935 resultados para Voice pleasantness
Several componential emotion theories suggest that appraisal outcomes trigger characteristic somatovisceral changes that facilitate information processing and prepare the organism for adaptive behavior. The current study tested predictions derived from Scherer's Component Process Model. Participants viewed unpleasant and pleasant pictures (intrinsic pleasantness appraisal) and were asked to concurrently perform either an arm extension or an arm flexion, leading to an increase or a decrease in picture size. Increasing pleasant stimuli and decreasing unpleasant stimuli were considered goal conducive; decreasing pleasant stimuli and increasing unpleasant stimuli were considered goal obstructive (goal conduciveness appraisal). Both appraisals were marked by several somatovisceral changes (facial electromyogram, heart rate (HR)). As predicted, the changes induced by the two appraisals showed similar patterns. Furthermore, HR results, compared with data of earlier studies, suggest that the adaptive consequences of both appraisals may be mediated by stimulus proximity.
The tension between technical experts and the populations they seek to serve is well established in the literature examining professional social problem solving. In this piece, I examine this tension as one between the distinct discursive worlds of technical expertise and community voice. I develop an analytic process, IMAP, for exploring this tension by looking at a wide variety of professional orientations around a relatively fixed concept of community voice. IMAP involves I&barbelow;dentifying social problem solvers, M&barbelow;apping social problem solvers' claims, A&barbelow;nalyzing professional orientations that arise from this mapping, and P&barbelow;redicting, diagnosing, and remediating conflicts. IMAP can be used by analysts external to social problem solving settings or by social problem solvers themselves. The use of IMAP by external experts poses questions of expert alignment with either of the discursive worlds. I examine two cases in public health practice settings: a mobile immunization service and the efforts of a foundation to improve health in an inner-city neighborhood. I develop four modal types that can be anticipated in social problem solving settings or, more specifically, in public health practice. Understanding of these “world views” can enhance mutual understanding between public health professionals and between public health professionals and the communities they seek to serve. IMAP might also address ongoing conflicts to clarify differences in unspoken normative commitments and the impact of these on social problem solving. I discuss implications of the research for public health practice and further research in the area. ^
3. "Plan d'ensemble d'une enquête sur les attitudes generales de la population allemande a l'egard de la France et leurs consequences en ce qui concerne l'orientation des emissions en langue allemande de la radiodiffusion francaise", 18.05.1953. Typoskript, 7 Blatt; 4. "Note" Über Methode, Forschungsrichtung und Reichweite der Ergebnisse der Untersuchung; 18.05.1953; Typoskript, 7 Blatt; 5. "Note" Über Geschichte und Tätigkeit des Instituts für Sozialforschung; 18.05.1953; Typoskript, 5 Blatt; 6. Memorandum des Instituts zu Verfahren und ergebnissen der Untersuchung; 1954 [?]; Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 7.-17. Décamps, Jacques: Memoranden; 7. Memorandum, 12.09.1953; Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 8. "Memorandum re: Besprechung in Bad Godesberg in Bezug auf die französische Studie, am 04.September 1953", 10.09.1953. Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 9. "Memorandum re: Vorhaben des 'Centre d'Etudes Sociologiques, Paris', eine deutsch-französische Arbeitsgemeinschft für die Durchführung von Gemeindestudien zu gründen", 15.06.1953. Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 10. "Memorandum über den Besuch von M. Jean L. Pelosse, Centre d'Etudes sociologiques Paris", 12.06.1953. Typoskript, 3 Blatt; 11. "Bericht über die 'Journées d'Etudes eurropéennes sur la Population' Paris, 21., 22. und 23. Mai 1953", 01.06.1953; 12. "Bericht über den Stand der Verhandlungen mit dem Französischen Auswärtigen Amt und dem französischem Rundfunk. Besprechungen in Paris am 27. und 28. Mai 1953", 01.06.1953. Typoskript, 2 Blatt; 13. Angaben für Max Horkheimer zur Übergabe von Memoranden, Projektbeschreibungen und Briefentwürfen, Mai 1953; Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 14. "Bericht über das 'Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques'", 07.05.1953. Typoskript, 4 Blatt; 15. "Memorandum re: Methode der Gruppendiskussion", 04.05.1953. Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 16. "Besprechung im 'Institut francaise d'Opinion Publique, Paris' und bei der hohen Behörde Luxemburg" 30.04.1953; 17. "Besprechung im Auswärtigen Amt und bei dem französischen Rundfunk", 29.04.1953. Typoskript, 6 Blatt; 18. Horkheimer, Max: 1 Brief an den französischen Botschafter in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, ohen Ort, ohne Datum; Typoskript, 1 Blatt; 19. Radiodiffusion-Télévision Francaise, le Directeur: 1 Briefabschrift an Jacques Décamps, Paris, 09.03.1954; 1 Blatt; 20. Plessner, Helmuth: 1 Brief an den französischen Außenminister, ohne Ort, 18.05.1953; 1 Blatt; 21. Plessner, Helmuth: 1 Brief an Radiodiffusion Francaise, ohne Ort, 18.05.1953; 1 Blatt; 22. Plessner, Helmuth: 1 Brief an den Ministerialrat der Sektion "Agences et Radio" im französischem Außenministerium, ohne Ort, 18.05.1953; 1 Blatt; "The Effectiveness of Candid versus Evasive German-Language Broadcasts of the Voice of America. Final Report", 1953. Typoskript, gebunden, 432 Blatt;
Fil: Zecchin de Fasano, Graciela Cristina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.
The June 2010 conflict between the Kyrgyz and Uzbek communities in southern Kyrgyzstan once again demonstrated the complexity of the ethnic question in Central Asia. Little is known, however, about the Uzbeks in Kazakhstan, whose settlements are concentrated in the south of the republic, in areas adjacent to Uzbekistan. What problems did the Kazakhstani Uzbeks face after the collapse of the Soviet Union and how did they seek to address these issues? This paper examines the attempts of Uzbek leaders to secure their share of power in their compact settlements and how they were co-opted or marginalized under the Nazarbaev administration. This paper shows that loyalty to the regime, not migration to the ethnic homeland or political mobilization, is an option available, and also preferable, for this ethnic minority in Kazakhstan.
This paper explores the attempts to co-ordinate rural resistance and struggles in South Africa during apartheid through a case study of the Association for Rural Advancement (AFRA), a land NGO established in Natal in 1979. It was a small group but had a significant local and national impact. The paper addresses three key questions concerning the character and works of AFRA: (1) What was the character and strategy of AFRA in the politicised context of the late 1970s and 1980s? (2) Was there any historical continuity and discontinuity with early attempts by Natal liberals and African landowners to organise anti-removal campaigns in the 1950s? (3) How and to what extent could AFRA negotiate the increasing influence of the Inkatha and KwaZulu government over Natal rural communities? The paper aims to serve as a critical evaluation of AFRA's strategies and activities, and its relationship with rural communities up to 1990 when land movements became nationwide.
Voice biometry is classically based on the parameterization and patterning of speech features mainly. The present approach is based on the characterization of phonation features instead (glottal features). The intention is to reduce intra-speaker variability due to the `text'. Through the study of larynx biomechanics it may be seen that the glottal correlates constitute a family of 2-nd order gaussian wavelets. The methodology relies in the extraction of glottal correlates (the glottal source) which are parameterized using wavelet techniques. Classification and pattern matching was carried out using Gaussian Mixture Models. Data of speakers from a balanced database and NIST SRE HASR2 were used in verification experiments. Preliminary results are given and discussed.
The dramatic impact of neurological degenerative pathologies in life quality is a growing concern. It is well known that many neurological diseases leave a fingerprint in voice and speech production. Many techniques have been designed for the detection, diagnose and monitoring the neurological disease. Most of them are costly or difficult to extend to primary attention medical services. Through the present paper it will be shown how some neurological diseases can be traced at the level of phonation. The detection procedure would be based on a simple voice test. The availability of advanced tools and methodologies to monitor the organic pathology of voice would facilitate the implantation of these tests. The paper hypothesizes that some of the underlying mechanisms affecting the production of voice produce measurable correlates in vocal fold biomechanics. A general description of the methodological foundations for the voice analysis system which can estimate correlates to the neurological disease is shown. Some study cases will be presented to illustrate the possibilities of the methodology to monitor neurological diseases by voice
The employment of nonlinear analysis techniques for automatic voice pathology detection systems has gained popularity due to the ability of such techniques for dealing with the underlying nonlinear phenomena. On this respect, characterization using nonlinear analysis typically employs the classical Correlation Dimension and the largest Lyapunov Exponent, as well as some regularity quantifiers computing the system predictability. Mostly, regularity features highly depend on a correct choosing of some parameters. One of those, the delay time �, is usually fixed to be 1. Nonetheless, it has been stated that a unity � can not avoid linear correlation of the time series and hence, may not correctly capture system nonlinearities. Therefore, present work studies the influence of the � parameter on the estimation of regularity features. Three � estimations are considered: the baseline value 1; a � based on the Average Automutual Information criterion; and � chosen from the embedding window. Testing results obtained for pathological voice suggest that an improved accuracy might be obtained by using a � value different from 1, as it accounts for the underlying nonlinearities of the voice signal.
Current text-to-speech systems are developed using studio-recorded speech in a neutral style or based on acted emotions. However, the proliferation of media sharing sites would allow developing a new generation of speech-based systems which could cope with spontaneous and styled speech. This paper proposes an architecture to deal with realistic recordings and carries out some experiments on unsupervised speaker diarization. In order to maximize the speaker purity of the clusters while keeping a high speaker coverage, the paper evaluates the F-measure of a diarization module, achieving high scores (>85%) especially when the clusters are longer than 30 seconds, even for the more spontaneous and expressive styles (such as talk shows or sports).
Teaching the adequate use of the singing voice conveys a lot of knowledge in musical performance as well as in objective estimation techniques involving the use of air, muscles, room and body acoustics, and the tuning of a fine instrument as the human voice. Although subjective evaluation and training is a very delicate task to be carried out only by expert singers, biomedical engineering may help contributing with well-funded methodologies developed for the study of voice pathology. The present work is a preliminary study of exploratory character describing the performance of a student singer in a regular classroom under the point of view of vocal fold biomechanics. Estimates of biomechanical parameters obtained from singing voice are given and their potential use is discussed.
A case study of vocal fold paralysis treatment is described with the help of the voice quality analysis application BioMet®Phon. The case corresponds to a description of a 40 - year old female patient who was diagnosed of vocal fold paralysis following a cardio - pulmonar intervention which required intubation for 8 days and posterior tracheotomy for 15 days. The patient presented breathy and asthenic phon ation, and dysphagia. Six main examinations were conducted during a full year period that the treatment lasted consisting in periodic reviews including video - endostroboscopy, voice analysis and breathing function monitoring. The phoniatrician treatment inc luded 20 sessions of vocal rehabilitation, followed by an intracordal infiltration with Radiesse 8 months after the rehabilitation treatment started followed by 6 sessions of rehabilitation more. The videondoscopy and the voicing quality analysis refer a s ubstantial improvement in the vocal function with recovery in all the measures estimated (jitter, shimmer, mucosal wave contents, glottal closure, harmonic contents and biomechanical function analysis). The paper refers the procedure followed and the results obtained by comparing the longitudinal progression of the treatment, illustrating the utility of voice quality analysis tools in speech therapy.
Teaching the adequate use of the singing voice conveys a lot of knowledge in musical performance as well as in objective estimation techniques involving the use of air, muscles, room and body acoustics, and the tuning of a fine instrument as the human voice. Although subjective evaluation and training is a very delicate task to be carried out only by expert singers, biomedical engineering may help contributing with well - funded methodologies developed for the study of voice pathology. The present study is a preliminary study of exploratory character describing the performance of a student singer in a regular classroom under the point of view of vocal fold biomechanics. Estimate s of biomechanical parameters obtained from singing voice are given and their use i n the classroom is discussed.