980 resultados para anterior commissure
AIM: To report the results of whole anterior segment proton beam radiotherapy (PBR) for diffuse iris melanoma. METHODS: Between 2000 and 2011, 12 patients with iris melanoma received PBR to the entire iris and ciliary body. RESULTS: Patients had a mean age of 57 years and a median follow-up of 3.5 years (range 1-11.6 years). Tumour iris involvement was 1-4 h in five patients, 5-8 h in four and 9-12 h in three. Angle involvement was 6-8 h in five patients and 9-12 h in seven. The visual acuity (VA) before treatment was 6/5-6/6 in six patients, 6/8-6/9 in three and 6/18-6/38 in three. No tumour recurrence occurred during the follow-up period. Glaucoma treatment was required in 11 of 12 patients. The visual acuity at the last follow-up was 6/5-6/9 in five patients, 6/18-6/24 in three, 6/60-1/60 in two and no light perception in two. Four patients developed varying non-severe degrees of limbal stem cell deficiency, which was treatable with conservative measures. CONCLUSIONS: Whole anterior segment PBR is a useful alternative to enucleation for diffuse iris melanoma. Most patients will need treatment for glaucoma and some may require treatment for tear-film instability and/or stem cell failure.
Sternoclavicular dislocations represent a rare injury. Based on our clinical experience with a patient showing an anterior subluxation after reduction of a posterior traumatic dislocation, we review the literature. The emergent reduction of the dislocation is mandatory, always keeping in mind the potentially devastating neurovascular complications. If the treatment of a residual anterior instability remains controversial, a residual posterior instability should be treated by a surgical procedure. The optimal treatment depends mainly on each surgeon's choice and practice.
PURPOSE: To describe the use of anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) to clarify the position and patency of aqueous shunt devices in the anterior chamber of eyes where corneal edema or tube position does not permit a satisfactory view. DESIGN: Noncomparative observational case series. METHODS: Four cases are reported in which aqueous shunt malposition or obstruction was suspected but the shunt could not be seen on clinical examination. The patients underwent AS-OCT to identify the position and patency of the shunt tip. RESULTS: In each case, AS-OCT provided data regarding tube position and/or patency that could not be obtained by slit-lamp examination or by gonioscopy that influenced management. CONCLUSIONS: AS-OCT can be used to visualize anterior chamber tubes in the presence of corneal edema that precludes an adequate view or in cases where the tube is retracted into the cornea. In such cases, AS-OCT is useful in identifying shunt patency and position, which helps guide clinical decision making.
Nonunion of anterior tibial spine of tibia in children is quite rare, but it could be associated with significant instability of the knee as it involves the fixation of anterior cruciate ligament. We report one case in which open reduction and internal fixation was carried out with good functional results. A literature review was performed to identify the cases reported of tibial eminence nonunion in children.
The aim of the study was to determine whether there is any relationship between the presence of removable dentures and squamous cell carcinoma of the anterior two thirds of the tongue in a Portuguese population. A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted on patients with a biopsy-proven diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue, who were seen and treated at the Department of Head and Neck Surgery of the Portuguese Institute of Oncology 'Francisco Gentil', Lisbon, Portugal, during a 3-year period. Several factors were examined: gender, use of removable dentures, age, location of the lesion, and alcohol and tobacco consumption. One hundred and six cases were selected from the initial 151 cases, with a male:female ratio of 3:1 and the lateral borders being the most commonly affected site. The prevalence in both genders was between the sixth and seventh decade of life. Men were more likely to consume alcohol and tobacco than women, and no relationship was observed between denture use and presence of carcinoma of the tongue. In light of the data obtained, it may be considered that female use of a denture plays an important role, but it cannot be identified as a remarkable etiologic factor.
Total hip replacement has seen a tremendous development and has become one of the most successful surgical interventions in orthopaedics. While during the first decades of development of total hip arthroplasty the fixation of the implant into the bone was the main concern, the focus has shifted towards surgical technique and soft tissue handling. In order to avoid permanent soft tissue damage, muscular dysfunction and concerns in regards to cosmetics, minimal invasive and anatomic approaches have been developed. We here provide a short overview on various methods of total hip replacements and we describe our technique through a minimal invasive direct anterior approach. While muscle and nerve damage is minimal, this technique allows for a rapid rehabilitation and is associated with an excellent functional outcome and a minimal risk for dislocation.
La mordida cruzada anterior debe tratarse precozmente, para mejorar el entorno dentoalveolar y favorecer el crecimiento correcto de los maxilares. En este artículo se analizan: la etiología, el diagnóstico de la mordida cruzada anterior y se mencionan diferentes formas de tratamiento de esta maloclusión en dentición primaria y mixta.
Optic neuritis is an occasional complication of vaccination. Visual loss can be unilateral or bilateral, and most patients recover substantially without treatment. The presumptive mechanism is an immune-mediated demyelinating injury of the optic nerve. We report two patients who had permanent visual loss following influenza vaccination. Their pattern of visual loss, segmental optic disc changes, and failure of visual recovery were atypical for demyelinating optic neuritis and reminiscent of a primary ischemic injury to the optic nerve. We speculate that an immune complex-mediated vasculopathy following vaccination can cause anterior ischemic optic neuropathy. Clinicians should be aware of this entity because of the less favorable prognosis for visual recovery in these cases.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a concentração e a absorção de macronutrientes em soja cultivada em subseqüência a sete espécies vegetais em solo com diferentes níveis de compactação. O experimento foi conduzido em vasos contendo amostras de um Latossolo Vermelho, textura franco-arenosa, com camada de 3,5 cm compactada até as densidades de 1,12, 1,36 e 1,60 Mg m³, em que se cultivou anteriormente aveia-preta, guandu, milheto, mucuna-preta, soja, sorgo granífero, tremoço azul, mantendo-se um tratamento sem planta (pousio). Essas espécies se desenvolveram por 37 a 39 dias, foram cortadas ao nível do solo, picadas em partículas de, aproximadamente, 3 cm, e deixadas sobre a superfície do vaso por 40 dias. As plantas foram colhidas 28 dias após a emergência. Avaliou-se a produção de matéria seca, concentração e acúmulo de macronutrientes na parte aérea das plantas. A compactação do solo em subsuperfície diminui a nutrição da soja. A nutrição da soja é beneficiada quando cultivada em sucessão a plantas de cobertura no solo. O pousio antecedendo a cultura da soja não é recomendado como meio de reduzir os efeitos da compactação do solo.
Background: Anterior ciliary arteries travelling along recti muscles provide anterior segment vascularization, which can be compromised by surgery involving more than 2 muscles.Patients and Methods: We studied retrospectively the files of 10 patients in whom a fluorescein angiography of the iris had been performed as a pre-operative assessment prior to a second or third oculomotor surgery.Results: The median age of the patients was 47.5 years (range 15 to 73 years). Relative iris ischemia was present in 4 patients following multiple surgeries, none of them presenting any general cardiovascular risk. The initial surgical protocol was modified according to angiographic results in these 4 patients.Conclusion: When further surgery has to be performed on previously multi-operated patients, anterior segment angiography can be useful in the planning of surgery in order to minimize the risks of anterior segment ischemia.
The development of new drug delivery systems to target the anterior segment of the eye may offer many advantages: to increase the biodisponibility of the drug, to allow the penetration of drug that cannot be formulated as solutions, to obtain constant and sustained drug release, to achieve higher local concentrations without systemic effects, to target more specifically one tissue or cell type, to reduce the frequency of instillation and therefore increase the observance and comfort of the patient while reducing side effects of frequent instillation. Several approaches are developed, aiming to increase the corneal contact time by modified formulation or reservoir systems, or by increasing the tissue permeability using iontophoresis. To date, no ocular drug delivery system is ideal for all purposes. To maximize treatment efficacy, careful evaluation of the specific pathological condition, the targeted Intraocular tissue and the location of the most severe pathology must be made before selecting the method of delivery most suitable for each individual patient.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos das populações de percevejos Euschistus heros (F.) e Piezodorus guildinii (West.) nas lavouras de soja nos meses de novembro/dezembro, antes do aparecimento das vagens nas plantas. Foram realizados experimentos em casa de vegetação e no campo, comparando-se infestações no período vegetativo e reprodutivo da cultura. As plantas de soja, mesmo sob o ataque de pesadas infestações de percevejos (até 8 por planta), no período vegetativo e no florescimento, não sofreram reduções significativas no rendimento. A qualidade das sementes foi semelhante entre os tratamentos e entre as espécies. No estádio R4, o número médio de vagens chochas foi diretamente proporcional ao aumento do número de percevejos por planta. No campo, as plantas com até quatro percevejos por metro, no final do período vegetativo-floração, tiveram rendimentos médios e qualidade de sementes semelhantes aos das plantas livres de insetos. No período R5-R6, para as duas espécies de percevejos, o número de grãos picados e inviabilizados cresceram, e os rendimentos médios decresceram com o aumento da população, tendo-se obtido, para a qualidade da soja, um dano duas vezes maior para a espécie P. guildinii em relação a E. heros. Infestações desses percevejos, na fase vegetativa-floração, não causam reduções no rendimento e na qualidade das sementes de soja.
The biological consequences of constitutive fibroblast growth factor-4 (fgf4) expression have been analysed during anterior CNS development of mouse chimeric embryos. Severe mutant embryos exhibit exencephaly, absence of eye development and anomalous differentiation of neuropithelium. These embryos also show ectopic limb buds resembling the early phases of limb development. Because our results show that anterior CNS in those chimeric embrios does not express shh ectopically, we suggest that malformations may be due to interference between the ectopic expression of fgf4 in the cephalic area and the receptors for the members of the FGF family that regulate brain and eye development, namely fgf8. If this is correct, the results indirectly suport the crucial role of fgf8 in patterning the anterior CNS.
En l'actualitat, l'eficiència energètica en l'edificació és un dels conceptes més importants, notan sols per la política energètica Espanyola, sinó també Europea amb un objectiu d'estalvidel 20% el 2020. Dins el sector de l'edificació, les normatives sobre eficiència energèticas'incorporen a partir de la transposició de les directives europees 2002/91 i 2010/31, queobliga, entre d'altres, a la certificació energètica, no només d'edificis nous, sinó també delsedificis antics que es trobin en situació de lloguer o compra/venta. L'objecte del present projecte és fer un catàleg de solucions constructives típiques, que esdonen abans de l'aprovació i entrada en vigor del CTE a partir del RD 314/2006. El catàlegconsta de variacions en l'evolvent de l'edifici, variacions en la contribució solar i variacionsen les instal•lacions de climatització. Cadascuna d'aquestes combinacions s'analitzarà ambels programaris LIDER i CALENER, de forma que s'obtindrà una estimació de les emissionsde CO2 per a cada cas, i a partir del projecte de real decret de certificació d'edificis existents(encara en tramitació a data de redacció del full de projecte d'aquest projecte), s'assignaràuna qualificació energètica. D'aquesta manera, es podrà tenir una primera aproximació de laqualificació energètica dels edificis existents, a partir de les seves característiques.Pel que fa a les especificacions, es definirà un edifici unifamiliar aïllat, s'establiran un conjuntd'evolvents, s'especificaran quins espais de l'edifici són habitables i quins no, i es definiranun conjunt d'instal•lacions.L'abast de l'estudi comprendrà els edificis situats a la zona climàtica C2 de la província deGirona. Aquesta zona inclou els edificis que es troben a una alçada del nivell del mar deentre 0 m a 342 m (dins la província de Girona)