970 resultados para Voltammetry, Fluorescence spectroscopy, Salbutamol, DNA, MCR-ALS


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We report the performance and photophysics of a low band-gap diketopyrrolopyrrole-based copolymer used in bulk heterojunction devices in combination with PC71BM. We show that the short lifetime of photogenerated excitons in the polymer constitutes an obstacle towards device efficiency by limiting the diffusion range of the exciton to the donor-acceptor heterojunction. We employ ultrafast transient-probe and fluorescence spectroscopy techniques to examine the excited state loss channels inside the devices. We use the high boiling point solvent additive 1,8-diiodooctane (DIO) to study the photoexcited state losses in different blend morphologies. The solvent additive acts as a compatibiliser between the donor and the acceptor material and leads to smaller domain sizes, higher charge formation yields and increased device efficiency.


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Nanoparticles of conjugated polymers are receiving attention due to their interesting optical properties. Here we report nanoparticles of fluoranthene-based conjugated copolymer prepared by the Suzuki coupling reaction. The copolymer forms nanoparticles by the spontaneous self-assembly after evaporation of organic solvent. The mean diameter of the nanoparticles can be manipulated by varying solvent composition. We investigated the parameters that govern the nanostructured morphology of polymer by systematic variation of good and poor solvent. The UV vis and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy measurement reveal the use of poor solvent in the organization of nanostructures. Furthermore, transmission electron microscopy highlights the importance of rigidity of the polymer backbone in morphological development.


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A novel colorimetric probe 1 based on the picolyl moiety has been designed and synthesized. Probe 1 is composed of a pyrene and a bispicolyl amine (BPA) unit, in which the BPA moiety acts as a binding unit and the binding phenomenon is sensed from the changes in the signaling subunit. The probe detects Cu2+ specifically in water and both Cu2+ and Hg2+ efficiently in neutral Brij-58 micellar media. The probe shows a color change visible to the naked eye upon addition of metal ions. Notably, in a micellar medium, probe 1 can detect both the Cu2+ and Hg2+ ions even at parts-per-billion levels. Furthermore, the probe shows ratiometric detection of both the metal ions making the sensing quantitative. The two metal ions could be discriminated both visibly under a UV lamp and with the use of fluorescence spectroscopy. The probe could be also used in biological cell lines for the detection of both Hg2+ and Cu2+ ions.


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Photocatalytic degradation of estriol (E3) in an aqueous medium was investigated in the presence of TiO2 microcrystallized glass plates. To begin with, transparent glasses associated with the composition 0.4BaO-0.4TiO(2)-B2O3 (BTBO) were fabricated by the conventional melt-quench technique and subsequently subjected to controlled heat treatment at an appropriate temperature to grow anatase TiO2 microcrystals in the glass matrix. The fabricated samples were subjected to differential scanning calorimetry. X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy to obtain thermal, structural and microstructural details. The photocatalytic activity of glass samples for estriol degradation was monitored by fluorescence spectroscopy. The limit of detection for estriol using fluorescence spectroscopy was analyzed. The results showed that microcrystallized TiO2 glass composites have more photocatalytic activity than as quenched glass. The degradation rate coefficient of microcrystallized TiO2 glass composite (334.54 min(-1) m(-2)) was found to be ten times larger than that of the as-quenched BTBO glasses (37.74 min(-1) m(-2)) implying that the anatase phase of TiO2 in BTBO glasses was responsible for high photocatalytic activity of estriol degradation. (c) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is an ATP-dependent molecular chaperone that is essential for the normal functioning of eukaryotic cells. It plays crucial roles in cell signalling, cell-cycle control and in maintaining proteome integrity and protein homeostasis. In plants, Hsp90s are required for normal plant growth and development. Hsp90s are observed to be upregulated in response to various abiotic and biotic stresses and are also involved in immune responses in plants. Although there are several studies elucidating the physiological role of Hsp90s in plants, their molecular mechanism of action is still unclear. In this study, biochemical characterization of an Hsp90 protein from rice (Oryza sativa; OsHsp90) has been performed and the crystal structure of its N-terminal domain (OsHsp90-NTD) was determined. The binding of OsHsp90 to its substrate ATP and the inhibitor 17-AAG was studied by fluorescence spectroscopy. The protein also exhibited a weak ATPase activity. The crystal structure of OsHsp90-NTD was solved in complex with the nonhydrolyzable ATP analogue AMPPCP at 3.1 angstrom resolution. The domain was crystallized by cross-seeding with crystals of the N-terminal domain of Hsp90 from Dictyostelium discoideum, which shares 70% sequence identity with OsHsp90-NTD. This is the second reported structure of a domain of Hsp90 from a plant source.


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The possibility of lifetime measurement in a flowing medium with phase fluorometry is investigated theoretically. A 3-D time dependent partial differential equation of the number density of atoms (or molecules) in the upper level of the fluorescence transition is solved analytically, taking flow, diffusion, optical excitation, decay, Doppler shift, and thickness of the excitation light sheet into account. An analytical expression of the intensity of the fluorescence signal in the flowing medium is deduced. Conditions are given, in which the principle of lifetime measurement with phase fluorometry in the static sample cell can be used in a flowing medium.


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Levofloxacino é uma fluorquinolona sintética de 3 geração. É eficaz contra uma variedade de infecções, incluindo o trato respiratório superior e inferior, trato urinário, obstétrico, ginecológico, e infecções dermatológicas. Com o objetivo de quantificar o levofloxacino em medicamentos e amostras de pacientes saudáveis e ter a resolução de seu espectro, foram realizados estudos preliminares em medicamento utilizando espectrofluorescência molecular com concentrações na faixa de 28,8 108 ng/mL e cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (HPLC) na faixa de concentração de 2,9 10,8 g/mL; e também quantificação em urina de paciente em tratamento com o medicamento, usando os dois métodos citados. Após isso, foram feitos estudos conclusivos utilizando espectrofluorescência molecular e os métodos univariado e PLS para determinação de levofloxacino na faixa de concentração de 0 250 ng/mL e PARAFAC combinado com o método da adição de padrão, para quantificação de levofloxacino em urina de paciente saudável, na faixa de concentração de 0 150 ng/mL, com diluição da amostra em três níveis (100 x, 500 x e 1000x). O método de ordem zero se mostrou mais eficiente na determinação de levofloxacino em medicamento que o de primeira ordem, seus desvios padrão foram 2,0% e 7,9%, respectivamente. Já o PARAFAC com o método de adição de padrão apresentou melhores resultados com a urina, pois possibilitou a quantificação do antibiótico em uma amostra complexa, de forma mais precisa e exata com o aumento da diluição da urina, sem necessidade de tratamento prévio.


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670 p. Capítulos de introducción, metodología, discusión y conclusiones en castellano e inglés.


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A series of meso-phenyloctamethylporphyrins covalently bonded at the 4'phenyl position to quinones via rigid bicyclo[2.2.2]octane spacers were synthesized for the study of the dependence of electron transfer reaction rate on solvent, distance, temperature, and energy gap. A general and convergent synthesis was developed based on the condensation of ac-biladienes with masked quinonespacer-benzaldehydes. From picosecond fluorescence spectroscopy emission lifetimes were measured in seven solvents of varying polarity. Rate constants were determined to vary from 5.0x109sec-1 in N,N-dimethylformamide to 1.15x1010 Sec-1 in benzene, and were observed to rise at most by about a factor of three with decreasing solvent polarity. Experiments at low temperature in 2-MTHF glass (77K) revealed fast, nearly temperature-independent electron transfer characterized by non-exponential fluorescence decays, in contrast to monophasic behavior in fluid solution at 298K. This example evidently represents the first photosynthetic model system not based on proteins to display nearly temperature-independent electron transfer at high temperatures (nuclear tunneling). Low temperatures appear to freeze out the rotational motion of the chromophores, and the observed nonexponential fluorescence decays may be explained as a result of electron transfer from an ensemble of rotational conformations. The nonexponentiality demonstrates the sensitivity of the electron transfer rate to the precise magnitude of the electronic matrix element, which supports the expectation that electron transfer is nonadiabatic in this system. The addition of a second bicyclooctane moiety (15 Å vs. 18 Å edge-to-edge between porphyrin and quinone) reduces the transfer rate by at least a factor of 500-1500. Porphyrinquinones with variously substituted quinones allowed an examination of the dependence of the electron transfer rate constant κET on reaction driving force. The classical trend of increasing rate versus increasing exothermicity occurs from 0.7 eV≤ |ΔG0'(R)| ≤ 1.0 eV until a maximum is reached (κET = 3 x 108 sec-1 rising to 1.15 x 1010 sec-1 in acetonitrile). The rate remains insensitive to ΔG0 for ~ 300 mV from 1.0 eV≤ |ΔG0’(R)| ≤ 1.3 eV, and then slightly decreases in the most exothermic case studied (cyanoquinone, κET = 5 x 109 sec-1).


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A good understanding of the population dynamics of algal communities is vital in many ecological and pollution studies of freshwater and oceanic systems. Present methods require manual counting and identification of algae and can take up to 90 min to obtain a statistically reliable count on a complex population. Several alternative techniques to accelerate the process have been tried on marine samples but none have been completely successful because insufficient effort has been put into verifying the technique before field trials. The objective of the present study has been to assess the potential of in vivo fluorescence of algal pigments as a means of automatically identifying algae. For this work total fluorescence spectroscopy was chosen as the observation technique.


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Este trabalho de pesquisa descreve três estudos de utilização de métodos quimiométricos para a classificação e caracterização de óleos comestíveis vegetais e seus parâmetros de qualidade através das técnicas de espectrometria de absorção molecular no infravermelho médio com transformada de Fourier e de espectrometria no infravermelho próximo, e o monitoramento da qualidade e estabilidade oxidativa do iogurte usando espectrometria de fluorescência molecular. O primeiro e segundo estudos visam à classificação e caracterização de parâmetros de qualidade de óleos comestíveis vegetais utilizando espectrometria no infravermelho médio com transformada de Fourier (FT-MIR) e no infravermelho próximo (NIR). O algoritmo de Kennard-Stone foi usado para a seleção do conjunto de validação após análise de componentes principais (PCA). A discriminação entre os óleos de canola, girassol, milho e soja foi investigada usando SVM-DA, SIMCA e PLS-DA. A predição dos parâmetros de qualidade, índice de refração e densidade relativa dos óleos, foi investigada usando os métodos de calibração multivariada dos mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS), iPLS e SVM para os dados de FT-MIR e NIR. Vários tipos de pré-processamentos, primeira derivada, correção do sinal multiplicativo (MSC), dados centrados na média, correção do sinal ortogonal (OSC) e variação normal padrão (SNV) foram utilizados, usando a raiz quadrada do erro médio quadrático de validação cruzada (RMSECV) e de predição (RMSEP) como parâmetros de avaliação. A metodologia desenvolvida para determinação de índice de refração e densidade relativa e classificação dos óleos vegetais é rápida e direta. O terceiro estudo visa à avaliação da estabilidade oxidativa e qualidade do iogurte armazenado a 4C submetido à luz direta e mantido no escuro, usando a análise dos fatores paralelos (PARAFAC) na luminescência exibida por três fluoróforos presentes no iogurte, onde pelo menos um deles está fortemente relacionado com as condições de armazenamento. O sinal fluorescente foi identificado pelo espectro de emissão e excitação das substâncias fluorescentes puras, que foram sugeridas serem vitamina A, triptofano e riboflavina. Modelos de regressão baseados nos escores do PARAFAC para a riboflavina foram desenvolvidos usando os escores obtidos no primeiro dia como variável dependente e os escores obtidos durante o armazenamento como variável independente. Foi visível o decaimento da curva analítica com o decurso do tempo da experimentação. Portanto, o teor de riboflavina pode ser considerado um bom indicador para a estabilidade do iogurte. Assim, é possível concluir que a espectroscopia de fluorescência combinada com métodos quimiométricos é um método rápido para monitorar a estabilidade oxidativa e a qualidade do iogurte


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Desenvolvimento de metodologia para a determinação de aflatoxinas em amostras de amendoim usando espectrofluorimetria e análise dos fatores paralelos (PARAFAC). 2012. 92 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Química) - Instituto de Química, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro , Rio de Janeiro, 2012. Neste trabalho de pesquisa são descritos dois estudos de caso que se baseiam na determinação de aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 e G2 em amostras de amendoim, utilizando a técnica de espectroscopia de fluorescência molecular. O primeiro estudo tem o objetivo de avaliar a metodologia empregada para a quantificação de aflatoxinas totais em amendoins, utilizando o método clássico de validação fazendo-se o uso da calibração univariada. Os principais parâmetros de desempenho foram avaliados visando certificar a possibilidade de implementação desta metodologia em laboratórios. O segundo estudo está focado na separação e quantificação destas aflatoxinas com a aplicação combinada da espectrofluorimetria e de um método quimiométrico de segunda ordem (PARAFAC) utilizando a calibração multivariada. Esta técnica pode ser empregada como uma alternativa viável para a determinação de aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 e G2 isoladamente, tradicionalmente é feito por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detector de fluorescência. Porém, como estes analitos apresentam uma larga faixa de sobreposição espectral e as aflatoxinas (B1 e G1) possuem intensidade de sinal de fluorescência bem abaixo das demais, a separação e quantificação das quatro aflatoxinas foi inviável. O estudo foi retomado com a utilização das aflatoxinas B2 e G2 e os resultados alcançados foram satisfatórios. O método utilizado para a quantificação de aflatoxinas totais apresentou bons resultados, mostrando-se como uma importante ferramenta para a determinação destes analitos. Alem disso, comtempla perfeitamente o que é requerido pela legislação brasileira para a análise de aflatoxinas B1, B2, G1 e G2, que tem como exigência em laudos finais de análise a declaração do somatório, em g/kg, destas aflatoxinas, ou seja, sem a necessidade de quantifica-las separadamente


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Visible upconversion luminescence was observed in Cr3+: Al2O3 crystal under focused femtosecond laser irradiation. The luminescence spectra show that the upconversion luminescence originates from the E-2-(4)A(2) transition of Cr3+. The dependence of the fluorescence intensity of Cr3+ on the pump power reveals that a two-photon absorption process dominates in the conversion of infrared radiation to the visible emission. It is suggested that the simultaneous absorption of two infrared photons produces the population of upper excited states, which leads to the characteristic visible emission from E-2 state of Cr3+.


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BCL-2 family proteins are key regulators of the mitochondrial apoptotic machinery, controlling the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) permeabilization (MOMP). BCL-2 related Ovarian Killer (BOK) is a poorly understood pro-apoptotic member of this protein family. It has been reported that BOK localizes predominantly (although not exclusively) at membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum and of the Golgi apparatus. However, it is unclear whether BOK also operates at the MOM to promote apoptosis, as other pro-apoptotic BCL-2 family members do. Basing on the fact that the other two BAX-like pro-apoptotic members have been reported to oligomerize in order to induce MOMP, site-directed mutagenesis was used to generate two point mutations that predictably eliminated BOK’s oligomerization capacity. Then, the effect of such mutations on BOK’s membrane activity was examined using fluorescence spectroscopy.