857 resultados para Web sites -- Design
Links to student created web sites containing tutorial and MCQs
El objetivo de esta tesis es predecir el rendimiento de los estudiantes de doctorado en la Universidad de Girona según características personales (background), actitudinales y de redes sociales de los estudiantes. La población estudiada son estudiantes de tercer y cuarto curso de doctorado y sus directores de tesis doctoral. Para obtener los datos se ha diseño un cuestionario web especificando sus ventajas y teniendo en cuenta algunos problemas tradicionales de no cobertura o no respuesta. El cuestionario web se hizo debido a la complejidad que comportan de las preguntas de red social. El cuestionario electrónico permite, mediante una serie de instrucciones, reducir el tiempo para responder y hacerlo menos cargado. Este cuestionario web, además es auto administrado, lo cual nos permite, según la literatura, unas respuestas mas honestas que cuestionario con encuestador. Se analiza la calidad de las preguntas de red social en cuestionario web para datos egocéntricos. Para eso se calcula la fiabilidad y la validez de este tipo de preguntas, por primera vez a través del modelo Multirasgo Multimétodo (Multitrait Multimethod). Al ser datos egocéntricos, se pueden considerar jerárquicos, y por primera vez se una un modelo Multirasgo Multimétodo Multinivel (multilevel Multitrait Multimethod). Las la fiabilidad y validez se pueden obtener a nivel individual (within group component) o a nivel de grupo (between group component) y se usan para llevar a cabo un meta-análisis con otras universidades europeas para analizar ciertas características de diseño del cuestionario. Estas características analizan si para preguntas de red social hechas en cuestionarios web son más fiables y validas hechas "by questions" o "by alters", si son presentes todas las etiquetas de frecuencia para los ítems o solo la del inicio y final, o si es mejor que el diseño del cuestionario esté en con color o blanco y negro. También se analiza la calidad de la red social en conjunto, en este caso específico son los grupos de investigación de la universidad. Se tratan los problemas de los datos ausentes en las redes completas. Se propone una nueva alternativa a la solución típica de la red egocéntrica o los respondientes proxies. Esta nueva alternativa la hemos nombrado "Nosduocentered Network" (red Nosduocentrada), se basa en dos actores centrales en una red. Estimando modelos de regresión, esta "Nosduocentered network" tiene mas poder predictivo para el rendimiento de los estudiantes de doctorado que la red egocéntrica. Además se corrigen las correlaciones de las variables actitudinales por atenuación debido al pequeño tamaño muestral. Finalmente, se hacen regresiones de los tres tipos de variables (background, actitudinales y de red social) y luego se combinan para analizar cual para predice mejor el rendimiento (según publicaciones académicas) de los estudiantes de doctorado. Los resultados nos llevan a predecir el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de doctorado depende de variables personales (background) i actitudinales. Asimismo, se comparan los resultados obtenidos con otros estudios publicados.
The purpose of this document is to provide a single source of reference for every paper published in the journals directly related to research in Construction Management. This volume brings together articles published during 1999. It is indexed by author and keyword and contains the titles, authors, abstracts and keywords of every article from the following journals: • Building Research and Information (BRI) • Construction Management and Economics (CME) • Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management (ECAM) • Journal of Construction Procurement (JCP) • RICS Research Papers (RICS) The index entries give short forms of the bibliographical citations, rather than page numbers, to enable rapid reference to articles. A cumulative volume is available from the editor. Included in this volume is an appendix listing a wide range of journals associated with construction management research, giving details of frequency, editorial addresses and web sites, as well as whether each journal is international and/or refereed.
Social networking mediated by web sites is a relatively new phenomenon and as with all technological innovations there continues to be a period of both technical and social adjustment to fit the services in with people’s behaviours, and for people to adjust their practices in the light of the affordances provided by the technology. Social networking benefits strongly from large scale availability. Users gain greater benefit from social networking services when more of their friends are using them.This applies in social terms, but also in eLearning and professional networks. The network effect provides one explanation for the popularity of internet based social networking sites (SNS) because the number of connections between people which can be maintained by using them is greatly increased in comparison to the networks available before the internet. The ability of users to determine how much they trust information available to them from contacts within their social network is important in almost all modes of use. As sources of information on a range of topics from academic to shopping advice, the level of trust which a user can put in other nodes is a key aspect of the utility of the system.
Detta arbete har genomförts i samarbete med Försvarsmakten och behandlar vilka möjligheter som finns för forensiska undersökningar av e-boksläsaren Amazon Kindle. I arbetets litteraturstudie beskrivs hur tidigare forskning inom ämnet är kraftigt begränsad. Arbetet syftar därför till att besvara hur data kan extraheras från en Kindle, vilka data av forensiskt intresse en Kindle kan innehålla, var denna information lagras och om detta skiljer sig åt mellan olika modeller och firmware-versioner samt om det är nog att undersöka endast den del av minnet som är tillgänglig för användaren eller om ytterligare privilegier för att komma åt hela minnesarean bör införskaffas. För att göra detta fylls tre olika modeller av Kindles med information. Därefter tas avbilder på dem, dels på endast användarpartitionen och dels på dess fullständiga minnesarea efter att en privilegie-eskalering har utförts. Inhämtad data analyseras och resultatet presenteras. Resultatet visar att information av forensiskt intresse så som anteckningar, besökta webbsidor och dokument kan återfinnas, varför det finns ett värde i att utföra forensiska undersökningar på Amazon Kindles. Skillnader råder mellan vilken information som kan återfinnas och var den lagras på de olika enheterna. Enheterna har fyra partitioner varav endast en kan kommas åt utan privilegie-eskalering, varför det finns en fördel med att inhämta avbilder av hela minnesarean. Utöver ovanstående presenteras en metod för att förbipassera en enhets kodlås och därigenom få fullständig åtkomst till den även om den är låst.
As far back as I can remember, I have always been interested in studio art. Whether it be painting, drawing, printmaking, or photography, it has consistently been a part of my life. Upon enrolling in Colby, I became interested in computers and decided to major my undergraduate college career in Computer Science. Not forgetting past interests, I continued my studio art education, taking several classes within the Art department. In due time, I began combining interests and began studying Computer Graphics and Design. With limited resources in this field at Colby, the majority of my computer graphic education and experience has been done on my own time apart from regular classroom work. As time progressed, so did my interests. Starting with simple image manipulation of digitally scanned photographs, I moved on to Web Page design, eventually leading to Desktop Publishing. Ultimately, I wanted to take a step further and expand my overall computer graphic knowledge by learning 3D modeling and animation. With even fewer resources in 3D animation at Colby, I perceived having trouble finding the information and tools I would need to gain the necessary skills for this new field. The Senior Scholars program gave me the opponunity to find and acquire the necessary tools to pursue my interest. This program also allowed me to devote the proper amount of time required for learning these new tools.
O uso do comércio eletrônico está em expansão e tem fundamental relação com o rápido crescimento do uso da Internet e da Web. Apesar de estar se manifestando basicamente no âmbito das empresas privadas, o comércio eletrônico necessita de apoio governamental para que tenha um desenvolvimento consistente. Uma das formas de ação governamental para ajudar o desenvolvimento do comércio eletrônico é a sua utilização por parte dos próprios órgãos de governo. Este trabalho avalia o uso do comércio eletrônico em governos através de uma análise de Web sites municipais, estaduais e federais e também por uma investigação do Projeto de Governo Eletrônico no Governo do Estado de São Paulo.
This paper consists in a study case at the Alesat company, which aims at analyzing how the networks from the former companies Ale and Sat influence the formation of partnerships. The study was based on literature by Burt (1992), Granovetter (1973), Uzzi (1997), Contractor and Lorange (1988), Gulati (1998), Child and Faulkner (1998), and others, to verify how important the social relations were between the companies to the formation of a strategic alliance. The research method we adopted analyzed the first partnership between Ale and Sat and the last one that ended up with the merger of the companies resulting in a new company, Alesat. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in 2008 with the council board of the company. Secondary data were also collected from specific web sites from the area, such as ANP, Sindicom and Fecombustíveis, as well as from important newspapers in the market. The primary data were analyzed through the content analysis technique from Triviños (1987). The secondary data were analyzed through the documental analysis technique from Richardson (1985). This way, through the data collected, it can be concluded that the social ties between the companies were important in the partnership, and among the reasons that made the companies get together, the key one was the fact that the union would make possible to the companies act in regions in which they didn t have too much market share, making them a bigger player nationally wise
The present study analyzes the expansion of Brazilian superior education, investigating how the public and the private sectors are inserted in this process, taking as analysis dimensions the philanthropic actions, the democratization and the mercantilism. The study had for general objective to analyze the dynamics of the expansion of superior education in Brazil, investigating how it configures the overlap between the public and the private in this process. More specifically was tried: a) to understand the process of participation of the non-state public, state and private sectors with lucrative goals in the expansion of superior education; b) to analyze the limits between the democratization and mercantilism in the process of expansion of superior education; c) to analyze the mechanisms that express the privatization in the process of expansion of superior education; d) to investigate, in a program of the government, how is materialized the overlap between the public and the private, in the expansion of superior education. In the development of the study, was adopted as theoretician and methodological way a historical and critical perspective, because is considered it allows to understand the mediations between the inquiry subject and the historical context in which it is developed, allowing, this way, the true explanation of the studied object. About the technician procedures, it was adopted documentary and bibliographical research. Also, secondary data were searched on the main governmental web sites (INEP, SISPROUNI, INEP, PNUD; IBGE) which produce statistics on superior education and sponsors of private institutions of superior education, as example ABMES and the Court of Accounts of the Union, amongst others. The study results had delineated a picture that allows to evidence that has been occurring, in the country, a process of expansion of superior education, marked for the articulated participation of the public state, private with lucrative ends and private without lucrative ends sectors, but it is distinguished in recent years the prevalence of the private sector with lucrative ends. In result, it is concluded that this process of expansion cannot be considered as dimension of the democratization because it occurs by means that move it away from the education as a right to be placed in the scope of the market, changing the right into a service that is appropriated by mercantile relations
This study aims to identify, through the application of webometric indicators, which Post-Graduate Courses in Engineering recommended by the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Personnel Education (CAPES) in Brazil stand out in the web space, in relation to the communication process and dissemination of scientific information in the academic environment. For this, we analyzed the structures content of the sites, the use, through the conduct of investigations and searches, the quality of information available, as well as the structure of existent hypertexts in the sites of this universe of search. The tools and methodologies adopted for this study are: search engines (Google, Yahoo), Mapper software (Xenu Link Sleuth) and analysis software and visualization of networks (and Ucinet6 NetDraw). Webometric indicators are also used, such as size of the web sites, visibility, web impact factor, brightness and density of the network. These instruments provide a brief analysis and evaluation for this webometric study. Therefore, from the incursion of the literature used, it appears that there are many advantages of using this type of metric study in the so called Information Society. The obtained results could identify which postgraduate courses in engineering has a better availability of their information on the Web, as well to define which of these courses stands out in relation to the use of their information, which has been outstanding in respect to its impact factor and which offers a greater number of links that serve as a source of information for its users, contributing, in its turn, with the navigability of the same network. In summary, it is asserted that the webometric study presents promising results, which are able to achieve the proposed objectives, as well as identify the factors that contribute significantly to the good visualization of these sites in the network, thus helping the spread of information and scientific communication through the use of the Web.
The infographics historically experience the process of evolution of journalism, from the incipient models handmade in the eighteenth century to the inclusion of computers and sophisticated software today. In order to face the advent of TV against of the partiality readers of the printed newspaper, or to represent the Gulf War, where not allowed photography, infographics reaches modern levels of production and publication. The technical devices which enabled the infographics to evolve the environment of the internet, with conditions for the manipulation of the reader, incorporating video, audio and animations, so styling of interactive infographics. These digital models of information visualization recently arrived daily in the northeast and on their respective web sites with features regionalized. This paper therefore proposes to explore and describe the processes of producing the interactive infographics, taking the example of the Diário do Nordeste, Fortaleza, Ceará, whose department was created one year ago. Therefore, based on aspects that guide the theory of journalism, as newsmaking, filters that focus on productive routine (gatekeeping) and the construction stages of the news. This research also draws on the theoretical framework on the subject, in concepts essential characteristics of computer graphics, as well as the methodological procedures and systematic empirical observations in production routines of the newsroom who can testify limitations and / or advances
Includes bibliography
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
Os sites de comunidades têm atraído grande número de pessoas. Elas passam a se relacionar à distância, utilizando para isso recursos como envio de recados e mensagens e trocam informações sobre si através da auto-descrição (perfil) e do uso de imagens, ambos abertos ao público. A experiência de possuir uma página pessoal neste tipo de ambiente e se relacionar com pessoas através dela se constitui o objeto desta pesquisa a qual foi realizada com base na metodologia qualitativa. Foram entrevistados 16 usuários da rede de relacionamentos UOL K, pertencente ao UOL (Universo OnLine), considerado o principal portal de conteúdo e provedor pago de acesso à Internet do Brasil. A análise dos resultados destacou os seguintes aspectos: o site possibilita tanto fazer novos contatos quanto manter contatos feitos anteriormente, há uma tendência a fazer novos contatos, a língua escrita é utilizada tanto para se comunicar como para refletir acerca de si mesmo, o anonimato é favorecido pela comunicação à distância e causa receio de se decepcionar com o outro, as experiências são vistas como reais mesmo ocorrendo num ambiente virtual, “estar online” pode ser prazeroso e não significa desprender-se do mundo offline, a afiliação às comunidades é freqüente e tem como base objetivos comuns, o uso da foto é, graças aos recursos do site, um elo entre a comunicação sincrônica (bate-papo) e a comunicação assincrônica (UOL K), há uma ênfase na sexualidade e, por fim, os usuários se vêem na necessidade constante de rever e relativizar conceitos como próximo e distante, público e privado, estar ou não online. Conclui-se que, mesmo não tendo o hábito de marcar encontros face a face, os usuários são capazes de se relacionar virtualmente de forma genuína, trocar afetos, formar vínculos e manter uma vida online na qual o comunicar-se encontra seu sentido em si mesmo, podendo não haver outro objetivo a não ser o de estar em contato.
O objetivo principal deste artigo é apresentar uma análise crítica das políticas de expansão da educação superior, no Brasil, instituídas pós-LDB/1996, com a finalidade de identificar e discutir as novas configurações dessa expansão, em especial a que vem sendo efetivada, a partir de 2007, com a criação de redes de empresas por meio da compra e (ou) fusão de instituições de ensino superior privadas do país, por empresas nacionais e internacionais de ensino superior e pela abertura de capitais destas nas bolsas de valores, configurando a formação de oligopólios. Para tanto, utilizamos como recurso metodológico a pesquisa bibliográfica, especificamente a consulta em fontes documentais diversas, em especial, web sites de empresas educacionais, bem como de órgãos da imprensa tradicional e da mídia eletrônica nacionais. Nas considerações finais, apontamos algumas tendências da mercantilização do ensino superior, no Brasil.