992 resultados para Virescens F Lepidoptera
Estudio filogenético de los géneros de Lithinini de Sudamérica Austral (Lepidoptera, Geometridae): una nueva clasificación. Se evalúa la taxonomía de la tribu Lithinini de Sudamérica Austral sobre la base de un análisis filogenético. Para el análisis se utilizó a Catophoenissa como grupo externo. Se usaron dos aproximaciones filogenéticas para evaluar las relaciones de parentesco: 1) criterio de parsimonia; e 2) inferencia bayesiana. El análisis de parsimonia se realizó a través del programa PAUP y el análisis bayesiano con cadenas de Markov y Monte Carlo a través del programa BayesPhylogenies. Los resultados generados a partir de la hipótesis filogenética permiten proponer una nueva taxonomía para los Lithinini de Sudamérica Austral. Los géneros validos son: Asestra Warren, Acauro Rindge, Calta Rindge, Euclidiodes Warren, Franciscoia Orfila y Schajovskoy, Incalvertia Bartlett-Calvert, Lacaria Orfila y Schajovskoy, Laneco Rindge, Maeandrogonaria Butler, Martindoelloia Orfila y Schajovskoy, Nucara Rindge, Odontothera Butler, Proteopharmacis Warren, Psilaspilates Butler, Rhinoligia Warren, Tanagridia Butler. Los principales cambios respecto de ordenamientos taxonómicos previos son: 1) Yalpa Rindge, es tratado como sinónimo junior de Odontothera. 2) El género Rhinoligia Warren es incorporado a los Lithinini; 3) Se reafirma que Siopla Rindge es sinónimo junior de Asestra, Yapoma Rindge y Duraglia Rindge son sinónimos de Euclidiodes Warren, mientras que Callemo Rindge y Guara Rindge son sinónimos de Tanagridia; 4) Los géneros Calta Rindge, Incalvertia Rindge, Odontothera Butler y Proteopharmacis Warren, sinonimizados por Pitkin, son redefinidos, revalidados e incorporados a la tribu Lithinini. Se describe una nueva especie para el género Franciscoia, F. ediliae Parra. Se incluye un catálogo con los géneros y especies de la tribu de la región, más las figuras de los adultos y genitalias de las principales especies.
A new species of Glena Hulst (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from northern Chile. A new species of Glena Hulst (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) is described from two valleys of the coastal desert of northern Chile. Immature stages are associated with Trixis cacalioides (Kunth) Don. (Asteraceae). Holotype, male and female genitalia, and a sexual dimorphic feature are illustrated. This is the first record of a species of Glena from Chile.
Description and phylogenetic analysis of the Calycopidina (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae, Eumaeini): a subtribe of detritivores. The purpose of this paper is to establish a phylogenetic basis for a new Eumaeini subtribe that includes those lycaenid genera in which detritivory has been recorded. Morphological characters were coded for 82 species of the previously proposed "Lamprospilus Section" of the Eumaeini (19 of these had coding identical to another species), and a phylogenetic analysis was performed using the 63 distinct ingroup terminal taxa and six outgroups belonging to four genera. Taxonomic results include the description in the Eumaeini of Calycopidina Duarte & Robbins new subtribe (type genus Calycopis Scudder, 1876), which contains Lamprospilus Geyer, Badecla Duarte & Robbins new genus (type species Thecla badaca Hewitson), Arzecla Duarte & Robbins new genus (type species Thecla arza Hewitson), Arumecla Robbins & Duarte, Camissecla Robbins & Duarte, Electrostrymon Clench, Rubroserrata K. Johnson & Kroenlein revalidated status, Ziegleria K. Johnson, Kisutam K. Johnson & Kroenlein revalidated status, and Calycopis. Previous "infratribe" names Angulopina K. Johnson & Kroenlein, 1993, and Calycopina K. Johnson & Kroenlein, 1993, are nomenclaturally unavailable and polyphyletic as proposed. New combinations include Badecla badaca (Hewitson), Badecla picentia (Hewitson), Badecla quadramacula (Austin & K. Johnson), Badecla lanckena (Schaus), Badecla argentinensis (K. Johnson & Kroenlein), Badecla clarissa (Draudt), Arzecla arza (Hewitson), Arzecla tarpa (Godman & Salvin), Arzecla canacha (Hewitson), Arzecla calatia (Hewitson), Arzecla tucumanensis (K. Johnson & Kroenlein), Arzecla sethon (Godman & Salvin), Arzecla nubilum (H. H. Druce), Arzecla paralus (Godman & Salvin), Arzecla taminella (Schaus), Arzecla albolineata (Lathy), Electrostrymon denarius (Butler & H.Druce), Electrostrymon guzanta (Schaus), Electrostrymon perisus (H. H. Druce), Rubroserrata mathewi (Hewitson), Rubroserrata ecbatana (Hewitson), Kisutam micandriana (K. Johnson), and Kisutam syllis (Godman & Salvin). The structure of the male genitalia lateral window, labides, and brush organs are described and discussed, as are the female genitalia signa of the corpus bursae and 8th abdominal tergum. Widespread wing pattern sexual dimorphism in the Calycopidina is noted and illustrated, and the presence of alternating dark and light bands on the ventral wings of both sexes is discussed. The evidence for detritivory in Lamprospilus, Badecla, Arzecla, Arumecla, Camissecla, Electrostrymon, Ziegleria, Kisutam, and Calycopis is summarized using the new classification.
Parasitoids of the family Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera) were obtained during an inventory of Lepidoptera larvae caught feeding in the wild on Croton floribundus (Euphorbiaceae). The Lepidoptera larvae were collected from host plants along trails inside three preserved forest areas in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. Fifteen different species of Ichneumonidae belonging to five subfamilies (Banchinae, Campopleginae, Cremastinae, Mesochorinae and Metopiinae) were obtained. Seven species of Ichneumonidae were reared from leaf rollers: Meniscomorpha sp. (Banchinae) and Leurus caeruliventris (Cresson) (Metopiinae) from Dichomeris sp. (Gelechiidae); Mesochorus sp.1 (Mesochorinae) [as a parasitoid of Hypomicrogaster sp. (Braconidae, Microgastrinae)], Campoplex sp. (Campopleginae) and Leurus sp. from Olethreutinae sp. (Tortricidae); Sphelodon annulicornis Morley (Banchinae) and Eutanygaster brevipennis Cameron (Cremastinae) were also reared from two unidentified species of Gelechiidae. The other eight species were reared from the larvae of exposed feeders: Diradops sp. (Banchinae) from Miselia albipuncta Hampson (Noctuidae), Casinaria sp. (Campopleginae) from Hymenomima conia Prout (Geometridae), Charops sp. (Campopleginae) from Bagisara paulensis Schaus (Noctuidae) and Oxydia vesulia (Cramer) (Geometridae), two species of Hyposoter Förster (Campopleginae) from Semaeopus sp. (Geometridae) and H. conia, two species of Microcharops Roman (Campopleginae) from B. paulensis and an unidentified species of Limacodidae and Mesochorus sp. 2 [reared from what was probably Aleiodes sp. (Braconidae, Rogadinae)] from an unidentified species of Noctuidae.
Heraclides anchisiades capys é uma espécie comum de Papilionidae, cujas larvas se alimentam de várias espécies de Citrus spp. (Rutaceae). Neste estudo são descritas a morfologia e dados sobre a história natural dos imaturos através de ilustrações, incluindo fotografias em microscopia eletrônica de varredura.
This study aimed at evaluating the biological characteristics and the capacity of parasitism of a Trichogramma pretiosum Riley, 1869 (Hymenoptera, Trichogrammatidae) strain (T. pretiosum RV) collected in Rio Verde County, State of Goiás, Brazil. The study was carried out on eggs of Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) and conducted under controlled environmental conditions at different constant temperatures. The biological parameters determined were: developmental time (egg-adult; days); emergence (%); sex ratio; number of progeny/egg; number of generation/year; thermal constant (K); temperature threshold (Tb); daily number of parasitized eggs; cumulative parasitism (%); total number of eggs parasitized by T. pretiosum; and female longevity. To study the T. pretiosum parasitism capacity, 20 S. frugiperda eggs (< 24 h old) were placed into 8.0 cm x 2.0 cm glass vials containing one female (< 24 h old) each. Trials were carried out in a completely randomized experimental design, with 20 replications at each temperature. The environmental chambers (BOD type) were set at 18ºC, 20ºC, 22ºC, 25ºC, 28ºC and 32ºC ± 1ºC, 70 ±10% relative humidity, and 14/10 h (L:D) photoperiod. The eggs of S. frugiperda were replaced daily until parasitoid death. Results have shown an inverse correlation between developmental time and temperature, with statistically significant differences among means, except at 25ºC and 28ºC (10 days). Parasitoid emergence (%) was also influenced by temperature. The lowest percent emergence was observed at 32ºC, and the highest ones at 18ºC and 20ºC temperatures. The temperature did not affect T. pretiosum sex ratio and number of parasitoids per egg, thus allowing changes in the temperature to control insect mass production in the laboratory to meet the needs for field releases.
Species' geographic ranges are usually considered as basic units in macroecology and biogeography, yet it is still difficult to measure them accurately for many reasons. About 20 years ago, researchers started using local data on species' occurrences to estimate broad scale ranges, thereby establishing the niche modeling approach. However, there are still many problems in model evaluation and application, and one of the solutions is to find a consensus solution among models derived from different mathematical and statistical models for niche modeling, climatic projections and variable combination, all of which are sources of uncertainty during niche modeling. In this paper, we discuss this approach of ensemble forecasting and propose that it can be divided into three phases with increasing levels of complexity. Phase I is the simple combination of maps to achieve a consensual and hopefully conservative solution. In Phase II, differences among the maps used are described by multivariate analyses, and Phase III consists of the quantitative evaluation of the relative magnitude of uncertainties from different sources and their mapping. To illustrate these developments, we analyzed the occurrence data of the tiger moth, Utetheisa ornatrix (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae), a Neotropical moth species, and modeled its geographic range in current and future climates.
Se describe e ilustran los adultos y genitalia de macho y hembra de Copitarsia uncilata Burgos & Leiva sp. nov., que se distribuye en Colombia y México. La nueva especie se caracteriza por poseer un uncus ancho apicalmente espatulado con una diminuta proyección dorsal bulbosa, digitus de corte apical ampliamente cóncavo y una ampulla con ápice recurvado que sobresale de la valva, externamente es similar a Copitarsia decolora (Guenée).
O presente trabalho visa fornecer subsídios para estudos morfológicos comparativos de Charaxinae neotropicais. Memphis moruus stheno (Prittwitz, 1865) é a segunda espécie neotropical de Anaeini e a primeira do gênero Memphis a ter sua morfologia detalhada. A morfologia externa é apresentada com descrições, ilustrações e imagens de microscopia eletrônica de varredura de estruturas da cabeça e apêndices cefálicos, região cervical, tórax e apêndices torácicos, abdome e genitálias masculina e feminina. A morfologia de M. moruus stheno é comparada com uma espécie do gênero proximamente relacionado Zaretis Hübner, [1819].
The external features of egg, larva, and pupa of Philaethria wernickei (Röber, 1906) are described and illustrated, based upon light and scanning electron microscopy.
Male and female adults of a new species of Lioptilodes Zimmerman (Lepidoptera, Pterophoridae) are described and illustrated. Immature stages are associated with Baccharis scandens (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers. (Asteraceae). The species was collected in two localities of northern Chile: near sea level in the Azapa valley, in the coastal desert of Arica Province and at 3000 m elevation in Socoroma, Parinacota Province.
The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda, is one of the major field pests for maize production. It is mainly controlled by means of synthetic, and more recently by resistant cultivar of maize expressing Bt toxins. The neem tree, Azadirachta indica, is a plant that can potentially control insects with the advantage of being food and environmental safe. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of neem oil on the development and survival of S. frugiperda caterpillars by assessing histological alterations caused on their midgut. Newly hatched caterpillars were submitted to three neem oil concentrations: 0.006; 0.05; 0.4%, which were added to their artificial diet. Ten 3rd instar caterpillars, taken from each treatment, were submitted to histological analysis. The alimentary canals from the specimens were fixed in Baker for 12 hours, desiccated and diaphanized in alcohol/xylol (1:1) and xylol. After placing the samples in paraffin, they were sliced in 8 µm sections and stained with hematoxylin-eosin stain. The neem oil added to the diet of S. frugiperda caused total mortality at dose of 0.4% whilst still in the first instars, prolonged the larval and pupal stages, and reduced the pupal weight. Histo-physiological alterations such as degeneration of the epithelial lining of the midgut and in the peritrophic matrix were found at all concentrations of neem oil.
Ovo, larva e pupa de Chrismopteryx undularia (Blanchard, 1852) (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Larentiinae) são descritos e ilustrados.
Imaturos de Sarsina violascens (Herrich-Schäffer) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Lymantriinae). Sarsina violascens é uma espécie polífaga que eventualmente se alimenta de P. cattleianum Sabine (Myrtaceae) durante sua fase larval. Neste estudo são descritas a morfologia e o comportamento dos imaturos, com ilustrações, fotografias e imagens de microscopia eletrônica de varredura.
Functional response of Telenomus remus Nixon (Hymenoptera, Scelionidae) to Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) eggs: effect of female age. Functional response of 24-h and 48-h-old Telenomus remus adults was studied on Spodoptera frugiperda eggs. The study was carried out in climatic chamber regulated at 25 ± 1°C, 70 ± 10% RH and 12:12h (L: D). Females of T. remus were honey fed and individualized in glass vials along with 25, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250 or 300 eggs of S. frugiperda for 24 h. Complete randomized design with ten replications was adopted. The parameters evaluated to construct the functional response curve were daily average parasitism, searching rate and oviposition time. It was observed that the higher the egg density, the higher the parasitism for 24-h and 48-h-old females although there was a tendency of parasitism stabilization at 150-egg density. The results showed a type II functional response curve for both 24-h and 48-h-old female.