955 resultados para Water Source Areas


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A Formação Nobres representa a última deposição carbonática neoproterozoica do Grupo Araras, na porção sudoeste da Faixa Paraguai Norte. Estudos faciológicos e estratigráficos em afloramentos na região de Cáceres, no estado do Mato Grosso, subdividiram a Formação Nobres em: membro inferior, composto de dolomitos finos, dolopackstones intraclásticos, dolomitos arenosos, estromatólitos estratiformes e moldes evaporíticos, interpretados como depósitos de planície de maré/sabkha; e membro superior, composto por dolomitos finos, arenitos dolomíticos, estromatólitos estratiformes a dômicos e rugosos e moldes evaporíticos, além de arenitos e pelitos interpretados como depósitos de planície de maré mista. O empilhamento destes depósitos de até 200 m de espessura é composto por ciclos métricos de raseamento/salinidade ascendente relacionado a um clima árido. Os ciclos de perimaré também sugerem geração contínua e recorrente de espaço de acomodação provavelmente ligado à subsidência tectônica. O influxo de sedimentos siliciclásticos no final da deposição da Formação Nobres inibiu a sedimentação carbonática e é atribuída ao soerguimento de áreas-fontes ligado ao início do fechamento do Oceano Clymene, durante a colisão Pampeana-Araguaia, no limite Neoproterozoico-Cambriano.


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Este trabalho apresenta dados geocronológicos 207Pb/206Pb de grãos detríticos de zircão obtidos pelo método de evaporação de chumbo e idades-modelo Sm-Nd (TDM) de rochas metassedimentares do Cinturão Araguaia, e discute as possíveis áreas-fonte dessas rochas, buscando investigar a história evolutiva deste cinturão no contexto da amalgamação do Gondwana. As datações em grãos detríticos de zircão de quartzitos da Formação Morro do Campo apontaram idades arqueanas (3,0-2,65 Ga) para o domínio norte (região de Xambioá) e, para o domínio sul (região de Paraíso do Tocantins), revelaram idades meso-neoproterozoicas (1,25-0,85 Ga) e, secundariamente, paleoproterozoicas (1,85-1,70 Ga), sugerindo a existência de áreas fontes distintas para os dois domínios. As idades-modelo Sm-Nd (TDM) obtidas em metapelitos (ardósias, filitos, micaxistos) dos grupos Estrondo e Tocantins apresentaram distribuição bimodal com maior frequência de idades entre 2,1 e 1,4 Ga, com moda entre 1,7 e 1,6 Ga, e outras menos frequentes entre 2,7 e 2,4 Ga, sugerindo mistura de fontes de idade Paleoproterozoica (ou até Arqueana) com fontes mais jovens, provavelmente do Meso-Neoproterozoico. Os principais candidatos a fonte para as rochas do Cinturão Araguaia seriam os segmentos crustais situados a sudeste (Cráton São Francisco, Maciço de Goiás e Arco Magmático de Goiás). Toda a sucessão de rochas sedimentares da bacia oceânica Araguaia e rochas magmáticas associadas a estes segmentos foram transportados, posteriormente, em direção à margem oriental do Cráton Amazônico, durante a tectônica principal de estruturação do Cinturão Araguaia, resultante da amalgamação do supercontinente Gondwana.


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Os manguezais do estado do Pará representam importante segmento da costa norte brasileira sobre os quais pouco se conhece das características geológicas e as relações com área(s)-fonte. A pesquisa foi realizada no estuário do rio Marapanim, na costa paraense, para demonstrar a contribuição de sedimentos continentais para a formação dos sedimentos dos manguezais. Foram coletados sedimentos da Formação Barreiras e solos dela derivados (principais fontes terrígenas), e os sedimentos de manguezal. Nos sedimentos de manguezal foram realizadas análises granulométricas, determinação dos teores de carbono (C %) e medidas de pH, Eh e salinidade intersticial. A determinação mineralógica e a geoquímica multi-elementar foi feita nos sedimentos lamosos e nos sedimentos continentais adjacentes, para comparações. Os sedimentos de manguezal são sílticoargilosos (> 90 %), com teores de carbono entre 0,75 a 3,5 %. A mineralogia principal é composta por quartzo, goethita, hematita, caulinita, illita, além de zircão, turmalina, estaurolita e cianita como acessórios, assinatura mineralógica típica dos sedimentos da Formação Barreiras e dos solos. De ocorrência comum nesses manguezais, os minerais neoformados são: esmectita, feldspato potássico, pirita, halita, gipso e a jarosita. O enriquecimento em SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, e TiO2 nos manguezais e os níveis crustais dos metais-traço refletem o clima tropical e a composição mineralógica da área-fonte, rica em quartzo e caulinita e a ausência de influência antrópica. A composição química associada à matéria orgânica, abundantes diatomáceas além de Fe, S e os aportes de Cl-, Na+, K+, Ca++ e Mg++ da água do mar, identificam o ambiente deposicional e os minerais autigênicos. O padrão de fracionamento dos elementos-traço nos manguezais também corrobora a marcante contribuição da área-fonte continental. Esses sedimentos apresentam o predomínio dos Elementos Terras Rara Leves (ETRL) sobre os Elementos Terras Raras Pesados (ETRP) com elevadas razões de Th/Co; La/Th; La/Sc; La/Co e Zr/Sc e Th/ Sc e Ba/Co, elementos presentes nas rochas ígneas félsicas que originaram os sedimentos terrígenos.


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The Urucuia Aquifer System represents a strategic water source in western Bahia. Its baseflow is responsible for the flow rate of the main tributaries of São Francisco river left bank in the dry season, including the Rio Grande, its main tributary in Bahia state. This river has a hydrological regime heavily affected by groundwater and is located in a region with conflicts about water resources. The aquifers geology is constituted by neocretacious sandstones of Urucuia Group subdivided in Posse Formation and Serra das Araras Formation. The embasement is formed by neoproterozoic rocks of Bambuí Group. This work focuses on an important tool application, the mathematical model, whose function is represent approximately and suitably the reality so that can assist in different scenarios simulations and make predictions. Many studies developed in this basin provided the conceptual model basis including a full free aquifer, lithological and hydraulical homogeneity in entire basin, null flux at plateau borders and aquifer base. The finite element method is the numerical method used and FEFLOW the computational algorithm. The simulated area was discretized in a single layer with 27.357,6 km² (314.432 elements and 320.452 nodes) totaling a 4.249,89 km³ volume. Were utilized 21 observation wells from CERB to calibrate the model. The terrain topography was obtained by SRTM data and the impermeable base was generated by interpolation of descriptive profiles from wells and electric vertical drilling from previous studies. Works in this area obtained mean recharge rates varying approximately from 20% to 25% of average precipitation, thus the values of model recharge zones varying in this range. Were distributed 4 hydraulic conductivity zones: (K1) west zone with K=6x10-5 m/s; (K2) center-east zone with K=3x10-4 m/s; (K3) far east zone with K=5x10-4 m/s; e (K4) east-north zone with K=1x10-5 m/s. Thereby was incorporated to the final conceptual model...


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The lack of proper planning in intervention works of runoff water on rural properties and rural public roads leads to economic damage and loss of environmental quality. The impact of the action without technical base is soil erosion, siltation of water sources, loss of the quality and availability of water, invalidating areas for cultivation and livestock. The conservation of headwaters requires beyond regeneration of the environmental characteristics the repair and management of the degraded watercourse in order to control erosion. This graduate work in Environmental Engineering from Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP Presidente Prudente proposes a headwater recuperation and management in rural area of Álvares Machado municipality, São Paulo State, through the method of deep drainage applied to the case of a rural road near the outcrop of water. This technique consists in the installation of draining structures in sub-areas of the road surface, or sub-gutter and/or in the platform border in order to conduct the underground flow of water and reduce the loss of sediment in water flow. Therefore, was performed a historic study of use and occupation of land in the municipality of Álvares Machado, portraying transformations of the landscape caused by human action. Geology, geomorphology, pedology and hydrogeology data were collected from the study area in order to establish the conditions that led into the current situation of degradation and formulate an effective intervention strategy for civil works


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In São Paulo state, deforestation and agriculture activities are increasing soil losses processes, especially in areas of susceptible soils where properties not adopt soil conservation practices. Environmental adequacy at property level regarding Permanent Protection Areas and Legal Reserves is considered a factor on reducing soil losses and considering that we assessed soil losses of different scenario of environmental adequacy. Simulations of erosive process were carried out in 15 catchments of Corumbataí river basin, according to different forest restoration scenarios, as well as the current situation of land use/land cover. The scenarios include the implementation of Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA), the reforestation of variable source areas, and two scenarios, the Legal Reserve installation in 20% of each catchment, being one of them for most critical areas in terms of erosion and the other at random. It was observed that the establishment of PPA and the reforestation of hydrologically sensitive areas, offered only a small contribution to the control of the erosive process, resulting in a reduction of 10% and 7,8%, respectively, while the legal reserve in critical areas has a significant reduction of 69,8%. The random scenario, in turn, resulted in a reduction of only 21,4%. Results show that reforestation could reduce soil losses, but previous studies of land prioritization and planning could increase significantly its efficiency at this process.


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Water quality is very important for the health and the population welfare, and the public supply system must provide water quality and suffi cient quantity for the entire population. Water treatment stations, are the main way to obtain water quality. When this doesn’t occur, several problems can affect the population, in this case, using water with poor quality is a constant risk of emergence causing various diseases. The elimination of microorganisms in treated water reduces competition, encouraging the multiplication of chlorine resistant bacteria as Mycobacterium genus frequently isolated from treated and chlorinated water. Considering the lack of indication from examinations of mycobacteria routine laboratory for quality control of drinking water and other human uses, the objective was to verify the presence isolate and identify the environmental mycobacteria in the system water source surface of Araraquara - SP. We analyzed 40 water samples, distributed as follows: ten water gross collected at Station Water Treatment Plant (WTP), harvested after ten fi ltration; ten collected in the reservoir after chlorination and ten in the network distribution. Were recovered 43 isolates of mycobacteria. All isolates were subjected to PCR-PRA. The mycobacteria were identifi ed as M. lentifl avum, M. parafortuitum, M. genavense, M. gordonae, M. fortuitum, M. confl uent, M. duvalii, M. avium subspecies paratuberculosis and M. szulgai. With these results, was concluded that water is an important source of environmental mycobacteria probably related to several human diseases, suggesting the carrying out continuous monitoring of the microorganisms in the system drinking water.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The iron and manganese ions are present in a high frequency in water source in Brazil. Despite of the frequency in which such problems occur, the way the problem is faced is still traditional, i.e. focusing on oxidative process instead of solid-liquid separation. The treatment can be very simple, in groundwater, or very complex, when metals are present together with organic matter in water. This article presents a review of principal works besides some important aspects about iron and manganese in natural water, occurrence, forms in natural water, organic complexes, oxidation and removal applying solid/liquid separation processes. Further, a new strategy for iron and manganese removal is presented. The information described does not exhaust the matter, so a large bibliography was cited at the end of the article.


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The product development field daily works in the chase of new materials and technologies that fulfills the requirements of the consumer market. So, projects are developed in order to theoretically predict what will actually happen. The production of household appliance is not different. To provide a pleasant bath to the costumer, the manufacture of a bathtub counts on many components. With this in mind, this work goal is to study the possibility of production by plastic injection of the assembly water source/overflow pipe used in bathtubs and compare its production cost with the cost of the assembly acquired from third parties. The injection process is widely used on the world stage because of its numerous advantages, however, due to the high cost of the molds, it is important to estimate the time required for the return of the initial investment. To do this, a model was designed to examine its dimensions and then initiate the study of the possibility to inject the components with the available injection machine and the production cycle. With the results, it was found that there was a reduction in the cost of the finished assembly, but a very long time to return the initial investment due to the current financial scenery of the country


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Abstract The purpose of this research was to study the sex distribution and energy allocation of dioecious Eastern Red Cedars (Juniperus virginiana) along an environmental resource gradient. The trees surveyed were growing in a canyon located at the University of Nebraska’s Cedar Point Biological Research Station in Ogallala, Nebraska. Due to the geography of this canyon, environmental factors necessary for plant growth should vary depending on the tree’s location within the canyon. These factors include water availability, sun exposure, ground slope, and soil nitrogen content, all of which are necessary for carbon acquisition. Juniperus virginiana is a dioecious conifer. Dioecious plants maintain male and female reproductive structures on separate individuals. Therefore, proximal spatial location is essential for pollination and successful reproduction. Typically female reproductive structures are more costly and require a greater investment of carbon and nitrogen. For this reason, growth, survival and successful reproduction are more likely to be limited by environmental resources for females than for male individuals. If this is true for Juniperus virginiana, females should be located in more nutrient and water rich areas than males. This also assumes that females can not be reproductively successful in areas of poor environmental quality. Therefore, reproductive males should be more likely to inhabit environments with relatively lower resource availability than females. Whether the environment affects sexual determination or just limits survival of different sexes is still relatively unknown. In order to view distribution trends along the environmental gradient, the position of the tree in the canyon transect was compared to its sex. Any trend in sex should correspond with varying environmental factors in the canyon, ie: sunlight availability, aspect, and ground slope. The individuals’ allocation to growth and reproduction was quantified first by comparing trunk diameter at six inches above ground to sex and location of the tree. The feature of energy allocation was further substantiated by comparing carbon and nitrogen content in tree leaf tissue and soil to location and sex of each individual. Carbon and nitrogen in soil indicate essential nutrient availability to the individual, while C and N in leaf tissue indicate nutrient limitation experienced by the tree. At the conclusion of this experiment, there is modest support that survival and fecundity of females demands environments relatively richer in nutrients, than needed by males to survive and be reproductively active. Side of the canyon appeared to have an influence on diameter of trees, frequency of sex and carbon and nitrogen leaf content. While this information indicated possible trends in the relation of sex to nutrient availability, most of the environmental variables presumed responsible for the sex distribution bias differed minutely and may not have been biologically significant to tree growth.


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The product development field daily works in the chase of new materials and technologies that fulfills the requirements of the consumer market. So, projects are developed in order to theoretically predict what will actually happen. The production of household appliance is not different. To provide a pleasant bath to the costumer, the manufacture of a bathtub counts on many components. With this in mind, this work goal is to study the possibility of production by plastic injection of the assembly water source/overflow pipe used in bathtubs and compare its production cost with the cost of the assembly acquired from third parties. The injection process is widely used on the world stage because of its numerous advantages, however, due to the high cost of the molds, it is important to estimate the time required for the return of the initial investment. To do this, a model was designed to examine its dimensions and then initiate the study of the possibility to inject the components with the available injection machine and the production cycle. With the results, it was found that there was a reduction in the cost of the finished assembly, but a very long time to return the initial investment due to the current financial scenery of the country


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Die vorliegende Arbeit ist im Zuge des DFG Projektes Spätpleistozäne, holozäne und aktuelle Geomorphodynamik in abflusslosen Becken der Mongolischen Gobi´´ entstanden. Das Arbeitsgebiet befindet sich in der südlichen Mongolei im nördlichen Teil der Wüste Gobi. Neben einigen Teilen der Sahara (Heintzenberg, 2009), beispielsweise das Bodélé Becken des nördlichen Tschads (z.B. Washington et al., 2006a; Todd et al., 2006; Warren et al., 2007) wird Zentralasien als ein Hauptliefergebiet für Partikel in die globale Zirkulation der Atmosphäre gesehen (Goudie, 2009). Hauptaugenmerk liegt hierbei besonders auf den abflusslosen Becken und deren Sedimentablagerungen. Die, der Deflation ausgesetzten Flächen der Seebecken, sind hauptsächliche Quelle für Partikel die sich in Form von Staub respektive Sand ausbreiten. Im Hinblick auf geomorphologische Landschaftsentwicklung wurde der Zusammenhang von Beckensedimenten zu Hangdepositionen numerisch simuliert. Ein von Grunert and Lehmkuhl (2004) publiziertes Model, angelehnt an Ideen von Pye (1995) wird damit in Betracht gezogen. Die vorliegenden Untersuchungen modellieren Verbreitungsmechanismen auf regionaler Ebene ausgehend von einer größeren Anzahl an einzelnen punktuellen Standorten. Diese sind repräsentativ für die einzelnen geomorphologischen Systemglieder mit möglicherweise einer Beteiligung am Budget aeolischer Geomorphodynamik. Die Bodenbedeckung durch das charakteristische Steinpflaster der Gobi - Region, sowie unter anderem Korngrößenverteilungen der Oberflächensedimente wurden untersucht. Des Weiteren diente eine zehnjährige Zeitreihe (Jan 1998 bis Dez 2007) meteorologischer Daten als Grundlage zur Analyse der Bedingungen für äolische Geomorphodynamik. Die Daten stammen von 32 staatlichen mongolischen Wetterstationen aus der Region und Teile davon wurden für die Simulationen verwendet. Zusätzlich wurden atmosphärische Messungen zur Untersuchung der atmosphärischen Stabilität und ihrer tageszeitlichen Variabilität mit Mess-Drachenaufstiegen vorgenommen. Die Feldbefunde und auch die Ergebnisse der Laboruntersuchungen sowie der Datensatz meteorologischer Parameter dienten als Eingangsparameter für die Modellierungen. Emissionsraten der einzelnen Standorte und die Partikelverteilung im 3D Windfeld wurden modelliert um die Konvektivität der Beckensedimente und Hangdepositionen zu simulieren. Im Falle hoher mechanischer Turbulenz der bodennahen Luftschicht (mit einhergehender hoher Wind Reibungsgeschwindigkeit), wurde generell eine neutrale Stabilität festgestellt und die Simulationen von Partikelemission sowie deren Ausbreitung und Deposition unter neutraler Stabilitätsbedingung berechnet. Die Berechnung der Partikelemission wurde auf der Grundlage eines sehr vereinfachten missionsmodells in Anlehnung an bestehende Untersuchungen (Laurent et al., 2006; Darmenova et al., 2009; Shao and Dong, 2006; Alfaro, 2008) durchgeführt. Sowohl 3D Windfeldkalkulationen als auch unterschiedliche Ausbreitungsszenarien äolischer Sedimente wurden mit dem kommerziellen Programm LASAT® (Lagrange-Simulation von Aerosol-Transport) realisiert. Diesem liegt ein Langargischer Algorithmus zugrunde, mittels dessen die Verbreitung einzelner Partikel im Windfeld mit statistischer Wahrscheinlichkeit berechnet wird. Über Sedimentationsparameter kann damit ein Ausbreitungsmodell der Beckensedimente in Hinblick auf die Gebirgsfußflächen und -hänge generiert werden. Ein weiterer Teil der Untersuchungen beschäftigt sich mit der geochemischen Zusammensetzung der Oberflächensedimente. Diese Proxy sollte dazu dienen die simulierten Ausbreitungsrichtungen der Partikel aus unterschiedlichen Quellregionen nach zu verfolgen. Im Falle der Mongolischen Gobi zeigte sich eine weitestgehende Homogenität der Minerale und chemischen Elemente in den Sedimenten. Laser Bebohrungen einzelner Sandkörner zeigten nur sehr leichte Unterschiede in Abhängigkeit der Quellregionen. Die Spektren der Minerale und untersuchten Elemente deuten auf graitische Zusammensetzungen hin. Die, im Untersuchungsgebiet weit verbreiteten Alkali-Granite (Jahn et al., 2009) zeigten sich als hauptverantwortlich für die Sedimentproduktion im Untersuchungsgebiet. Neben diesen Mineral- und Elementbestimmungen wurde die Leichtmineralfraktion auf die Charakteristik des Quarzes hin untersucht. Dazu wurden Quarzgehalt, Kristallisation und das Elektronen-Spin-Resonanz Signal des E’1 - Centers in Sauerstoff Fehlstellungen des SiO2 Gitters bestimmt. Die Untersuchungen sind mit dem Methodenvorschlag von Sun et al. (2007) durchgeführt worden und sind prinzipiell gut geeignet um Herkunftsanalysenrndurchzuführen. Eine signifikante Zuordnung der einzelnen Quellgebiete ist jedoch auch in dieser Proxy nicht zu finden gewesen.


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Air samples were collected from Jan 16 to Mar 14, 2008 onboard the Oceanic II- The Scholar Ship which navigated an east–west transect from Shanghai to Cape Verde, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were analyzed in these samples. PBDE concentrations in the atmosphere over the open seas were influenced by proximity to source areas and land, and air mass origins. The concentrations of Σ21PBDEs over the East and South China Seas, the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean were 10.8 ± 6.13, 3.22 ± 1.57, 5.12 ± 3.56, and 2.87 ± 1.81 pg m−3, respectively. BDE-47 and -99 were the dominant congeners in all the samples, suggesting that the widely used commercial penta-BDE products were the original sources. Over some parts of Atlantic and Indian Ocean, daytime concentrations of BDE-47 and BDE-99 were higher than the concentrations at night. The strong atmospheric variability does not always coincide with a diurnal cycle, but the variability in air concentrations in such remote areas of the ocean remains strong. No significant trends were found for each of PBDE congener with latitude.