940 resultados para adjuvant arthritis


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Vaccination is the method of choice for the prevention of influenza infection. However, the quantity of the antigen available, especially in the case of pandemics, often fails to meet the global demand. However, improved adjuvants can overcome this problem. Preliminary results obtained in this study revealed that one year after a single subcutaneous immunisation with influenza A H3N2 virus in an oil-based carrier, VaxcineTM, outbreed mice produced a high immunoglobulin G response that lasted for up to one year and exhibited less variation in titre compared with the response of the control group treated with alum. The haemagglutination-inhibition titres induced by VaxcineTM were also higher than those generated by alum. These data indicate that VaxcineTM is a good adjuvant candidate for seasonal influenza vaccines.


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A guideline group of pediatric rheumatologist experts elaborated guidelines related to the management of idiopathic juvenile arthritis in association with the Haute Autorité de Santé (HAS). A systematic search of the literature published between 1998 and August 2008 and indexed in Pubmed was undertaken. Here, we present the guidelines for diagnosis and treatment in systemic-onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis.


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Coxiella burnetii is the agent of Q fever , an emergent worldwide zoonosis of wide clinical spectrum. Although C. burnetii infection is typically associated with acute infection, atypical pneumonia and flu-like symptoms, endocarditis, osteoarticular manifestations and severe disease are possible, especially when the patient has a suppressed immune system; however, these severe complications are typically neglected. This study reports the sequencing of the repetitive element IS1111 of the transposase gene of C. burnetii from blood and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples from a patient with severe pneumonia following methotrexate therapy, resulting in the molecular diagnosis of Q fever in a patient who had been diagnosed with active seronegative polyarthritis two years earlier. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the first documented case of the isolation of C. burnetii DNA from a BAL sample.


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A vaccination campaign against pandemic influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 was held in Brazil in March 2010, using two types of monovalent split virus vaccines: an AS03-adjuvanted vaccine and a non-adjuvanted vaccine. We compared the reactogenicity of the vaccines in health professionals from a Clinical Research Institute in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and there were no serious adverse events following immunization (AEFI) among the 494 subjects evaluated. The prevalence of any AEFI was higher in the AS03-adjuvanted vaccine at 2 h and 24 h post-vaccination [preva-lence ratio (PR): 2.05, confidence interval (CI) 95%: 1.55-2.71, PR: 3.42, CI 95%: 2.62-4.48, respectively]; however, there was no difference between the vaccines in the assessments conducted at seven and 21 days post-vaccination. The group receiving the AS03 post-adjuvanted vaccine had a higher frequency of local reactions at 2 h (PR: 3.01, CI 95%: 2.12-4.29), 24 h (PR: 4.57, CI 95%: 3.29-6.37) and seven days (PR: 6.05, CI 95%: 2.98-12.28) post-vaccination. We concluded that the two types of vaccines caused no serious AEFI in the studied population and the adjuvanted vaccine was more reactogenic, particularly in the 24 h following vaccination. This behaviour must be confirmed and better characterised by longitudinal studies in the general population.


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The present study was conducted to explore whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in Th1 and Th17 cell-mediated immune response genes differentially influence the risk of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in women and men. In phase one, 27 functional/tagging polymorphisms in C-type lectins and MCP-1/CCR2 axis were genotyped in 458 RA patients and 512 controls. Carriers of Dectin-2 rs4264222T allele had an increased risk of RA (OR = 1.47, 95%CI 1.10-1.96) whereas patients harboring the DC-SIGN rs4804803G, MCP-1 rs1024611G, MCP-1 rs13900T and MCP-1 rs4586C alleles had a decreased risk of developing the disease (OR = 0.66, 95%CI 0.49-0.88; OR = 0.66, 95%CI 0.50-0.89; OR = 0.73, 95%CI 0.55-0.97 and OR = 0.68, 95%CI 0.51-0.91). Interestingly, significant gender-specific differences were observed for Dectin-2 rs4264222 and Dectin-2 rs7134303: women carrying the Dectin-2 rs4264222T and Dectin-2 rs7134303G alleles had an increased risk of RA (OR = 1.93, 95%CI 1.34-2.79 and OR = 1.90, 95%CI 1.29-2.80). Also five other SNPs showed significant associations only with one gender: women carrying the MCP-1 rs1024611G, MCP-1 rs13900T and MCP-1 rs4586C alleles had a decreased risk of RA (OR = 0.61, 95%CI 0.43-0.87; OR = 0.67, 95%CI 0.47-0.95 and OR = 0.60, 95%CI 0.42-0.86). In men, carriers of the DC-SIGN rs2287886A allele had an increased risk of RA (OR = 1.70, 95%CI 1.03-2.78), whereas carriers of the DC-SIGN rs4804803G had a decreased risk of developing the disease (OR = 0.53, 95%CI 0.32-0.89). In phase 2, we genotyped these SNPs in 754 RA patients and 519 controls, leading to consistent gender-specific associations for Dectin-2 rs4264222, MCP-1 rs1024611, MCP-1 rs13900 and DC-SIGN rs4804803 polymorphisms in the pooled sample (OR = 1.38, 95%CI 1.08-1.77; OR = 0.74, 95%CI 0.58-0.94; OR = 0.76, 95%CI 0.59-0.97 and OR = 0.56, 95%CI 0.34-0.93). SNP-SNP interaction analysis of significant SNPs also showed a significant two-locus interaction model in women that was not seen in men. This model consisted of Dectin-2 rs4264222 and Dectin-2 rs7134303 SNPs and suggested a synergistic effect between the variants. These findings suggest that Dectin-2, MCP-1 and DC-SIGN polymorphisms may, at least in part, account for gender-associated differences in susceptibility to RA.


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Résumé L'objectif de cette étude est la compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents à l'inflammation articulaire dans un modèle murin d'arthrite induite par le zymosan (ZIA). En particulier, la participation du récepteur Toll 2 (TLR2) et du complément C3 a été recherchée. L'inflammation articulaire a été quantifiée par l'accumulation de Technetium (Tc) in vivo, et par histologie des articulations arthritiques. Les réponses humorales et cellulaires induites par le zymosan ont été quantifiées par la prolifération lymphocytaire in vitro et par la mesure de la production d'anticorps dirigés contre le zymosan in vivo. L'inflammation associée à l'arthrite induite au zymosan est, d'après le Tc-uptake, d'aspect biphasique, avec un pic après 1 jour, puis une deuxième phase plus tardive. La deuxième phase persiste jusqu'au 24 ème jour et est associée au développement d'une immunité spécifique contre le zymosan. Les souris déficientes pour TLR-2 présentent une réduction significative de l'inflammation articulaire précoce (jour 1) et tardive (jour 24), ainsi qu'une nette diminution de l'infiltrat inflammatoire dans la membrane synoviale. De plus, la prolifération de cellules du ganglion lymphatique ainsi que le taux d'IgG dirigés contre le zymosan sont diminués de façon significative après 25 jour d'arthrite chez les souris déficientes en TLR2 par rapport aux souris sauvages contrôles. Par contraste, chez les souris déficientes pour C3 on n'observe pas de différence dans l'uptake de Tc ou le scoring histologique par rapport à la lignée sauvage. Ces résultats montrent que l'arthrite induite au zymosan n'est pas seulement un modèle d'inflammation aigue, mais que l'inflammation synoviale persiste même après 25 jours. Ce modèle implique à la fois des mécanismes d'immunité innée et acquise. Le signalling via TLR 2 semble jouer in rôle dans l'immunité au zymosan et pourrait être responsable de la nature biphasique de ce modèle d'arthrite. Abstract The interplay between the innate and acquired immune systems in chronic inflammation is not well documented. We have investigated the mechanisms of inflammation in murine zymosan-induced arthritis (ZIA) in the light of recent data on the roles of Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) and Dentin-1 in the activation of monocyte/macrophages by zymosan. The severity of inflammation, joint histology, lymphocyte proliferation and antibody production in response to zymosan were analyzed in mice deficient in TLR2 and complement C3, and the effects of Dentin-1 inhibition by laminarin were studied. In comparison with wild-type animals, TLR2-deficient mice showed a significant decrease in the early (day 1) and late phases (day 24) of joint inflammation. C3-deficient mice showed no differences in technetium uptake or histological scoring. TLR2-deficient mice also showed a significant decrease in lymph node cell proliferation in response to zymosan and a lower IgG antibody response to zymosan at day 25 in comparison with wild-type controls, indicating that TLR2 signalling has a role in the development of acquired immune responses to zymosan. Although laminarin, a soluble β-glucan, was able to significantly inhibit zymosan uptake by macrophages in vitro, it had no effect on ZIA in vivo. These results show that ZIA is more prolonged than was originally described and involves both the innate and acquired immune pathways. C3 does not seem to have a major role in this model of joint inflammation.


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Leptospirosis in humans usually involves hypokalaemia and hypomagnesaemia and the putative mechanism underlying such ionic imbalances may be related to nitric oxide (NO) production. We previously demonstrated the correlation between serum levels of NO and the severity of renal disease in patients with severe leptospirosis. Methylene blue inhibits soluble guanylyl cyclase (downstream of the action of any NO synthase isoforms) and was recently reported to have beneficial effects on clinical and experimental sepsis. We investigated the occurrence of serum ionic changes in experimental leptospirosis at various time points (4, 8, 16 and 28 days) in a hamster model. We also determined the effect of methylene blue treatment when administered as an adjuvant therapy, combined with late initiation of standard antibiotic (ampicillin) treatment. Hypokalaemia was not reproduced in this model: all of the groups developed increased levels of serum potassium (K). Furthermore, hypermagnesaemia, rather than magnesium (Mg) depletion, was observed in this hamster model of acute infection. These findings may be associated with an accelerated progression to acute renal failure. Adjuvant treatment with methylene blue had no effect on survival or serum Mg and K levels during acute-phase leptospirosis in hamsters.


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BACKGROUND The number of copies of the HLA-DRB1 shared epitope, and the minor alleles of the STAT4 rs7574865 and the PTPN22 rs2476601 polymorphisms have all been linked with an increased risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis. In the present study, we investigated the effects of these genetic variants on disease activity and disability in patients with early arthritis. METHODOLOGY AND RESULTS We studied 640 patients with early arthritis (76% women; median age, 52 years), recording disease-related variables every 6 months during a 2-year follow-up. HLA-DRB1 alleles were determined by PCR-SSO, while rs7574865 and rs2476601 were genotyped with the Taqman 5' allelic discrimination assay. Multivariate analysis was performed using generalized estimating equations for repeated measures. After adjusting for confounding variables such as gender, age and ACPA, the TT genotype of rs7574865 in STAT4 was associated with increased disease activity (DAS28) as compared with the GG genotype (β coefficient [95% confidence interval] = 0.42 [0.01-0.83], p = 0.044). Conversely, the presence of the T allele of rs2476601 in PTPN22 was associated with diminished disease activity during follow-up in a dose-dependent manner (CT genotype = -0.27 [-0.56- -0.01], p = 0.042; TT genotype = -0.68 [-1.64- -0.27], p = 0.162). After adjustment for gender, age and disease activity, homozygosity for the T allele of rs7574865 in STAT4 was associated with greater disability as compared with the GG genotype. CONCLUSIONS Our data suggest that patients with early arthritis who are homozygous for the T allele of rs7574865 in STAT4 may develop a more severe form of the disease with increased disease activity and disability.


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BACKGROUND Persistence of anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) therapy in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an overall marker of treatment success. OBJECTIVE To assess the survival of anti-TNF treatment and to define the potential predictors of drug discontinuation in RA, in order to verify the adequacy of current practices. DESIGN An observational, descriptive, longitudinal, retrospective study. SETTING The Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain. PATIENTS RA patients treated with anti-TNF therapy between January 2011 and January 2012. MEASUREMENTS Demographic information and therapy assessments were gathered from medical and pharmaceutical records. Data is expressed as means (standard deviations) for quantitative variables and frequency distribution for qualitative variables. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis was used to assess persistence, and Cox multivariate regression models were used to assess potential predictors of treatment discontinuation. RESULTS In total, 126 treatment series with infliximab (n = 53), etanercept (n = 51) or adalimumab (n = 22) were administered to 91 patients. Infliximab has mostly been used as a first-line treatment, but it was the drug with the shortest time until a change of treatment. Significant predictors of drug survival were: age; the anti-TNF agent; and the previous response to an anti-TNF drug. LIMITATION The small sample size. CONCLUSION The overall efficacy of anti-TNF drugs diminishes with time, with infliximab having the shortest time until a change of treatment. The management of biologic therapy in patients with RA should be reconsidered in order to achieve disease control with a reduction in costs.


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INTRODUCTION Obesity is an unfavorable prognostic factor in breast cancer (BC) patients regardless of menopausal status and treatment received. However, the association between obesity and survival outcome by pathological subtype requires further clarification. METHODS We performed a retrospective analysis including 5,683 operable BC patients enrolled in four randomized clinical trials (GEICAM/9906, GEICAM/9805, GEICAM/2003-02, and BCIRG 001) evaluating anthracyclines and taxanes as adjuvant treatments. Our primary aim was to assess the prognostic effect of body mass index (BMI) on disease recurrence, breast cancer mortality (BCM), and overall mortality (OM). A secondary aim was to detect differences of such prognostic effects by subtype. RESULTS Multivariate survival analyses adjusting for age, tumor size, nodal status, menopausal status, surgery type, histological grade, hormone receptor status, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status, chemotherapy regimen, and under-treatment showed that obese patients (BMI 30.0 to 34.9) had similar prognoses to that of patients with a BMI < 25 (reference group) in terms of recurrence (Hazard Ratio [HR] = 1.08, 95% Confidence Interval [CI] = 0.90 to 1.30), BCM (HR = 1.02, 0.81 to 1.29), and OM (HR = 0.97, 0.78 to 1.19). Patients with severe obesity (BMI ≥ 35) had a significantly increased risk of recurrence (HR = 1.26, 1.00 to 1.59, P = 0.048), BCM (HR = 1.32, 1.00 to 1.74, P = 0.050), and OM (HR = 1.35, 1.06 to 1.71, P = 0.016) compared to our reference group. The prognostic effect of severe obesity did not vary by subtype. CONCLUSIONS Severely obese patients treated with anthracyclines and taxanes present a worse prognosis regarding recurrence, BCM, and OM than patients with BMI < 25. The magnitude of the harmful effect of BMI on survival-related outcomes was similar across subtypes.


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Rheumatoid arthritis occurs frequently in women in childbearing years. With the improvement of the treatments, more patients with rheumatoid arthritis consider a pregnancy. Close co-operation between the physician and the obstetrician caring for the mother and the foetus is necessary. The disease should be well controlled at the time of the conception, although an amelioration of rheumatoid arthritis occurs in about 75% of pregnancies, in the first trimester. Some medications can be used during pregnancy and lactation. There is no indication of any adverse effects of rheumatoid arthritis on pregnancy outcome. The mother needs to be followed up regularly after delivery because of the high risk of post-partum flare.


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The incidence of second non-breast primary cancer following adjuvant treatment was evaluated using data from patients enrolled from 1978 to 1999 in four International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG) trials. The occurrence of these tumours as sites of the first failure was assessed separately for two treatment comparisons: toremifene versus tamoxifen for 5 years in 1035 patients in IBCSG Trials 12-93 and 14-93 with a median follow-up of 8 years and endocrine therapy (toremifene or tamoxifen) versus chemo-endocrine therapy (CMF or AC plus toremifene or tamoxifen) in 1731 patients from IBCSG Trials III, VII and 12-93, with a combined median follow-up of 14 years. No significant differences in second non-breast primary tumours were observed in either comparison. In particular, the incidences of second primary uterine tumours with toremifene and tamoxifen were similar and no significant increase of secondary leukaemias was observed with chemo-endocrine therapy compared with endocrine therapy.


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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease characterised by the destruction of articular cartilage and bone damage. The chronic treatment of RA patients causes a higher susceptibility to infectious diseases such as tuberculosis (TB); one-third of the world’s population is latently infected (LTBI) with Mycobacterium tuberculosis(Mtb). The tuberculin skin test is used to identify individuals LTBI, but many studies have shown that this test is not suitable for RA patients. The goal of this work was to test the specific cellular immune responses to the Mtb malate synthase (GlcB) and heat shock protein X (HspX) antigens of RA patients and to correlate those responses with LTBI status. The T-helper (Th)1, Th17 and Treg-specific immune responses to the GlcB and HspX Mtb antigens were analysed in RA patients candidates for tumour necrosis factor-α blocker treatment. Our results demonstrated that LTBI RA patients had Th1-specific immune responses to GlcB and HspX. Patients were followed up over two years and 14.3% developed active TB. After the development of active TB, RA patients had increased numbers of Th17 and Treg cells, similar to TB patients. These results demonstrate that a GlcB and HspX antigen assay can be used as a diagnostic test to identify LTBI RA patients.


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Cerebral malaria (CM) is a life-threatening complication of Plasmodium falciparum malaria that continues to be a major global health problem. Brain vascular dysfunction is a main factor underlying the pathogenesis of CM and can be a target for the development of adjuvant therapies for the disease. Vascular occlusion by parasitised red blood cells and vasoconstriction/vascular dysfunction results in impaired cerebral blood flow, ischaemia, hypoxia, acidosis and death. In this review, we discuss the mechanisms of vascular dysfunction in CM and the roles of low nitric oxide bioavailability, high levels of endothelin-1 and dysfunction of the angiopoietin-Tie2 axis. We also discuss the usefulness and relevance of the murine experimental model of CM by Plasmodium berghei ANKA to identify mechanisms of disease and to screen potential therapeutic interventions.


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Six patients, five of whom had normal and one impaired renal function, and all suffering from purulent arthritis caused by cephalosporin-sensitive germs, were given a seven-day course of 8 g cephacetrile daily. On the first day, 6 g were administered by continuous intravenous infusion at the rate of 500 mg/h, followed by 2 g over a further 45 min. On days 2 to 7, the patients received 2 short infusions of 4 g each at an interval of 12 h. In four patients with normal renal function, serum half-life ranged from 0.8 to 1.4 h, serum levels during continuous infusion from 19 to 31 microgram/ml, and total clearances from 265 to 434 ml/min. In one patients, these values were 1.6 h, 70 microgram/ml and 131 ml/min respectively (small volume of distribution). The concentrations in the synovial fluid varied from 2 to 29 mcirogram/ml; they were generally lower than the serum levels, but clearly exceeded the minimum inhibitory concentrations for germs commonly present in purulent arthritis. In five patients, the synovial fluid became germ-free and the arthritis was clinically cured. In the case presenting with renal insufficiency, the serum half-life was 5.8 h. During continuous administration, a steady state was not attained; peak serum levels amo9nted to 75 microgram/ml and the total clearance to 61 ml/min. The cephacetrile concentrations in the synovial fluid were very high (26 and 67 microgram/ml). In this case, in which the renal insufficiency associated with mycosis fungoides was present before the treatment, renal function deteriorated futher during treatment while the arthritis improved.