977 resultados para Water -- Pollution -- Toxicology


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In the last years many populations of anurans have declined and extinctions have been recorded. They were related to environmental pollution, changes of land use and emerging diseases. The main objective of this study was to determine copper sensitivity of the anuran of the Amazon Rhinella granulosa and Scinax ruber tadpoles at stage 25 and Scinax ruber eggs exposed for 96 h to copper concentrations ranging from 15 µg Cu L-1 to 94 µg Cu L-1. LC50 at 96 h of Rhinella granulosa Gosner 25, Scinax ruber Gosner 25 and Scinax ruber eggs in black water of the Amazon were 23.48, 36.37 and 50.02 µg Cu L-1, respectively. The Biotic Ligand Model was used to predict the LC50 values for these species and it can be considered a promising tool for these tropical species and water conditions. Copper toxicity depends on water physical-chemical composition and on the larval stage of the tadpoles. The Gosner stage 19-21 (related to the appearance of external gills) is the most vulnerable and the egg stage is the most resistant. In case of contamination by copper, the natural streams must have special attention, since copper is more bioavailable.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Geociências (área de especialização em Valorização de Recursos Geológicos)


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The overall purpose of this study was to develop a thorough inspection regime for onsite wastewater treatment systems, which is practical and could be implemented on all site conditions across the country. With approximately 450,000 onsite wastewater treatment systems in Ireland a risk based methodology is required for site selection. This type of approach will identify the areas with the highest potential risk to human health and the environment and these sites should be inspected first. In order to gain the required knowledge to develop an inspection regime in-depth and extensive research was earned out. The following areas of pertinent interest were examined and reviewed, history of domestic wastewater treatment, relevant wastewater legislation and guidance documents and potential detrimental impacts. Analysis of a questionnaire from a prior study, which assessed the resources available and the types of inspections currently undertaken by Local authorities was carried out. In addition to the analysis of the questionnaire results, interviews were carried out with several experts involved in the area of domestic wastewater treatment. The interview focussed on twelve key questions which were directed towards the expert’s opinions on the vital aspects of developing an inspection regime. The background research, combined with the questionnaire analysis and information from the interviews provided a solid foundation for the development of an inspection regime. Chapter 8 outlines the inspection regime which has been developed for this study. The inspection regime includes a desktop study, consultation with the homeowners, visual site inspection, non-invasive site tests, and inspection of the treatment systems. The general opinion from the interviews carried out, was that a standardised approach for the inspections was necessary. For this reason an inspection form was produced which provides a standard systematic approach for inspectors to follow. This form is displayed in Appendix 3. The development of a risk based methodology for site selection was discussed and a procedure similar in approach to the Geological Survey of Irelands Groundwater Protection Schemes was proposed. The EPA is currently developing a risk based methodology, but it is not available to the general public yet. However, the EPA provided a copy of a paper outlining the key aspects of their methodology. The methodology will use risk maps which take account of the following parameters: housing density, areas with inadequate soil conditions, risk of water pollution through surface and subsurface pathways. Sites identified with having the highest potential risk to human health and the environment shall be inspected first. Based on the research carried out a number of recommendations were made which are outlined in Chapter 10. The principle conclusion was that, if these systems fail to operate satisfactorily, home owners need to understand that these systems dispose of the effluent to the 'ground' and the effluent becomes part of the hydrological cycle; therefore, they are a potential hazard to the environment and human health. It is the owners, their families and their neighbours who will be at most immediate risk.


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La llúdriga (Lutra lutra) va desaparèixer de la conca de la Tordera a causa de la pressió humana sobre ella i el seu hàbitat. Recentment les seves poblacions s’estan recuperant a las conques nord de Catalunya. En aquest context es presenta els resultats dels anàlisis dels requeriments socioecològics de la llúdriga en l’afluent del riu Tordera de la riera d’Arbúcies: qualitat del bosc de ribera, valoració de la contaminació de l’aigua i l’anàlisi de les poblacions d’ictiofauna, a més de l’estimació de l’espècie més abundant. L’evolució de l’ús i cobertes del sòl del sòl mostren que existeix una tendència augment en las masses forestals, zones urbanitzades i infraestructures; també una disminució del camps de cultiu, fruiters i vinyes. La qualitat del bosc de ribera es va valorar a partir del l’índex QBR, obtenint que la màxima qualitat es localitza en el tram alt, disminuint a mesura que s’apropa a la desembocadura al Tordera. La contaminació de l’aigua a estat valorada, per una banda analitzant la qualitat biològica a partir dels índexs IPS i BMWPC, obtenint que la qualitat de l’aigua disminueix a mesura que transcorre riu avall, segons l’IPS. Amb el BMWPC es troba que existeix una recuperació de la qualitat de l’aigua en l’últim tram. Per altra banda s’han analitzat el compostos químics que afecten a la llúdriga, obtenint que les concentracions d’aquest no són rellevants a l’aigua. S’ha analitzat l’estructura de la població d’ictiofauna present, trobant que el Barbus meridionalis és l’espècie més abundant en tots el trams, a més d’augmentar en captures a mesura que l’aigua s’apropa al aiguabarreig amb la Tordera. S’ha estimat la biomassa present d’aquesta espècie, concloent que es suficient per mantenir una població no gaire densa de llúdrigues, inferior a 0,15 individus per kilòmetre de riu.


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Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud / Ciudadanía / Nuestra Salud / Medio ambiente y Salud / Aguas de Consumo Público)


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Background. Determine the presence and evolution of indicators microorganisms of water pollution in “Conde del Guadalhorce” reservoir, Málaga city, Spain. A second objective was to analyze pollution degree and evaluate the sanitary quality of bathing water and compliance with European Directive 76/160/CE. Method. A total of 120 water samples were collected in two bathing freshwater sites during May to September sampling period between 2000 to 2005, and the numbers of total coliforms (CT), faecal coliforms (CF) and faecal streptococci (EF) were enumerated using the membrane filtration method. We used the log-normal distribution method and calculate the logarithmic means, percentile points, ratios CF:EF, ANOVA and Pearson correlations. Results. Only two samples overcome CF limit values at Camping sampling station during 2000 year. Ratios CF:EF values were higher (> 4) during 2000 to 2002, and lower (< 0,7) during 2003 to 2005. Significant differences (ANOVA F = 3,41, ∝ < 0,01) was only observed with EF during evaluated period. There was no significant difference between concentration means at bathing water sites (ANOVA, F = 3,395, ∝ < 0,01). The counts of CT and CF were significantly correlated in Kiosko water samples, while in Camping water, significant correlation (t = 0,632, p < 0,05) was only observed with EF at the Camping station during 2000, 2003 and 2005 years. Conclusions. “Conde del Guadalhorce” reservoir showed hygienic conditions for safety bathing. Globally, water bathing quality is good. CT, CF y EF indicators were agreed with UE Directive during 2000- 2005, with exception CF at Camping station in 2000 year. CT y CF concentrations at Camping were frecuently higher than Kiosko, it could be caused to swimmers abundance and recreational activities. There was a trend towards rising EF, it could be caused to faecal pollution source of animal origin, needed to research it.


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Introduction. The purpose of this work was studied the magnitude, possible causes and contributing environmental factors in the waterbourne outbreaks appearance, in the performance area of the locality of Benaoján (Town of Málaga. Spain). Material/Methods. Analysis of the potability of the water and disinfection controls. Evaluation of the fulfillment of the quality of the drinking water and sanitary technical requirements of water supplies, pursuant to the Spanish regulation on public consumption waters. Results. We have been accomplished 110 potability analysis, proving that 13,4% of the samples do not comply with the potability criteria of the water. It were practiced 647 controls of disinfection, of those which 53% resulted not accordant. The design of the supply net is of the branching type and at least presents 30 blind branches, points where the water remains stagnant. The municipal waters service doesn´t make analytics controls of the quality of the water neither has implanted Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) of the facilities of the supply. Discussion. Environmental research suggests that the public water supply net is a source of infection, problem related to the epidemic outbreaks appearance. Because of this the water consumption not treaty must be avoided.


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This study investigates faecal indicator bacteria (FIB), multiple antibiotic resistant (MAR), and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), of sediment profiles from different parts of Lake Geneva (Switzerland) over the last decades. MARs consist to expose culturable Escherichia coli (EC) and Enterococcus (ENT) to mixed five antibiotics including Ampicillin, Tetracycline, Amoxicillin, Chloramphenicol and Erythromycin. Culture-independent is performed to assess the distribution of ARGs responsible for, β-lactams (blaTEM; Amoxicillin/Ampicillin), Streptomycin/Spectinomycin (aadA), Tetracycline (tet) Chloramphenicol (cmlA) and Vancomycin (van). Bacterial cultures reveal that in the sediments deposited following eutrophication of Lake Geneva in the 1970s, the percentage of MARs to five antibiotics varied from 0.12% to 4.6% and 0.016% to 11.6% of total culturable EC and ENT, respectively. In these organic-rich bacteria-contaminated sediments, the blaTEM resistant of FIB varied from 22% to 48% and 16% to 37% for EC and ENT respectively, whereas the positive PCR assays responsible for tested ARGs were observed for EC, ENT, and total DNA from all samples. The aadA resistance gene was amplified for all the sediment samples, including those not influenced by WWTP effluent water. Our results demonstrate that bacteria MARs and ARGs highly increased in the sediments contaminated with WWTP effluent following the cultural eutrophication of Lake Geneva. Hence, the human-induced changing limnological conditions highly enhanced the sediment microbial activity, and therein the spreading of antibiotic resistant bacteria and genes in this aquatic environment used to supply drinking water in a highly populated area. Furthermore, the presence of the antibiotic resistance gene aadA in all the studied samples points out a regional dissemination of this emerging contaminant in freshwater sediments since at least the late nineteenth century.


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Actualment la situació del mercat espanyol i català del biodièsel es caracteritza per les grans importacions d’oli de palma africana. Per a produir aquesta matèria primera s’estan establint plantacions a gran escala d’Elaeis guineensis (palma africana) a Indonèsia. El monocultiu d’Elaeis guineensis i la producció de l’oli tenen associats grans impactes ambientals i socials. Per una banda, els impactes ambientals són principalment la desforestació, el canvi d’ús del sòl, la pèrdua de biodiversitat, l’erosió del sòl i la contaminació de l’aire, del sòl de l’aigua. Per altra banda, els impactes socials més destacats són la violació dels drets humans dels pobles indígenes, els conflictes d’adquisició de terres i que es compromet la seguretat alimentària del país. Per tant, l’ús del biodièsel produït amb oli de palma africana redueix les emissions de GEH a Espanya i a Catalunya provocant un gran impacte ambiental i social a Indonèsia.


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The use of sulfur and strontium isotopes as tracers for the source/s of water contaminants have been applied to the water of the Llobregat River system (NE Spain). Surface water samples from June 1997 were collected from the Llobregat River and its main tributaries and creeks. The chemistry of most stream waters are controlled mainly by the weathering of Tertiary chemical sediments within the drainage basin. The largest variation in delta(34)S values were found in the small creeks with values ranging from -9.9 to 15parts per thousand, whilst in the main river channels values ranged from 6.3 to 12.4parts per thousand. The Sr-87/Sr-86 ratio for dissolved strontium ranged from 0.70795 for a non-polluted site to 0.70882 for a polluted one. Most of the waters with high NO3 and low Ca/Na ratio converge to the same Sr-87/Sr-86 value, pointing to dominant pollutant end member contribution or a mixing of pollutants with an isotopic composition around 0.7083-0.7085. Although the concentration of the natural inputs in the river for sulfate and strontium are high, as a result of the sulfate outcrops within the geology of the basin, their isotopic characteristics suggest that they can be used as a discriminating device in water pollution problems. However to establish the detailed characteristics of the isotopes as geochemical tools, specific high-resolution case studies are necessary in small areas, where the inputs are well known.


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Two concentration methods for fast and routine determination of caffeine (using HPLC-UV detection) in surface, and wastewater are evaluated. Both methods are based on solid-phase extraction (SPE) concentration with octadecyl silica sorbents. A common “offline” SPE procedure shows that quantitative recovery of caffeine is obtained with 2 mL of an elution mixture solvent methanol-water containing at least 60% methanol. The method detection limit is 0.1 μg L−1 when percolating 1 L samples through the cartridge. The development of an “online” SPE method based on a mini-SPE column, containing 100 mg of the same sorbent, directly connected to the HPLC system allows the method detection limit to be decreased to 10 ng L−1 with a sample volume of 100 mL. The “offline” SPE method is applied to the analysis of caffeine in wastewater samples, whereas the “on-line” method is used for analysis in natural waters from streams receiving significant water intakes from local wastewater treatment plants


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Erosion is deleterious because it reduces the soil's productivity capacity for growing crops and causes sedimentation and water pollution problems. Surface and buried crop residue, as well as live and dead plant roots, play an important role in erosion control. An efficient way to assess the effectiveness of such materials in erosion reduction is by means of decomposition constants as used within the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation - RUSLE's prior-land-use subfactor - PLU. This was investigated using simulated rainfall on a 0.12 m m-1 slope, sandy loam Paleudult soil, at the Agriculture Experimental Station of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in Eldorado do Sul, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The study area had been covered by native grass pasture for about fifteen years. By the middle of March 1996, the sod was mechanically mowed and the crop residue removed from the field. Late in April 1996, the sod was chemically desiccated with herbicide and, about one month later, the following treatments were established and evaluated for sod biomass decomposition and soil erosion, from June 1996 to May 1998, on duplicated 3.5 x 11.0 m erosion plots: (a) and (b) soil without tillage, with surface residue and dead roots; (c) soil without tillage, with dead roots only; (d) soil tilled conventionally every two-and-half months, with dead roots plus incorporated residue; and (e) soil tilled conventionally every six months, with dead roots plus incorporated residue. Simulated rainfall was applied with a rotating-boom rainfall simulator, at an intensity of 63.5 mm h-1 for 90 min, eight to nine times during the experimental period (about every two-and-half months). Surface and subsurface sod biomass amounts were measured before each rainfall test along with the erosion measurements of runoff rate, sediment concentration in runoff, soil loss rate, and total soil loss. Non-linear regression analysis was performed using an exponential and a power model. Surface sod biomass decomposition was better depicted by the exponential model, while subsurface sod biomass was by the power model. Subsurface sod biomass decomposed faster and more than surface sod biomass, with dead roots in untilled soil without residue on the surface decomposing more than dead roots in untilled soil with surface residue. Tillage type and frequency did not appreciably influence subsurface sod biomass decomposition. Soil loss rates increased greatly with both surface sod biomass decomposition and decomposition of subsurface sod biomass in the conventionally tilled soil, but they were minimally affected by subsurface sod biomass decomposition in the untilled soil. Runoff rates were little affected by the studied treatments. Dead roots plus incorporated residues were effective in reducing erosion in the conventionally tilled soil, while consolidation of the soil surface was important in no-till. The residual effect of the turned soil on erosion diminished gradually with time and ceased after two years.


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En el marco del proyecto Sostaqua se ha llevado a cabo la evaluación del efecto de las aguas residuales tratadas en tres depuradoras (dos en la provincia de Barcelona y una en Andorra), sobre la comunidad de macroinvertebrados bentónicos. En cada una de ellas se evaluó mensualmente el estado ecológico aguas arriba y aguas abajo del punto de vertido, utilizando varios índices biológicos. Mientras que en el río de andorra no se observó un efecto sobre los índices biológicos, en los ríos de la provincia de Barcelona (ríos ya perturbados y con una menor disolución del vertido) el efecto fue importante.