852 resultados para Wear-Ever Aluminum Roaster.
Aluminum (Al3+) overload is frequently associated with lipid peroxidation and neurological disorders. Aluminum accumulation is also reported to be related to renal impairment, anemia and other clinical complications in hemodialysis patients. The aim of the present study was to determine the degree of lipid peroxidation, platelet aggregation and serum aluminum in patients receiving regular hemodialytic treatment. The level of plasma lipid peroxidation was evaluated on the basis of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). Mean platelet peroxidation in patients undergoing hemodialysis was significantly higher than in normal controls (2.7 ± 0.03 vs 1.8 ± 0.06 nmol/l, P<0.05). Platelet aggregation and serum aluminum levels were determined by a turbidimetric method and atomic absorption spectrophotometry, respectively. Serum aluminum was significantly higher in patients than in normal controls (44.5 ± 29 vs 10.8 ± 2.5 µg/l, P<0.05). Human blood platelets were stimulated with collagen (2.2 µg/ml), adenosine diphosphate (6 µM) and epinephrine (6 µM) and showed reduced function with the three agonists utilized. No correlation between aluminum levels and platelet aggregation or between aluminum and peroxidation was observed in hemodialyzed patients.
The current beverage (cylindrical shape) cans are stacked on each other after production, thus consuming a lot of space. Indirectly, this could result to high carbon emission during transportation. The problem is how to minimize the carbon emission based on different contradicting viewpoints. It was suggested that a conical shape of "the beverage can" could be a solution for the space optimization of empty beverage can transportation, thus creating the title for this research “Conical aluminum can”. They would be stacked inside each other before filling. This was based on design for sustainability and the consumer perspective and willingness toward sustainability. However, it was noticed that the industry is unwilling to incorporate this change.
Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Britannian parlamentissa käytyä keskustelua Kirkkovaltiosta ja paavin maallisesta vallasta vuosina 1858–1861. Aihetta tarkastellaan kolmen teeman kautta. Nämä teemat ovat Kirkkovaltion ajassa ja paikassa tapahtunut kontekstualisointi, paavin ja katolilaisten Britannialle aiheuttamasta sisäisestä ja ulkoisesta uhasta käyty keskustelu, sekä Kirkkovaltion liittäminen kansainvälisiin suhteisiin. Britannian ja Kirkkovaltion suhdetta 1800-luvun puolivälissä on käsitelty aikaisemmassa tutkimuksessa vain vähän. Suhtautumisen perusasenteena sekä konservatiiveilla että liberaaleilla on pidetty katolilaisvastaisuutta ja Kirkkovaltion lakkauttamisen ajamista. Tutkielmassa pyritään osoittamaan, että Britannian parlamentin jäsenten suhtautuminen oli kuitenkin moniulotteisempaa ja moniäänisempää, kuin pelkkä tiukka katolilaisvastaisuus. Parlamentin jäsenet pyrkivät kontekstualisoimaan Kirkkovaltiota käyttämällä vertauksia sekä Britanniaan ja Sardinian kuningaskuntaan, että erilaisiin historiallisiin tilanteisiin. Keskusteluun osallistuneilla parlamentin jäsenillä oli myös hyvin laaja skaala erilaisia kontakteja Italiaan ja Roomaan, ja he olivat hyvin perillä paavin maallisesta vallasta käydystä yleiseurooppalaisesta kirjallisesta debatista. Osa parlamentin jäsenistä näki paavin ja katolilaiset sekä sisäisenä että ulkoisena uhkana Britannialle, mikä liittyy vahvasti 1800-luvun puolivälin uhkakuvia täynnä olleeseen näkemykseen. Näkemys uhasta tiivistyi keskusteluun uskollisuudenvalan uudistamisesta vuonna 1858. Tässä keskustelussa esiin nousivat erityisesti ääriprotestanttiset, katolilaisvastaiset parlamentin jäsenet. Osa parlamentin jäsenistä näki paavin itsenäisyyden toisaalta myös hyvänä asiana, ja paavin maallisen vallan lakkauttamista uhkana Britannialle. Viimeisessä käsittelyluvussa tutkitaan suhtautumista Kirkkovaltioon kansainvälisten suhteiden tasolla. Britannialla ei ollut virallisia diplomaattisuhteita Kirkkovaltioon, mutta maan epävirallisista suhteista ja niiden kehittämisestä käytiin parlamentissa keskustelua. Parlamentissa keskusteltiin myös Ranskan ja Itävallan merkityksestä Kirkkovaltiolle, sekä Kirkkovaltion mahdollisista aluemenetyksistä tai jopa valtion lakkauttamisesta. Keskustelua käytiin myös brittien värväämisestä paavin armeijaan ja paavia vastustaneen Garibaldin joukkoihin.
This study determined the effects of gallium-aluminum-arsenide laser (GaAlAs), gallium-arsenide laser (GaAs) and Dersani® healing ointment on skin wounds in Wistar rats. The parameters analyzed were: type I and III collagen fiber concentrations as well as the rate of wound closure. Five wounds, 12 mm in diameter, were made on the animals’ backs. The depth of the surgical incision was controlled by removing the epithelial tissue until the dorsal muscular fascia was exposed. The animals were anesthetized with ketamine and xylazine via intraperitoneal injection. The rats were randomly divided into five groups of 6 animals each, according to the treatment received. Group 1 (L4): GaAs laser (4 J/cm²); group 2 (L30): GaAlAs laser (30 J/cm²); group 3 (L60): GaAlAs laser (60 J/cm²); group 4 (D): Dersani® ointment; group 5 (control): 0.9% saline. The applications were made daily over a period of 20 days. Tissue fragments were stained with picrosirius to distinguish type I collagen from type III collagen. The collagen fibers were photo-documented and analyzed using the Quantum software based on the primary color spectrum (red, yellow and blue). Significant results for wound closing rate were obtained for group 1 (L4), 7.37 mm/day. The highest concentration of type III collagen fibers was observed in group 2 (L30; 37.80 ± 7.10%), which differed from control (29.86 ± 5.15%) on the 20th day of treatment. The type I collagen fibers of group 1 (L4; 2.67 ± 2.23%) and group 2 (L30; 2.87 ± 2.40%) differed significantly from control (1.77 ± 2.97%) on the 20th day of the experiment.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of seeds of two cultivars of lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.), coated with dolomitic limestone and aluminum silicate. It was used a completely randomized experimental design, with the treatments arranged in a 4 X 2 factorial scheme [4 treatments: dolomitic limestone; dolomitic limestone + aluminum silicate; aluminum silicate, at the dosages of 50 g/100 kg of seeds; and control (without the products) X 2 cultivars: IRGA424 and IRGA 422 CL], totaling eight treatments with four replications each. The variables analyzed were: fresh and dry weights of aerial biomass; plant height; leaf area at 10, 20, and 30 days after emergence (DAE). The physiological quality of seeds was also assessed using tests of: seed emergence; first count of germination; emergence speed index; and field emergence. It was concluded that the coating of rice seeds with dolomitic limestone and aluminum silicate does not affect seed germination and field seedling emergence. Aluminum silicate used via seed coating on cultivar IRGA 424 promoted greater leaf area, after 20 DAE. The dolomitic limestone and the aluminum silicate used via seed coating generated plants with larger dry biomass, after 20 DAE, for the cultivar IRGA 422 CL.
Highlights from the creative presentation made to Lightning Fastener for the 1965 Womens Wear campaign.
In this thesis, I critically examine the discourses that inform how we conceptualise HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa as they are produced in a sample of Canadian news articles, two nonfiction texts - Stephanie Nolen's 28 Stories of AIDS in Africa and Jonathan Morgan and the Bambanani Women's Group's Long Life ... Positive HIV Stories - as well as two literary texts - John Le Carre's popular fiction novel The Constant Gardener and an anthology of stories and poems from Southern Africa titled Nobody Ever Said AIDS, compiled and edited by Nobantu Rasebotsa, Meg Samuelson and Kylie Thomas. Paying particular attention to the role of metaphor in discursive formation, I have found that military metaphors, usually used in conjunction with biomedical discourses, continue to dominate what is said about HIV/AIDS. However, the use of military metaphors to conceptualise HIV/AIDS contributes to stigma and limits the effectiveness of responses to the pandemic. I argue that accessing alternative metaphors and discourses, such as biopsychosocial discourse, can lead to a more layered - and more beneficial - conceptualisation of HIV/AIDS, encouraging a more active response to the pandemic.
The Energy Dispersive X-ray Diffraction System at Brock University has been used to measure the intensities of the diffraction lines of aluminum powder sample as a function of temperature. At first, intensity measurements at high temperature were not reproducible. After some modifications have been made, we were able to measure the intensities of the diffraction lines to 815K, with good accuracy and reproducibility. Therefore the changes of the Debye-Waller factor from room temperature up to 815K for aluminum were determined with precision. Our results are in good agreement with those previously published.
In 1997, Paul Gilroy was able to write: "I have been asking myself, whatever happened to breakdancing" (21), a form of vernacular dance associated with urban youth that emerged in the 1970s. However, in the last decade, breakdancing has experienced a massive renaissance in movies (You Got Served), commercials ("Gotta Have My Pops!") and documentaries (the acclaimed Freshest Kids). In this thesis, 1 explore the historical development of global b-boy/bgirl culture through a qualitative study involving dancers and their modes of communication. Widespread circulation of breakdancing images peaked in the mid-1980s, and subsequently b-boy/b-girl culture largely disappeared from the mediated landscape. The dance did not reemerge into the mainstream of North American popular culture until the late 1990s. 1 argue that the development of major transnational networks between b-boys and b-girls during the 1990s was a key factor in the return of 'b-boying/b-girling' (known formerly as breakdancing). Street dancers toured, traveled and competed internationally throughout this decade. They also began to create 'underground' video documentaries and travel video 'magazines.' These video artefacts circulated extensively around the globe through alternative distribution channels (including the backpacks of traveling dancers). 1 argue that underground video artefacts helped to produce 'imagined affinities' between dancers in various nations. Imagined affinities are identifications expressed by a cultural producer who shares an embodied activity with other practitioners through either mediated texts or travels through new places. These 'imagined affinities' helped to sustain b-boy/b-girl culture by generating visual/audio representations of popularity for the dance movement across geographical regions.
La caractérisation de matériaux par spectroscopie optique d’émission d’un plasma induit par laser (LIPS) suscite un intérêt qui ne va que s’amplifiant, et dont les applications se multiplient. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de vérifier l’influence du choix des raies spectrales sur certaines mesures du plasma, soit la densité électronique et la température d’excitation des atomes neutres et ionisés une fois, ainsi que la température d’ionisation. Nos mesures sont intégrées spatialement et résolues temporellement, ce qui est typique des conditions opératoires du LIPS, et nous avons utilisé pour nos travaux des cibles binaires d’aluminium contenant des éléments à l’état de trace (Al-Fe et Al-Mg). Premièrement, nous avons mesuré la densité électronique à l’aide de l’élargissement Stark de raies de plusieurs espèces (Al II, Fe II, Mg II, Fe I, Mg I, Halpha). Nous avons observé que les densités absolues avaient un comportement temporel différent en fonction de l’espèce. Les raies ioniques donnent des densités électroniques systématiquement plus élevées (jusqu’à 50 % à 200 ns après l’allumage du plasma), et décroissent plus rapidement que les densités issues des raies neutres. Par ailleurs, les densités obtenues par les éléments traces Fe et Mg sont moindres que les densités obtenues par l’observation de la raie communément utilisée Al II à 281,618 nm. Nous avons parallèlement étudié la densité électronique déterminée à l’aide de la raie de l’hydrogène Halpha, et la densité électronique ainsi obtenue a un comportement temporel similaire à celle obtenue par la raie Al II à 281,618 nm. Les deux espèces partagent probablement la même distribution spatiale à l’intérieur du plasma. Finalement, nous avons mesuré la température d’excitation du fer (neutre et ionisé, à l’état de trace dans nos cibles), ainsi que la température d’ionisation, à l’aide de diagrammes de Boltzmann et de Saha-Boltzmann, respectivement. À l’instar de travaux antérieurs (Barthélémy et al., 2005), il nous est apparu que les différentes températures convergeaient vers une température unique (considérant nos incertitudes) après 2-3 microsecondes. Les différentes températures mesurées de 0 à 2 microsecondes ne se recoupent pas, ce qui pourrait s’expliquer soit par un écart à l’équilibre thermodynamique local, soit en considérant un plasma inhomogène où la distribution des éléments dans la plume n’est pas similaire d’un élément à l’autre, les espèces énergétiques se retrouvant au cœur du plasma, plus chaud, alors que les espèces de moindre énergie se retrouvant principalement en périphérie.
Tear and wear properties of short kevlar fiber, thermoplastic polcurethane (TPU) composite with respect to fiber loading-and fiber onentation has been studied and the fracture surfaces were examined under scanning electron microscope (SEM). Tear strength first decreased up to 20 phr fiber loading and then gradually increased with increasing fiber loading. Anisotropy in tear strength was evident beyond a fiber loading of 20 phr. Tear fracture surface of unfilled TPU showed sinusoidal folding characteristics of high strength matrix. At low fiber loading the tear failure was mainly due to fibermatrix failure whereas at higher fiber loading the failure occurred by fiber breakage. Abrasion loss shows a continuous rise with increasing fiber loading, the loss in the transverse orientation of fibers being higher than that in the longitudinal orientation. The abraded surface showed lone cracks and ridges parallel to the direction of abrasion indicating an abrasive wear mechanism. In the presence of fber the abrasion loss was mainly due to fiber low.
The most important part of any footwear is the sole (or sole and heel) which withstands all the hannful external factors such as rouglmess of the ground or road, sharp objects, thorns and stones, heat, dampness and cold during walking. The properties desirable in soling material, therefore, would be 1. lightness 2. resistance to wear and tear for long service life 3. flexibility/softness for wearing comfort 4. thennal insulation Rubber soling surpasses all other soling materials in better performance and lower cost. Because MC sole is soft and very light, and has good abrasion resistance, flex properties and set behaviour it has become very popular all over the world and demand for better quality product is ever increasing. Due to the traditional approach adopted by the footwear industry in foot wear design, the rubber based footwear export surprisingly contributes only a small percentage. The essence of success for any industry lies in the expansion of the export market. Microcellular soles are manufactured for the last three decades without much change in the traditional design and colour pattern. In recent years domestic customers have also started demanding better quality products. In view of the changing taste of the customer and growing competition from other countries, substantial improvement in the export potential will require new base materials for regular or fashion rubber based footwears. The main objective of the present study is to develop new base materials for making MC soles with good quality, viz., light weight, durability and bright colours