657 resultados para Usher, Robin


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Usher Syndrome (USH) is a rare disease with hearing loss, retinitis pigmentosa and, sometimes, vestibular dysfunction. A phenotype heterogeneity is reported. Recent evidence indicates that USH is likely to belong to an emerging class of sensory ciliopathies. Olfaction has recently been implicated in ciliopathies, but the scarce literature about olfaction in USH show conflicting results. We aim to evaluate olfactory impairment as a possible clinical manifestation of USH. Prospective clinical study that included 65 patients with USH and 65 normal age-gender-smoking-habits pair matched subjects. A cross culturally validated version of the Sniffin' Sticks olfaction test was used. Young patients with USH have significantly better olfactory scores than healthy controls. We observe that USH type 1 have a faster ageing olfactory decrease than what happens in healthy subjects, leading to significantly lower olfactory scores in older USH1 patients. Moreover, USH type 1 patients showed significantly higher olfactory scores than USH type 2, what can help distinguishing them. Olfaction represents an attractive tool for USH type classification and pre diagnostic screening due to the low cost and non-invasive nature of the testing. Olfactory dysfunction should be considered among the spectrum of clinical manifestations of Usher syndrome.


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Concert Program


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Concert Program


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One key step of the industrial development of a tidal energy device is the testing of scale prototype devices within a controlled laboratory environment. At present, there is no available experimental protocol which addresses in a quantitative manner the differences which can be expected between results obtained from the different types of facilities currently employed for this type of testing. As a consequence, where differences between results are found it has been difficult to confirm the extent to which these differences relate to the device performance or to the test facility type. In the present study, a comparative ”Round Robin” testing programme has been conducted as part of the EC FP VII MaRINET program in order to evaluate the impact of different experimental facilities on the test results. The aim of the trials was to test the same model tidal turbine in four different test facilities to explore the sensitivity of the results to the choice of facility. The facilities comprised two towing tanks, of very different size, and two circulating water channels. Performance assessments in terms of torque, drag and inflow speed showed very similar results in all facilities. However, expected differences between the different tank types (circulating and towing) were observed in the fluctuations of torque and drag measurements. The main facility parameters which can influence the behaviour of the turbine were identified; in particular the effect of blockage was shown to be significant in cases yielding for high thrust coefficients, even at relatively small blockage ratios.


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Usher Syndrome (USH) is a rare disease with hearing loss, retinitis pigmentosa and, sometimes, vestibular dysfunction. A phenotype heterogeneity is reported. Recent evidence indicates that USH is likely to belong to an emerging class of sensory ciliopathies. Olfaction has recently been implicated in ciliopathies, but the scarce literature about olfaction in USH show conflicting results. We aim to evaluate olfactory impairment as a possible clinical manifestation of USH. Prospective clinical study that included 65 patients with USH and 65 normal age-gender-smoking-habits pair matched subjects. A cross culturally validated version of the Sniffin' Sticks olfaction test was used. Young patients with USH have significantly better olfactory scores than healthy controls. We observe that USH type 1 have a faster ageing olfactory decrease than what happens in healthy subjects, leading to significantly lower olfactory scores in older USH1 patients. Moreover, USH type 1 patients showed significantly higher olfactory scores than USH type 2, what can help distinguishing them. Olfaction represents an attractive tool for USH type classification and pre diagnostic screening due to the low cost and non-invasive nature of the testing. Olfactory dysfunction should be considered among the spectrum of clinical manifestations of Usher syndrome.


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[es] A lo largo de la historia, los villanos, ya sean reales o imaginarios, han tenido funciones útiles para la sociedad y a menudo han actuado como «válvulas de seguridad» para aliviar las presiones sociales. Esta es probablemente la razón por la que muchos «villanos» han sido definidos como «bandidos sociales», término utilizado originalmente por Eric Hobsbawm para referirse a un forajido quizás mejor ejemplificado por el personaje de Robin Hood en la tradición inglesa. Este bandido social, admirado por todos y en todas partes, que roba a los ricos y reparte el botín entre los pobres, actúa al margen de la ley y personifica asimismo la resistencia a la opresión social y una serie de virtudes más personales. En este artículo, vamos a analizar la forma en que el bandido inglés se ha convertido en un héroe mítico más que legendario. De hecho, el personaje de Robin Hood ha trascendido el tiempo y la cultura, y se ha convertido en el arquetipo del proscrito benevolente, un héroe popular nacido de las frustraciones de una clase inferior que considera que no hay leyes ni reglas en una sociedad injusta, sino la voluntad y el capricho de quien detenta el poder. [en] Throughout history, villains -whether real or imaginary- have served useful functions, especially those of “safety valves” for society. This is probably why many “villains” have been defined as “social bandits”, a term originally used by Eric Hobsbawm to refer to a type best exemplified in the Anglo-Saxon tradition by Robin Hood. This true and widely admired social bandit who steals from the rich and gives to the poor operates outside the law but at the same time personifies both group resistance to oppression and a number of more personal virtues. In this paper, we shall analyse the way in which the English bandit has become a mythical rather than a legendary hero. Indeed, the Robin Hood figure has transcended time and culture, and has become the archetype of the benevolent outlaw, a folk hero born of the frustrations of an underclass that sees the law as the will and whim of the privileged classes above them.


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A round-robin exercise was conducted within the CALEIDOSLIFE project. The participants were invited to assess the hazard posed by a substance, applying in silico methods and read-across approaches. The exercise was based on three endpoints: mutagenicity, bioconcentration factor and fish acute toxicity. Nine chemicals were assigned for each endpoint and the participants were invited to complete a specific questionnaire communicating their conclusions.The interesting aspect of this exercise is the justification behind the answers more than the final prediction in itself. Which tools were used? How did the approach selected affect the final answer?


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Concert Program


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O gênero Rhopalessa é revisto e divido em dois grupos: grupo de clavicornis, com R. clavicornis (Bates, 1873), R. demissa (Melzer, 1934), R. hirticollis (Zajciw, 1958), R. moraguesi (Tavakilian & Peñaherrera-Leiva, 2003), R. pilosicollis (Zajciw, 1966) e R. subandina sp. nov.; e grupo de rubroscutellaris com R. durantoni (Peñaherrera-Leiva & Tavakilian, 2004) e R. rubroscutellaris (Tippmann, 1960). Duas espécies são sinonimizadas com R. clavicornis: Ommata (Rhopalessa) nigrotarsis Fisher, 1937 e Ommata (Rhopalessa) nigricollis Zajciw, 1969.


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Oxyommata Zajciw, 1970 e O. collaris (Audinet-Serville, 1833) são redescritos e comentados. Um novo gênero proveniente da divisão de Xenocrasis Bates, 1873 é descrito e três espécies alocadas nele: X. fulvicollis(Lacordaire, 1868); X. pubipennis (Fisher, 1952); e X. vestitipennis Zajciw, 1963. É apresentada chave para as espécies do novo gênero.


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O gênero Ommata é revisto e dividido em quatro gêneros: Ommata sensu strictu, Acatainga gen. nov. (espécie-tipo Odontocera (?) maia Newman, 1841), Etimasu gen. nov. (espécie-tipo Ommata cosmipes Peñaherrera-Leiva & Tavakilian, 2003) e Pyrpotyra gen. nov. (espécie-tipo Ommata (Ommata) paradisiaca Tippmann, 1953). São descritas cinco espécies novas provenientes do Brasil e Bolívia: Ommata nigricollis (Brasil, Espírito Santo), O. andina (Bolívia), Pyrpotyra pytinga (Brasil, Pará), P. capixaba (Brasil, Espírito Santo) e P. paraensis (Brasil, Pará). As seguintes espécies são transferidas de Ommata para os novos gêneros, além das espécies-tipos: Acatinga boucheri (Tavakilian & Peñaherrera-Leiva, 2005), comb. nov.; A. gallardi (Peñaherrera-Leiva & Tavakilian, 2004), comb. nov.; A. quinquemaculata (Zajciw, 1966), comb. nov.; Pyrpotyra albitarsis (Galileo & Martins, 2010), comb. nov.


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Electrodeposition of thin copper layer was carried out on titanium wires in acidic sulphate bath. The influence of titanium surface preparation, cathodic current density, copper sulphate and sulphuric acid concentrations, electrical charge density and stirring of the solution on the adhesion of the electrodeposits was studied using the Taguchi statistical method. A L(16) orthogonal array with the six factors of control at two levels each and three interactions was employed. The analysis of variance of the mean adhesion response and signal-to-noise ratio showed the great influence of cathodic current density on adhesion. on the contrary, the other factors as well as the three investigated interactions revealed low or no significant effect. From this study optimized electrolysis conditions were defined. The copper electrocoating improved the electrical conductivity of the titanium wire. This shows that copper electrocoated titanium wires could be employed for both electrical purpose and mechanical reinforcement in superconducting magnets. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.