838 resultados para Triple P-Positive Parenting Program


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BACKGROUND Little is known as to whether negative emotions adversely impact the prognosis of patients who undergo cardiac rehabilitation. We prospectively investigated the predictive value of state negative affect (NA) assessed at discharge from cardiac rehabilitation for prognosis and the moderating role of positive affect (PA) on the effect of NA on outcomes. METHODS A total of 564 cardiac patients (62.49 ± 11.51) completed a comprehensive three-month outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program, filling in the Global Mood Scale (GMS) at discharge. The combined endpoint was cardiovascular disease (CVD)-related hospitalizations plus all-cause mortality at follow-up. Cox regression models estimated the predictive value of NA, as well as the moderating influence of PA on outcomes. Survival models were adjusted for sociodemographic factors, traditional cardiovascular risk factors, and severity of disease. RESULTS During a mean follow-up period of 3.4 years, 71 patients were hospitalized for a CVD-related event and 15 patients died. NA score (range 0-20) was a significant and independent predictor (hazard ratio (HR) 1.091, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.012-1.175; p = 0.023) with a three-point higher level in NA increasing the relative risk by 9.1%. Furthermore, PA interacted significantly with NA (p < 0.001). The relative risk of poor prognosis with NA was increased in patients with low PA (p = 0.012) but remained unchanged in combination with high PA (p = 0.12). CONCLUSION The combination of NA with low PA was particularly predictive of poor prognosis. Whether reduction of NA and increase of PA, particularly in those with high NA, improves outcome needs to be tested.


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BACKGROUND: Learning surgical skills in the operating room may be a challenge for medical students. Therefore, more approaches using simulation to enable students to develop their practical skills are required. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized that (1) there would be a need for additional surgical training for medical students in the pre-final year, and (2) our basic surgery skills training program using fresh human skin would improve medical students' surgical skills. DESIGN: We conducted a preliminary survey of medical students to clarify the need for further training in basic surgery procedures. A new approach using simulation to teach surgical skills on human skin was set up. The procedural skills of 15 randomly selected students were assessed in the operating room before and after participation in the simulation, using Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills. Furthermore, subjective assessment was performed based on students' self-evaluation. The data were analyzed using SPSS, version 21 (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL). SETTING: The study took place at the Inselspital, Bern University Hospital. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 186 pre-final-year medical students were enrolled into the preliminary survey; 15 randomly selected medical students participated in the basic surgical skills training course on the fresh human skin operating room. RESULTS: The preliminary survey revealed the need for a surgical skills curriculum. The simulation approach we developed showed significant (p < 0.001) improvement for all 12 surgical skills, with mean cumulative precourse and postcourse values of 31.25 ± 5.013 and 45.38 ± 3.557, respectively. The self-evaluation contained positive feedback as well. CONCLUSION: Simulation of surgery using human tissue samples could help medical students become more proficient in handling surgical instruments before stepping into a real surgical situation. We suggest further studies evaluating our proposed teaching method and the possibility of integrating this simulation approach into the medical school curriculum.


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A retrospective cohort study was designed to evaluate the compliance of vaccination dose schedules and vaccination effectiveness at 12 months of age among a total of 226 high-risk infants born to HBsAg-positive pregnant women who participated in the HBV Perinatal Vaccination Program in Houston, Texas, 1991-1993.^ The seroprevalence of HBsAg-positivity was 0.5% among pregnant women who attended prenatal clinics in Houston, Texas, 1991-1993. The Asian women had the highest seroprevalence rate (5.9%), followed by black (1.9%), white (0.7%), and Hispanic women (0.3%). The seroprevalence of HBsAg increased with age (p =.02); the highest seroprevalence rate found among the $>$40 group (5.4%), followed by the 20-40 age group, and the $<$20 age. A steady increase was observed in the number of infants, from 45 in 1991, to 103 in 1993. The majority of these infants were black (58.0%), followed by Hispanic (28.8%), Asian (8.4%), and white infants (4.0%). Significant increases were observed from 1991 to 1993 in the number of infants who initiated vaccination (86.7% to 98.1%, p =.02) and in those infants who were post-tested at 12 months of age (24.4% to 44.7%, p =.04). During the same period an increase was also observed in the number of infants who completed the vaccination dose schedules (62.2% to 72.8%, p =.37). The compliance rates were not statistically significant regarding gender, race or ethnicity, health service area, medical referral source, and residential geographic areas. About 56.0% of the reasons cited for non-compliance among the 144 infants who neither completed the vaccination dose schedules nor received the 12-month post-test were "moved," and "no response/not at home." A total of 82 infants completed the vaccination dose schedules and were post-tested at 12 months of age for anti-HBs-positivity, and 96.3% of these infants seroconverted. A race-specific statistically significant seroconversion difference was found among infants who received all vaccination doses and were post-tested at 12 months of age (100% for the black and the white, 96.3% for the Hispanic, and 80.0% for the Asians infants, p =.05).^ From a public health perspective, the HBV Perinatal Vaccination Program improved during its first three years (1991-1993). It was effective in preventing perinatal HBV infection in almost 97.0% of infants who were vaccinated and post-tested. To increase the efficiency and efficacy of the program, the following recommendations are proposed: (1) Increase the vaccination compliance rate by educating and improving the tracking, communication and coordination channels with those individuals involved in the process and by increasing staff resources. (2) Reduce the post-test vaccination non-compliance by post-testing infants simultaneously with third vaccination dose at 6 months of age, and only post-test those infants who are anti-HBs-negative at 9-12 months of age. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Introducción: Diversos cambios ocurren en el sistema cardiovascular materno durante el embarazo, lo que genera un gran estrés sobre este sistema especialmente durante el tercer trimestre, pudiendo acentuarse en presencia de determinados factores de riesgo. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron, valorar las adaptaciones cardiovasculares producidas por un programa específico de ejercicio físico; su seguridad sobre el sistema cardiovascular materno y los resultados del embarazo; y su eficacia en el control de los factores de riesgo cardiovascular. Material y métodos: El diseño del estudio fue un ensayo clínico aleatorizado. 151 gestantes sanas fueron evaluadas mediante un ecocardiograma y un electrocardiograma en la semana 20 y 34 de gestación. Un total de 89 gestantes participaron en un programa de ejercicio físico (GE) desde el primer hasta el tercer trimestre de embarazo, constituido principalmente por 25-30 minutos de trabajo aeróbico (55-60% de la frecuencia cardiaca de reserva), trabajo de fortalecimiento general y específico, y un trabajo de tonificación del suelo pélvico; desarrollado 3 días a la semana con una duración de 55-60 minutos cada sesión. Las gestantes aleatoriamente asignadas al grupo de control (GC; n=62) permanecieron sedentarias durante el embarazo. El estudio fue aprobado por el Comité Ético de investigación clínica del Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada. Resultados: Las características basales fueron similares entre ambos grupos. A diferencia del GC, las gestantes del GE evitaron el descenso significativo del gasto cardiaco indexado, entre el 2º y 3ºT de embarazo, y conservaron el patrón geométrico normal del ventrículo izquierdo; mientras que en el GC cambió hacia un patrón de remodelado concéntrico. En la semana 20, las gestantes del GE presentaron valores significativamente menores de frecuencia cardiaca (GC: 79,56±10,76 vs. GE: 76,05±9,34; p=0,04), tensión arterial sistólica (GC: 110,19±10,23 vs. GE: 106,04±12,06; p=0,03); tensión arterial diastólica (GC: 64,56±7,88 vs. GE: 61,81±7,15; p=0,03); tiempo de relajación isovolumétrica (GC: 72,94±14,71 vs. GE: 67,05±16,48; p=0,04); y un mayor tiempo de deceleración de la onda E (GC: 142,09±39,11 vs. GE: 162,10±48,59; p=0,01). En la semana 34, el GE presentó valores significativamente superiores de volumen sistólico (GC: 51,13±11,85 vs. GE: 56,21±12,79 p=0,04), de llenado temprano del ventrículo izquierdo (E) (GC: 78,38±14,07 vs. GE: 85,30±16,62; p=0,02) y de tiempo de deceleración de la onda E (GC: 130,35±37,11 vs. GE: 146,61±43,40; p=0,04). Conclusión: La práctica regular de ejercicio físico durante el embarazo puede producir adaptaciones positivas sobre el sistema cardiovascular materno durante el tercer trimestre de embarazo, además de ayudar en el control de sus factores de riesgo, sin alterar la salud materno-fetal. ABSTRACT Background: Several changes occur in the maternal cardiovascular system during pregnancy. These changes produce a considerable stress in this system, especially during the third trimester, which can be increased in presence of some risk factors. The aims of this study were, to assess the maternal cardiac adaptations in a specific exercise program; its safety on the maternal cardiovascular system and pregnancy outcomes; and its effectiveness in the control of cardiovascular risk factors. Material and methods: A randomized controlled trial was designed. 151 healthy pregnant women were assessed by an echocardiography and electrocardiography at 20 and 34 weeks of gestation. A total of 89 pregnant women participated in a physical exercise program (EG) from the first to the third trimester of pregnancy. It consisted of 25-30 minutes of aerobic conditioning (55-60% of their heart rate reserve), general and specific strength exercises, and a pelvic floor muscles training; 3 times per weeks during 55-60 minutes per session. Pregnant women randomized allocated to the control group (CG) remained sedentary during pregnancy. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada. Results: Baseline characteristics were similar between groups. Difference from the CG, pregnant women from the EG prevented the significant decrease of the cardiac output index, between the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, and preserved the normal left ventricular pattern; whereas in the CG shifted to concentric remodeling pattern. At 20 weeks, women in the EG had significant lower heart rate (CG: 79,56±10,76 vs. EG: 76,05±9,34; p=0,04), systolic blood pressure (CG: 110,19±10,23 vs. EG: 106,04±12,06; p=0,03); diastolic blood pressure (CG: 64,56±7,88 vs. EG: 61,81±7,15; p=0,03); isovolumetric relaxation time (GC: 72,94±14,71 vs. GE: 67,05±16,48; p=0,04); and a higher deceleration time of E Wave (GC: 142,09±39,11 vs. GE: 162,10±48,59; p=0,01). At 34 weeks, the EG had a significant higher stroke volume (CG: 51,13±11,85 vs. EG: 56,21±12,79 p=0,04), early filling of left ventricular (E) (CG: 78,38±14,07 vs. EG: 85,30±16,62; p=0,02) and deceleration time of E wave (CG: 130,35±37,11 vs. EG:146,61±43,40; p=0,04). Conclusion: Physical regular exercise program during pregnancy may produce positive maternal cardiovascular adaptations during the third trimester of pregnancy. In addition, it helps to control the cardiovascular risk factors without altering maternal and fetus health.


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INTRODUCCIÓN Actualmente las supervivientes de cáncer de mama viven durante más tiempo. Sin embargo, los tratamientos utilizados presentan importantes efectos secundarios que afectan y marcan su calidad de vida. Numerosos estudios han mostrado que el ejercicio es una herramienta apta, segura y efectiva reduciendo algunos de estos efectos secundarios y, en suma, mejorando la calidad de vida de estas pacientes, aspecto que presenta al ejercicio físico como una intervención integral para ellas. Por el contrario, se ha observado que las supervivientes de cáncer de mama reducen la cantidad de ejercicio que realizan después de dichos tratamientos. Por ello, el objetivo de este proyecto es examinar los efectos de un programa integral de ejercicio en la calidad de vida y la cantidad de ejercicio físico que realizan las pacientes con cáncer de mama en su tiempo, tras finalizar sus tratamientos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS Se diseñó un Ensayo Clínico Aleatorizado. Noventa pacientes diagnosticadas de cáncer de mama en estadios tempranos que habían terminado sus tratamientos de radioterapia y quimioterapia recientemente, fueron reclutadas por la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, desde enero de 2013 hasta junio de 2014. Las pacientes fueron aleatorizadas tras las mediciones iniciales al grupo control (tratamientos habituales) o grupo intervención, durante tres meses. La intervención consistió en 24 clases de ejercicio combinando práctica aeróbica y de fuerza con el fin de reducir los efectos secundarios de dichos tratamientos. La calidad de vida, la cantidad de ejercicio físico realizado en tiempo de ocio, VO2max, la fuerza, la movilidad articular del hombro, la fatiga, la depresión y la ansiedad fueron medidos al inicio y después de los tres meses en todos los pacientes. RESULTADOS Un total de 89 pacientes con una media de 49.06±8.75 de edad fueron finalmente analizadas. El grupo intervención (n=44) mostraron significativamente mejores resultados en calidad de vida (p=0.0001; d=0.85), cantidad de ejercicio en tiempo de ocio (p=0.0001; d=2.77), en variables de la composición corporal, en variables físicas y en variables psicológicas comparado con el grupo control (n=45). Además, se observó una correlación significativa entre la calidad de vida y el ejercicio realizado en tiempo de ocio en el grupo intervención (r= 0.58; p=0.001), que no fue patente en el grupo control. Se observaron cambios significativos en el grupo de intervención relativos a la composición corporal, con aumento de la masa muscular (p=0.001) y reducción de la masa grasa (p=0.0001). Tanto las variables físicas como psicológicas también mostraron diferencias significativas a favor al grupo de intervención en las comparaciones entre grupos. CONCLUSIONES Según estos resultados, un programa de ejercicio físico específico es una intervención integral que mejora los hábitos y la calidad de vida de las supervivientes de cáncer de mama, lo que reduce determinados efectos secundarios de los tratamientos y aumenta la salud física y psicológica general de estas mujeres. Este tipo de intervenciones pude ser una herramienta barata y efectiva para ofrecer a los pacientes, integrada en los tratamientos habituales. ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION It is well known that breast cancer survivors are living longer. However, breast cancer treatments present serious side effects, which could affect breast cancer survivors’ (BCS) health and quality of life (QoL). Exercise has been presented as a feasible, safe and effective tool in reducing some of these side effects and to improve survivors’ QoL, acting as an integrative treatment for them, although it has been observed that BCS reduce their leisure time exercise (LTE) levels. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the effects of an integrative exercise program in QoL and LTE in BCS after the completion of their adjuvant treatment. MATERIAL AND METHODS A randomized controlled trial (RCT) was designed. Ninety patients diagnosed with an early stage of breast cancer and who recently finished chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments were recruited by the Technical University of Madrid from January 2013 to June 2014. Patients were randomized after baseline assessments to the intervention group (IG) or to the control group (CG) (usual care) for three months. The Intervention consisted in 24 supervised exercise classes, combining aerobic and resistance exercises in order to reduce the most common side effects of the treatments. QoL, LTE, body composition, VO2max, strength, shoulder range of motion, fatigue, depression and self-esteem were measured in all the patients at baseline and after three months. RESULTS A total of 89 patients aged 49.06±8.75 years were finally assessed. IG (n=44) showed significant better results in QoL (p=0.0001; d=0.85), LTE (p=0.0001; d=2.77), in body composition, in the physical variable and in psychological outcomes, compared with the CG (n=45). In addition, a correlation between QoL and LTE (r= 0.58; p=0.001) was found in the IG, while CG did not show this correlation. Significant changes in body composition were observed in the group comparisons, especially in lean mass (p=0.001) and body fat mass (p= 0.0001). Positive changes were also observed in the physical and psychological variables in comparisons between groups. CONCLUSIONS These results suggest that this exercise program may be an integrative intervention, which is able to improve QoL and LTE levels in breast cancer survivors, reducing breast cancer side effects of treatments and improving their physical and psychological general health. Exercise may be an effective and inexpensive strategy to be included in patients integrative care.


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The performance of the positive P phase-space representation for exact many- body quantum dynamics is investigated. Gases of interacting bosons are considered, where the full quantum equations to simulate are of a Gross-Pitaevskii form with added Gaussian noise. This method gives tractable simulations of many-body systems because the number of variables scales linearly with the spatial lattice size. An expression for the useful simulation time is obtained, and checked in numerical simulations. The dynamics of first-, second- and third-order spatial correlations are calculated for a uniform interacting 1D Bose gas subjected to a change in scattering length. Propagation of correlations is seen. A comparison is made with other recent methods. The positive P method is particularly well suited to open systems as no conservation laws are hard-wired into the calculation. It also differs from most other recent approaches in that there is no truncation of any kind.


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Nowadays the great public libraries in Bulgaria are gaining the appearance of digital centers which provide new informational resources and services in the digital space. The digital conversion as a way of preservation is one of the important priorities of Regional Public Library in Veliko Tarnovo. In the last few years we persistently search for possible ways of financing by national and foreign programs in this direction. In the beginning the strategy was oriented to digitalization of the funds with most urgent conversion – these of the local studies periodicals from 1878 till 1944 year. The digitalization of funds will create conditions of laying the basement of full text database of Bulgarian periodical publications. The technology that is offered gives opportunities for including other libraries in the Unified index, which can develop it into a National Unified index of periodical publications. The integrated informational environment that is created is an attractive, comfortable and useful place for work in home or at work for researchers, historians, art experts, bibliographers. The library readers use very actively all informational services of the library internet page and work competently with the on-line indexes provided there, they find the necessary title, which can be demanded later for usage in home or in the library, using electronic means again.


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Recent intervention efforts in promoting positive identity in troubled adolescents have begun to draw on the potential for an integration of the self-construction and self-discovery perspectives in conceptualizing identity processes, as well as the integration of quantitative and qualitative data analytic strategies. This study reports an investigation of the Changing Lives Program (CLP), using an Outcome Mediation (OM) evaluation model, an integrated model for evaluating targets of intervention, while theoretically including a Self-Transformative Model of Identity Development (STM), a proposed integration of self-discovery and self-construction identity processes. This study also used a Relational Data Analysis (RDA) integration of quantitative and qualitative analysis strategies and a structural equation modeling approach (SEM), to construct and evaluate the hypothesized OM/STM model. The CLP is a community supported positive youth development intervention, targeting multi-problem youth in alternative high schools in the Miami Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS). The 259 participants for this study were drawn from the CLP’s archival data file. The model evaluated in this study utilized three indices of core identity processes (1) personal expressiveness, (2) identity conflict resolution, and (3) informational identity style that were conceptualized as mediators of the effects of participation in the CLP on change in two qualitative outcome indices of participants’ sense of self and identity. Findings indicated the model fit the data (χ2 (10) = 3.638, p = .96; RMSEA = .00; CFI = 1.00; WRMR = .299). The pattern of findings supported the utilization of the STM in conceptualizing identity processes and provided support for the OM design. The findings also suggested the need for methods capable of detecting and rendering unique sample specific free response data to increase the likelihood of identifying emergent core developmental research concepts and constructs in studies of intervention/developmental change over time in ways not possible using fixed response methods alone.