632 resultados para Townsend


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The development of an adaptive filter system, capable of reducing significantly the effect of siren noise within the cab of an emergency vehicle, is described. The system is capable of removing the siren noise picked up by the radio microphone inside the vehicle, without degrading the wanted voice signal, thus allowing the siren to be used at all times.


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Interference by siren background-noise with speech transmitted from radio equipment (3) of an emergency-service vehicle, is reduced by apparatus (1) that subtracts (43) an estimate nk of the correlated siren-noise component from the contaminated signal yk supplied by the cab-microphone (2). The estimate nk is computed by FIR (finite impulse response) filtering of a siren-reference signal xk supplied by a unit (4) from one or more microphones located on or near the siren, or from the electric waveform driving the siren. The filter-coefficients wk are adjusted according to an LMS (least mean square) adaptive algorithm that is applied to the correlated-noise component ek of the fed-back noise-reduced signal, so as to bring about iterative cancellation with close frequency-tracking, of the siren noise.


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Ants are widely employed by plants as an antiherbivore defence. A single host plant can associate with multiple, symbiotic ant species, although usually only a single ant species at a time. Different plant-ant species may vary in the degree to which they defend their host plant. In Kenya, ant–acacia interactions are well studied, but less is known about systems elsewhere in Africa. A southern African species, Vachellia erioloba, is occupied by thorn-dwelling ants from three different genera. Unusually, multiple colonies of all these ants simultaneously and stably inhabit trees. We investigated if the ants on V. erioloba (i) deter insect herbivores; (ii) differ in their effectiveness depending on the identity of the herbivore; and (iii) protect the tree against an important herbivore, the larvae of the lepidopteran Gonometa postica. We show that experimental exclusion of ants leads to greater levels of herbivory on trees. The ants inhabiting V. erioloba are an effective deterrent against hemipteran and coleopteran, but not lepidopteran herbivores. Defensive services do not vary among ant species, but only Crematogaster ants exhibit aggression towards G. postica. This highlights the potential of the V. erioloba–ant mutualism for studying ant–plant interactions that involve multiple, simultaneously resident thorn-dwelling ant species.


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High-density oligonucleotide (oligo) arrays are a powerful tool for transcript profiling. Arrays based on GeneChip® technology are amongst the most widely used, although GeneChip® arrays are currently available for only a small number of plant and animal species. Thus, we have developed a method to improve the sensitivity of high-density oligonucleotide arrays when applied to heterologous species and tested the method by analysing the transcriptome of Brassica oleracea L., a species for which no GeneChip® array is available, using a GeneChip® array designed for Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Genomic DNA from B. oleracea was labelled and hybridised to the ATH1-121501 GeneChip® array. Arabidopsis thaliana probe-pairs that hybridised to the B. oleracea genomic DNA on the basis of the perfect-match (PM) probe signal were then selected for subsequent B. oleracea transcriptome analysis using a .cel file parser script to generate probe mask files. The transcriptional response of B. oleracea to a mineral nutrient (phosphorus; P) stress was quantified using probe mask files generated for a wide range of gDNA hybridisation intensity thresholds. An example probe mask file generated with a gDNA hybridisation intensity threshold of 400 removed > 68 % of the available PM probes from the analysis but retained >96 % of available A. thaliana probe-sets. Ninety-nine of these genes were then identified as significantly regulated under P stress in B. oleracea, including the homologues of P stress responsive genes in A. thaliana. Increasing the gDNA hybridisation intensity thresholds up to 500 for probe-selection increased the sensitivity of the GeneChip® array to detect regulation of gene expression in B. oleracea under P stress by up to 13-fold. Our open-source software to create probe mask files is freely available http://affymetrix.arabidopsis.info/xspecies/ webcite and may be used to facilitate transcriptomic analyses of a wide range of plant and animal species in the absence of custom arrays.


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Flies of the tribe Muscini (Diptera, Muscidae) are worldwide in distribution and are represented by some 350 species in 18 genera. The present study provides an identification key and diagnoses for all the genera of world Muscini: Biopyrellia Townsend, Curranosia Paterson, Dasyphora Robineau-Desvoidy, Deltotus Seguy, Hennigmyia Peris, Mesembrina Meigen, Mitroplatia Enderlein, Morellia Robineau-Desvoidy, Musca Linnaeus, Myiophaea Enderlein, Neomyia Walker, Neorypellia Pont, Polietes Rondani, Polietina Schnabl & Dziedzicki, Pyrellia Robineau-Desvoidy, Pyrellina Malloch, Sarcopromusca Townsend, Ziminellia Nihei & de Carvalho. Most infrageneric taxa are also represented, namely, the sub-genera of Dasyphora and Morellia. Comments on phylogeny support (whenever pertinent) and the major references containing revisions and regional identification keys to species are provided for each genus and subgenus.


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Sand fly populations of different ecological niches in the Amaraji endemic American Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (ACL) focus of the Pernambuco Atlantic Forest region of northeastern Brazil were monitored spatiotemporally. Lutzomyia whitmani was dominant in all niches but occurred in smaller numbers in forested locations. L. whitmani was significantly less seasonal than the other species, being present throughout the year while other species were more abundant between February and April. These results suggest that L. whitmani may potentially be the principal vector of ACL in the region, even though the sand fly fauna was diverse: 88% were L.whitmani and 12% belonged to 11 other species. Two other species, L. complexa (1.3%) and L. migonei (0.8%), considered to be ACL vectors in other regions, were also present. This detailed picture of the sand fly population`s abundance and spatiotemporal distribution provides a basis for future modeling studies of forecasting sand fly activity patterns and ACL occurence.


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Electron transport parameters are important in several areas ranging from particle detectors to plasma-assisted processing reactors. Nevertheless, especially at high fields strengths and for complex gases, relatively few data are published. A dedicated setup has been developed to measure the electron drift velocity and the first Townsend coefficient in parallel plate geometry. An RPC-like cell has been adopted to reach high field strengths without the risk of destructive sparks. The validation data obtained with pure Nitrogen will be presented and compared to a selection of the available literature and to calculations performed with Magboltz 2 version 8.6. The new data collected in pure Isobutane will then be discussed. This is the first time the electron drift velocity in pure Isobutane is measured well into the saturation region. Good agreement is found with expectations from Magboltz. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This presentation was offered as part of the CUNY Library Assessment Conference, Reinventing Libraries: Reinventing Assessment, held at the City University of New York in June 2014.


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Access to high quality health care services plays an important part in the health of rural communities and individuals. This fact is reflected in efforts by governments to improve the quality of such services through better targeting of funds and more efficient management of services. In Australia, the difficulties experienced by rural communities in attracting and retaining doctors has long been recognized as a contributing factor to the relatively higher levels of morbidity and mortality in rural areas. However, this paper, based on a study of two small rural communities in Australia, suggests that resolving the health problems of rural communities will require more than simply increasing the quality and accessibility of health services. Health and well-being in such communities relates as much to the sense of community cohesion as it does to the direct provision of medical services. Over recent years, that cohesion has diminished, undermined in part by government policies that have fuelled an exodus from small rural communities to urban areas. Until governments begin to take an 'upside-down' perspective, focusing on building healthy communities rather than simply on building hospitals to make communities healthy, the disadvantages faced by rural people will continue to be exacerbated.