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Abstract According to Usage-based Theory (Tomasello 2006), children acquire wh- questions by initially producing concrete formula structures that happen to be very frequent in the input. In this research we analyze the wh-questions produced by three Spanish-speaking children (age range: 0;11-3;11) in longitudinal samples of spontaneous speech to determine whether the Usage-based Theory can explain the wh-question acquisition in Spanish. Results show that: i) the first wh-questions are formula, that appeared with few interrogative particles, and that are highly frequent in the input; ii) as the child develops, wh-questions become more complex, in which this structures are produced with more varied interrogative particles and different verbs; iii) the input seems to play a relevant role in the acquisition of wh-questions. Results seem to validate the Usage-based Theory.
A total of 72 Trypanosoma cruzi isolates from different hosts and geographical regions of western Venezuela, where Chagas disease is endemic, were typed using ribosomal and mini-exon gene markers. The isolates were obtained from wild, peridomestic and domestic sources including triatomine-bugs, human acute chagasic patients and other mammals. Results showed that T. cruzi two major phylogenetic lineages, T. cruzi I and T. cruzi II were present. However, a remarkable predominance of T. cruzi I (96%) over T. cruzi II (4%) was observed. The present results suggest that in western Venezuela circulation of both T. cruzi I and T. cruzi II isolates is independent from the source of isolation and the geographical area where they occur, with predominance of T. cruzi I. The epidemiological significance of the present results is discussed.
The objective of this work was to evaluate biological aspects of Diatraea saccharalis fed on artificial diet containing different concentrations of the Sudan B Red dye and the possibility to mark the parasitoid Cotesia flavipes, when submitted to the parasitism of dyed caterpillars. For that, were added to the artificial diet four concentrations of Sudan Red B dye (100, 200, 300 and 400 ppm) and control (no dye addition). It was evaluated larval and pupal period, larval and pupal viability, longevity, sex rate, pupal weigh, eggs per female, eggs per day, number of eggs per egg mass, egg viability and embrionary period; besides same were accomplished measurements in the caterpillars (bioassay I). Caterpillars of 17 days old (30) of each treatment were removed from the tubes and exposed to the parasitism of C. flavipes (bioassay 2). The egg-pupae period, sex rate, pupal period and viability, number of females, males, total of emerged adults and longevity were evaluated. The data were submitted to the multivariate analisys methods: cluster analysis, two-way and principal component analysis. Based on analysis, it was observed that the treatment of 100 ppm was the least harmful to the biology of the sugar cane borer larvae by groping to the control and did not influence negatively its biological aspects. The concentration of 400 ppm affected negatively the biology of C. flavipes. The Sudan Red B it is ended doses marked the caterpillars and the adults, however the concentration of 100 ppm is the most suitable to dye D. saccharalis. None of the tested concentration marked adults of C. flavipes, despite to affect negatively its biology. It is unviable to increase the concentration seeking futures tests, for that dye to be harmful to the biological aspects of D. saccharalis and C. flavipes.
In March of 2009 larvae and adults from ladybug Delphastus davidsoni Gordon (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) were observed predating eggs and nymphs of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) in cabbage plants on rearing of this whitefly. This is the first report of D. davidsoni predating B. tabaci biotype B on cabbage plants, limiting the rearing and showing high potential on biological control of this aleyrodid for conditions of protected cultivation.
Os psilídeos são um grupo de pragas amplamente distribuídas, causando perdas consideráveis em sistemas agrícolas e florestais. A recente descoberta da ocorrência do psilídeo-de-concha Glycaspis brimblecombei Moore (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), no Brasil tornou-se um problema de grande importância, por ser específico de Eucalyptus. O parasitóide Psyllaephagus bliteus Riek (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) é indicado como principal agente no controle biológico desta praga. Portanto, para o monitoramento adequado de ambas espécies é necessário um método eficiente de amostragem. Devido a falta de informações referentes ao seu comportamento em plantações extensivas de eucalipto, realizou-se este trabalho, para verificar a distribuição espacial de G. brimblecombei e de seu parasitóide P. bliteus, através de armadilhas adesivas em floresta de E. camaldulensis. Para determinação da distribuição espacial foram utilizadas 53 armadilhas amarelas distribuídas uniformemente no talhão, formando uma grade amostral espaçadas de 50 x 36 m, à altura aproximada de 1,80 m do solo. Cada armadilha foi presa com auxílio de um arame plastificado em um fio estendido entre duas árvores em um talhão de 19 ha com E. camaldulensis em Luiz Antônio, SP. Foram realizadas dez avaliações, entre janeiro e junho de 2005. Após a coleta as armadilhas foram levadas ao laboratório para ser feita à triagem e contagem do número total de adultos de G. brimblecombei e de P. bliteus, nas duas faces das armadilhas. Concluiu-se que as populações de ambas espécies apresentaram distribuição espacial agregada, no período avaliado.
Australian origin, Glycaspis brimblecombei has become an important pest for the cultivation of eucalyptus in Brazil. causing major damages. The first report of the red gum lerp psyllid was conducted in june 2003, in São Paulo State, Brazil. In November 2008, was observed in the North coast of Bahia State, damaging Eucalyptus spp. In may 2009, we evaluated the intensity of attack on 708 hectares, planted with different hybrids of Eucalyptus, divided into 25 plots, in which it was found that 48% of the plots were infested with less than one nymph per leaf, 48% with one to three nymphs per leaf, and 4% with four to six nymphs per leaf.
The control of defoliating caterpillars in eucalyptus forests via the application of chemical and biological insecticides is a complex issue, mainly due to the large size of plantations and the height of trees. Because of this complexity, alternate control methods have been proposed, such as biological control. Several factors should be taken into consideration for biological control programs to be successful, including density of natural enemies released. In this experiment we used 48-hour-old Thyrinteina arnobia pupae exposed to parasitism by 48-hour-old Trichospilus diatraeae females at the following parasitoid/host ratios, respectively: 1:1, 7:1, 14:1, 21:1, 28:1, and 35:1, with 15 replicates per treatment. Density was an important factor for T. diatraeae development, since parasitism rates of 33.3% were found at a density of 1 female per pupa, while no significant differences were found among parasitism rates for densities of 7, 14, 21, 28, and 35 females/pupa, with parasitism rates above 70 %. As to emergence, densities of 1:1 and 35:1 did not differ statistically, with low emergence rates. The 7:1 density had an intermediate performance, while densities of 14:1, 21:1, and 28:1 were the most effective, with emergence rates above 90%. With regard to the number of emerged parasitoids there was a positive intraspecific interference up to the 28:1 density. There was an increase in development period from egg-adult as the density of females per pupa increased.
The fly of the syrphid Microdon tigrinus is a specific social parasite of leaf-cutting ant, Acromyrmex coronatus. Six colonies of Acromyrmex coronatus were collected in plastic containers, which there was a layer of 1 cm of plaster, with the purpose of maintaining the humidity of fungus culture. Larvae of social parasite were separate for the establishment of instars number, through morphometric study. The data were measured of 165 larvae, using spiracle (length (Ls), width (Ws) and distance between spiracle (Ds)). After that, the morphometric data obtained for the larvae were submitted to cluster analysis by Wong's hybrid method, which produces the adequate number of groups through pseudo F-statistics and pseudo t-squared statistics. The three morphometric variables studied permitted grouping of larvae into the following three distinct groups: cluster 1 [long dash] consisting of 55 larvae (Ls=0.177[plus or minus]0.026, Ws=0.163[plus or minus]0.030, Ds=0.052[plus or minus]0.008 mm); cluster 2 - consisting of 20 larvae (Ls=0.631[plus or minus]0.065, Ws=0.630[plus or minus]0.049, Ds=0.065[plus or minus]0.018 mm); cluster 3 - consisting of 90 larvae (Ls=1.294[plus or minus]0.062, Ws=1.308[plus or minus]0.069, Ds=0.140[plus or minus]0.018 mm). of the all couples, only 1 obtained success in the mating, and the female, after 24 hours, began the oviposition. The female layed 76 eggs in a period of 6 days, after that, her death. The larvae emerged in the seventh day (incubation period [plus or minus] 7 days). From 76 eggs, 54 were viable, with a viability of 71.05%. This study contributes to the knowledge of Microdon tigrinus biology of, a social parasite poorly studied in Brazil.
The essential oil of the leaves and branches obtained by hydrodistillation of Lychnophora ericoides, collected in the Reserve of Furnas - MG, Brazil, was analyzed by CG/EM (Shimadzu QP2010). The major parts of the volatile components identified in the essential oil of leaves were monoterpenes (44.02%) and the sesquiterpene [alpha]-bisabolol (2.05%). The major acaricidal activity of the essential oil from L. ericoides was observed at 48 (14.55 [mu]L/L of air) and 72 h (8.01 [mu]L/L of air) of exposition. The oviposition of T. urticae oviposition was influenced by the essential oil, but the eclosion of eggs was not affected.
The present research was accomplished under field and laboratory conditions (T= 25[plus or minus]2[degree] C, R.H.= 70[plus or minus] 10 % and fotoperiod= 12 horas) at FCA/UNICASTELO from Fernandopolis-SP, Brazil. The feeding preference of corn bug Leptoglossus zonatus Dallas, 1852 (Hemiptera: Coreidae) was evaluated on corn genotypes AL-Bianco, AL-Manduri, AL-25 Piratininga, AL-34 e AL-Manduri in the field. Besides, some behavioral factors relative to infestation and oviposition were observed. In laboratory, the nymph's development was evaluated on ears from each corn genotype, aiming to verify the non-preference and/or antibiosis ocurrence. The females of L. zonatus preferred to oviposite on sheats from leaves. Adults and nymphs may occur in whole parts of the plants. The AL-25, AL-34, AL-Manduri and AL-Bandeirante corn genotypes were classified as moderately resistant, expressing non-preference and/or antibiosis against the corn bug. In other way AL-Bianco was the most suscetible to nymphs of the insect.
The present study is aimed to diagnose the current public programs focused on herbal medicine in Brazil where the following results can be observed. The main purpose of implementation of these programs was the demand of the users of medicinal plants and herbal medicines. The initiative of the implementation of these programs was related to the managers (58%). The difficulties in this implementation were due to lack of funding (90%) of the programs. In 80% of the programs, the physicians did not adhere to herbal medicine services due to lack of knowledge in the subject. Training courses were proposed (70%) to increase the adhesion of prescribers to the system. Some municipalities use information obtained from patients to assess the therapeutic efficiency of medicinal plants and herbal medicines. of the programs underway, cultivation of medicinal plants was observed in 50%, and 67% of the programs adopted quality control. In most programs, this control is not performed in accordance with the legal requirements.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The soybean (Glycine max (L.)) has been significantly compromised by the attack of insect pests. The stink bug Nezara viridula (L.) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is pointed as one of the most damaging species, reducing the quantity and quality of grain produced and requiring a large number of applications of insecticides in crops. Al-though chemical control is still the most widely used method of control, the use of resistant genotypes may represent a viable alternative in the management of this insect, reducing costs and impacts on the environment. This study evaluated the performance of nymphs of N. viridula in nine soybean genotypes under laboratory conditions (T = 25 + 2[degree]C, RH = 70 [plus or minus]10% and photoperiod = 12 h), aiming to detect possible resistance mechanisms. Thus, 25 nymphs/genotype were monitored daily by assessing the duration and mortality of the nymphal stage, the weight of nymphs and adults and the developmental period from egg to adult. The data revealed that the genotypes 'TMG-103', 'TMG-121, IAC-19', 'TMG-117', and 'IAC-24' caused 100% mortality of nymphs, indicating high levels of antibiosis and/or feeding non-preference expression. 'IAC-17' also prolonged the nymphal period, indicating the occurrence of resistance. The insects from 'PI-227687' showed the lowest average weight, also indicating the occurrence of antibiosis and/or feeding non-preference. Our results may be useful for soybean breeding programs focusing on development of genotypes resistant to insects.
Several studies have been made about biology, predatory capacity, and food consumption to crisopids species, trying to get informations to use in Integrated Pest Management. Raising insects in laboratory for many generations could cause blood relation problems, even annihilate the insect mass production. In this way, the objective of this work was to determine the consumption and the weight gain to Chrysoperla externa larvae from two populations and different laboratory generations, founded by 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 couples. By the result it was possible to conclude that larvae food consumption was higher in populations founded by greater number of couples, and it is not verified variation among populations and generations.
The study was developed in the 'Laboratorio de Biologia e Criacao de Insetos' (LBCI), 'Faculdade de Ciencias Agrarias e Veterinarias (FCAV), 'Universidade Estadual Paulista' (Unesp), Jaboticabal, SP, with objective of evaluating the pupae storage effect of Cotesia flavipes in low temperature (medium temperature = 2,75[degree]C). The experiment was made up of 13 treatments: fi, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.10 and 11 masses storage days of pupae in refrigerator temperature and the check was man maintained on 25[plus or minus]2[degree]C and relative humidity of 70[plus or minus]10%. The next generation of parasitoid also was analyzed, maintained to 25[plus or minus]2[degree]C during all development. It was evaluated: period and pupae viability; average number, longevity and adults' sex ratio of the stored generation and period egg-larvae; period and pupae viability: average number, longevity and adults' sex ratio of the next generation. It verified that the pupae storage of C. flavipes in refrigerator temperature for until 5 days does not affect its development and the stored generation, suggesting the utilization possibility of this resource in mass rearing of this insect.