906 resultados para World Wide Web -- Design
This article presents software architecture for a web-based system to aid project managing, conceptually founded on guidelines of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK) and on ISO/IEC 9126, as well as on the result of an empiric study done in Brazil. Based on these guidelines, this study focused on two different points of view about project management: the view of those who develop software systems to aid management and the view of those who use these systems. The designed software architecture is capable of guiding an incremental development of a quality system that will satisfy today's marketing necessities, principally those of small and medium size enterprises.
This work describes a new web system to aid project management that was created to correct the principal deficiencies identified in systems having a common purpose which are at present available, as well as to follow the guidelines that are proposed in the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK) and the quality characteristics described in the ISO/IEC 9126 norm. As from the adopted methodology, the system was structured to attend the real necessities of project managers and also to contribute towards obtaining quality results from the projects. The validation of the proposed solution was done with the collaboration of professionals that used the functions available in it for a period of 15 days. Results attested to the quality and adequacy of the developed system.
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE
The traditional characteristics and challenges for organizing and searching information on the World Wide Web are outlined and reviewed. The classification features of two of these methods, such as Google, in the case of automated search engines, and Yahoo! Directory, in the case of subject directories are analyzed. Recent advances in the Semantic Web, particularly the growing application of ontologies and Linked Data are also reviewed. Finally, some problems and prospects related to the use of classification and indexing on the World Wide Web are discussed, emphasizing the need of rethinking the role of classification in the organization of these resources and outlining the possibilities of applying Ranganathan's facet theories of classification.
This study aimed to develop a computer program which systematizes the structural shielding design calculation in diagnostic radiology facilities. For this purpose methodology of the National Council of Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP 147[5]) was used. By comparative statistics studies, it was verified if reference parameters values suggested by the US publication correspond to the average national values. The World Wide Web was chosen because of its characteristics as a powerful mean of communication, especially in terms of the wide variety of useful resources and easy access. To compare the reference values of some parameters proposed by NCRP 147 to Brazilian average, studies about the normalized workload per patient, performance of X-ray tube and primary air kerma, unshielded, at one meter from the focal point of the X-ray tube were made. Through this research, relative differences were found. In workload values this differences reached up to 50% in mammography compared to those presented by the NCRP 147; in X-ray tube performance the percentage differences reached 69% in dental radiology, and air kerma results amounted 31% in fluoroscopy. This demonstrates the importance of validation of international protocols to local realities
The exponential growth of the Internet, coupled with the increasing popularity of dynamically generated content on the World Wide Web, has created the need for more and faster Web servers capable of serving the over 100 million Internet users. Server clustering has emerged as a promising technique to build scalable Web servers. In this article we examine the seminal work, early products, and a sample of contemporary commercial offerings in the field of transparent Web server clustering. We broadly classify transparent server clustering into three categories.
In questo lavoro di tesi è stata sviluppata una Firefox Extension per la registrazione e la replicazione di procedure sul Web. Si tratterà a fondo l’ambiente tecnologico nel quale è stata sviluppata l’applicazione e il contesto in cui si inserisce una Firefox Extension. Illustreremo il problema che intendiamo risolvere con la nostra estensione,il contesto applicativo in cui si inserisce e riporteremo una serie di lavori correlati che cercano, con diversi approcci, di risolvere il nostro stesso problema. Illustreremo il lavoro trattando approfonditamente l’approccio da noi utilizzato, mostrandone i vantaggi e i limiti.
Al giorno d’oggi il World Wide Web non è più un semplice strumento per la condivisione di informazioni. Le tecnologie nate nel corso dell’ultimo decennio hanno permesso lo sviluppo di vere e proprie applicazioni Web (Web App) complesse, indipendenti e multi-utente in grado di fornire le stesse funzionalità delle normali applicazioni desktop. In questa tesi verranno trattate le caratteristiche di una Web App moderna, analizzandone l’evoluzione e il processo produttivo. Particolare attenzione sarà posta alle Web App distribuite e ai meccanismi di comunicazione client-server che queste nuove tecnologie hanno reso disponibili. I WebSocket, la tecnologia di riferimento di HTML5, saranno riportati come caso di studio e relazionati allo standard precedente ad HTML5, cioè Ajax e Long Polling.
BACKGROUND Driving a car is a complex instrumental activity of daily living and driving performance is very sensitive to cognitive impairment. The assessment of driving-relevant cognition in older drivers is challenging and requires reliable and valid tests with good sensitivity and specificity to predict safe driving. Driving simulators can be used to test fitness to drive. Several studies have found strong correlation between driving simulator performance and on-the-road driving. However, access to driving simulators is restricted to specialists and simulators are too expensive, large, and complex to allow easy access to older drivers or physicians advising them. An easily accessible, Web-based, cognitive screening test could offer a solution to this problem. The World Wide Web allows easy dissemination of the test software and implementation of the scoring algorithm on a central server, allowing generation of a dynamically growing database with normative values and ensures that all users have access to the same up-to-date normative values. OBJECTIVE In this pilot study, we present the novel Web-based Bern Cognitive Screening Test (wBCST) and investigate whether it can predict poor simulated driving performance in healthy and cognitive-impaired participants. METHODS The wBCST performance and simulated driving performance have been analyzed in 26 healthy younger and 44 healthy older participants as well as in 10 older participants with cognitive impairment. Correlations between the two tests were calculated. Also, simulated driving performance was used to group the participants into good performers (n=70) and poor performers (n=10). A receiver-operating characteristic analysis was calculated to determine sensitivity and specificity of the wBCST in predicting simulated driving performance. RESULTS The mean wBCST score of the participants with poor simulated driving performance was reduced by 52%, compared to participants with good simulated driving performance (P<.001). The area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve was 0.80 with a 95% confidence interval 0.68-0.92. CONCLUSIONS When selecting a 75% test score as the cutoff, the novel test has 83% sensitivity, 70% specificity, and 81% efficiency, which are good values for a screening test. Overall, in this pilot study, the novel Web-based computer test appears to be a promising tool for supporting clinicians in fitness-to-drive assessments of older drivers. The Web-based distribution and scoring on a central computer will facilitate further evaluation of the novel test setup. We expect that in the near future, Web-based computer tests will become a valid and reliable tool for clinicians, for example, when assessing fitness to drive in older drivers.