999 resultados para Trabalho de Casa (TPC)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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After the Technological Revolution, the world has undergone many social and behavioral changes that have forced companies to rethink their methods of communication in marketing. Marketing is a strategic business sector with a focus on research into the demands and needs of its customers looking beyond a quality product. Thus, to generate and mediate communication between company and client came the Communication Agencies, third party companies that provide communications services to several companies, and the House Agencies, which constitute a communication area of the company. This paper presents a survey of House Agency, its functioning, structure, demands, functional profile and presents a case study on the House of Agency retail company \\\"Supermarkets Trust\\\", pointing out the strengths and weaknesses that the company faces when choosing structuring an agency of the house.


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As water is essential for human survival and university organizations are responsible for spreading new knowledge and values through teaching, research and extension, this paper examined how two university organizations deal with a most precious resources, the Water, through its environmental management activities. To communicate the survey, this article is structured in three parts: the first is a brief reflection on environmental management in the university hospitals and the issue of water resources, then presents the methodological procedures for the conduct of research. Finally, we present the empirical evidence from case studies and discussions relevant to the research, followed by proposals on best practices in managing water resources that universities could adopt under review. It can be concluded that the possession of knowledge and cutting-edge research in several areas that universities do not provide an exemplary way to manage their water resources, ie, isolated and fragmented initiatives of Colleges ALPHA and BETA do not guarantee the environmental sustainability of campus, a As one can see that the units are not achieving academic success in the overflow of its knowledge and research for an effective internal environmental management, especially its water resources.


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Greenhouse with natural ventilation is widely used in tropical countries, and little knowledge is available about how this type of structure affects the spatial variability of agroclimatic variables. The aim of this study was to analyse the spatial variability of relative humidity inside a greenhouse with natural ventilation. The measurement of relative humidity was done at 114 points inside the greenhouse at 9, 12 and 16 hours and on heights of 0.3, 1.2 and 2.0 m. The acquired data were processed by the geostatistical software GS+ and maps were generated and displayed for each time and height using the Surfer 10.3.705 software. The results showed that there were variations in the spatial distribution of relative humidity inside the greenhouse.


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This work aims to analyze the limitations of recent Brazilian urban expansion and, more specifically, the housing policy for low-income population, focused on Minha Casa, Minha Vida in Campinas / SP . It is understood that this program aims to democratize access to housing for excluded populations in the property market, resulting in a right to the city. This policy is analyzed in the living space configuration from the point of view of socio-spatial segregation. To meet the flexibility of real estate developers, urban politic Campinas was subsumed by the entrepreneurship of housing production, was detached from the municipal planning and releasing ownership of urban land for the free flow of capital that circulated by the real estate market in the search for the appropriation of elevation of the ground rent . These processes are understood through intense confinement of poverty in areas that grow randomly deleted and the margin of urban rights


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This work aims to present an analysis of the Minha Casa Minha Vida, proposed by Lula's government in 2009, highlighting their main impacts for the country in the period following the international financial crisis of 2008, in addition to demonstrating the perception of different inserted agents in context. We argue that the Program implementation was a strategy for the country to overcome the crisis, moving the economy to stimulate consumption, investment and job creation. This work also analyzes the Lula government, responsible for program implementation, and seeks to show its characteristic points that led to the success of the Minha Casa Minha Vida. Finally, we demonstrate that the 2008 crisis has a side still little explored, that goes beyond the economic data that generated and can be regarded as the mainstream economic thinking crisis


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The housing issue in Brazil is'nt a recent problem and has been discussed, worked and questioned in the institutional framework, especially with regard to the critical considerations on the topic and urban problems involved. We as milestones in the Brazilian housing policy the National Housing Bank - BNH, 1964, the height of the military regime in Brazil, and the Minha Casa, Minha Vida, in 2009. Both have questions that approach and distance themselves regarding changes in the Brazilian housing policy, where we have the emergence of new forms of knowledge production and housing consumption. Thus we have a number of advances in ways of acquiring social housing, even at different times, it is characterized as capitalist forms of this issue. Thus the spatial process of housing developments arising from these programs reflect the change in space - time that they lay down, turning the urban space of the cities in this case the city of Presidente Prudente / SP


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The housing issue in Brazil is'nt a recent problem and has been discussed, worked and questioned in the institutional framework, especially with regard to the critical considerations on the topic and urban problems involved. We as milestones in the Brazilian housing policy the National Housing Bank - BNH, 1964, the height of the military regime in Brazil, and the Minha Casa, Minha Vida, in 2009. Both have questions that approach and distance themselves regarding changes in the Brazilian housing policy, where we have the emergence of new forms of knowledge production and housing consumption. Thus we have a number of advances in ways of acquiring social housing, even at different times, it is characterized as capitalist forms of this issue. Thus the spatial process of housing developments arising from these programs reflect the change in space - time that they lay down, turning the urban space of the cities in this case the city of Presidente Prudente / SP


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e avaliar o impacto da implantação do programa De volta para casa, na consolidação da reforma psiquiátrica no Brasil. O método adotado foi a pesquisa quanti- qualitativa numa abordagem de estudo de caso. O local do estudo foi às três (03) residências terapêuticas localizadas no município de Santo André. Todos os 25 (vinte e cinco) moradores foram sujeitos da pesquisa, utilizamos como instrumentos: entrevista semi-estruturada, livro de anotações diárias e os prontuários. Os resultados forma analisados segundo Bardin (1979) construindo categorias que demonstrassem com clareza: o perfil sócio demográfico dos egressos de hospitais psiquiátricos, e demonstrasse os indicadores de qualidade e autonomia. Procurando focar a implementação do processo de reabilitação psicossocial com estes moradores.


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever e avaliar o impacto da implantação do programa De volta para casa, na consolidação da reforma psiquiátrica no Brasil. O método adotado foi a pesquisa quanti- qualitativa numa abordagem de estudo de caso. O local do estudo foi às três (03) residências terapêuticas localizadas no município de Santo André. Todos os 25 (vinte e cinco) moradores foram sujeitos da pesquisa, utilizamos como instrumentos: entrevista semi-estruturada, livro de anotações diárias e os prontuários. Os resultados forma analisados segundo Bardin (1979) construindo categorias que demonstrassem com clareza: o perfil sócio demográfico dos egressos de hospitais psiquiátricos, e demonstrasse os indicadores de qualidade e autonomia. Procurando focar a implementação do processo de reabilitação psicossocial com estes moradores.


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ALICE is one of four major experiments of particle accelerator LHC installed in the European laboratory CERN. The management committee of the LHC accelerator has just approved a program update for this experiment. Among the upgrades planned for the coming years of the ALICE experiment is to improve the resolution and tracking efficiency maintaining the excellent particles identification ability, and to increase the read-out event rate to 100 KHz. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to update the Time Projection Chamber detector (TPC) and Muon tracking (MCH) detector modifying the read-out electronics, which is not suitable for this migration. To overcome this limitation the design, fabrication and experimental test of new ASIC named SAMPA has been proposed . This ASIC will support both positive and negative polarities, with 32 channels per chip and continuous data readout with smaller power consumption than the previous versions. This work aims to design, fabrication and experimental test of a readout front-end in 130nm CMOS technology with configurable polarity (positive/negative), peaking time and sensitivity. The new SAMPA ASIC can be used in both chambers (TPC and MCH). The proposed front-end is composed of a Charge Sensitive Amplifier (CSA) and a Semi-Gaussian shaper. In order to obtain an ASIC integrating 32 channels per chip, the design of the proposed front-end requires small area and low power consumption, but at the same time requires low noise. In this sense, a new Noise and PSRR (Power Supply Rejection Ratio) improvement technique for the CSA design without power and area impact is proposed in this work. The analysis and equations of the proposed circuit are presented which were verified by electrical simulations and experimental test of a produced chip with 5 channels of the designed front-end. The measured equivalent noise charge was <550e for 30mV/fC of sensitivity at a input capacitance of 18.5pF. The total core area of the front-end was 2300?m × 150?m, and the measured total power consumption was 9.1mW per channel.


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Este trabalho tem o intuito de discutir como um imóvel tombado na cidade de Joinville/SC vem respondendo ao mundo das influências contemporâneas da espetacularização. A Casa Boehm, hoje uma loja de calçados no comércio, foi construída em 1927 e tombada em 2001, por meio do Processo de Tombamento PFCC n. 627/003, de 10 de abril de 2000, homologado pelo Decreto n. 3.461/2001, do Governador do Estado, na época, Esperidião Amin. O imóvel vem sofrendo alterações físicas, que afetam princípios de unidade, volumetria, padrões de estilo arquitetônico, o que faz com surjam debates a respeito dos seus valores estéticos. A depender do gosto dos locatários, especialmente no que se referee às cores externas, sem autorização, vislumbra-se a partir da opinião dos participantes do Conselho de Patrimônio da cidade - COMPHAAN, a espetacularização que este bem vem suportando em nome de uma sociedade de consumo, que apenas visa o lucro, apesar de inúmeros debates teóricos acerca da preservação. Desta forma, quando se pensa em restauração de um patrimônio cultural edificado, a preocupação imanente é com a sua imagem subjetiva/simbólica, e ainda, não menos importante, no que se refere às cores utilizadas nas pinturas das edificações. A metodologia utilizada é qualitativa, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, documentais no Arquivo Histórico de Joinville – AHJ e na Fundação Cultural de Joinville – FCJ e, etnográfica. A etnografia, com nuances interdisciplinares, foi realizada nestes mesmos Arquivos da cidade de Joinville, nos arredores do bem em questão e analisando algumas impressões obtidas nas reuniões do Conselho de Patrimônio da cidade – COMPHAAN. Este estudo é parte integrante da pesquisa para doutoramento em Ciências Humanas, na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC. Parte-se da hipótese inicial de que as discussões que envolvem as cores em bens tombados têm se relacionado com a autenticidade e a integridade dos conjuntos nos centros históricos. Porém, vai além, já que o espetáculo buscado pelos gestores públicos, com intento de valorizar suas cidades, acaba por homogeneizar esses territórios em torno de uma ideia de patrimônio que tem sido questionada por alguns teóricos.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Música.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão Estratégica de Recursos Humanos