonates. All authigenic carbonates are depleted in 13C and enriched in 18O (in PDB system) that indicates biological fractionation of isotopes during carbonate formation. Obtained results show that authigenic carbonate formation is a biogeochemical (microbial) process, which involves carbon from ancient sedimentary rocks, abiogenic methane, and bicarbonate-ion of hydrothermal fluids into the modern carbon cycle.


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ODP Hole 740A is located on the inner part of the East Antarctic continental shelf in Prydz Bay, at the seaward end of a major onshore rift structure known as the Lambert Graben. Drilling at this site led to the recovery of some 65 m of continental sediments (Prydz Bay red beds) that form part of a much thicker (2-3 km) pre-continental breakup sequence, the development of which may be related to the initiation and rifting of the Lambert Graben. Palynological and paleomagnetic studies have not been able to determine the age of the sediments; they may be equivalent to the onshore late Permian Amery Group or younger. The succession consists predominantly of sandstone, siltstone, and claystone arranged in erosively based, pedogenically influenced fining-upward sequences up to 5 m thick. These were deposited by shallow, braided streams draining an extensively vegetated alluvial plain, with sufficient topographic relief to trap fine-grained sediment and inhibit rapid channel shifting. Pedogenic processes were initiated on the alluvial plain, but climatic conditions were generally unsuitable for extensive pedogenic carbonate formation and the development of mature soil profiles. The sediments were probably derived from a rapidly uplifted fault block terrain composed of upper Proterozoic and Archaean gneisses lying to the southeast of the depositional site. Uplift may have taken place along the tectonically active seaward extension of the eastern faulted margin of the Lambert Graben, which passes immediately southeast of Hole 740A. Differences in mineralogical composition between the Amery Group and the Prydz Bay red beds probably reflect differences in rock composition in the source area. The age of the Prydz Bay red beds has still to be resolved.


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Sea ice and dust flux increased greatly in the Southern Ocean during the last glacial period. Palaeorecords provide contradictory evidence about marine productivity in this region, but beyond one glacial cycle, data were sparse. Here we present continuous chemical proxy data spanning the last eight glacial cycles (740,000 years) from the Dome C Antarctic ice core. These data constrain winter sea-ice extent in the Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean biogenic productivity and Patagonian climatic conditions. We found that maximum sea-ice extent is closely tied to Antarctic temperature on multi-millennial timescales, but less so on shorter timescales. Biological dimethylsulphide emissions south of the polar front seem to have changed little with climate, suggesting that sulphur compounds were not active in climate regulation. We observe large glacial-interglacial contrasts in iron deposition, which we infer reflects strongly changing Patagonian conditions. During glacial terminations, changes in Patagonia apparently preceded sea-ice reduction, indicating that multiple mechanisms may be responsible for different phases of CO2 increase during glacial terminations. We observe no changes in internal climatic feedbacks that could have caused the change in amplitude of Antarctic temperature variations observed 440,000 years ago.


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Based on the data of synchronous observations of hydrophysical and biogeochemical parameters in the near-mouth and shallow-water areas of the northern Caspian in 2000-2001, the scale of spatiotemporal variability in the following characteristics of the water-bottom system was estimated (1) flow velocity and direction within vortex structures formed by the combined effect of wind, discharge current, and the presence of higher aquatic plants; (2) dependence of the spatial distribution of the content and composition of suspended particulate matter on the hydrodynamic regime of waters and development of phytoplankton; (3) variations in the grain-size, petrographic, mineralogical, and chemical compositions of the upper layer of bottom sediments at several sites in the northern Caspian related to the particular local combination of dominant natural processes; and (4) limits of variability in the group composition of humus compounds in bottom sediments. The acquired data are helpful in estimating the geochemical consequences of a sea level rise and during the planning of preventive environmental protection measures in view of future oil and gas recovery in this region.


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In arctic populations of Macrothrix hirsuticornis life cycles are mainly governed by temperature. This was found by using laboratory cultures in combination with the analysis of population samples from waters in Svalbard. In arctic waters ex-ephippio-++ usually produce gamogenetic F1-++ together with a high percentage of oo, which have to fertilize the resting eggs. Temperatures around 14°C, which are very rare in waters of Svalbard, will induce parthenogenetic oo in the F1 and even the F2-generation, a mode of reproduction normally found in Macrothrix-populations of Central Europe. This was found in laboratory cultures of M. hirsuticornis from Bear Island, and there was evidence, that a similar cycle occurs in warm wells in Spitsbergen. The arctic distribution of M. hirsuticornis mainly depends on temperature, which regulates the speed of individual development. But this can only be understood together with the length of time, during which suitable life conditions are given. Physiological adaptations to life in waters in high latitudes could not be found, in spite of the extreme northern occurrence of M. hirsuticornis.


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The oceans absorb and store a significant portion of anthropogenic CO2 emissions, but large uncertainties remain in the quantification of this sink. An improved assessment of the present and future oceanic carbon sink is therefore necessary to provide recommendations for long-term global carbon cycle and climate policies. The formation of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) is a unique fast track for transporting anthropogenic CO2 into the ocean's interior, making the deep waters rich in anthropogenic carbon. Thus the Atlantic is presently estimated to hold 38% of the oceanic anthropogenic CO2 inventory, although its volume makes up only 25% of the world ocean. Here we analyze the inventory change of anthropogenic CO2 in the Atlantic between 1997 and 2003 and its relationship to NADW formation. For the whole region between 20°S and 65°N the inventory amounts to 32.5 ± 9.5 Petagram carbon (Pg C) in 1997 and increases up to 36.0 ± 10.5 Pg C in 2003. This result is quite similar to earlier studies. Moreover, the overall increase of anthropogenic carbon is in close agreement with the expected change due to rising atmospheric CO2 levels of 1.69% a?1. On the other hand, when considering the subpolar region only, the results demonstrate that the recent weakening in the formation of Labrador Sea Water, a component of NADW, has already led to a decrease of the anthropogenic carbon inventory in this water mass. As a consequence, the overall inventory for the total water column in the western subpolar North Atlantic increased only by 2% between 1997 and 2003, much less than the 11% that would be expected from the increase in atmospheric CO2 levels.


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Although the presence of extensive gas hydrate on the Cascadia margin, offshore from the western U.S. and Canada, has been inferred from marine seismic records and pore water chemistry, solid gas hydrate has only been found at one location. At Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 892, offshore from central Oregon, gas hydrate was recovered close to the sediment-water interface at 2-19 m below the seafloor (mbsf) at 670 m water depth. The gas hydrate occurs as elongated platy crystals or crystal aggregates, mostly disseminated irregularly, with higher concentrations occurring in discrete zones, thin layers, and/or veinlets parallel or oblique to the bedding. A 2- to 3-cm thick massive gas hydrate layer, parallel to bedding, was recovered at ~17 mbsf. Gas from a sample of this layer was composed of both CH4 and H2S. This sample is the first mixed-gas hydrate of CH4-H2S documented in ODP; it also contains ethane and minor amounts of CO2. Measured temperatures of the recovered core ranged from 2 to -1.8°C and are 6 to 8 degrees lower than in-situ temperatures. These temperature anomalies were caused by the partial dissociation of the CH4-H2S hydrate during recovery without a pressure core sampler. During this dissociation, toxic levels of H2S (delta34S, +27.4?) were released. The delta13C values of the CH4 in the gas hydrate, -64.5 to -67.5? (PDB), together with deltaD values of -197 to -199? (SMOW) indicate a primarily microbial source for the CH4. The delta18O value of the hydrate H2O is +2.9? (SMOW), comparable with the experimental fractionation factor for sea-ice. The unusual composition (CH4-H2S) and depth distribution (2-19 mbsf) of this gas hydrate indicate mixing between a methane-rich fluid with a pore fluid enriched in sulfide; at this site the former is advecting along an inclined fault into the active sulfate reduction zone. The facts that the CH4-H2S hydrate is primarily confined to the present day active sulfate reduction zone (2-19 mbsf), and that from here down to the BSR depth (19-68 mbsf) the gas hydrate inferred to exist is a >=99% CH4 hydrate, suggest that the mixing of CH4 and H2S is a geologically young process. Because the existence of a mixed CH4-H2S hydrate is indicative of moderate to intense advection of a methane-rich fluid into a near surface active sulfate reduction zone, tectonically active (faulted) margins with organic-rich sediments and moderate to high sedimentation rates are the most likely regions of occurrence. The extension of such a mixed hydrate below the sulfate reduction zone should reflect the time-span of methane advection into the sulfate reduction zone.