946 resultados para Viral immunology


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En el presente estudio se comparó la técnica de inmunoperoxidasa para la detección de citomegalovirus (IPCMV) utilizando anticuerpos monoclonales que reconocen proteínas precoces virales con el método convencional de aislamiento viral en fibroblastos humanos. Un total de 150 muestras de orina fueron examinadas encontrando una sensibilidad de un 89.8% y una especificidad de 91.3% de la técnica de IPCMV comparada con el aislamiento viral. Una de las ventajas que presentó la IPCMV fue la rapidez con que fueron obtenidos los resultados (48 horas) mientras que el aislamiento viral fue como promedio 14 días.


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The frequency of viral markers for hepatitis B (HBV) and C (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) and human T-lymphotropic virus-1 (HTLV-1) was evaluated in 32 Brazilian ß-thalassemia multitransfused patients. Additionaly the serum concentrations of ferritin and alanine aspartate transaminase (ALAT) were determined. The results show a high prevalence of markers of infection by HBV (25.0%) and HCV (46.8%) and a low prevalence of markers for HIV-1 and HTLV-1. No correlations were demonstrated between the presence of the hepatitis markers and the number of units transfused or the serum concentrations of ferritin and ALAT.


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The objective of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV 2) antibodies in child bearing women of 2 Brazilian populations with different socioeconomic status and to determine the risk of neonatal HSV exposure by means of maternal cultures at the onset of labor. The study was conducted at 2 hospitals: A, serving very low income patients and B, serving middle socioeconomic class. 173 participants from group A and 127 from B answered a questionnaire which showed that the patients had similar ages (27.7 and 26.8 years, respectively) but differed with regard to socioeconomic status, age at first intercourse (18.6 vs 20.6 years), number of sex partners (1.5 vs 1.2) and previous sexually transmitted diseases (15% vs. 1.5%). History of genital herpes was given by 11% of group A participants and by a similar number, 7%, of patients from group B. In addition, 200 serum samples from population A and 455 from B were tested by ELISA for and HSV antibodies and 92% and 86%, respectively, were found to be positive. Sixty seropositive samples from group A and 90 from B were further analyzed by Western blot, which showed the presence of type 2 specific antibodies in 46% and 36%, respectively, suggesting an overall HSV 2 prevalence of 42% in group A and 31% in B. Cervical specimens were obtained for culture from 299 asymptomatic patients of population A and 313 of B. HSV was isolated from one specimen in each group, indicating a 0.3% incidence of asymptomatic viral excretion in both populations. In conclusion, the prevalence of type 2 antibodies in childbearing women was very high, but it did not differ with the socioeconomic status. The risk of HSV perinatal transmission was also similar in the 2 study populations and it was comparable with the data from developed countries. Our findings do not indicate the need of special screening programs for asymptomatic HSV excretion in Brazilian pregnant women.


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RESUMO: As infecções virais podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento do cancro, estando vários tumores malignos associados aos Herpesvirus (HHV). O vírus de Epstein-Barr (EBV) e o Herpesvirus 8, dois Herpesvirus, foram reconhecidos como agentes etiológicos de várias neoplasias. O astrocitoma pilocítico do cerebelo é um dos tumores cerebrais mais frequentes na criança, adolescentes e jovens adultos e a proliferação astrocitária ocorre geralmente após vários tipos de agressão, nomeadamente a infecção viral. Para investigar esta eventual interligação, estudámos 35 astrocitomas pilocíticos, pesquisando a presença dos 8 Herpesvirus. Neste estudo, foram utilizadas 10 amostras de biópsias do cerebelo de doentes que faleceram por doenças não relacionadas com infecção ou patologia tumoral. A maioria dos astrocitomas (33) eram tumores de baixa malignidade. As amostras foram analisadas por PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) quantitativa em tempo real (qPCR), com amplificação do gene da DNA polimerase viral. Treze astrocitomas e 7 controles revelaram pequenas quantidades de DNA viral (1-100 cópias/100ng DNA) de todos os Herpesvirus, com excepção do HHV6 A e B que estava ausente nas amostras. O EBV foi identificado em 9 dos 35 astrocitomas (26%) e em 7 dos 10 controles (70%) estando muito mais presente nos controles. As amostras positivas para o EBV foram também analisadas por imunohistoquímica, não tendo sido imunoreactivas para os anticorpos utilizados. A PCR com CODEHOP (consensus-degenerated hybrid oligonucleotide primers) foi utilizada para investigar a presença de um eventual Herpesvirus novo nestas amostras. Não foi identificada nenhuma sequência indicativa de um novo HHV por este método. 24. Em conclusão, os dados apontam para a presença de Herpesvirus, com particular relevância para o EBV, em tecido de cerebelo normal e em tumores cerebrais, embora em níveis demasiado baixos para poderem ser responsabilizados pela indução tumoral. A presença de sequências de DNA de Herpesvirus, nomeadamente do EBV, no Sistema Nervoso Central vem enriquecer a discussão sobre o significado da infecção viral na oncogénese humana, particularmente na neuro-oncogénese. ABSTRACT: Viral infections can contribute to the development of human cancer. Several human malignancies are linked with Human Herpesviruses (HHVs). Epstein-Barr virus and HHV8, two hHerpesvirus, have been recognized as etiologic agents of several neoplasms. Pilocytic astrocytoma of the cerebellum is one of the most common brain tumour in children, adolescents and young adults and astrocytary proliferation generally occurs after several types of injury, namely viral infection. To further explore this association, we have searched the tissue from 35 pilocytic astrocytoma, for all the 8 HHV. In this study, ten brain biopsies (cerebellum) from patients who died of unrelated diseases were used as controls. Most of the astrocytomas (33) were of low grade malignity. Samples were assessed by Real-time quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (q PCR) amplification of viral DNA polymerase gene. Thirteen astrocytoma and 7 controls showed low viral DNA levels (1-100 copies/100ng DNA) for all HHVs, with the exception of HHV6 that was absent. EBV was identified in 9 of the 35 astrocytoma (26 %) and in 7 of the 10 controls (70%) being more present in controls. EBV positive samples were also assessed by Immunohistochemistry (IHC) but none showed immunoreactivity for the antibodies used. PCR with consensus-degenerated hybrid oligonucleotide primers (CODEHOP) were also used to look for novel HHVs in these samples and no sequence indicative of a new HHV was detected. 26 Altogether the data indicate the presence of HHVs, with relevance for EBV in normal cerebellum tissue and also in brain tumours but at too low levels to be considered responsible for tumour induction. The presence of HHV DNA sequences, particularly EBV, in the studied brain tumours and control samples, further enriches the discussion about the relevance of viral infection in human oncogenesis, particularly neuro-oncogenesis.RÉSUMÉ: Les infections virales peuvent contribuer au développement du cancer. Les vírus de type Herpès sont associés à plusieurs néoplasies. Il est par exemple établi que les vírus Epstein-Barr et « human Herpesvirus 8 » (HHV-8) sont responsables de plusieurs tumeurs malignes. L´astrocytome pilocitique du cervelet est l’une des tumeurs les plus fréquentes chez les enfants, adolescents et adultes jeunes. En général la prolifération des astrocytes se produit en réponse à une agression. Posant l’hypothèse d’une agression d’origine virale, nous avons recherché la présence des 8 vírus Herpès dans les tissus de 35 astrocytomes. Dans cette étude, 10 échantillons de biopsie de cervelet de patients décédés suite à d’autres pathologies, ont été utilisés comme contrôles. La majorité des astrocytomes étaient de très basse malignité. Les échantillons ont été étudiés par PCR quantitative en temps réel, en amplifiant le gène de l’ADN-polymérase virale. Treize astrocytomes sur 35 (37%) et 7 contrôles sur 10 (70%) ont été trouvés positifs pour tous les HHV sauf l´HHV6, toujours avec un nombre de copies de polymérase virale bas (< 100 copies/100 ng d’ADN). Notamment l’EBV a été identifié 7 fois dans les contrôles (70%) et 9 fois dans les astrocytomes (26%). Les échantillons positifs pour l`EBV ont aussi été étudiés par immuno-histochimie. Aucun signal n’a été observé avec les anticorps utilisés. Enfin, une technique de PCR avec oligonucléotides dégénérés (CODEHOP ou consensus degenerated hybrid oligonucleotide primers) a été utilisée pour rechercher la présence d´un éventuel nouveau vírus Herpès dans les échantillons d’astrocytome. Aucun nouveau vírus n’a été identifié. 28 En résumé, nous avons établi la présence de vírus Herpès, en particulier l´EBV, dans le cervelet normal et dans les tumeurs du cerveau. Les quantités d’ADN viral retrouvées sont faibles et ne permettent pas d’attribuer à ces vírus la responsabilité de l’induction des tumeurs. Cependant, la présence d’ADN de vírus Herpès dans le cerveau sain ou pathologique vient enrichir la discussion sur le signification de l´infection virale dans les processus d´oncogenèse en général, et dans la neuroonco-genèse en particulier.


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This study was undertaken to investigate the presence of autoantibodies in patients with chronic viral hepatitis B and C, before, during and after interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) therapy and to study their relation to dose and type of IFN-alpha and response to treatment. Fifty patients with chronic hepatitis were divided in two groups, a control-group of 21 patients (10 type B and 11 type C) who were followed for 6 months without treatment and an IFN-group consisting of 29 patients (8 type B and 21 type C) who received IFN therapy for 6 months. Serum samples were tested for a range of antibodies at the start of the study, during therapy and at the end of the 6 month period. Antibodies tested for included: antinuclear, smooth muscle, antimitochondrial, parietal cell and thyroid microsomal. Four (8%) of the total patient group had autoantibodies at the beginning of the study (two in each group). During the follow-up period no patient in the control group developed antibodies compared with 3 (11%) patients in the treatment group. Autoantibodies developed in patients treated with higher doses of IFN and were found in those patients who tended to show a poor response to IFN-therapy. Further studies are needed to establish the relationship between poor response to IFN-alpha and development of autoantibodies.


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Information concerning the disease burden of viral gastroenteritis has important implications for the use and monitoring the impact of public health policies. The present study, carried out in Córdoba city, Argentina, documents the epidemiology of severe viral diarrhea as well as the burden of viral gastrointestinal disease in the hospital children admission. A total of 133 stools were collected from hospitalized children (Town Childhood Hospital) suffering from acute diarrhea and studied for the presence of Group A rotavirus, astrovirus and adenovirus 40/41 by enzyme-immuno assay, between November 1997 and October 1998. Enteric viruses accounted for 42.1% of the total diarrheal cases analyzed. Group A rotaviruses, astroviruses, adenoviruses 40/41 and mixed infections were found in 35.3, 4.5, 1.5, and 0.8% studied specimens respectively. We estimated that 1 in 27 children in the 0-35 month-old cohort/range would be annually hospitalized for a viral gastroenteritis illness. The major impact on viral diarrhea lies on rotaviral infection, accouting for 84.0% of the viral diarrheal cases analyzed and for approximately one third of severe diarrheas requiring hospital admission in Córdoba City, Argentina.


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