972 resultados para Ultrafast MRI
Of 10 patients with neuroblastoma who had both 123I-MIBG scintigraphy and MRI at diagnosis, four presented with bone marrow metastasis that was diagnosed by both imaging modalities and confirmed by bone marrow biopsy and smears. This report focuses on the follow up of the four patients with bone marrow metastasis. MIBG scintigraphy and MRI were concordant in two patients, a case of normalization and a case of relapse in the seventh dorsal vertebra confirmed by surgical biopsy. The last two patients presented a normalized MIBG scan for marrow infiltration after chemotherapy but persistent abnormal MRI signal of several vertebrae, suggesting marrow infiltration, up to 27 mo after the end of chemotherapy in one case. In the second patient, MRI bone marrow aspect returned to normal 4 mo after the end of chemotherapy. Bone marrow biopsy remained negative in these two MIBG-negative patients. These cases suggest that in presence of complete normalization of the MIBG scan after chemotherapy, the persistence of a hypointense signal on bone marrow on T1WI does not necessarily indicate persistence of disease but may be due to delayed normalization. Therefore, attention must be paid to the delay of signal normalization on MRI (which can be as long as more than 2 yr after the end of chemotherapy) in order to avoid false-positive interpretation.
Increased brain perfusion contrast with T2 -prepared intravoxel incoherent motion (T2prep IVIM) MRI.
The feasibility to measure brain perfusion using intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) MRI has been reported recently with currently clinically available technology. The method is intrinsically local and quantitative, but is contaminated by partial volume effects with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Signal from CSF can be suppressed by a 180° inversion recovery (180°-IR) magnetization preparation, but this also leads to strong suppression of blood and brain tissue signal. Here, we take advantage of the different T2 relaxations of blood and brain relative to CSF, and implement a T2 -prepared IVIM (T2prep IVIM) inversion recovery acquisition, which permits a recovery of between 43% and 57% of arterial and venous blood magnetization at excitation time compared with the theoretical recovery of between 27% and 30% with a standard 180°-IR. We acquired standard IVIM (IVIM), T2prep IVIM and dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) images at 3 T using a 32-multichannel receiver head coil in eight patients with known large high-grade brain tumors. We compared the contrast and contrast-to-noise ratio obtained in the corresponding cerebral blood volume images quantitatively, as well as subjectively by two neuroradiologists. Our findings suggest that quantitative cerebral blood volume contrast and contrast-to-noise ratio, as well as subjective lesion detection, contrast quality and diagnostic confidence, are increased with T2prep IVIM relative to IVIM and DSC.
A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pulse sequence and a corresponding image processing algorithm to localize prostate brachytherapy seeds during or after therapy are presented. Inversion-Recovery with ON-resonant water suppression (IRON) is an MRI methodology that generates positive contrast in regions of magnetic field susceptibility, as created by prostate brachytherapy seeds. Phantoms comprising of several materials found in brachytherapy seeds were created to assess the usability of the IRON pulse sequence for imaging seeds. Resulting images show that seed materials are clearly visible with high contrast using IRON, agreeing with theoretical predictions. A seed localization algorithm to process IRON images demonstrates the potential of this imaging technique for seed localization and dosimetry.
BACKGROUND: Since the emergence of diffusion tensor imaging, a lot of work has been done to better understand the properties of diffusion MRI tractography. However, the validation of the reconstructed fiber connections remains problematic in many respects. For example, it is difficult to assess whether a connection is the result of the diffusion coherence contrast itself or the simple result of other uncontrolled parameters like for example: noise, brain geometry and algorithmic characteristics. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this work, we propose a method to estimate the respective contributions of diffusion coherence versus other effects to a tractography result by comparing data sets with and without diffusion coherence contrast. We use this methodology to assign a confidence level to every gray matter to gray matter connection and add this new information directly in the connectivity matrix. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results demonstrate that whereas we can have a strong confidence in mid- and long-range connections obtained by a tractography experiment, it is difficult to distinguish between short connections traced due to diffusion coherence contrast from those produced by chance due to the other uncontrolled factors of the tractography methodology.
OBJECTIVES: To assess the accuracy of high-resolution (HR) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in diagnosing early-stage optic nerve (ON) invasion in a retinoblastoma cohort. METHODS: This IRB-approved, prospective multicenter study included 95 patients (55 boys, 40 girls; mean age, 29 months). 1.5-T MRI was performed using surface coils before enucleation, including spin-echo unenhanced and contrast-enhanced (CE) T1-weighted sequences (slice thickness, 2 mm; pixel size <0.3 × 0.3 mm(2)). Images were read by five neuroradiologists blinded to histopathologic findings. ROC curves were constructed with AUC assessment using a bootstrap method. RESULTS: Histopathology identified 41 eyes without ON invasion and 25 with prelaminar, 18 with intralaminar and 12 with postlaminar invasion. All but one were postoperatively classified as stage I by the International Retinoblastoma Staging System. The accuracy of CE-T1 sequences in identifying ON invasion was limited (AUC = 0.64; 95 % CI, 0.55 - 0.72) and not confirmed for postlaminar invasion diagnosis (AUC = 0.64; 95 % CI, 0.47 - 0.82); high specificities (range, 0.64 - 1) and negative predictive values (range, 0.81 - 0.97) were confirmed. CONCLUSION: HR-MRI with surface coils is recommended to appropriately select retinoblastoma patients eligible for primary enucleation without the risk of IRSS stage II but cannot substitute for pathology in differentiating the first degrees of ON invasion. KEY POINTS: • HR-MRI excludes advanced optic nerve invasion with high negative predictive value. • HR-MRI accurately selects patients eligible for primary enucleation. • Diagnosis of early stages of optic nerve invasion still relies on pathology. • Several physiological MR patterns may mimic optic nerve invasion.
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to evaluate associations between aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) and aortic and carotid vessel wall thickness (VWT) using cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with hypertension as compared with healthy adult volunteers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Local medical ethics approval was obtained and the participants gave informed consent. Fifteen patients with hypertension (5 men and 10 women; mean [SD] age, 49 [14] years) and 15 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers were prospectively included and compared. All participants underwent MRI examination for measuring aortic and carotid VWT and aortic PWV with well-validated MRI techniques at 1.5- and 3-T MRI systems: PWV was assessed from velocity-encoded MRI and VWT was assessed by using dual-inversion black-blood gradient-echo imaging techniques. Paired t tests were used for testing differences between the volunteers and the patients and Pearson correlation (r) and univariable and multivariable stepwise linear regression analyses were used to test associations between aortic and carotid arterial wall thickness and stiffness. RESULTS: Mean values for aortic PWV and aortic and carotid VWT (indexed for body surface area [BSA]) were all significantly higher in patients with hypertension as compared with the healthy volunteers (ie, aortic PWV, 7.0 ± 1.4 m/s vs 5.7 ± 1.3 m/s; aortic VWT/BSA, 0.12 ± 0.03 mL/m vs 0.10 ± 0.03 mL/m; carotid VWT/BSA, 0.04 ± 0.01 mL/m vs 0.03 ± 0.01 mL/m; all P < 0.01). Aortic PWV was highly correlated with aortic VWT/BSA (r = 0.76 and P = 0.002 in the patients vs r = 0.63 and P = 0.02 in the volunteers), and in the patients, aortic PWV was moderately correlated with carotid VWT/BSA (r = 0.50; P = 0.04). In the volunteers, correlation between aortic PWV and carotid VWT/BSA was not significant (r = 0.40; P = 0.13). In addition, aortic VWT/BSA was significantly correlated with carotid VWT/BSA, in both the patients (r = 0.60; P = 0.005) and volunteers (r = 0.57; P = 0.007). CONCLUSIONS: In the patients with hypertension and the healthy volunteers, the aortic PWV is associated more strongly with aortic wall thickness than with carotid wall thickness, reflecting site-specific coupling between vascular wall thickness and function.
This paper presents a new non parametric atlas registration framework, derived from the optical flow model and the active contour theory, applied to automatic subthalamic nucleus (STN) targeting in deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery. In a previous work, we demonstrated that the STN position can be predicted based on the position of surrounding visible structures, namely the lateral and third ventricles. A STN targeting process can thus be obtained by registering these structures of interest between a brain atlas and the patient image. Here we aim to improve the results of the state of the art targeting methods and at the same time to reduce the computational time. Our simultaneous segmentation and registration model shows mean STN localization errors statistically similar to the most performing registration algorithms tested so far and to the targeting expert's variability. Moreover, the computational time of our registration method is much lower, which is a worthwhile improvement from a clinical point of view.
OBJECTIVE: To report the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in athletic injuries of the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU) subsheath, assessing the utility of gadolinium-enhanced (Gd) fat-saturated (FS) T1-weighted sequences with wrist pronation and supination. METHODS: Sixteen patients (13 male, three female; mean age 30.3 years) with athletic injuries of the ECU subsheath sustained between January 2003 and June 2009 were included in this retrospective study. Initial and follow-up 1.5-T wrist MRIs were performed with transverse T1-weighted and STIR sequences in pronation, and Gd FS T1-weighted sequences with wrist pronation and supination. Two radiologists assessed the type of injury (A to C), ECU tendon stability, associated lesions and rated pulse sequences using a three-point scale: 1=poor, 2=good and 3=excellent. RESULTS: Gd-enhanced FS T1-weighted transverse sequences in supination (2.63) and pronation (2.56) were most valuable, compared with STIR (2.19) and T1-weighted (1.94). Nine type A, one type B and six type C injuries were found. There were trends towards diminution in size, signal intensity and enhancement of associated pouches on follow-up MRI and tendon stabilisation within the ulnar groove. CONCLUSION: Gd-enhanced FS T1-weighted sequences with wrist pronation and supination are most valuable in assessing and follow-up athletic injuries of the ECU subsheath on 1.5-T MRI.
Fetal MRI reconstruction aims at finding a high-resolution image given a small set of low-resolution images. It is usually modeled as an inverse problem where the regularization term plays a central role in the reconstruction quality. Literature has considered several regularization terms s.a. Dirichlet/Laplacian energy, Total Variation (TV)- based energies and more recently non-local means. Although TV energies are quite attractive because of their ability in edge preservation, standard explicit steepest gradient techniques have been applied to optimize fetal-based TV energies. The main contribution of this work lies in the introduction of a well-posed TV algorithm from the point of view of convex optimization. Specifically, our proposed TV optimization algorithm or fetal reconstruction is optimal w.r.t. the asymptotic and iterative convergence speeds O(1/n2) and O(1/√ε), while existing techniques are in O(1/n2) and O(1/√ε). We apply our algorithm to (1) clinical newborn data, considered as ground truth, and (2) clinical fetal acquisitions. Our algorithm compares favorably with the literature in terms of speed and accuracy.
OBJECTIVES: To investigate unenhanced postmortem 3-T MR imaging (pmMRI) for the detection of pulmonary thrombembolism (PTE) as cause of death. METHODS: In eight forensic cases dying from a possible cardiac cause but with homogeneous myocardium at cardiac pmMRI, additional T2w imaging of the pulmonary artery was performed before forensic autopsy. Imaging was carried out on a 3-T MR system in the axial and main pulmonary artery adapted oblique orientation in situ. In three cases axial T2w pmMRI of the lower legs was added. Validation of imaging findings was performed during forensic autopsy. RESULTS: All eight cases showed homogeneous material of intermediate signal intensity within the main pulmonary artery and/or pulmonary artery branches. Autopsy confirmed the MR findings as pulmonary artery thrombembolism. At lower leg imaging unilateral dilated veins and subcutaneous oedema with or without homogeneous material of intermediate signal intensity within the popliteal vein were found. CONCLUSIONS: Unenhanced pmMRI demonstrates pulmonary thrombembolism in situ. PmMR may serve as an alternative to clinical autopsy, especially when consent cannot be obtained. KEY POINTS: ? Postmortem MRI (pmMRI) provides an alternative to clinical autopsy ? Fatal pulmonary thrombembolism (PTE) can now be diagnosed using postmortem MRI (pmMRI). ? Special attention has to be drawn to the differentiation of postmortem clots.
MRI of coronary vessel walls using radial k-space sampling and steady-state free precession imaging.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to investigate the impact of radial k-space sampling and steady-state free precession (SSFP) imaging on image quality in MRI of coronary vessel walls. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Eleven subjects were examined on a 1.5-T MR system using three high-resolution navigator-gated and cardiac-triggered 3D black blood sequences (cartesian gradient-echo [GRE], radial GRE, and radial SSFP) with identical spatial resolution (0.9 x 0.9 x 2.4 mm3). The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), vessel wall sharpness, and motion artifacts were analyzed. RESULTS: The mean SNR and CNR of the coronary vessel wall were improved using radial imaging and were best using radial k-space sampling combined with SSFP imaging. Vessel border definition was similar for all three sequences. Radial k-space sampling was found to be less sensitive to motion. Consistently good image quality was seen with the radial GRE sequence. CONCLUSION: Radial k-space sampling in MRI of coronary vessel walls resulted in fewer motion artifacts and improved SNR and CNR. The use of SSFP imaging, however, did not result in improved coronary vessel wall visualization.
OBJECTIVES: To compare the accuracy of prenatal ultrasonography (US) to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the characterisation of congenital lung anomalies, and to assess their agreement with final diagnosis. To evaluate the influence of additional MRI information on therapeutic management. METHODS: 26 prenatal congenital lung anomalies detected consecutively between 2006 and 2012 were retrospectively evaluated. Lesions were initially observed at prenatal US and further investigated with MRI. Prenatal US and MRI imaging findings, and suggested diagnosis were compared with the final diagnosis, obtained from autopsies (4), pathological evaluation following surgical resection (15) and postnatal imaging studies (7). RESULTS: Postnatal diagnoses included 7 congenital pulmonary airway malformations, 8 complex lesions, 7 overinflations, 1 sequestration, 1 bronchogenic cyst, 1 blastoma and 1 bilateral lymphangioma. Suggested prenatal US and MRI diagnosis was correct in 34.6% and 46.2% of patients, respectively, mainly isolated lung lesions with typical imaging findings. Nonspecific imaging findings at US and MRI studies were observed in 38.4% of cases. In 42% of the operated anomalies, pathological dissection revealed the presence of complex anomalies. MRI changed the US diagnosis, but not the further management in 9.7% of the lesions. CONCLUSIONS: Prenatal US and MRI showed a high accuracy in the diagnosis of isolated congenital lung lesions with typical imaging findings. However, overall characterisation rates were low, because of both a high percentage of complex lesions and of lesions with nonspecific imaging findings. MRI was better than US in characterising complex lesions, but its additional information did not influence therapy decisions.
INTRODUCTION: In patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides only limited insights into the nature of brain damage with modest clinic-radiological correlation. In this study, we applied recent advances in MRI techniques to study brain microstructural alterations in early relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) patients with minor deficits. Further, we investigated the potential use of advanced MRI to predict functional performances in these patients. METHODS: Brain relaxometry (T1, T2, T2*) and magnetization transfer MRI were performed at 3T in 36 RRMS patients and 18 healthy controls (HC). Multicontrast analysis was used to assess for microstructural alterations in normal-appearing (NA) tissue and lesions. A generalized linear model was computed to predict clinical performance in patients using multicontrast MRI data, conventional MRI measures as well as demographic and behavioral data as covariates. RESULTS: Quantitative T2 and T2* relaxometry were significantly increased in temporal normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) of patients compared to HC, indicating subtle microedema (P = 0.03 and 0.004). Furthermore, significant T1 and magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) variations in lesions (mean T1 z-score: 4.42 and mean MTR z-score: -4.09) suggested substantial tissue loss. Combinations of multicontrast and conventional MRI data significantly predicted cognitive fatigue (P = 0.01, Adj-R (2) = 0.4), attention (P = 0.0005, Adj-R (2) = 0.6), and disability (P = 0.03, Adj-R (2) = 0.4). CONCLUSION: Advanced MRI techniques at 3T, unraveled the nature of brain tissue damage in early MS and substantially improved clinical-radiological correlations in patients with minor deficits, as compared to conventional measures of disease.
Background: Cocoa is rich in flavonoids, has anti-oxidative properties and increases the bioavailability of nitric oxide (NO). Adequate renal tissue oxygenation is crucial for the maintenance of renal function. The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of cocoa-rich dark chocolate (DC) on renal tissue oxygenation in humans, as compared to flavonoid-poor white chocolate (WC). Methods: Ten healthy volunteers with preserved kidney function (mean age ± SD 35 ± 12 years, 70% women, BMI 21 ± 3 kg/m2) underwent blood oxygenation level-dependent magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD-MRI) before and 2 hours after the ingestion of 1 g/kg of DC (70% cocoa). Renal tissue oxygenation was determined by the measurement of R2* maps on 4 coronal slices covering both kidneys. The mean R2* (= 1/T2*) values in the medulla and cortex were calculated, a low R2* indicating high tissue oxygenation. Eight participants also underwent BOLD-MRI at least 1 week later, before and 2 hours after the intake of 1 g/kg WC. Results: The mean medullary R2* was lower after DC intake compared to baseline (28.2 ± 1.3 s-1 vs. 29.6 ± 1.3 s-1, p = 0.04), whereas cortical and medullary R2* values did not change after WC intake. The change in medullary R2* correlated with the level of circulating (epi)catechines, metabolites of flavonoids (r = 0.74, p = 0.037), and was independent of plasma renin activity. Conclusion: This study suggests for the first time an increase of renal medullary oxygenation after intake of dark chocolate. Whether this is linked to flavonoid-induced changes in renal perfusion or oxygen consumption, and whether cocoa has potentially renoprotective properties, merits further study.