944 resultados para abdominal pain


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We report a case of a 24-year-old woman who was delivered via cesarean section at 39 weeks and presented in the puerperium with symptoms of worsening abdominal pain and septicaemia. Preoperative ultrasonography suggested the presence of a pelvic collection. Explorative laparotomy revealed the simultaneous presence of Meckel's diverticulitis and appendicitis without bowel perforation. The patient made an uneventful recovery following small bowel resection with end to end reanastomosis and appendicectomy.


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Extra Ovarian Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma (EOPPC) is a rare type of adenocarcinoma of the pelvic and abdominal peritoneum. The objective examination and the histological aspect of the neoplasia virtually overlaps with that of ovarian carcinoma. The reported case is that of a 72 year-old patient who had undergone a total hysterectomy with bilateral annessiectomy surgery 20 years earlier subsequently to a diagnosis for uterine leiomyomatosis. The patient came to our attention presenting recurring abdominal pain, constipation, weight loss, severe asthenia and fever. Her blood test results showed hypochromic microcytic anemia and a remarkable increase CA125 marker levels. Instrumental diagnostics with Ultrasound (US) and CT scans indicated the presence of a single peritoneal mass (10-12 cm diameter) close to the great epiploon. The patient was operated through a midline abdominal incision and the mass was removed with the great omentum. No primary tumor was found anywhere else in the abdomen and in the pelvis. The operation lasted approximately 50 minutes. The post-operative course was normal and the patient was discharged four days later. The histological exam of the neoplasia, supported by immunohistochemical analysis, showed a significant positivity for CA 125, vimentin and cytocheratin, presence of psammoma bodies, and cytoarchitectural pattern resembling that of a serous ovarian carcinoma even in absence of primitiveness, leading to a final diagnosis of EOPPC. The patient later underwent six cycles of chemotherapy with paclitaxel (135 mg/m2/24 hr) in association with cisplatin (75mg/m2). At the fourth year follow-up no sign of relapse was observed. .


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Background. Duodenal injuries are rare in children and classically present following a fall over the handle bar. Retroperitoneal location of the duodenum may lead to delay in diagnosis, and missed injuries are associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Case report. A 5-year-old child was admitted to the National Trauma Center, in Tirana (Albania), 28 hours after a Motor Vehicle Crash (MVC), complaining of mild abdominal pain. He was febrile (39°C) and had a white blood cells count of 18,000 mm3. On physical exam he had mild tenderness. Plain abdominal X-rays and Focused Abdominal Sonography for Trauma (FAST) were negative for free air or free fluid. The CT scan of the abdomen demonstrated free air and fluid in the retroperitoneal space. At laparatomy, a perforation of the second portion of the duodenum was found. A single layer suture repair of the duodenum with wide drainage was performed. The patient was discharged from the hospital tolerating oral feeding 8 days later. Conclusion. Duodenal injuries in children are rare. Most duodenal hematomas are managed non-operatively. This is a case of MCV with delayed presentation that was treated surgically for perforation successfully.


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Objectives: We report a case of primary melanoma of the small intestine. Primary intestinal melanoma (PIM) is an extremely rare neoplasm for which the cause is unknown. Materials and methods: A 67-year-old man was admitted to our department due to abdominal pain, constipation, a large, hard inguinal mass and severe anaemia. Results: After laboratory data, imaging techniques and histopathological examination, the diagnosis was confirmed. A surgical resection of the intestinal neoplasm, treatment with BRAF inhibitors and radiation therapy to the inguinal mass were performed. Conclusion: PIM is rare and it is usually difficult to establish its exact origin.


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Papyllary cystic tumor of the pancreas, so-called Frantz’s tumor, is rare. Clinical presentation of this disease is usually a slowly growing abdominal mass with or without abdominal pain, affecting predominantly young females. Its pathogenesis is still unknown . Surgical resection is usually curative, and prognosis is excellent. The authors report two pancreatic tumor cases(Frantz’s tumor) in women aged 26 and 31 years old. Pre operative assessment showed a solid-cystic tumor of the tail and body of the pancreas. An extended distal pancreatectomy was performed without splenic preservation


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The authors describe a case of a 48-year-old man who presented with four weeks of fever, generalized malaise, weight loss, right upper quadrant abdominal pain and hepatosplenomegaly. He evolved with pancytopenia, bone marrow haemophagocytosis and hyperferritinaemia. Recent diagnosis of HIV infection, with the exclusion of other plausible causes, prompted the diagnosis of haemophagocytic syndrome (HPS) secondary to HIV. Despite intensive care support and initiation of antiretroviral therapy, the patient died. HPS diagnosis secondary to HIV alone demands the exclusion of all the other secondary causes. The best approach includes early diagnosis and specific treatment of the associated cause, whenever possible.


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A 61-year-old man presented with high fever, and severe back and abdominal pain following transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS)-guided prostate biopsy. Diagnosis of spondylodiscitis and psoas abscesses was made based on MRI images of the lumbar tract of the spine. Six-month broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment and immobilization with a girdle overcame the disease without any relapse at the 1-year follow-up. Spondylodiscitis after TRUS-guided prostate biopsy is a rare event, which is not yet included as a major complication of the procedure. It is probably due to the presence of fluoroquinolone-resistant bacteria in faeces. It is, therefore, important to highlight this possibility and to stress the use of targeted antibiotic prophylaxis after rectal flora swabbing with selected antibiotics at sufficient concentrations to be effective.


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Objectives: To describe the diagnosis and treatment of a severely ill patient presenting with thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) of unknown cause. Case presentation: An adult female presented to intensive care with abdominal pain and haemorrhagic shock, requiring reanimation. Results: Features of TMA were present, but initial plasma exchange was ineffective. Treatment with the anti-C5 antibody, eculizumab, improved laboratory parameters and organ function, albeit slowly. Eculizumab remains effective and well tolerated after 30 months of treatment. Conclusion: This case demonstrates the complexities and importance of early identification of atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome in patients presenting with TMA.


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The gastrointestinal system is commonly implicated in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). Ascites, produced by several mechanisms has been reported as a systemic manifestation of lupus, but only rarely as an initial presentation of the disease. Its appearance is often insidious and without abdominal pain. Chylous ascites (such as chyle in the peritoneal cavity) has seldom been reported in SLE. We describe a case of chylous ascites in an SLE patient, reviewing the other published cases, its pathophysiology and its management.


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Percutaneous liver biopsy (PLB) is a common procedure in patients with liver disease. Bleeding after PLB is rare, with an incidence of 0.35%. Most bleeding complications present within 24 h after biopsy. A 56-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital due to severe and sudden right upper quadrant (RUQ) abdominal pain 10 days after ultrasound (US)-guided PLB. CT study revealed both intrahepatic and intraperitoneal bleeding, and Hb levels decreased by 3.2 g/dl within a few hours. Such a prolonged delay in PLB-related bleeding has not been previously described in the medical literature.


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Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is known to involve the gastrointestinal tract, but gallbladder involvement is rare. The authors report the case of a 26-year-old postpartum female who presented with acute right upper quadrant abdominal pain and was diagnosed with acute acalculous cholecystitis (AAC). In the presence of concomitant features of nephritis, pericardial effusion, anaemia and positive ANA titre, the diagnosis of SLE was confirmed during hospitalisation. Histopathological analysis of the gall bladder revealed evidence of vasculitis. Although rare, AAC can be the first presentation of patients diagnosed with SLE. Prompt diagnosis and management results in a better patient outcome.


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Introducción: Alrededor del 25 a 50% de sujetos con enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico tienen enfermedad persistente progresiva, en ellos, la intervención quirúrgica constituye la mejor opción y el único recurso capaz de restaurar la barrera gastroesofágica. La funduplicatura de Nissen de elección, se realiza por laparoscopía desde febrero de 1997 en nuestro hospital. Objetivo: describir aspectos demográficos y clínicos de pacientes sometidos a funduplicatura de Nissen laparoscópico en el hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Método: análisis descriptivo y retrospectivo de videos e historias clínicas en estadística y cirugía de las funduplicaturas de Nissen laparoscópico. Resultados: de febrero 1997 a julio 2008, se realizaron 58 funduplicaturas, en 36 hombres y 22 mujeres, con un promedio de 42 años. Síntomas predominantes; pirosis, regurgitación, dolor abdominal y disfagia. Diagnosticados por: endoscopía digestiva alta y serie esófagogastroduodenal en todos. Com - plicaciones posoperatorias inmediatas: íleo 9, disfagia 5, retención urinaria 4. Tiempo operatorio promedio: 181 minutos en 1997, 102 minutos en 2008. Estancia hospitalaria: 4 días. 49 pacientes recibieron alimentación en 24 horas. No hubo conversiones ni mortalidad. Conclusiones: la cirugía laparoscópica en el tratamiento de ERGE va en aumento y constituye un tratamiento eficaz a largo plazo. Pero los cirujanos debemos también examinar los éxitos, los errores, las complicaciones y limitaciones de estas aplicaciones a largo plazo y con más variables estudiadas.


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Here we describe the case of a 19-year-old woman with a poorly differentiated ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor and an elevated serum alphafetoprotein level. The patient presented with diffuse abdominal pain and bloating. Physical examination, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a right ovarian tumor that was histopathologically diagnosed as a poorly differentiated Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor with heterologous elements. Her alpha-fetoprotein serum level was undetectable after tumor resection. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors are rare sex cord-stromal tumors that account for 0.5% of all ovarian neoplasms. Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors tend to be unilateral and occur in women under 30 years of age. Although they are the most common virilizing tumor of the ovary, about 60% are endocrineinactive tumors. Elevated serum levels of alpha-fetoprotein are rarely associated with Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors, with only approximately 30 such cases previously reported in the literature. The differential diagnosis should include common alpha-fetoprotein-producing ovarian entities such as germ cell tumors, as well as other non-germ cell tumors that have been rarely reported to produce this tumor marker.


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A man complained of upper abdominal pain and early satiety for one month. An upper gastrointestinal endoscopy showed nothing special. A CT scan of the abdomen was performed, which demonstrated a huge heterogeneous retroperitoneal mass close to the dorsal wall of the stomach and surrounding the abdominal aortic and celiac trunk. The resected specimen suggested that an irregular tumor invaded the dorsal wall of the stomach. Postoperative histological examination confirmed that it was a gastric squamous cell carcinoma.


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In this Clinical Practice Guideline we discuss the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of adult patients with constipation and abdominal complaints at the confluence of the irritable bowel syndrome spectrum and functional constipation. Both conditions are included among the functional bowel disorders, and have a significant personal, healthcare, and social impact, affecting the quality of life of the patients who suffer from them. The first one is the irritable bowel syndrome subtype, where constipation represents the predominant complaint, in association with recurrent abdominal pain, bloating, and abdominal distension. Constipation is characterized by difficulties with or low frequency of bowel movements, often accompanied by straining during defecation or a feeling of incomplete evacuation. Most cases have no underlying medical cause, and are therefore considered as a functional bowel disorder. There are many clinical and pathophysiological similarities between both disorders, and both respond similarly to commonly used drugs, their primary difference being the presence or absence of pain, albeit not in an "all or nothing" manner. Severity depends not only upon bowel symptom intensity but also upon other biopsychosocial factors (association of gastrointestinal and extraintestinal symptoms, grade of involvement, and perception and behavior variants). Functional bowel disorders are diagnosed using the Rome criteria. This Clinical Practice Guideline has been made consistent with the Rome IV criteria, which were published late in May 2016, and discuss alarm criteria, diagnostic tests, and referral criteria between Primary Care and gastroenterology settings. Furthermore, all the available treatment options (exercise, fluid ingestion, diet with soluble fiber-rich foods, fiber supplementation, other dietary components, osmotic or stimulating laxatives, probiotics, antibiotics, spasmolytics, peppermint essence, prucalopride, linaclotide, lubiprostone, biofeedback, antidepressants, psychological therapy, acupuncture, enemas, sacral root neurostimulation, surgery) are discussed, and practical recommendations are made regarding each of them.