895 resultados para alimentação automática


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The increasing demand for high performance wireless communication systems has shown the inefficiency of the current model of fixed allocation of the radio spectrum. In this context, cognitive radio appears as a more efficient alternative, by providing opportunistic spectrum access, with the maximum bandwidth possible. To ensure these requirements, it is necessary that the transmitter identify opportunities for transmission and the receiver recognizes the parameters defined for the communication signal. The techniques that use cyclostationary analysis can be applied to problems in either spectrum sensing and modulation classification, even in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) environments. However, despite the robustness, one of the main disadvantages of cyclostationarity is the high computational cost for calculating its functions. This work proposes efficient architectures for obtaining cyclostationary features to be employed in either spectrum sensing and automatic modulation classification (AMC). In the context of spectrum sensing, a parallelized algorithm for extracting cyclostationary features of communication signals is presented. The performance of this features extractor parallelization is evaluated by speedup and parallel eficiency metrics. The architecture for spectrum sensing is analyzed for several configuration of false alarm probability, SNR levels and observation time for BPSK and QPSK modulations. In the context of AMC, the reduced alpha-profile is proposed as as a cyclostationary signature calculated for a reduced cyclic frequencies set. This signature is validated by a modulation classification architecture based on pattern matching. The architecture for AMC is investigated for correct classification rates of AM, BPSK, QPSK, MSK and FSK modulations, considering several scenarios of observation length and SNR levels. The numerical results of performance obtained in this work show the eficiency of the proposed architectures


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There has been an increasing tendency on the use of selective image compression, since several applications make use of digital images and the loss of information in certain regions is not allowed in some cases. However, there are applications in which these images are captured and stored automatically making it impossible to the user to select the regions of interest to be compressed in a lossless manner. A possible solution for this matter would be the automatic selection of these regions, a very difficult problem to solve in general cases. Nevertheless, it is possible to use intelligent techniques to detect these regions in specific cases. This work proposes a selective color image compression method in which regions of interest, previously chosen, are compressed in a lossless manner. This method uses the wavelet transform to decorrelate the pixels of the image, competitive neural network to make a vectorial quantization, mathematical morphology, and Huffman adaptive coding. There are two options for automatic detection in addition to the manual one: a method of texture segmentation, in which the highest frequency texture is selected to be the region of interest, and a new face detection method where the region of the face will be lossless compressed. The results show that both can be successfully used with the compression method, giving the map of the region of interest as an input


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The nanometric powders have special features that usually result in new properties, originating applications or expanding them in various fields of knowledge. Because having a high area/volume ratio, phenomena such as superficial strength of adsorption becomes greater than the weight of the powder which makes more difficult its handling. The high power of agglomeration of these powders requires study and development of equipments to enable its management into the plasma torch. The objective of this work is to develop a powder feeder which can solve the mainly problems about insertion of powder into the thermal spray developed in the laboratory of plasmas, which are carried out with plasma torch arc not transferred (plasma spray). Therefore, it was made a aluminum s powder feeder and tests were performed to verify their operation and determine its rate of deposition by spraying powders of niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) with particle sizes less than 250 mesh (<0.063 mm). We used masses of 0.5 g - 1.0 g and 1.5 g of each powder in tests lasting 15 seconds - 20 to 25 seconds for each mass. The tests were performed in two ways: at atmospheric pressure using argon gas with a flow of 9 l / min as carrier gas and through a Venturi pipe also using argon gas with a flow of 9 l / min as carrier gas and with a flow of 20 l/min as the feed gas passing through the Venturi pipe. The powder feeder developed in this paper is very easy to be handling and building, resulting in feeding rate of 0.25 cm3/min - 1.37 cm3/min. The TiO2 showed higher feeding rates than the Nb2O5 in all tests, and the best rates were obtained with tests using mass 1.5 g and time of 15 seconds, reaching feeding rate of 1.37 cm3/min. The flow of feed had low interference in feeding rate during the tests


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This work studies the development, implementation and improvement of a macroscopic model to describe the behavior of the spouted bed dryer with continuous feeding for pastes and suspensions drying. This model is based on the CST model (Freire et al., 2009) and the model of Fernandes (2005), whose theoretical foundation is based on macroscopic mass and heat balances for the three phases involved in the process: gas, liquid and solid. Because this technique is quite relevant, the studies of modeling and simulation of spouted bed drying are essential in the analysis of the process as a whole, because through them it is possible to predict and understand the behavior of the process, which contributes significantly to more efficient project and operation. The development and understanding of the phenomena involved in the drying process can be obtained by comparing the experimental data with those from computer simulations. Such knowledge is critical for choosing properly the process conditions in order to obtain a good drying efficiency. Over the past few years, researches and development of works in the field of pastes and suspensions drying in spouted bed has been gaining ground in Brazil. The Particulate Systems Laboratory at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, has been developing several researches and generating a huge collection of experimental data concerning the drying of fruit pulps, vegetables pastes, goat milk and suspensions of agro-industrial residues. From this collection, some data of goat milk and residue from acerola (Malpighia glabra L.) drying were collected. For the first time, these data were used for the development and validation of a model that can describe the behavior of spouted bed dryer. Thus, it was possible to model the dryer and to evaluate the influence of process variables (paste feeding, temperature and flow rate of the drying air) in the drying dynamics. We also performed water evaporation experiments in order to understand and to study the behavior of the dryer wall temperature and the evaporation rate. All these analysis will contribute to future works involving the implementation of control strategies in the pastes and suspensions drying. The results obtained in transient analysis were compared with experimental data indicating that this model well represents the process


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This paper proposes a methodology for automatic extraction of building roof contours from a Digital Elevation Model (DEM), which is generated through the regularization of an available laser point cloud. The methodology is based on two steps. First, in order to detect high objects (buildings, trees etc.), the DEM is segmented through a recursive splitting technique and a Bayesian merging technique. The recursive splitting technique uses the quadtree structure for subdividing the DEM into homogeneous regions. In order to minimize the fragmentation, which is commonly observed in the results of the recursive splitting segmentation, a region merging technique based on the Bayesian framework is applied to the previously segmented data. The high object polygons are extracted by using vectorization and polygonization techniques. Second, the building roof contours are identified among all high objects extracted previously. Taking into account some roof properties and some feature measurements (e. g., area, rectangularity, and angles between principal axes of the roofs), an energy function was developed based on the Markov Random Field (MRF) model. The solution of this function is a polygon set corresponding to building roof contours and is found by using a minimization technique, like the Simulated Annealing (SA) algorithm. Experiments carried out with laser scanning DEM's showed that the methodology works properly, as it delivered roof contours with approximately 90% shape accuracy and no false positive was verified.


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This paper proposes a monoscopic method for automatic determination of building's heights in digital photographs areas, based on radial displacement of points in the plan image and geometry at the time the photo is obtained. Determination of the buildings' heights can be used to model the surface in urban areas, urban planning and management, among others. The proposed methodology employs a set of steps to detect arranged radially from the system of photogrammetric coordinates, which characterizes the lateral edges of buildings present in the photo. In a first stage is performed the reduction of the searching area through detection of shadows projected by buildings, generating sub-images of the areas around each of the detected shadow. Then, for each sub-image, the edges are automatically extracted, and tests of consistency are applied for it in order to be characterized as segments of straight arranged radially. Next, with the lateral edges selected and the knowledge of the flight height, the buildings' heights can be calculated. The experimental results obtained with real images showed that the proposed approach is suitable to perform the automatic identification of the buildings height in digital images.


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This article proposes a method for 3D road extraction from a stereopair of aerial images. The dynamic programming (DP) algorithm is used to carry out the optimization process in the object-space, instead of usually doing it in the image-space such as the DP traditional methodologies. This means that road centerlines are directly traced in the object-space, implying that a mathematical relationship is necessary to connect road points in object and image-space. This allows the integration of radiometric information from images into the associate mathematical road model. As the approach depends on an initial approximation of each road, it is necessary a few seed points to coarsely describe the road. Usually, the proposed method allows good results to be obtained, but large anomalies along the road can disturb its performance. Therefore, the method can be used for practical application, although it is expected some kind of local manual edition of the extracted road centerline.


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In this paper is a totally automatic strategy proposed to reduce the complexity of patterns ( vegetation, building, soils etc.) that interact with the object 'road' in color images, thus reducing the difficulty of the automatic extraction of this object. The proposed methodology consists of three sequential steps. In the first step the punctual operator is applied for artificiality index computation known as NandA ( Natural and Artificial). The result is an image whose the intensity attribute is the NandA response. The second step consists in automatically thresholding the image obtained in the previous step, resulting in a binary image. This image usually allows the separation between artificial and natural objects. The third step consists in applying a preexisting road seed extraction methodology to the previous generated binary image. Several experiments carried out with real images made the verification of the potential of the proposed methodology possible. The comparison of the obtained result to others obtained by a similar methodology for road seed extraction from gray level images, showed that the main benefit was the drastic reduction of the computational effort.


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Objetivou-se identificar os conhecimentos e as práticas relacionados à alimentação de crianças entre zero e três anos, a fim de complementar a formação das profissionais que trabalham com crianças, na área da educação nutricional. O procedimento metodológico seguiu as orientações do estudo de caso, com abordagem qualitativa. Os saberes e as práticas das participantes do estudo foram analisados por meio de questões abertas e fechadas e das observações dos tópicos relacionados à nutrição infantil, juntamente com os dados sobre a formação dessas profissionais. Pode-se concluir que tanto as agentes educacionais quanto as professoras de Ensino Infantil são detentoras de um conhecimento sobre Nutrição Infantil, porém a preocupação maior destas foi atender as necessidades nutricionais das crianças por meio de uma boa alimentação, deixando, em segundo plano, as atividades pedagógicas, as quais poderiam ser realizadas em um programa de educação nutricional, construído coletivamente e inserido no projeto político-pedagógico da escola.


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Este estudo teve como objetivos determinar o perfil e o estado nutricional da clientela e a composição química e nutricional das refeições oferecidas no restaurante universitário da Universidade Estadual Paulista de Araraquara, Brasil. Realizou-se a determinação química do teor de proteínas, lipídios, carboidratos, fibra, cinzas e umidade de amostras das refeições fornecidas. A amostra populacional foi constituída de 403 usuários (212 mulheres e 191 homens). em relação ao perfil do usuário, constatou-se que 82,60% encontravam-se na faixa etária de 18 a 25 anos e 75,44% dos indivíduos apresentaram índice de massa corporal dentro da faixa de normalidade. em média, as refeições continham 4,74% de proteínas, 10,84% de lipídeos, 24,32% de carboidratos, 3,30% de fibras, 1,00% de cinzas e 55,00% de umidade. Os dados mostraram que as refeições do restaurante universitário continham excesso de proteínas e de energia e que se faz necessário realizar ajustes na sua composição para adequá-la ao perfil da clientela atendida.


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The new technique for automatic search of the order parameters and critical properties is applied to several well-know physical systems, testing the efficiency of such a procedure, in order to apply it for complex systems in general. The automatic-search method is combined with Monte Carlo simulations, which makes use of a given dynamical rule for the time evolution of the system. In the problems inves¬tigated, the Metropolis and Glauber dynamics produced essentially equivalent results. We present a brief introduction to critical phenomena and phase transitions. We describe the automatic-search method and discuss some previous works, where the method has been applied successfully. We apply the method for the ferromagnetic fsing model, computing the critical fron¬tiers and the magnetization exponent (3 for several geometric lattices. We also apply the method for the site-diluted ferromagnetic Ising model on a square lattice, computing its critical frontier, as well as the magnetization exponent f3 and the susceptibility exponent 7. We verify that the universality class of the system remains unchanged when the site dilution is introduced. We study the problem of long-range bond percolation in a diluted linear chain and discuss the non-extensivity questions inherent to long-range-interaction systems. Finally we present our conclusions and possible extensions of this work


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Foi desenvolvido um experimento com a finalidade de determinar a viabilidade da inclusão do milheto (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Brown) em rações de suínos em fases de crescimento e terminação, observando seu efeito sobre o consumo diário de ração, ganho diário de peso e conversão alimentar. Foi observado também o efeito da adição de milheto sobre as características de carcaça, sendo utilizados 60 leitões machos, híbridos de linhagem comercial, com peso médio inicial de 22,7 kg. Os tratamentos foram 0, 15, 30, 45 e 60% de inclusão de milheto nas rações de suínos. O delineamento utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e seis repetições, sendo utilizados dois animais por unidade experimental. Utilizou-se, ainda, os desdobramentos dos graus de liberdade de tratamentos, para a realização da regressão polinomial. Não houve efeito dos níveis de inclusão de milheto sobre o desempenho, nas fases de crescimento e terminação, nem sobre as características de carcaça. Concluiu-se que a adição de milheto em rações de suínos é viável. Considerando-se os preços dos ingredientes durante este experimento, a adição de 45% de milheto mostrou-se mais eficiente economicamente.


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Avaliar os dados de aleitamento materno e alimentação complementar de crianças menores de um ano, do Rio Grande do Norte (RN), de acordo com o que é preconizado pelas políticas e ações de alimentação e nutrição. Métodos: Foi analisado o banco de dados da Chamada Neonatal do RN, pesquisa realizada pelo Ministério da Saúde em 2010. A amostra analisada foi de 837 pares mãe/filho que responderam ao questionário da pesquisa nos municípios investigados. Foram analisadas a prevalência de dados de aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME), na primeira hora de vida, parcial (AMP) e total (AMT), assim como dos alimentos ingeridos, pelas crianças, nas ultimas 24 horas anterior a entrevista. As frequências e médias foram feitas pelo comando Complex samples, no SPSS® 20.0, com IC95%. Foram estimadas as medianas de tempo de AME e AMT, assim como a mediana de tempo de introdução dos grupos de alimentos consumidos, em relação a idade da criança pelo método de probitos. Foi feita associação das probabilidades de tempo de AME e AMT com as variáveis sociodemográficas e de pré-natal (p<0.05). Resultados: Foram encontradas médias de idades de 5,28 ± 3,4 meses e 25,9 ± 6,4 anos, para crianças e mães, respectivamente. A prática de aleitamento na primeira hora de vida foi considerada boa (66,6%) e o percentual de AME (20%) razoável,segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde, 2008. Mais da metade das crianças (55,1%) estavam em AMP. No total 60% estavam sendo amamentadas (AMT) ao final do primeiro ano de vida. O AME teve mediana de 63 dias e AMT de 358 dias. Estes dados não se diferenciaram muito entre a capital e os municípios do interior. A maioria das mães entrevistadas (73,8%) referiu ter tido orientação sobre aleitamento no pré- natal, tendo associação (p=0,03) com a probabilidade de tempo de AME, porém com pouca explicabilidade (R2= 0,011). Água ou chá, alimentos lácteos, frutas, legumes e verduras foram introduzidos precocemente com medianas menores que 180 dias. O aleitamento tende a diminuir e os alimentos tendem a aumentar o consumo de acordo com a idade da criança, com aumento exponencial do grupo calorias vazias . Conclusões: Conclui-se que mesmo com maioria das crianças amamentadas até um ano de vida, poucas estavam em AME e introduziram alimentos precocemente, não tendo resultado satisfatório frente ao preconizado pelas políticas públicas de alimentação e nutrição


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The terminological performance of the descriptors representing the Information Science domain in the SIBI/USP Controlled Vocabulary was evaluated in manual, automatic and semi-automatic indexing processes. It can be concluded that, in order to have a better performance (i.e., to adequately represent the content of the corpus), current Information Science descriptors of the SIBi/USP Controlled Vocabulary must be extended and put into context by means of terminological definitions so that information needs of users are fulfilled.


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O propósito neste texto é divulgar um projeto de investigação que foi desenvolvido com professores do 2º ciclo, no qual se utilizou uma metodologia do tipo investigação-ação. Por intermédio deste projeto foi possível avaliar o impacto do uso de estratégias do Ensino por Pesquisa (EPP), com vista ao desenvolvimento de novas competências científico-didáticas (atitudes e saberes). Tais estratégias foram desenvolvidas com base em preceitos da Nova Didática e no âmbito de um programa de formação. Os dados levantados e analisados mostraram que esse tipo de metodologia contribui para a superação de dificuldades de aprendizagem inerentes a processos de formação profissional (inicial e continuada), como a de aprender por meio do trabalho cooperativo na Escola.