966 resultados para behavior survey


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Electrochemical behavior of pesticides is extensively studied, but little attention has been given to the study of their degradation products (by-products) by electrochemical methods. However, the degradation products of pesticides can be even more toxic then the parent products and such studies should be encouraged. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the electroactivity of by-products of imazaquin, methylparathion, bentazon and atrazine, generated by UV irradiation and measured using cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry and UV-visible absorption spectrophotometry. Results have shown that several by-products exhibit electroactivity, allowing, in some cases, the simultaneous determination of both parent and degradation products.


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The absorption spectra of DPH at fixed concentration do not change with water content in organic solvents. It exhibits monomer bands, such as those obtained in ethanol. The absorption did not change for solutions up to 54 and 46% of water in ethanol and DMSO, respectively, for [DPH] = 5.0 × 10-6 mol L-1 at 30 °C. However, at the same experimental conditions, a gradual sharp decay of the DPH fluorescence is observed. It is proposed that water molecules below these water concentration limits act as quenchers of the excited states of DPH. Stern-Volmer quenching constants by intensities measurements are 7.4 × 10-2 (water/ethanol) and 2.6 × 10-2 L mol-1 (water/DMSO). DPH lifetime measurements in the absence and presence of water resulted in 7.1 × 10-2 L mol-1 in water/ethanol, which pointed out that the process is a dynamic quenching by water molecules. For experiments using DPH as probe, this process can affect data, leading to misunderstanding interpretation.


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The electrochemical behavior of fluconazole showed an irreversible oxidation process, with the electrochemical - chemical mechanism being highly dependent on the electrode material. Adsorption of reagent at positive applied potential was observed at Pt electrode while preferential adsorption of the oxidation products was observed at Glassy Carbon surfaces. In pH below 7.0, the anodic current process was intensively decreased. At carbon paste electrode, the fluconazole oxidation current, recorded in phosphate buffer solution (pH 8.0), changed linearly with the fluconazole concentration, Ipa = 5.7×10-5 (mA) × 0.052 [Fluconazol] (μg mL-1), in the range of 48.0 to 250.0 μg mL-1. The detection limit obtained was 6.3 μg mL-1.


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The thermal behavior of two polymorphic forms of rifampicin was studied by DSC and TG/DTG. The thermoanalytical results clearly showed the differences between the two crystalline forms. Polymorph I was the most thermally stable form, the DSC curve showed no fusion for this species and the thermal decomposition process occurred around 245 ºC. The DSC curve of polymorph II showed two consecutive events, an endothermic event (Tpeak = 193.9 ºC) and one exothermic event (Tpeak = 209.4 ºC), due to a melting process followed by recrystallization, which was attributed to the conversion of form II to form I. Isothermal and non-isothermal thermogravimetric methods were used to determine the kinetic parameters of the thermal decomposition process. For non-isothermal experiments, the activation energy (Ea) was derived from the plot of Log β vs 1/T, yielding values for polymorph form I and II of 154 and 123 kJ mol-1, respectively. In the isothermal experiments, the Ea was obtained from the plot of lnt vs 1/T at a constant conversion level. The mean values found for form I and form II were 137 and 144 kJ mol-1, respectively.


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Um inquérito de base populacional foi conduzido na população urbana de todas as capitais e do Distrito Federal no Brasil para fornecer informações sobre a prevalência de hepatites virais e fatores de risco, entre 2005 e 2009. Este artigo descreve o delineamento e a metodologia do estudo que envolveu a população com idade entre 5 e 19 anos para hepatite A e 10 a 69 anos para hepatite B e C. As entrevistas e amostras de sangue foram obtidas através de visitas domiciliares e a amostra selecionada a partir de uma amostragem estratificada em múltiplos estágios (por conglomerado) com igual probabilidade para cada domínio de estudo (região e faixa etária). Nacionalmente, 19.280 residências e ~31.000 indivíduos foram selecionados. O tamanho da amostra foi suficiente para detectar uma prevalência em torno de 0,1% e para avaliar os fatores de risco por região. A metodologia apresentou-se viável para distinguir entre diferentes padrões epidemiológicos da hepatite A, B e C. Estes dados serão de valia para a avaliação das políticas de vacinação e para o desenho de estratégias de controle.


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This paper describes a new food classification which assigns foodstuffs according to the extent and purpose of the industrial processing applied to them. Three main groups are defined: unprocessed or minimally processed foods (group 1), processed culinary and food industry ingredients (group 2), and ultra-processed food products (group 3). The use of this classification is illustrated by applying it to data collected in the Brazilian Household Budget Survey which was conducted in 2002/2003 through a probabilistic sample of 48,470 Brazilian households. The average daily food availability was 1,792 kcal/person being 42.5% from group 1 (mostly rice and beans and meat and milk), 37.5% from group 2 (mostly vegetable oils, sugar, and flours), and 20% from group 3 (mostly breads, biscuits, sweets, soft drinks, and sausages). The share of group 3 foods increased with income, and represented almost one third of all calories in higher income households. The impact of the replacement of group 1 foods and group 2 ingredients by group 3 products on the overall quality of the diet, eating patterns and health is discussed.


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Avaliou-se a influência exercida pela aquisição de calorias de açúcar sobre a participação calórica dos demais macronutrientes da dieta. As estimativas deste estudo são baseadas em dados da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares realizada no Brasil pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística entre julho de 2002 e junho de 2003. Modelos de regressão linear múltiplos foram utilizados para estudar a influência das calorias de açúcar sobre a participação calórica de cada um dos macronutrientes na aquisição domiciliar de alimentos com o controle do valor calórico total da aquisição de alimentos e variáveis sócio-demográficas. Cada caloria adquirida de açúcar eleva em 0,3 caloria a participação de gorduras na aquisição domiciliar de alimentos e diminui em 0,07 a participação de proteínas. Cada caloria de açúcar procedente de alimentos processados aumenta em 1,6 caloria a participação de gorduras e em 0,4 caloria de ácidos graxos saturados e diminui em 0,8 caloria a participação de outros carboidratos que não o açúcar. Os resultados encontrados trazem novas evidências sobre o papel prejudicial do açúcar à saúde humana.


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OBJECTIVES: To assess risk and protective factors for chronic noncommunicable diseases (CNCD) and to identify social inequalities in their distribution among Brazilian adults. METHODS: The data used were collected in 2007 through VIGITEL, an ongoing population-based telephone survey. This surveillance system was implemented in all of the Brazilian State capitals, over 54,000 interviews were analyzed. Age-adjusted prevalence ratios for trends at different schooling levels were calculated using Poisson regression with linear models. RESULTS: These analyses have shown differences in the prevalence of risk and protective factors for CNCD by gender and schooling. Among men, the prevalence ratios of overweight, consumption of meat with visible fat, and dyslipidemia were higher among men with more schooling, while tobacco use, sedentary lifestyle, and high-blood pressure were lower. Among women, tobacco use, overweight, obesity, high-blood pressure and diabetes were lower among men with more schooling, and consumption of meat with visible fat and sedentary lifestyles were higher. As for protective factors, fruit and vegetables intake and physical activity were higher in both men and women with more schooling. CONCLUSION: Gender and schooling influence on risk and protective factors for CNCD, being the values less favorable for men. vigitel is a useful tool for monitoring these factors amongst the Brazilian population.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever os fatores de risco e proteção para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis resultantes do Sistema de Vigilância por Inquérito Telefônico (VIGITEL) em 2009. METODOLOGIA: Prevalências dos principais fatores de risco e proteção foram estimadas na população >18 anos a partir de entrevistas telefônicas em amostras probabilísticas da população coberta por telefonia fixa nas capitais de estados do Brasil e no Distrito Federal, segundo sexo, faixa etária e escolaridade. RESULTADOS: Foram realizadas 54.367 entrevistas. Fumantes e ex-fumantes corresponderam a 15,5e 22% da população adulta brasileira, respectivamente. O excesso de peso atinge 46,6% dos adultos; 33% relataram consumo de carne com gordura e 18,9% afirmaram consumir bebida alcoólica de forma abusiva. Tais fatores de risco são mais prevalentes em homens e em geral nos indivíduos jovens e de menor escolaridade. A prevalência de atividade física no lazer é de 18,8% (IC95% 17,4-20,1) em homens e de 11,3% (IC95% 10,6-12,0) nas mulheres. A inatividade física atinge 15,6% da população e aumenta com a idade. O consumo de frutas, legumes e verduras e a atividade física no lazer são mais frequentes em homens e mulheres com mais anos de estudo. Diagnóstico de hipertensão arterial foi referido por 21,1% (IC95% 19,6-22,5) dos homens e 27,2% (IC95% 25,8-28,5) das mulheres. A prevalência de diabetes foi de 5,8%. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados apontaram comportamentos em saúde distintos de acordo com o sexo, idade e escolaridade da população e reforçam a tendência de queda do tabagismo e aumento no excesso de peso no Brasil.


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O objetivo deste artigo é descrever a distribuição dos principais fatores de risco (FR) e proteção para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) entre os beneficiários de planos de saúde. Foi utilizada amostra aleatória de adultos com 18 ou mais anos de idade nas capitais brasileiras, analisando-se frequências de FR em 28.640 indivíduos em 2008. Homens mostraram alta prevalência dos seguintes fatores de risco: tabaco, sobrepeso, baixo consumo de frutas e legumes, maior consumo de carnes gordurosas e álcool, enquanto mulheres mostraram maior prevalência de pressão arterial, diabetes, dislipidemia e osteoporose. Homens praticam mais atividade física e mulheres consomem mais frutas e vegetais. Homens com maior escolaridade apresentam maior frequência de sobrepeso, consumo de carnes com gorduras e dislipidemia. Entre mulheres, tabaco, sobrepeso, obesidade e doenças autorreferidas decrescem com aumento da escolaridade, enquanto o consumo de frutas e legumes, atividade física, mamografia e exame de papanicolau aumentam com a escolaridade. CONCLUSÃO: a população usuária de planos de saúde constitui cerca de 26% da população brasileira, e o estudo atual visa acumular evidências para atuação em ações de promoção da saúde para esse público.


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OBJECTIVE: This study seeks to identify practices of self-medication in the treatment of ocular emergencies. We examine patients' use of both homemade preparations and manufactured products before seeking specialized care. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional analytic survey of consecutive patients seen in the ophthalmology emergency room of a teaching hospital. RESULTS: The sample included 561 subjects, 51.3% males and 48.7% females, with a mean age of 39.8 years. Prior to seeking emergency care, 40.5% reported self-medicating; 29.4% used a homemade preparation (13.9% referred to an industrialized product like boric acid as a homemade preparation), and 11.1% used a manufactured product. The most frequently used products included a boric acid solution (53.3%), a normal saline solution (35.7%), herbal infusions (6.1%) and breast milk (4.8%). Viral conjunctivitis was the most frequent diagnosis (24.4%), followed by the presence of a corneal foreign body (7.4%). No significant differences were found in the self-treatment of ocular injuries according to gender (p = 0.95), level of education (p = 0.21) or age (p = 0.14). In addition, self-medication practices were not related to the medically judged severity of the condition. CONCLUSION: Patients often attempt to treat conditions that require ophthalmologic emergency care by self-medicating with homemade or manufactured products. The most widely used products include boric acid, normal saline, leaf infusions and breast milk. This behavior occurs independently of educational level, gender, age or the nature of the ocular condition. Self-medication is a culturally driven practice that is used even in cases of acute ocular injuries.


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This study aimed to describe the behavior of oviposition traps for Aedes aegypti over time, to compare it with the larval survey and to investigate the association with climatic variables. It was conducted in São José do Rio Preto city, São Paulo. Daily climatic data and fortnightly measurements for oviposition traps and larval infestation were collected from October 2003 to September 2004. Three different periods were identified in the behavior of oviposition traps' positivity and mean number of eggs: increase, plateau and decrease in values. These measurements followed the variation of climatic data from the first and third periods. High correlation was obtained between the positivity and the mean number of eggs. The oviposition traps showed higher capacity to detect the vector than did larval survey. It was observed that the first (October to December) and third (May to September) periods were considered to be the most suitable to use oviposition traps than larval surveys.


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O objetivo deste artigo é descrever características de consumo e comportamento alimentar de adolescentes brasileiros e sua associação com fatores sociodemográficos. Estudou-se, em 2009, amostra representativa de alunos do 9º ano do ensino fundamental de escolas públicas e privadas das 26 capitais brasileiras e do Distrito Federal. Utilizou-se questionário autoaplicável sobre atributos sociodemográficos, consumo e comportamento alimentar, entre outros. Estimativas dos indicadores construídos foram apresentadas para o total da população e por sexo. A associação de cada um dos indicadores com variáveis sociodemográficas foi examinada por meio de regressão logística. A maioria dos adolescentes consumia regularmente feijão (62,6%), leite (53,6%) e guloseimas (50,9%), realizava pelo menos o almoço ou o jantar com a mãe ou responsável (62,6%) e comia assistindo televisão ou estudando (50,9%). Em geral, as meninas estavam mais expostas a práticas alimentares não desejáveis, e o melhor nível socioeconômico associou-se a maiores prevalências dos indicadores estudados. Os resultados revelaram consumo regular dos marcadores de alimentação não saudável e consumo inferior ao recomendado dos de alimentação saudável, apontando a necessidade de ações de promoção de saúde dirigidas a jovens.


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Brazilian Spotted Fever (BSF) is a lethal rickettsiosis in humans caused by the bacteria Rickettsia rickettsii, and is endemic in some areas of Brazil. Horses and dogs are part of the disease's life cycle and they may also serve as sentinel animals in epidemiological studies. The first human BSF case in the State of Paraná was reported in 2005. The present study was conducted in the municipality of Almirante Tamandaré, where no previous case of BSF was reported. Serum samples were collected from 71 horses and 20 dogs from nine properties in the area. Ticks were also collected from these animals. All farmers completed a questionnaire about their knowledge of BSF and animal health management. Serum samples were analyzed by indirect immunofluorescent-antibody assay (IFA) using R. rickettsii and R. parkeri as antigens. Ticks were analyzed by PCR for Rickettsia sp., and all of them were PCR-negative. Six horses (8.45%) and 4 dogs (20%) were identified as seropositive. Farmers were not aware of the correlation between the presence of ticks and risk of BSF. Although a non-endemic area, Almirante Tamandaré is a vulnerable environment for BSF and effective tick control measures are required.


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This work reports a survey of Leptospira spp in pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) in the Pantanal wetlands of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil by serology and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Seventy pampas deer were captured in the dry season and surveyed using PCR, microscopic agglutination test (MAT) (n = 51) and by both techniques (n = 47). PCR detected infections in two pampas deer and MAT detected infections in three. Through sequencing and phylogenetic analyses, the PCR-amplified fragment detected in deer was identified as Leptospira interrogans. Serovars Pomona and Butembo were detected using MAT and the highest titre was 200 for serovar Pomona. Epidemiological aspects of the findings are discussed.