994 resultados para archaeology


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Determining the internal layout of archaeological structures and their uses has always been challenging, particularly in timber-framed or earthen walled buildings where doorways and divisions are difficult to trace. In temperate conditions however, soil formation processes may hold the key to understanding how buildings were used. The abandoned Roman town of Silchester, UK, provides a perfect case study for testing a new approach combining experimental archaeology and micromorphology. The results show that this technique can resolve previously uncertain features of urban architecture such as the presence of a roof and the changes in internal organisation and use over time.


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An evaluation of a surviving stretch of the Abbot's Way, in the Somerset Levels and Moors, was undertaken to assess the consequences of the previous management regime and inform future management of the site. The scheduled site appeared to have been dewatered and desiccated as a consequence of tree planting and the effects of a deep, adjacent drainage ditch during the previous decade. The evaluation considered the condition of the Neolithic timbers and associated palaeoenvironmental record from three trenches and, where possible, compared the results with those obtained form the 1974 excavation (Girling, 1976). The results of this analysis suggest that the hydrological consequences of tree planting and colonization had a detrimental effect on both the condition of the timbers and insect remains. However, pollen and plant macro-fossils survived well although there was modern contamination. A trench opened outside the scheduled area. where the ground was waterlogged and supported a wet acid grassland flora, revealed similar problems of survival and condition. This almost certainly reflects a period of peat extraction and an associated seasonally fluctuating water table in the 1950s and 1960s; in fact pollen survived better in the scheduled dewatered area. These results are compared with those recovered from the Sweet Track which was evaluated in 1996. Both sites have been subject to recent tree growth but the Sweet Track has been positively managed in terms of hydrology. The most notable difference between the two sites is that insects and wood survived better at the Sweet Track sites than at the Abbot's Way. Insects seem to be a more sensitive indicator of site desiccation than plant remains. It is recommended that any programme of management of wetland for archaeology should avoid deliberate tree planting and natural scrub and woodland generation. It should also take into account past as well as present land use.


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The first large-scale archaeobotanical study in Britain, conducted from 1899 to 1909 by Clement Reid and Arthur Lyell at Silchester, provided the first evidence for the introduction of Roman plant foods to Britain, yet the findings have thus far remained unverified. This paper presents a reassessment of these archaeobotanical remains, now stored as part of the Silchester Collection in Reading Museum. The documentary evidence for the Silchester study is summarised, before the results are presented for over a 1000 plant remains including an assessment of preservation, identification and modern contamination. The dataset includes both evidence for the presence of nationally rare plant foods, such as medlar, and several archaeophytes. The methodologies and original interpretations of Reid and Lyell’s study are reassessed in light of current archaeobotanical knowledge. Spatial and contextual patterns in the distribution of plant foods and ornamental taxa are also explored. Finally, the legacy of the study for the development of archaeobotany in the 20th century is evaluated.


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Around AD 1000, the southern Brazilian highlands witnessed a convergence of phenomena: climatic change, the abrupt expansion of Araucaria forest and the appearance of large pit-houses and monumental mound and enclosure complexes, which signal fundamental socio-political and ideological change amongst southern proto-Jê (SPJ) groups. These developments raise intriguing questions regarding the relationships between people, vegetation and climate over the last 2000 years.


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This paper discusses the ongoing ethnoarchaeological research carried out in Yamana shell middens of Tierra del Fuego. Ethnoarchaeology is used in this research as a tool to improve the archaeological methodology by testing it against anthropological, ethnographical and ethnological sources for achieving more accurate reconstructions of past societies. The ethnographical/ethnological information also is coupled with an experimental approach devised to understand physical and social processes, such as site formation processes and resource use and management. Specifically, this experimental approach was applied to the archaeological sites Tunel VII and Lanashuaia I (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.


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There can be little doubt on linguistic evidence that East Polynesia was first settled from West Polynesia. The author argues, however, that the related archaeological record has been made to fit with this dominant interpretative paradigm. Her objective assessment of the material evidence contradicts the popularly held view.


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At Corindi Beach on the mid-north coast of New South Wales are five twentieth century campsites located on the fringes of the township, beside the town racecourse, an area called by local Aboriginal people 'No man's land'. These campsites are important symbols of the self-sufficient lifestyle followed by the Corindi Beach Indigenous community in the twentieth century and are a physical reminder of cross-cultural relationships between local people over the last hundred years. In a collaborative research project with Yarrawarra Aboriginal Corporation, these places are being documented through studying oral history, the cultural landscape and the material culture left behind at these places.


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Pinder examines Julia Kristeva's essay "Stabat Mater," a focus of psychoanalytical, historical and cultural concepts which require very careful consideration. In order to illustrate the complexity of these linguistic and cultural interrelationships, she looks first at Kristeva's own original essay in French to see what light her method of construction may throw on her particular ideas, then examines some translations of the essay into English to see if there is anything lost by attrition or gained by accretion.


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Archaeologists are often confronted with sites featuring post-occupation disturbance. At rural sites, this disturbance often comes in the form of agricultural activity, such as ploughing and grazing. These disturbances can call into question the value of site spatial relationships and broader data integrity. Between 2006 and 2007, archaeologists from La Trobe University and New Zealand-based consultancy firm Geometria carried out a programme of fieldwork at an 18411861 cottage in Gippsland, Victoria. The site is now an open grazing paddock that has been ploughed on several occasions in the past. The survey techniques used by the archaeological team, which included geomagnetic survey and artefact surface scatter mapping, allowed for testing the integrity of the ploughed archaeological deposits prior to excavation, and provide a case study for the applicability of ploughzone archaeology techniques to Australian historic sites.


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Routine sand dredging for alluvial diamonds at Oranjemund on the southern coast of Namibia exposed remnants of a long forgotten Portuguese merchant ship believed to have wrecked in the 1530s. The rescue excavations yielded over 40 tons of cargo consisting of thousands of gold and silver coins, tons of copper and lead ingots, and large quantities of ivory together with food refuse, part of personal possessions and the superstructure of the ship. This paper discusses the cargo from the shipwreck. The varying provenances show that overland inter-and intra-regional networks fed into the maritime trade between Europe and the Indian sub-continent. As such, the wreck is a lens through which we can view what was happening on the seas as well as on land. Finally we consider wider issues raised by this discovery relating to the protection and management of such material wherever it may be found in future.