911 resultados para aerobic physical exercise


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O exercício aeróbio promove efeitos benéficos na prevenção e tratamento de doenças como hipertensão arterial, aterosclerose, insuficiência venosa e doença arterial periférica. Os receptores β-adrenérgicos estão presentes em várias células. No sistema cardiovascular, promovem inotropismo e cronotropismo positivo cardíaco e relaxamento vascular. Embora os efeitos do exercício tenham sido investigados em receptores cardíacos, estudos focados nos vasos são escassos e controversos. Esta revisão abordará os efeitos do exercício físico sobre os receptores β-adrenérgicos vasculares em modelos animais e humanos e os mecanismos celulares envolvidos na resposta relaxante. em geral, os estudos mostram resultantes conflitantes, onde observam diminuição, aumento ou nenhum efeito do exercício físico sobre a resposta relaxante. Assim, os efeitos do exercício na sensibilidade β-adrenérgica vascular merecem maior atenção, e os resultados mostram que a área de fisiopatologia vascular é um campo aberto para a descoberta de novos compostos e avanços na prática clínica.


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A deficiência de estrógenos, as alterações do perfil lipídico, o ganho de peso e o sedentarismo são considerados os principais fatores para a maior prevalência de hipertensão arterial em mulheres na menopausa. Na tentativa de reduzir a incidência da hipertensão arterial nessa população, diversas abordagens têm sido empregadas, porém a maioria dos trabalhos mostra que, nesse momento, a mudança de estilo de vida parece ser a melhor estratégia para o controle da hipertensão arterial e de seus fatores de risco nessa fase de vida da mulher - entre elas a prática de atividade física regular. O exercício físico contínuo, no qual a intensidade é mantida constante (leve/moderada), tem sido empregado na maioria dos trabalhos dentro da área de Saúde, com evidentes efeitos benéficos sobre as doenças cardiovasculares e endócrino-metabólicas. A prescrição do exercício contínuo caracteriza-se por atividades de pelo menos 30 minutos, três dias por semana, numa intensidade de 50 a 70% da frequência cardíaca máxima. O exercício físico intermitente caracteriza-se por alterações em sua intensidade durante a realização do treinamento, podendo variar de 50 a 85% da frequência cardíaca máxima, durante dez minutos. Atualmente, o exercício físico intermitente tem sido também empregado como forma de treinamento físico em diversas clínicas de controle de peso e em treinamentos personalizados, o que é devido ao menor tempo de execução do exercício físico intermitente. Além disso, trabalhos mostram que as adaptações metabólicas e o condicionamento físico são similares aos observados no exercício contínuo, que exigem maior tempo de execução para obter as mesmas adaptações celulares. Assim, essa revisão abordou a importância do exercício físico no controle da pressão arterial bem como os principais estudos conduzidos em modelos experimentais de menopausa e em mulheres, relacionando a hipertensão arterial e os mecanismos envolvidos em sua gênese e as perspectivas futuras.


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5-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA), a heme precursor that accumulates in acute intermittent porphyria patients and lead-exposed individuals, has previously been shown to autoxidize with generation of reactive oxygen species and to cause in vitro oxidative damage to rat liver mitochondria. We now demonstrate that chronically ALA-treated rats (40 mg/kg body wt every 2 days for 15 days) exhibit decreased mitochondrial enzymatic activities (superoxide dismutase, citrate synthase) in liver and soleus (type I, red) and gastrocnemius (type IIb, white) muscle fibers. Previous adaptation of rats to endurance exercise, indicated by augmented (cytosolic) CuZn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) and (mitochondrial) Mn-SOD activities in several organs, does not protect the animals against liver and soleus mitochondrial damage promoted by intraperitoneal injections of ALA. This is suggested by loss of citrate synthase and Mn-SOD activities and elevation of serum lactate levels, concomitant to decreased glycogen content in soleus and the red portion of gastrocnemius (type IIa) fibers of both sedentary and swimming-trained ALA-treated rats. In parallel, the type IIb gastrocnemius fibers, which are known to obtain energy mainly by glycolysis, do not undergo these biochemical changes. Consistently, ALA-treated rats under swimming training reach fatigue significantly earlier than the control group. These results indicate that ALA may be an important prooxidant in vivo.


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The aim of this work was to evaluate the influence of run training on the responsiveness of corpus cavernosum (CC) from rats made hypertensive by treatment with nitric oxide (NO) synthesis inhibitor. Wistar rats were divided into sedentary control (C-SD), exercise training (C-TR), N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) sedentary (LN-SD) and L-NAME trained (LN-TR) groups. The run training program consisted in 8 weeks in a treadmill, 5 days/week, each session lasted 60 min. L-NAME treatment (2 and 10mg/rat/day) started after 4 weeks of prior physical conditioning and lasted 4 weeks. Concentration-response curves were obtained for acetylcholine (ACh), sodium nitroprusside (SNP), sildenafil and BAY 41-2272. The effect of electrical field stimulation (EFS) on the relaxations responses of CC was evaluated. Run training prevented the arterial hypertension induced by L-NAME treatment (LN-SD: 135+/-2 and 141+/-2 mm Hg for both doses of L-NAME) compared to LN-SD groups (154+/-1 and 175+/-2 mm Hg, for 2 and 10 mg of L-NAME, respectively). Run training produced an increase in the maximal responses (E(max)) of CC for ACh (C-SD: 47+/-3; C-TR: 5271; and LN-TR: 53+/-3%) and SNP (C-SD: 8971; C-TR: 9871; and LN-TR: 95+/-1%). Both potency and E(max) for ACh were reduced in a dose of 10 mg of L-NAME, and run training restored the reduction of E(max) for ACh. No changes were found for BAY 41-2271 and sildenafil. Relaxing responses to EFS was reduced by L-NAME treatment that was restored by prior physical conditioning. In conclusion, our study shows a beneficial effect of prior physical conditioning on the impaired CC relaxing responses in rats made hypertensive by chronic NO blockade.


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OBJECTIVES To test the hypothesis that glyco protein 91phox (gp91(phox)) subunit of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate [NAD(P) H] oxidase is a fundamental target for physical activity to ameliorate erectile dysfunction (ED). Vascular risk factors are reported to contribute to ED. Regular physical exercise prevents cardiovascular diseases by increasing nitric oxide (NO) production and/or decreasing NO inactivation.METHODS Male Wistar rats received the NO synthesis inhibitor N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) for 4 weeks, after which animals were submitted to a run training program for another 4 weeks. Erectile functions were evaluated by in vitro cavernosal relaxations and intracavernous pressure measurements. Expressions of gp91(phox) subunit and neuronal nitric oxidase synthase in erectile tissue, as well as superoxide dismutase activity and nitrite/nitrate (NO(x)) levels were determined.RESULTS The in vitro acetylcholine-and electrical field stimulation-induced cavernosal relaxations, as well as the increases in intracavernous pressure were markedly reduced in sedentary rats treated with L-NAME. Run training significantly restored the impaired cavernosal relaxations. No alterations in the neuronal nitric oxidase synthase protein expression (and its variant penile neuronal nitric oxidase synthase) were detected. A reduction of NO(x) levels and superoxide dismutase activity was observed in L-NAME-treated animals, which was significantly reversed by physical training. Gene expression of subunit gp91(phox) was enhanced by approximately 2-fold in erectile tissue of L-NAME-treated rats, and that was restored to basal levels by run training.CONCLUSIONS Our study shows that ED seen after long-term L-NAME treatment is associated with gp91(phox) subunit upregulation and decreased NO bioavailability. Exercise training reverses the increased oxidative stress in NO-deficient rats, ameliorating the ED. UROLOGY 75: 961-967, 2010. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V.


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The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of ultrasound treatment and physical exercise on the velocity of bone consolidation and resistance to deformation. We performed osteotomy in the upper third of the right tibia of rats. Physical training consisted of swimming 1 h per day with a load of 5% b.w. for 30 days. Therapy with medium-intensity ultrasound was applied daily on the damaged area. Wistar rats were divided into the following groups: osteotomized sedentary animals with no ultrasound treatment (1.OSnUS), osteotomized trained animals with no ultrasound treatment (2.OTnUS), osteotomized sedentary animals with ultrasound treatment (3.OSwUS). and osteotomized trained animals with ultrasound treatment (4.OTwUS). The animals were sacrificed for the following analyses: muscle glycogen, serum alkaline phosphatase at the 5th, 10th, 20th, and 30th days, test of maximum resistance to flexion, rupture flexion and mean tibial rigidity at the 30th day. Muscle glycogen was increased at the 20th day: alkaline phosphatase was elevated at the 5th and 20th days in groups 3.OSwUS and 4.OTwUS. and decreased at the 10th day. Groups1.OSnUS and 2.OTnUS did not show significant variations. In the mechanical resistance tests, we noted that ultrasound therapy and the association of physical activity used in the present study showed significant differences in bone resistance and bone rigidity after 30 days of treatment. These facts suggest that ultrasound or physical activity, or their combination may accelerate the process of bone tissue repair.


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Physical exercise induces hemodynamic/ventilatory and neuromuscular adaptations that can be reverted with interruption of the training program. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of detraining on physical fitness related to health. Forty-four healthy subjects, both male and female, aged 57.6±8.9 years performed the 'Mexa-se Pró-Saúde' protocol with nutritional orientation and supervised physical exercises for nine months. The program consisted of aerobic, localized muscular endurance and flexibility exercises, with duration 80 minutes/session, five days/week. Only subjects who participated in the program for more than three days/week have been selected. The detraining period was one month. Weight (kg) and height (m) were measured and the body mass index (BMI) calculated. Additionally, motors tests to evaluate the flexibility (FLEX), strength of lower limbs (SLL) and upper limbs (SUL), and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2máx) were conducted in the beginning of the study (MI), after nine months of practicing (MT) and after detraining period (MD). ANOVA (p<0.05) and Tukey test to show the difference between groups when it evidence were used for statistical treatment. The results showed that the gains of 22% and 7% on SLL and VO2máx respectively, obtained with the training, have not changed during the detraining period; however, the flexibility gain of 8% returned back to baseline after the detraining period. BMI and SUL did not change during the study. Although the lower limbs strength gains and maximal oxygen uptake obtained have been kept, one month of detraining was enough for losing the flexibility acquired.


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Aims: The effect of exercise training (ET) on vascular responsiveness in diabetes mellitus has been largely well studied. However, limited studies have investigated the effects of ET on functional responses of the corpus cavernosum (CC) in diabetic animals. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate whether prior ET prevents the impairment of erectile function in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats. Main methods: Rats were exercised for four weeks prior to the induction of diabetes, and then again for another 4 weeks thereafter. Concentration-response curves to acetylcholine, sodium nitroprusside, Y-27632, BAY 412272 and phenylephrine (PE) were obtained in CC. The excitatory and inhibitory effects of electrical-field stimulation were also evaluated. Key findings: Plasma SOD levels were markedly decreased in the sedentary diabetic group (D-SD) as compared to control sedentary animals (C-SD), approximately 53% (P < 0.05) and this reduction was restored in trained diabetic animals. Physical training restored the impairment of endothelium-dependent and -independent relaxation responses seen in the D-SD group. The potency values for Y-27632 in the CC were significantly reduced in the D-SD group, which was reversed by physical training. The impairment of electrical-field stimulation (EFS)-induced relaxation seen in the D-SD group was restored by physical training. On the other hand, both EFS-induced contractions and concentration-response curves to PE in cavernosal strips were not modified by either diabetes or physical training. Significance: Practice of regular physical exercise may be an important approach in preventing erectile dysfunction associated with diabetes mellitus by re-establishment of the balance between NO production and its inactivation. © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Obesity, oxidative stress and inflammation, by triggering insulin resistance, may contribute to the accumulation of hepatic fat, and this accumulation by lipotoxicity can lead the organ to fail. Because obesity is growing at an alarming rate and, worryingly, in a precocious way, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of moderate physical training performed from childhood to adulthood on liver fat metabolism in rats. Methods. Twenty rats that were 28days old were divided into two groups: control (C) and trained (T). The C Group was kept in cages without exercise, and the T group was submitted to swimming exercise for 1hour/day, 5days/week from 28 to 90days of age (8weeks) at 80% of the anaerobic threshold determined by the lactate minimum test. At the end of the experiment, the body weight gain, insulin sensitivity (glucose disappearance rate during the insulin tolerance test), concentrations of free fatty acids (FFA) and triglycerides (TG) and hepatic lipogenic rate were analyzed. For the statistical analysis, the Student t-test was used with the level of significance preset at 5%. Results: The T group showed lower body weight gain, FFA concentrations, fat accumulation, hepatic lipogenic rate and insulin resistance. Conclusion: The regular practice of moderate physical exercise from childhood can contribute to the reduction of obesity and insulin resistance and help prevent the development of accumulation of hepatic fat in adulthood. © 2013de Moura et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)