839 resultados para Virtual Environment
Dobra umiejętność komunikowania się, szczególnie wysoki poziom kompetencji interpersonalnych jest obecnie jedną z najważniejszych kluczowych kompetencji pracownika. Chociaż ludzie od dziecka uczą się komunikować w różnych sytuacjach społecznych, nie oznacza to wcale, że potrafią efektywnie się porozumiewać. Zazwyczaj, co obserwujemy w wielu organizacjach, dużo czasu i miejsca poświęca się na podnoszenie poziomu kompetencji interpersonalnych, poprzez między innymi udział w różnych szkoleniach. Współcześnie obserwuje się coraz większy udział usług i narzędzi internetowych w komunikowaniu się pracowników wewnątrz i poza organizacją. Taki stan rzeczy rodzi pytanie o poziom umiejętności komunikowania za pomocą Internetu. Autorka stara się przekonać, że interaktywny model szkoleń internetowych (e-learning) jest modelem, który wymusza aktywną komunikację i współpracę. W ten sposób pracownicy biorący udział w szkoleniu w naturalny sposób uczą się komunikowania w sieci i mogą podnosić swoje kompetencje komunikacyjne w środowisku wirtualnym.
The purpose of this study was to test whether a constant bearing angle strategy could account for the displacement regulations produced by a moving observer when attempting to intercept a ball following a curvilinear path. The participants were asked to walk through a virtual environment and to change, if (deemed) necessary, their walking speed so as to intercept a moving ball that followed either a rectilinear or a curvilinear path. The results showed that ball path curvature did indeed influence the participants' displacement kinematics in a way that was predicted by adherence to a constant bearing angle strategy mode of control. Velocity modifications were found to be proportional to the magnitude of target curvature with opposing curvatures giving rise to mirror displacement velocity changes. The role of prospective strategies in the control of interceptive action is discussed
The constant bearing angle (CBA) strategy is a prospective strategy that permits the interception of moving objects. The purpose of the present study is to test this strategy. Participants were asked to walk through a virtual environment and to change, if necessary, their walking speed so as to intercept approaching targets. The targets followed either a rectilinear or a curvilinear trajectory and target size was manipulated both within trials (target size was gradually changed during the trial in order to bias expansion) and between trials (targets of different sizes were used). The curvature manipulation had a large effect on the kinematics of walking, which is in agreement with the CBA strategy. The target size manipulations also affected the kinematics of walking. Although these effects of target size are not predicted by the CBA strategy, quantitative comparisons of observed kinematics and the kinematics predicted by the CBA strategy showed good fits. Furthermore, predictions based on the CBA strategy were deemed superior to predictions based on a required velocity (V-REQ) model. The role of target size and expansion in the prospective control of walking is discussed.
Older adults, deemed to be at a high risk of falling, are often unable to participate in dynamic exercises due to physical constraints and/or a fear of falling. Using the Nintendo 'Wii Balance Board' (WBB) (Nintendo, Kyoto, Japan), we have developed an interface that allows a user to accurately calculate a participant's centre of pressure (COP) and incorporate it into a virtual environment to create bespoke diagnostic or training programmes that exploit real-time visual feedback of current COP position. This platform allows researchers to design, control and validate tasks that both train and test balance function. This technology provides a safe, adaptable and low-cost balance training/testing solution for older adults, particularly those at high-risk of falling.
The injection stretch blow moulding process is used to manufacture PET containers used in the soft drinks and carbonated soft drinks industry. The process consists of a test tube like specimen known as a preform which is heated, stretch and blown into a mould to form the container. This research is focused on developing a validated simulation of the process thus enabling manufacturers to design their products in a virtual environment without the need to waste time, material and energy. The simulation has been developed using the commercial FEA package Abaqus and has been validated using state of the art data acquisition system consisting of measurements for preform temperature (inner and outer wall) using a device known as THERMOscan (Figure 1), stretch rod force and velocity, internal pressure and air temperature inside the preform using an instrumented stretch rod and the?exact?timing of when the preform touches the mould wall using contact sensors.? In addition, validation studies have also been performed by blowing a perform without a mould and using high sped imaging technology in cooperation with an advanced digital image correlation system (VIC 3D) to provided new quantitative information on the behaviour of PET during blowing.? The approach has resulted in a realistic simulation in terms of accurate input parameters, preform shape evolution and prediction of final properties.
To date, the usefulness of stereoscopic visual displays in research on manual interceptive actions has never been examined. In this study, we compared the catching movements of 8 right-handed participants (6 men, 2 women) in a real environment (with suspended balls swinging past the participant, requiring lateral hand movements for interception) with those in a situation in which similar virtual ball trajectories were displayed stereoscopically in a virtual reality system (Cave Automated Virtual Environment [CAVE]; Cruz-Neira, Sandin, DeFranti, Kenyon, & Hart, 1992) with the head fixated. Catching the virtual ball involved grasping a lightweight ball attached to the palm of the hand. The results showed that, compared to real catching, hand movements in the CAVE were (a) initiated later, (b) less accurate, (c) smoother, and (d) aimed more directly at the interception point. Although the latter 3 observations might be attributable to the delayed movement initiation observed in the CAVE, this delayed initiation might have resulted from the use of visual displays. This suggests that stereoscopic visual displays such as present in many virtual reality systems should be used circumspectly in the experimental study of catching and should be used only to address research questions requiring no detailed analysis of the information-based online control of the catching movements.
The preventive knowledge of serviceability times is a critical factor for the quantification of after-sales services costs of a vehicle. Predetermined motion time system are frequently used to set labor rates in industry by quantifying the amount of time required to perform specific tasks. The first such system is known as Methods-time measurement (MTM). Several variants of MTM have been developed differing from each other on their level of focus. Among them MTM-UAS is suitable for processes that average around 1-3 min. However experimental tests carried out by the authors in Elasis (Research Center of FIAT Group) demonstrate that MTM-UAS is not the optimal approach to measure serviceability times. The reason is that it doesn't take into account ergonomic factors. In the present paper the authors propose to correct the MTM-UAS method including in the task analysis the study of human postures and efforts. The proposed approach allows to estimate with an "acceptable" error the time needed to perform maintenance tasks since the first phases of product design, by working on Digital Mock-up and human models in virtual environment. As a byproduct of that analysis, it is possible to obtain a list of maintenance times in order to preventively set after-sales service costs. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
Digital manufacturing techniques can simulate complex assembly sequences using computer-aided design-based, as-designed' part forms, and their utility has been proven across several manufacturing sectors including the ship building, automotive and aerospace industries. However, the reality of working with actual parts and composite components, in particular, is that geometric variability arising from part forming or processing conditions can cause problems during assembly as the as-manufactured' form differs from the geometry used for any simulated build validation. In this work, a simulation strategy is presented for the study of the process-induced deformation behaviour of a 90 degrees, V-shaped angle. Test samples were thermoformed using pre-consolidated carbon fibre-reinforced polyphenylene sulphide, and the processing conditions were re-created in a virtual environment using the finite element method to determine finished component angles. A procedure was then developed for transferring predicted part forms from the finite element outputs to a digital manufacturing platform for the purpose of virtual assembly validation using more realistic part geometry. Ultimately, the outcomes from this work can be used to inform process condition choices, material configuration and tool design, so that the dimensional gap between as-designed' and as-manufactured' part forms can be reduced in the virtual environment.
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is growing in pace, not only in design and construction stages, but also in the analysis of facilities throughout their life cycle. With this continued growth and utilisation of BIM processes, comes the possibility to adopt such procedures, to accurately measure the energy efficiency of buildings, to accurately estimate their energy usage. To this end, the aim of this research is to investigate if the introduction of BIM Energy Performance Assessment in the form of software analysis, provides accurate results, when compared with actual energy consumption recorded. Through selective sampling, three domestic case studies are scrutinised, with baseline figures taken from existing energy providers, the results scrutinised and compared with calculations provided from two separate BIM energy analysis software packages. Of the numerous software packages available, criterion sampling is used to select two of the most prominent platforms available on the market today. The two packages selected for scrutiny are Integrated Environmental Solutions - Virtual Environment (IES-VE) and Green Building Studio (GBS). The results indicate that IES-VE estimated the energy use in region of ±8% in two out of three case studies while GBS estimated usage approximately ±5%. The findings indicate that the introduction of BIM energy performance assessment, using proprietary software analysis, is a viable alternative to manual calculations of building energy use, mainly due to the accuracy and speed of assessing, even the most complex models. Given the surge in accurate and detailed BIM models and the importance placed on the continued monitoring and control of buildings energy use within today’s environmentally conscious society, this provides an alternative means by which to accurately assess a buildings energy usage, in a quick and cost effective manner.
This paper presents an automated design framework for the development of individual part forming tools for a composite stiffener. The framework uses parametrically developed design geometries for both the part and its layup tool. The framework has been developed with a functioning user interface where part / tool combinations are passed to a virtual environment for utility based assessment of their features and assemblability characteristics. The work demonstrates clear benefits in process design methods with conventional design timelines reduced from hours and days to minutes and seconds. The methods developed here were able to produce a digital mock up of a component with its associated layup tool in less than 3 minutes. The virtual environment presenting the design to the designer for interactive assembly planning was generated in 20 seconds. Challenges still exist in determining the level of reality required to provide an effective learning environment in the virtual world. Full representation of physical phenomena such as gravity, part clashes and the representation of standard build functions require further work to represent real physical phenomena more accurately.
A integração das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação no contexto educativo proporcionou a emergência de novos cenários de ensino e aprendizagem onde o EaD online é parte integrante. Esta realidade, recentemente implementada na Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), demanda que os professores estejam preparados com conhecimentos e competências para atuarem com sucesso no EaD online. O maior desafio que surge é como tornar o professor presencial num professor online efetivo pelo facto de muitos deles desenvolverem atitudes de resistência em relação ao EaD, permanecendo ligados às formas tradicionais de ensino. O objetivo deste estudo é conceber, implementar e avaliar um modelo de desenvolvimento profissional dos professores para o EaD, da UEM, por recurso às novas TIC que possibilite a aquisição de competências pedagógicas e tecnológicas para ensinarem em ambientes de ensino e aprendizagem online e integrarem as novas TIC no ensino presencial. Como metodologia, trata-se de um estudo de caso qualitativo, com a unidade de análise “O desenvolvimento profissional do professor para o EaD”, baseado no paradigma interpretativo, com uma vertente de investigação-ação. O estudo foi realizado na UEM, Moçambique, onde foram analisadas duas ações de formação, na modalidade de blended learning com recurso a uma plataforma LMS denominada Aulanet, e envolveu 16 professores de diferentes áreas disciplinares. Os dados foram recolhidos através de inquéritos por questionário e entrevista, do diário e de documentos eletrónicos como mensagens de fórum de debate, de chat, de correio interno e do skype. A técnica de análise de conteúdo foi utilizada para o tratamento de dados qualitativos, com suporte do Nvivo8, e os dados quantitativos recorreram ao Excel. Os resultados do estudo mostraram que a inserção dos professores num ambiente virtual permitiu mudarem de atitudes em relação ao EaD e às TIC, adoptarem estratégias pedagógicas para lidar com certos aspetos do ensino online e aprenderem a utilizar as ferramentas do EaD de modo apropriado.
A presente investigação foi conduzida no ambiente virtual imersivo 3D Second Life®, com o suporte de ferramentas Web 2.0 como complemento a aulas presenciais - numa lógica de sala de aula estendida. Teve como pressuposto que a socialização é um fator-chave para as aprendizagens colaborativas e para a construção de conhecimento. O estudo tem por objetivo identificar as variáveis que poderão influenciar a partilha de conhecimento em contextos de aprendizagem com recurso a ambientes virtuais; com a finalidade de contribuir para a melhoria das situações de aprendizagem com recurso a ferramentas online. Esta investigação é de carácter exploratório e enquadra-se no campo dos estudos fenomenológicos. O estudo foi implementado, em duas fases, com quatro turmas de ensino superior, duas turmas diurnas (regime geral) e duas turmas de ensino noturno (regime de maiores de 23). Todas seguindo o mesmo curso e a mesma unidade curricular. Concluímos que nos espaços virtuais os estudantes tendem a sentir-se mais confiantes, abertos, participativos, criativos, compreensivos e parecem participar nas sessões de formação online porque estão, de facto, interessados em aprender. Por outro lado, a possibilidade de providenciar sessões de tutória online permite chegar a um maior número de estudantes. Estas sessões online podem ser estabelecidas numa hora e local (virtual) livre de restrições e que pode ser adaptado, permitindo uma participação mais efetiva por parte dos estudantes. Assim, e com base nas observações retiradas do estudo implementado, pode ainda referir-se que os contrastes de comportamento verificados entre os alunos do regime diurno e do regime noturno, no que concerne ao empenhamento com as ferramentas online, parecem ser em função do nível de maturidade, do nível de independência enquanto alunos, da motivação intrínseca.
A investigação sobre a promoção do questionamento na relação pedagógica revela ser uma estratégia que valoriza o papel do aluno enquanto aquele que aprende, alterando a forma como as aulas são vividas por alunos e professores. Perante a inexistência de estudos que ensaiem o estímulo ao questionamento e, simultaneamente, integrem a Web 2.0 no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem no Ensino Básico, delineou-se a presente investigação. O estudo situa-se, assim, na interseção de dois campos: por um lado, as potencialidades do incentivo ao questionamento no processo pedagógico e, por outro, a integração educativa das TIC. A questão de Investigação que orientou este estudo foi a de avaliar de que forma é que o incentivo ao questionamento poderia contribuir para integrar o blogue de disciplina no trabalho em sala de aula de Ciências Naturais. Assim, concebemos, implementámos e avaliámos uma intervenção didática centrada na promoção da competência de questionamento, dando voz aos alunos, estimulando-os a formularem perguntas sobre os conteúdos, tanto presencialmente como no blogue da disciplina, denominado por “Mentes Curiosas”, utilizando essas perguntas como elementos integradores dos dois espaços. O estudo seguiu uma metodologia de investigação-ação e envolveu 36 alunos do 9.º ano de escolaridade, divididos em duas turmas, na disciplina de Ciências Naturais. Os instrumentos e métodos de recolha de dados foram diversificados, tendo todos os dados sido submetidos a uma análise de conteúdo. O estudo revela que os alunos utilizaram o blogue respondendo aos desafios colocados escrevendo comentários, respostas e, sobretudo, fazendo perguntas para as quais gostariam de obter respostas. O docente integrou essas perguntas na prática letiva dando continuidade às discussões de um ambiente para o outro, utilizando, desta forma, as perguntas dos alunos para a integração dos dois ambientes. A análise do questionamento registado revela que as perguntas online estão mais centradas nos conteúdos científicos e apresentam maior qualidade cognitiva quando comparadas com as formuladas em sala de aula. Por sua vez, no contexto presencial, as perguntas escritas são de maior nível de complexidade do que as perguntas orais. Através das diversas estratégias implementadas, quer para a promoção da capacidade de escrever perguntas, quer no trabalho realizado com o blogue, transformou-se a dinâmica do trabalho em sala de aula, melhorando-se o empenhamento dos alunos na aprendizagem. A estratégia de incentivo ao questionamento pelos alunos revelou-se, assim, como um fator que permite integrar de forma profícua o ambiente online no ambiente presencial neste nível de ensino. Por fim, a reflexão que fomos fazendo sobre as potencialidades do questionamento na relação professor-alunos-conteúdos, tanto no ambiente presencial como no virtual, levou-nos a perspetivar as perguntas segundo duas dimensões: Competência Cognitiva e Estratégia Didática. Enquanto Competência, o questionamento assume a função de ferramenta cognitiva e de regulador do processo de ensino e de aprendizagem. Enquanto Estratégia, a pergunta pode ser encarada como uma ferramenta didática na relação dialógica que se estabelece entre professor e alunos.
A series of experiments is described, evaluating user recall of visualisations of historical chronology. Such visualisations are widely created but have not hitherto been evaluated. Users were tested on their ability to learn a sequence of historical events presented in a virtual environment (VE) fly-through visualisation, compared with the learning of equivalent material in other formats that are sequential but lack the 3D spatial aspect. Memorability is a particularly important function of visualisation in education. The measures used during evaluation are enumerated and discussed. The majority of the experiments reported compared three conditions, one using a virtual environment visualisation with a significant spatial element, one using a serial on-screen presentation in PowerPoint, and one using serial presentation on paper. Some aspects were trialled with groups having contrasting prior experience of computers, in the UK and Ukraine. Evidence suggests that a more complex environment including animations and sounds or music, intended to engage users and reinforce memorability, were in fact distracting. Findings are reported in relation to the age of the participants, suggesting that children at 11–14 years benefit less from, or are even disadvantaged by, VE visualisations when compared with 7–9 year olds or undergraduates. Finally, results suggest that VE visualisations offering a ‘landscape’ of information are more memorable than those based on a linear model. Keywords: timeline, chronographics