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In 2003, Babin et al. theoretically predicted (J. Appl. Phys. 94:4244, 2003) that fabrication of organic-inorganic hybrid materials would probably be required to implement structures with multiple photonic band gaps. In tune with their prediction, we report synthesis of such an inorganic-organic nanocomposite, comprising Cu4O3-CuO-C thin films that experimentally exhibit the highest (of any known material) number (as many as eleven) of photonic band gaps in the near infrared. On contrary to the report by Wang et al. (Appl. Phys. Lett. 84:1629, 2004) that photonic crystals with multiple stop gaps require highly correlated structural arrangement such as multilayers of variable thicknesses, we demonstrate experimental realization of multiple stop gaps in completely randomized structures comprising inorganic oxide nanocrystals (Cu4O3 and CuO) randomly embedded in a randomly porous carbonaceous matrix. We report one step synthesis of such nanostructured films through the metalorganic chemical vapor deposition technique using a single source metalorganic precursor, Cu-4(deaH)(dea)(oAc)(5) a <...aEuro parts per thousand(CH3)(2)CO. The films displaying multiple (4/9/11) photonic band gaps with equal transmission losses in the infrared are promising materials to find applications as multiple channel photonic band gap based filter for WDM technology.


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We propose a distribution-free approach to the study of random geometric graphs. The distribution of vertices follows a Poisson point process with intensity function n f(center dot), where n is an element of N, and f is a probability density function on R-d. A vertex located at x connects via directed edges to other vertices that are within a cut-off distance r(n)(x). We prove strong law results for (i) the critical cut-off function so that almost surely, the graph does not contain any node with out-degree zero for sufficiently large n and (ii) the maximum and minimum vertex degrees. We also provide a characterization of the cut-off function for which the number of nodes with out-degree zero converges in distribution to a Poisson random variable. We illustrate this result for a class of densities with compact support that have at most polynomial rates of decay to zero. Finally, we state a sufficient condition for an enhanced version of the above graph to be almost surely connected eventually.


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This paper presents a technique to vary the electric field within a cylindrical ion trap (CIT) mass spectrometer while it is in operation. In this technique, the electrodes of the CIT are split into number of mini-electrodes and different voltages are applied to these split-electrodes to achieve the desired field. In our study we have investigated two geometries of the split-electrode CIT. In the first, we retain the flat endcap electrodes of the CIT but split the ring electrode into five mini-rings. In the second configuration, we split the ring electrode of the CIT into three mini-rings and also divide the endcaps into two mini-discs. By applying different potentials to the mini-rings and mini-discs of these geometries we have shown that the field within the trap can be optimized to desired values. In our study, two different types of fields were targeted. In the first, potentials were adjusted to obtain a linear electric field and, in the second, a controlled higher order even multipole field was obtained by adjusting the potential. We have shown that the different potentials required can be derived from a single RF generator by connecting appropriate capacitor terminations to split electrodes. The field within the trap can be modified by changing the values of the external capacitors. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We study the equilibrium properties of an Ising model on a disordered random network where the disorder can be quenched or annealed. The network consists of fourfold coordinated sites connected via variable length one-dimensional chains. Our emphasis is on nonuniversal properties and we consider the transition temperature and other equilibrium thermodynamic properties, including those associated with one-dimensional fluctuations arising from the chains. We use analytic methods in the annealed case, and a Monte Carlo simulation for the quenched disorder. Our objective is to study the difference between quenched and annealed results with a broad random distribution of interaction parameters. The former represents a situation where the time scale associated with the randomness is very long and the corresponding degrees of freedom can be viewed as frozen, while the annealed case models the situation where this is not so. We find that the transition temperature and the entropy associated with one-dimensional fluctuations are always higher for quenched disorder than in the annealed case. These differences increase with the strength of the disorder up to a saturating value. We discuss our results in connection to physical systems where a broad distribution of interaction strengths is present.


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A new representation of spatio-temporal random processes is proposed in this work. In practical applications, such processes are used to model velocity fields, temperature distributions, response of vibrating systems, to name a few. Finding an efficient representation for any random process leads to encapsulation of information which makes it more convenient for a practical implementations, for instance, in a computational mechanics problem. For a single-parameter process such as spatial or temporal process, the eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance matrix leads to the well-known Karhunen-Loeve (KL) decomposition. However, for multiparameter processes such as a spatio-temporal process, the covariance function itself can be defined in multiple ways. Here the process is assumed to be measured at a finite set of spatial locations and a finite number of time instants. Then the spatial covariance matrix at different time instants are considered to define the covariance of the process. This set of square, symmetric, positive semi-definite matrices is then represented as a third-order tensor. A suitable decomposition of this tensor can identify the dominant components of the process, and these components are then used to define a closed-form representation of the process. The procedure is analogous to the KL decomposition for a single-parameter process, however, the decompositions and interpretations vary significantly. The tensor decompositions are successfully applied on (i) a heat conduction problem, (ii) a vibration problem, and (iii) a covariance function taken from the literature that was fitted to model a measured wind velocity data. It is observed that the proposed representation provides an efficient approximation to some processes. Furthermore, a comparison with KL decomposition showed that the proposed method is computationally cheaper than the KL, both in terms of computer memory and execution time.


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The ``synthetic dimension'' proposal A. Celi et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 043001 (2014)] uses atoms with M internal states (''flavors'') in a one-dimensional (1D) optical lattice, to realize a hopping Hamiltonian equivalent to the Hofstadter model (tight-binding model with a given magnetic flux per plaquette) on an M-sites-wide square lattice strip. We investigate the physics of SU(M) symmetric interactions in the synthetic dimension system. We show that this system is equivalent to particles with SU(M) symmetric interactions] experiencing an SU(M) Zeeman field at each lattice site and a non-Abelian SU(M) gauge potential that affects their hopping. This equivalence brings out the possibility of generating nonlocal interactions between particles at different sites of the optical lattice. In addition, the gauge field induces a flavor-orbital coupling, which mitigates the ``baryon breaking'' effect of the Zeeman field. For M particles, concomitantly, the SU(M) singlet baryon which is site localized in the usual 1D optical lattice, is deformed to a nonlocal object (''squished baryon''). We conclusively demonstrate this effect by analytical arguments and exact (numerical) diagonalization studies. Our study promises a rich many-body phase diagram for this system. It also uncovers the possibility of using the synthetic dimension system to laboratory realize condensed-matter models such as the SU(M) random flux model, inconceivable in conventional experimental systems.


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Standard algorithms in tracking and other state-space models assume identical and synchronous sampling rates for the state and measurement processes. However, real trajectories of objects are typically characterized by prolonged smooth sections, with sharp, but infrequent, changes. Thus, a more parsimonious representation of a target trajectory may be obtained by direct modeling of maneuver times in the state process, independently from the observation times. This is achieved by assuming the state arrival times to follow a random process, typically specified as Markovian, so that state points may be allocated along the trajectory according to the degree of variation observed. The resulting variable dimension state inference problem is solved by developing an efficient variable rate particle filtering algorithm to recursively update the posterior distribution of the state sequence as new data becomes available. The methodology is quite general and can be applied across many models where dynamic model uncertainty occurs on-line. Specific models are proposed for the dynamics of a moving object under internal forcing, expressed in terms of the intrinsic dynamics of the object. The performance of the algorithms with these dynamical models is demonstrated on several challenging maneuvering target tracking problems in clutter. © 2006 IEEE.


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A power LDMOS on partial silicon on insulator (PSOI) with a variable low-κ dielectric (VLKD) buried layer and a buried p (BP) layer is proposed (VLKD BPSOI). At a low κ value, the electric field strength in the buried dielectric (EI) is enhanced, and a Si window makes the substrate share the vertical voltage drop, leading to a high vertical breakdown voltage (BV). Moreover, three interface field peaks are introduced by the BP, the Si window, and the VLKD, which modulate the fields in the SOI layer, the VLKD layer, and the substrate; consequently, a high BV is obtained. Furthermore, the BP reduces the specific on-resistance (Ron), and the Si window alleviates the self-heating effect (SHE). The BV for VLKD BPSOI is enhanced by 34.5%, and Ron is decreased by 26.6%, compared with those for the conventional PSOI, and VLKD BPSOI also maintains a low SHE. © 2006 IEEE.


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The influences of the fluctuation fields are important in many astrophysical environments as shown by the observations, and can not be neglected. On the basis of the first-order smoothing approximation, in the present paper, we demonstrate the magnetostatic equations for both the cases of the conventional turbulence aud the random waves, and discuss the consistent conditions of the equations. In the static problem, the fluctuation Lorentz force(▽×δB)×δB influences the large-scale configurations of magnetic field. To study this influence in detail is quite necessary for the explanations of the observation features, especially for the astrophysical environments where the magnetic fields, including the fluctuation fields, are the dominant factors in the equilibrium of momentum and energy.


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We present a method of image-speckle contrast for the nonprecalibration measurement of the root-mean-square roughness and the lateral-correlation length of random surfaces with Gaussian correlation. We use the simplified model of the speckle fields produced by the weak scattering object in the theoretical analysis. The explicit mathematical relation shows that the saturation value of the image-speckle contrast at a large aperture radius determines the roughness, while the variation of the contrast with the aperture radius determines the lateral-correlation length. In the experimental performance, we specially fabricate the random surface samples with Gaussian correlation. The square of the image-speckle contrast is measured versus the radius of the aperture in the 4f system, and the roughness and the lateral-correlation length are extracted by fitting the theoretical result to the experimental data. Comparison of the measurement with that by an atomic force microscope shows our method has a satisfying accuracy. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.


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Desde os primórdios da humanidade, a descoberta do método de processamento cerebral do som, e consequentemente da música, fazem parte do imaginário humano. Portanto, as pesquisas relacionadas a este processo constituem um dos mais vastos campos de estudos das áreas de ciências. Dentre as inúmeras tentativas para compreensão do processamento biológico do som, o ser humano inventou o processo automático de composição musical, com o intuito de aferir a possibilidade da realização de composições musicais de qualidade sem a imposição sentimental, ou seja, apenas com a utilização das definições e estruturas de música existentes. Este procedimento automático de composição musical, também denominado música aleatória ou música do acaso, tem sido vastamente explorado ao longo dos séculos, já tendo sido utilizado por alguns dos grandes nomes do cenário musical, como por exemplo, Mozart. Os avanços nas áreas de engenharia e computação permitiram a evolução dos métodos utilizados para composição de música aleatória, tornando a aplicação de autômatos celulares uma alternativa viável para determinação da sequência de execução de notas musicais e outros itens utilizados durante a composição deste tipo de música. Esta dissertação propõe uma arquitetura para geração de música harmonizada a partir de intervalos melódicos determinados por autômatos celulares, implementada em hardware reconfigurável do tipo FPGA. A arquitetura proposta possui quatro tipos de autômatos celulares, desenvolvidos através dos modelos de vizinhança unidimensional de Wolfram, vizinhança bidimensional de Neumann, vizinhança bidimensional Moore e vizinhança tridimensional de Neumann, que podem ser combinados de 16 formas diferentes para geração de melodias. Os resultados do processamento realizado pela arquitetura proposta são melodias no formato .mid, compostas através da utilização de dois autômatos celulares, um para escolha das notas e outro para escolha dos instrumentos a serem emulados, de acordo com o protocolo MIDI. Para tal esta arquitetura é formada por três unidades principais, a unidade divisor de frequência, que é responsável pelo sincronismo das tarefas executadas pela arquitetura, a unidade de conjunto de autômatos celulares, que é responsável pelo controle e habilitação dos autômatos celulares, e a unidade máquina MIDI, que é responsável por organizar os resultados de cada iteração corrente dos autômatos celulares e convertê-los conforme a estrutura do protocolo MIDI, gerando-se assim o produto musical. A arquitetura proposta é parametrizável, de modo que a configuração dos dados que influenciam no produto musical gerado, como por exemplo, a definição dos conjuntos de regras para os autômatos celulares habilitados, fica a cargo do usuário, não havendo então limites para as combinações possíveis a serem realizadas na arquitetura. Para validação da funcionalidade e aplicabilidade da arquitetura proposta, alguns dos resultados obtidos foram apresentados e detalhados através do uso de técnicas de obtenção de informação musical.


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In this work, we examine the phenomenon of random lasing from the smectic A liquid crystal phase. We summarise our results to date on random lasing from the smectic A phase including the ability to control the output from the sample using applied electric fields. In addition, diffuse random lasing is demonstrated from the electrohydrodynamic instabilities of a smectic A liquid crystal phase that has been doped with a low concentration of ionic impurities. Using a siloxane-based liquid crystal doped with ionic impurities and a laser dye, nonresonant random laser emission is observed from the highly scattering texture of the smectic A phase which is stable in zero-field. With the application of a low frequency alternating current electric field, turbulence is induced due to motion of the ions. This is accompanied by a decrease in the emission linewidth and an increase in the intensity of the laser emission. The benefit in this case is that a field is not required to maintain the texture as the scattering and homeotropic states are both stable in zero field. This offers a lower power consumption alternative to the electric-field induced static scattering sample.


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In order to design a High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) machine that is able to operate safely and reliably, studies on the characterization of Second Generation (2G) HTS tapes are of paramount importance. This paper presents an experimental setup to measure critical current of 2G HTS tapes in high DC magnetic fields (up to 5 Tesla) with an AC current ripple superimposed, as well as various temperatures ranging from 25 K to 77 K. The 2G tape measured is the SGS12050 coated conductor made by SuperPower. The critical current is measured by a flux vector with reference to the widest sample face from 0 to 90 degrees in 10 degree steps. Smaller steps are required close to 0 . A Variable Temperature Insert (VTI) is utilized to control temperature change. © 2010 IEEE.


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Using a chiral nematic liquid crystal with a negative dielectric anisotropy, it is possible to switch between band-edge laser emission and random laser emission with an electric field. At low frequencies (1 kHz), random laser emission is observed as a result of scattering due to electro-hydrodynamic instabilities. However, band-edge laser emission is found to occur at higher frequencies (5 kHz), where the helix is stabilized due to dielectric coupling. These results demonstrate a method by which the linewidth of the laser source can be readily controlled externally (from 4 nm to 0.5 nm) using electric fields. © 2012 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper describes the behaviour of bulk superconductors when subjected to a varying magnetic field. A magnetic model is described together with experimental results which explain and describe the behaviour of superconducting bulks when subjected to varying magnetic fields. We demonstrate how the behaviour is dependent on the magnitude and period of the perturbations in the fields. The model which we use has been implemented using the Comsol™pde solver. It is a fully integrated model which uses a variable heat source to regulate the magnetic circuit and thereby to achieve flux pumping. Comsol™is used for post solution visualization and the model is presented alongside experimental results which support and confirm the conclusions from the model. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.