931 resultados para Yeast decontamination


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The aim of this study was to research Candida dubliniensis among isolates present in a Brazilian yeast collection and to evaluate the main phenotypic methods for discrimination between C. albicans and C. dubliniensis from oral cavity. A total of 200 isolates, presumptively identified as C. albicans or C. dubliniensis obtained from heart transplant patients under immunosuppressive therapy, tuberculosis patients under antibiotic therapy, HIV-positive patients under antiretroviral therapy, and healthy subjects, were analyzed using the following phenotypic tests: formation and structural arrangement of chlamydospores on corn meal agar, casein agar, tobacco agar, and sunflower seed agar; growth at 45 degrees C; and germ tube formation. All strains were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In a preliminary screen for C. dubliniensis, 48 of the 200 isolates on corn meal agar, 30 of the 200 on casein agar, 16 of the 200 on tobacco agar, and 15 of the 200 on sunflower seed agar produced chlamydoconidia; 27 of the 200 isolates showed no or poor growth at 45 degrees C. All isolates were positive for germ tube formation. These isolates were considered suggestive of C. dubliniensis. All of them were subjected to PCR analysis using C. dubliniensis-specific primers. C. dubliniensis isolates were not found. C. dubliniensis isolates were not recovered in this study done with immunocompromised patients. Sunflower seed agar was the medium with the smallest number of isolates of C. albicans suggestive of C. dubliniensis. None of the phenotypic methods was 100% effective for discrimination between C. albicans and C. dubliniensis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Calorie restriction is a dietary regimen capable of extending life span in a variety of multicellular organisms. A yeast model of calorie restriction has been developed in which limiting the concentration of glucose in the growth media of Saccharomyces cerevisiae leads to enhanced replicative and chronological longevity. Since S. cerevisiae are Crabtree-positive cells that present repression of aerobic catabolism when grown in high glucose concentrations, we investigated if this phenomenon participates in life span regulation in yeast. S. cerevisiae only exhibited an increase in chronological life span when incubated in limited concentrations of glucose. Limitation of galactose, raffinose or glycerol plus ethanol as substrates did not enhance life span. Furthermore, in Kluyveromyces lactis, a Crabtree-negative yeast, glucose limitation did not promote an enhancement of respiratory capacity nor a decrease in reactive oxygen species formation, as is characteristic of conditions of caloric restriction in S. cerevisiae. In addition, K. lactis did not present an increase in longevity when incubated in lower glucose concentrations. Altogether, our results indicate that release from repression of aerobic catabolism is essential for the beneficial effects of glucose limitation in the yeast calorie restriction model. Potential parallels between these changes in yeast and hormonal regulation of respiratory rates in animals are discussed.


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The bacterial GatCAB operon for tRNA-dependent amidotransferase (AdT) catalyzes the transamidation of mischarged glutamyl-tRNA(Gln) to glutaminyl-tRNA(Gln). Here we describe the phenotype of temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of GTF1, a gene proposed to code for subunit F of mitochondrial AdT in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The ts gtf1 mutants accumulate an electrophoretic variant of the mitochondrially encoded Cox2p subunit of cytochrome oxidase and an unstable form of the Atp8p subunit of the F(1)-F(0) ATP synthase that is degraded, thereby preventing assembly of the F(0) sector. Allotopic expression of recoded ATP8 and COX2 did not significantly improve growth of gtf1 mutants on respiratory substrates. However, ts gft1 mutants are partially rescued by overexpression of PET112 and HER2 that code for the yeast homologues of the catalytic subunits of bacterial AdT. Additionally, B66, a her2 point mutant has a phenotype similar to that of gtf1 mutants. These results provide genetic support for the essentiality, in vivo, of the GatF subunit of the heterotrimeric AdT that catalyzes formation of glutaminyl-tRNA(Gln) (Frechin, M., Senger, B., Braye, M., Kern, D., Martin, R. P., and Becker, H. D. (2009) Genes Dev. 23, 1119-1130).


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Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent for Chagas` disease, has requirements for several cofactors, one of which is heme. Because this organism is unable to synthesize heme, which serves as a prosthetic group for several heme proteins (including the respiratory chain complexes), it therefore must be acquired from the environment. Considering this deficiency, it is an open question as to how heme A, the essential cofactor for eukaryotic CcO enzymes, is acquired by this parasite. In the present work, we provide evidence for the presence and functionality of genes coding for heme O and heme A synthases, which catalyze the synthesis of heme O and its conversion into heme A, respectively. The functions of these T. cruzi proteins were evaluated using yeast complementation assays, and the mRNA levels of their respective genes were analyzed at the different T. cruzi life stages. It was observed that the amount of mRNA coding for these proteins changes during the parasite life cycle, suggesting that this variation could reflect different respiratory requirements in the different parasite life stages.


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Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is a protein that is highly conserved and essential for cell viability. This factor is the only protein known to contain the unique and essential amino acid residue hypusine. This work focused on the structural and functional characterization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae eIF5A. The tertiary structure of yeast eIF5A was modeled based on the structure of its Leishmania mexicana homologue and this model was used to predict the structural localization of new site-directed and randomly generated mutations. Most of the 40 new mutants exhibited phenotypes that resulted from eIF-5A protein-folding defects. Our data provided evidence that the C-terminal alpha-helix present in yeast eIF5A is an essential structural element, whereas the eIF5A N-terminal 10 amino acid extension not present in archaeal eIF5A homologs, is not. Moreover, the mutants containing substitutions at or in the vicinity of the hypusine modification site displayed nonviable or temperature-sensitive phenotypes and were defective in hypusine modification. Interestingly, two of the temperature-sensitive strains produced stable mutant eIF5A proteins - eIF5A(K56A) and eIF5A(Q22H,L93F)- and showed defects in protein synthesis at the restrictive temperature. Our data revealed important structural features of eIF5A that are required for its vital role in cell viability and underscored an essential function of eIF5A in the translation step of gene expression.


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The Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond syndrome protein (SBDS) is a member of a highly conserved protein family of not well understood function, with putative orthologues found in different organisms ranging from Archaea, yeast and plants to vertebrate animals. The yeast orthologue of SBDS, Sdo1p, has been previously identified in association with the 60S ribosomal subunit and is proposed to participate in ribosomal recycling. Here we show that Sdo1p interacts with nucleolar rRNA processing factors and ribosomal proteins, indicating that it might bind the pre-60S complex and remain associated with it during processing and transport to the cytoplasm. Corroborating the protein interaction data, Sdo1p localizes to the nucleus and cytoplasm and co-immunoprecipitates precursors of 60S and 40S subunits, as well as the mature rRNAs. Sdo1p binds RNA directly, suggesting that it may associate with the ribosomal subunits also through RNA interaction. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Oroidin was isolated from the marine sponge Agelas sventres and inhibited the activity and function of Pdr5p, an enzyme responsible for the multidrug resistance phenotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This compound may help in the development of new drugs that reverse this dangerous phenotype of pathogenic yeast and fungi.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae RAD1 and human XPF genes encode a subunit of a nucleotide excision repair endonuclease that also is implicated in some forms of homologous recombination. An Arabidopsis thaliana gene (AtRAD1) encoding the orthologous plant protein has been identified recently. Here we report the isolation of three structurally distinct AtRAD1 cDNAs from A. thaliana leaf tissue RNA. One of the isolates (AtRAD1-1) corresponds to the cDNA previously shown to encode the full-length AtRad1 protein, whereas the other two (AtRAD1-2, AtRAD1-3) differ slightly in size due to variations at the 5′ end of exon 6 or the 3′ end of exon 7, respectively. The sequence differences argue that these cDNAs were probably templated by mRNAs generated via alternative splicing. Diagnostic polymerase chain reaction pointed to the presence of the AtRAD1-1 and AtRAD1-2 but not AtRAD1-3 transcripts in bud and root tissue, and to a fourth transcript (AtRAD1-4), having both alterations identified in AtRAD1-2 and AtRAD1-3, in root tissue. However, the low frequency of detection of AtRAD1-3 and AtRAD1-4 makes the significance of these tissue-specific patterns unclear. The predicted AtRad1-2, AtRad1-3 and AtRad1-4 proteins lack part of the region likely required for endonuclease complex formation. Expression of AtRAD1-2 and AtRAD1-3 in a yeast rad1 mutant did not complement the sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation or the recombination defect associated with the rad1 mutation. These results suggest that alternative splicing may modulate the levels of functional AtRad1 protein.


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Oxysterol binding protein (OSBP) and its homologs have been shown to regulate lipid metabolism and vesicular transport. However, the exact molecular function of individual OSBP homologs remains uncharacterized. Here we demonstrate that the yeast OSBP homolog, Osh6p, bound phosphatidic acid and phosphoinositides via its N-terminal half containing the conserved OSBP-related domain (ORD). Using a green fluorescent protein fusion chimera, Osh6p was found to localize to the cytosol and patch-like or punctate structures in the vicinity of the plasma membrane. Further examination by domain mapping demonstrated that the N-terminal half was associated with FM4-64 positive membrane compartments; however, the C-terminal half containing a putative coiled-coil was localized to the nucleoplasm. Functional analysis showed that the deletion of OSH6 led to a significant increase in total cellular ergosterols, whereas OSH6 overexpression caused both a significant decrease in ergosterol levels and resistance to nystatin. Oleate incorporation into sterol esters was affected in OSH6 overexpressing cells. However, Lucifer yellow internalization, and FM4-64 uptake and transport were unaffected in both OSH6 deletion and overexpressing cells. Furthermore, osh6Δ exhibited no defect in carboxypeptidase Y transport and maturation. Lastly, we demonstrated that both the conserved ORD and the putative coiled-coil motif were indispensable for the in vivo function of Osh6p. These data suggest that Osh6p plays a role primarily in regulating cellular sterol metabolism, possibly stero transport.


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This data collection contains 126 images of polycarbonate (PC) membranes fouling layer where two types of organic foulants including protein and yeast present.

This data collection would be useful to investigate membrane fouling mechanism by membrane materials researchers and water researchers.


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This data collection contains 110 images of polycarbonate (PC) membranes fouling layer where three types of organic foulants including yeast, protein and sodium alginate present.

This data collection would be useful to investigate membrane fouling mechanism by membrane materials researchers and water researchers.


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Pcf11p, an essential subunit of the yeast cleavage factor IA, is required for pre-mRNA 3' end processing, binds to the C-terminal domain (CTD) of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) and is involved in transcription termination. We show that the conserved CTD interaction domain (CID) of Pcf11p is essential for cell viability. Interestingly, the CTD binding and 3' end processing activities of Pcf11p can be functionally uncoupled from each other and provided by distinct Pcf11p fragments in trans. Impaired CTD binding did not affect the 3' end processing activity of Pcf11p and a deficiency of Pcf11p in 3' end processing did not prevent CTD binding. Transcriptional run-on analysis with the CYC1 gene revealed that loss of cleavage activity did not correlate with a defect in transcription termination, whereas loss of CTD binding did. We conclude that Pcf11p is a bifunctional protein and that transcript cleavage is not an obligatory step prior to RNAP II termination.


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Many nuclear and nucleolar small RNAs are accumulated as nonpolyadenylated species and require 3′-end processing for maturation. Here, we show that several genes coding for box C/D and H/ACA snoRNAs and for the U5 and U2 snRNAs contain sequences in their 3′ portions which direct cleavage of primary transcripts without being polyadenylated. Genetic analysis of yeasts with mutations in different components of the pre-mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation machinery suggests that this mechanism of 3"-end formation requires cleavage factor IA (CF IA) but not cleavage and polyadenylation factor activity. However, in vitro results indicate that other factors participate in the reaction besides CF IA. Sequence analysis of snoRNA genes indicated that they contain conserved motifs in their 3" noncoding regions, and mutational studies demonstrated their essential role in 3"-end formation. We propose a model in which CF IA functions in cleavage and polyadenylation of pre-mRNAs and, in combination with a different set of factors, in 3"-end formation of nonpolyadenylated polymerase II transcripts.