891 resultados para Treaty of Versailles


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Obwohl der Ursprung der europäischen Einigungsgeschichte im wirtschaftlichen Bereich lag, hatte die Integration von Beginn an auch politischen Charakter. Schon die römischen Verträge enthielten Ansätze einer Konstitutionalisierung und auch die Bezeichnung der Verträge als Verfassung wurde seit den 60er-Jahren unter Rechtswissenschaftlern immer gebräuchlicher, auch wenn dies stets umstritten war. Unabhängig vom Streit über den Verfassungsbegriff hat die von den Verträgen gebildete Rechtsordnung jedenfalls inhaltlich Verfassungscharakter. Sie enthält Regelungen, die man gemeinhin mit einer Staatsverfassung verbindet. Die europäische Integration war stets von verfassungsrechtlichen Idealen getragen, weshalb man die Mitgliedstaaten auch als eine Verfassungsrechtsgemeinschaft bezeichnen kann. Bedeutende Weiterentwicklungen erfuhr der Konstitutionalisierungsprozess mit der Konventsmethode und der Erarbeitung der Grundrechte-Charta. Fortgesetzt wurde dieser Prozess mit dem Entwurf über den Verfassungsvertrag für Europa. Da in ihm typische Gehalte einer Verfassung verkörpert sind, verdient er durchaus auch diese Bezeichnung. Auf seiner Basis sollte ein schlanker, übersichtlicher und verständlicher Verfassungstext geschaffen werden, der die Reform und Integration Europas weiter führt und ein Instrument der Identitätsstiftung sein kann.


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In October 1930, violent action of the Polish security forces against the Ukrainian population in Eastern Galicia resulted in an international campaign for the Ukrainians in Poland. Its central claim was the condemnation of these incidents as a violation of the Minorities Treaty of the League of Nations. The article focuses on the involved British extra-parliamentary groups and their international federations as well as leftist intellectuals, socialist parties and the Labour and Socialist International. In most cases, the commitment of the activists was motivated by the desire to expose a humanitarian scandal while the implementation of minority rights played a minor role. When it turned out that the first reports had presented an exaggerated version of the events, they shifted their focus to the Polish opposition whose persecution started in November 1930.


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El trabajo analiza una serie de crónicas y fotografías del entresiglos puertorriqueño (XIX-XX), llevadas a la escena pública internacional cuando, en virtud del Tratado de París que puso fin a la Guerra Hispanoamericana, la isla deja de ser colonia española y se convierte en posesión de los Estados Unidos. Construidas por viajeros norteamericanos que llegan a Puerto Rico para registrar el cambio de dominación y el rostro isleño, las imágenes verbales e iconográficas seleccionadas exhiben los poderes de una mirada imperial que justifica el programa expansionista y colonizador, subrayando los relieves de una tierra dominable, dispuesta a entregarse al nuevo amo.


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El trabajo analiza una serie de crónicas y fotografías del entresiglos puertorriqueño (XIX-XX), llevadas a la escena pública internacional cuando, en virtud del Tratado de París que puso fin a la Guerra Hispanoamericana, la isla deja de ser colonia española y se convierte en posesión de los Estados Unidos. Construidas por viajeros norteamericanos que llegan a Puerto Rico para registrar el cambio de dominación y el rostro isleño, las imágenes verbales e iconográficas seleccionadas exhiben los poderes de una mirada imperial que justifica el programa expansionista y colonizador, subrayando los relieves de una tierra dominable, dispuesta a entregarse al nuevo amo.


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El trabajo analiza una serie de crónicas y fotografías del entresiglos puertorriqueño (XIX-XX), llevadas a la escena pública internacional cuando, en virtud del Tratado de París que puso fin a la Guerra Hispanoamericana, la isla deja de ser colonia española y se convierte en posesión de los Estados Unidos. Construidas por viajeros norteamericanos que llegan a Puerto Rico para registrar el cambio de dominación y el rostro isleño, las imágenes verbales e iconográficas seleccionadas exhiben los poderes de una mirada imperial que justifica el programa expansionista y colonizador, subrayando los relieves de una tierra dominable, dispuesta a entregarse al nuevo amo.


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Esta es una tesis con dos partes bien diferenciadas; en la primera se habla de conceptos como la escala, el tamaño y la medida en el mundo de la antigua Roma. Para ello se eligen edificios con características específicas que pueden explicar estos términos, como la” Villa Adriana” en la que se habla del tamaño desde la acumulación de dimensiones medias, el “Ara Pacis”, en la que se describe la ambigüedad dimensional y el tamaño, el Panteón en el que habla de la escala, y el Santuario de Baalbek a través del cual se reflexiona sobre la condición de monumentalidad. Dichos edificios se comparan con piezas de arte contemporáneo que ayudan a entender el contenido histórico. En ese sentido la tesis propone un viaje desde lo moderno a lo antiguo, instalándose en la certeza de que el conocimiento ampliado de los conceptos contemporáneos otorga nueva vida a los edificios históricos, en un paseo inverso al clásico de estudiar lo antiguo para entender el presente. La tesis defiende que el presente se lee desde el presente y el pasado también desde el presente, elaborando nuevas narrativas que permiten superponer realidades distintas para alumbrar lo real. La segunda parte de la tesis compara la medida de lo público y lo privado así como la medida del paisaje. Habla de la medida del Poder ejemplificada en el proyecto de los Foros Imperiales desde el Foro de César hasta el Foro de Trajano y elabora una comparación dimensional desde la disección de sesenta casas pompeyanas, que son sometidas a un cuidadoso análisis métrico y relacional. Se estudian así mismo sus distintas proporciones desde el tratado de Vitrubio y se analizan sus sistemas de proyecto, encontrando en la ampliación acumulativa un mecanismo que relaciona lo público y lo privado. Por último se estudia la medida del paisaje, encontrando un apoyo en la pintura mural romana y también en la relación entre los cuatro Santuarios Republicanos de Lacio. ABSTRACT This is a thesis with two different parts; the first one deals with concepts from the Ancient Rome, such as scale, size and measure. Some buildings with specific characteristics have been chosen in order to explain these terms, such as "Villa Adriana" where size is formed by the accumulation of medium sizes, the "Ara Pacis",where the dimensional ambiguity is described, the Pantheon where the scale is explained and the Sanctuary of Baalbek where the condition of monumentality is understood. These buildings are compared with contemporary artworks that help to understand the historical contents. In that sense, the thesis proposes a journey from the modern to the old, settling in the certainty that the extended knowledge of contemporary concepts gives new life to historic buildings, instead of the usual walk to the old to understand the present . The thesis argues that both the present and the past can be read through the present, developing new narratives that are overlayed to light reality. The second part of the thesis compares the measures in public and private worlds as well as the measure in the landscape. It is also about the measure of the power, that is exemplified in the Fori Imperiali as the Forum of Caesar and Trajan's Forum. Besides a dimensional comparison is made by dissecting sixty Pompeian houses, which are subjected to careful and relational analysis. Furthermore, their different proportions are studied, since the Treaty of Vitruvius and their design systems are analyzed, finding the mechanism that links the public and private spheres in the cumulative expansion. Finally , the measure of the landscape is studied supported by Roman wall painting and in the relationship between the four Sanctuaries Republicans of Lazio.


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A estimulação elétrica neuromuscular (EENM) é uma recente técnica terapêutica no tratamento das disfagias orofaríngeas. Poucos estudos utilizaram a EENM em casos oncológicos, havendo muitas dúvidas sobre o método de aplicação e os resultados de diferentes condições de estimulação nessa população. Este trabalho teve por objetivo verificar o efeito imediato da EENM sensorial e motora, nas fases oral e faríngea da deglutição, em pacientes após tratamento do câncer de cabeça e pescoço. Para isso foi realizado um estudo transversal intervencional que incluiu 11 pacientes adultos e idosos (mediana de 59 anos) acometidos por câncer de cabeça e pescoço. Todos os indivíduos foram submetidos ao exame de videofluoroscopia da deglutição, no qual, de modo randomizado, foram solicitadas deglutições de 5 ml de alimentos nas consistências líquida, mel e pudim em três condições distintas: sem estimulação, com EENM sensorial, com EENM motora. Foi classificado o grau da disfunção da deglutição por meio da escala DOSS (Dysphagia Outcome and Severity Scale), a presença de estase de alimentos (escala de Eisenhuber), de penetração laríngea, aspiração laringotraqueal (Penetration and Aspiration Scale - PAS), além da medida do tempo de trânsito oral e faríngeo (em segundos). Para a comparação dos resultados, considerando os três estímulos aplicados, na escala de resíduos, na escala de penetração aspiração, na escala DOSS e no tempo de trânsito oral e faríngeo foi aplicado o teste de Friedman ou a análise de variância para medidas repetidas (de acordo com a distribuição dos dados). Para todos os testes foi adotado nível de significância de 5%. Os resultados demonstraram que houve melhora com a estimulação sensorial e motora na escala DOSS e na escala PAS para um paciente tratado de câncer de boca e outro de laringe e piora, em ambas as escalas, para dois pacientes (câncer de boca), sendo um para a estimulação motora e outro na sensorial. A aplicação da escala de Eisenhuber permitiu verificar que a EENM, tanto em nível sensorial como motor, modificou de forma variável a presença de resíduos para os casos de câncer de boca, enquanto para o paciente com câncer de laringe houve redução de resíduos em valécula/raiz da língua para a estimulação sensorial e motora, além de aumento de resíduos em parede posterior da faringe com o estímulo motor. Além disso, não foi encontrada diferença estatisticamente significante para o tempo de trânsito oral e faríngeo nas diferentes estimulações para todas as consistências testadas (p>0,05). Diante desses achados, concluiu-se que a EENM, em nível sensorial e motor, apresentou variável impacto imediato nas fases oral e faríngea da deglutição, podendo melhorar a função de deglutição de pacientes com significante disfagia após o tratamento para o câncer de cabeça e pescoço, no que se diz respeito ao grau da disfagia e à presença de penetração e aspiração.


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El tratado de Teodomiro ha sido un tema crucial en la historiografía española, pero la investigación arqueológica sobre el temprano al-Andalus desarrollada en el sudeste de la península Ibérica ha aportado una nueva perspectiva. Su objetivo es analizar no sólo la geopolítica del tratado y la realidad urbana, sino también las implicaciones fiscales y agrícolas del asentamiento ğundí y la construcción de un nuevo paisaje social.


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Se presentan en “Tratado rápido de filosofía y otros poemas”, cuatro poemas seleccionados de tres poemarios escritos por Bartolomé Nieto Munuera, surcador incansable de mares de letras y sentimientos sujetos a mareas, algas y musgos: Ribera de la entropía, La estirpe del aire, y Noches de Quart Hadasht. A pesar de su prematura muerte, a este gran poeta le ha sobrado tiempo para regalarnos una obra intensa y coherente donde abundan interpretaciones saturadas de inteligencia y una estética cuya serenidad se mece dialécticamente en el pensamiento crítico regalándonos versos de una profundidad casi insondable. Nieto interpreta la realidad como la vive y la piensa dejando translucir un perfume delicado que se desprende lentamente al son de la pulcritud irredenta de este hermeneuta culto e intuitivo.


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Los dos textos principales de las líneas de transmisión del tratado de Tudmīr (94 H/713 e.C.), incluidos por al-‘Uḏrī y al-Ḍabbī en sus respectivas obras, son editados y traducidos en base a la relectura de los manuscritos que los contienen y de ello se extraen una serie de conclusiones sobre su proceso de copia. Luego son comparados los dos textos entre sí y se enumeran una serie de diferencias textuales. Finalmente, como hipótesis interpretativa se propone que el texto de al-‘Uḏrī es el más antiguo, y habría sido copiado de un traslado del original por su autor, mientras que la transmisión de al-Ḍabbī habría sido más reciente y se habría fundado en otra fuente más antigua que habría puesto por escrito un relato oral del texto.


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Undated and unattributed handwritten Latin salutatory and valedictory orations composed for the Harvard College Commencement. A modern note with the materials suggests Nathaniel Sparhawk (Harvard AB 1765) as the author, but the author was more likely Joseph Hooper (Harvard AB 1763), who delivered the orations for the 1763 Harvard Commencement. While the documents are undated, textual clues include mention of the command of George III in recent war against France and Spain, suggesting the speech was written soon after the Treaty of Paris which was signed in February 1763 to end the Seven Years' War. The speech also celebrates Harvard Tutor William Kneeland, who resigned from his position in July 1763, and mentions the illness of Professor Edward Wigglesworth (who died before the 1765 Commencement). The text also mentions Professor John Winthrop and Massachusetts Governor Francis Bernard.


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These two handwritten letters by Timothy Pickering were written on February 14, 1797 and June 14, 1798 to his brother John Pickering and his father Timothy Pickering, respectively. The letter to his brother, John, discusses mutual friends, classmate Thomas Lee, and John’s recent attendance at a sermon by Dr. Joseph Priestley. The letter from Timothy to his father includes a discussion of Timothy’s expenses and the amount of money needed to pay his debts, a request for new shoes for commencement, the news of Timothy’s invitation to join honor society Phi Beta Kappa, and a few comments on his forensics course at Harvard.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: The peninsula of India : from the Kistnah River to Cape Comorin : exhibiting the partition of the territories of the late Tippoo Sultaun, according to the treaty of 1792, made by the Marquis Cornwallis, and that of 1799, made by the Marquis Wellesley by J. Rennell ; writing b W. Harrison. It was published by J. Rennell : sold by G. Nicol in 1800. Scale [ca. 1:2,300,000]. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Kalianpur 1975 India Zone III projected coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, cities and other human settlements, territorial, administrative and colonial boundaries, shoreline features, and more. Relief shown by hachures.This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of originators, ground condition dates, scales, and map purposes.


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[Introduction.] Over the last two years, not only inside but also outside the framework of the EU treaties, far reaching measures have been taken at the highest political level in order to address the financial and economic crisis in Europe and in particular the sovereign debt crisis in the Euro area. This has triggered debates forecasting the “renationalisation of European politics.” Herman Van Rompuy, the President of the European Council, countered the prediction that Europe is doomed because of such a renationalisation: “If national politics have a prominent place in our Union, why would this not strengthen it?” He took the view that not a renationalisation of European politics was at stake, but an Europeanization of national politics emphasising that post war Europe was never developed in contradiction with nation states.1 Indeed, the European project is based on a mobilisation of bundled, national forces which are of vital importance to a democratically structured and robust Union that is capable of acting in a globalised world. To that end, the Treaty of Lisbon created a legal basis. The new legal framework redefines the balance between the Union institutions and confirms the central role of the Community method in the EU legislative and judiciary process. This contribution critically discusses the development of the EU's institutional balance after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, with a particular emphasis on the use of the Community Method and the current interplay between national constitutional courts and the Court of Justice. This interplay has to date been characterised by suspicion and mistrust, rather than by a genuine dialogue between the pertinent judicial actors.


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I would like to briefly recapitulate where Europe stands today, and what has been achieved. Because I maintain that in the EU’s 27 Member States we have, despite the failings and shortcomings we all bemoan, reached a level of unity, prosperity and rule of law unheard of in the history of this continent, and possibly of the world. As far as territory is concerned: the European Economic Community started out with six members. The late Bronislaw Geremek, former Foreign Minister of Poland and an eminent historian, used to point out that this, at the time, corresponded in size and shape roughly to the empire of Charlemagne, one of the greatest unified territories the continent has ever known. And yet, a mere 55 years after the Treaty of Rome we have gone far beyond that. Today’s European Union encompasses 27 countries, more than 4 million square kilometers in territory and 500 million people. When it comes to Europe’s policies, at present, all eyes are on the Euro and the future of our common monetary and financial policy. But within our common space, we have achieved so much more than a common currency for a majority of Member States.