377 resultados para Tocantins
This study aimed to analyse the Brazilian savanna forest from a Legal Reserve (LR) area from a perspective of conservation, reservoir of organic carbon and medicinal biomass for a prospective use of native medicinal plants. An ethnobotanical and ethnopharmacological survey was carried out close to a community settled in the rural area in the south of Tocantins, being selected 9 of the most cited species (cajuí- Anacardium othonianum; inharé-Brosimum gaudichaudii; jatobá-Hymenaeae courbaril; jenipapo-Genipa americana, aroeira-Myracrodruon urundeuva; negramina-Siparuna guianensis; barbatimão- Stryphnodendron obovatum; assa peixe-Vernonia brasiliana, embaúba-Cecropia pachystachya). Crude foliar extracts were subjected to a preliminary phytochemical prospection and triage of secondary metabolites with antimicrobial activity of potential interest in health and familiar agriculture. Phenolic compounds, terpenes and flavonoids were detected in the extracts of most species, which suggests the presence of antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-insect activities. It was evident the need to better know the LR as a reservoir of medicinal biomass in an area under ecological tension where 35% (610ha) of the property is LR and should be protected by law. Therefore, a forest inventory of live woody species was performed using the allometric or indirect method. This identified a rare remnant of Semidecidual Seasonal Forest amidst the largest world savannah, the Cerrado biome. An analysis of the forest average productivity per basal area (m².ha), aerial live biomass (ton.ha-1) and carbon stock was carried out. The forest fragment was considered relatively rich in species and diversity, although showing signs of disturbance and dominance by a few species. Its horizontal structure suggests biotic regeneration conditions. It is an important reservoir of medicinal plants. Of the families (57.5%) presenting medicinal species, 19 from a total of 33 are represented in the area and contain 44% (27) of the total species (61) and 63% (432) of the total individuals catalogued. Medicinal species have ecological importance for the equilibrium of the local flora and represent 80% of the 10 species with higher Importance Value Index (IVI): Tetragastris altissima, Chrysophyllum marginatum, Oenocarpus distichus, Sclerolobium paniculatum, Simarouba versicolor, Alibertia macrophylla, Siparuna guianensis, Maprounea guianensis, Licania parvifolia e Physocalymma scaberrimum. Medicinal productivity was high for this type of phytophysionomy: 183,2 ton. ha-1 of biomass and 91,51 ton. ha-1 of carbon representing 66% of the total biomass and carbon of this Cerrado forest. From this stage S. guianensis (Siparunaceae) was selected for performing bioassays in order to verify its biological activity against microorganisms of health and agricultural relevance. This is a native aromatic medicinal plant recommended as priority for conservation, with local popular medicinal validation and availability of medicinal feedstock (3300 Kg.ha-1), with the foliar fraction giving 38Kg/ha of crude extract and 5L/ha of essential oil. Foliar crude extracts and essential oil were obtained and tested in vitro using a disk diffusion bioassay. Different concentrations of these natural products were tested against gram-positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 29213), gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and ATCC 35218; Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 10145) and fungi (Candida albicans ATCC 6258 e Fusarium oxysporum). The essential oil inhibited the growth of S. aureus in its crude concentration (380μg.mL-1), as well as diluted to half (190μg.mL-1) and a quarter strength (95μg.mL-1). It’s likely that such action is due to sesquiterpenes major components, such as bisabolol and bisabolene (10.35%), measured by gas chromatography (GC-MS, GC-FID). Extracts did not exhibit any antimicrobial activity against the microorganisms tested. The native medicinal plants prospective market is an alternative that favours the conservation of biodiversity while generating benefits for the development of sustainable family productive activities within local ecosystems instead of the current inappropriate uses. This strengthens conservation policies of Legal Reserve in rural settlements and is in agreement with public policy on global warming and climate changes.
Desarrollar la investigación-acción con profesores de secundaria del Centro Educacional Martinho Lutero como medio para recuperar la capacidad de pensar por sí mismos, sistematizar e innovar su práctica, como también para recordar la propia historia, reviviendo su cultura. Analizar el contexto de trabajo, elegir una perspectiva de formación para docentes que sea posible y alternativa en nuestra realidad, identificar puntos estratégicos que faciliten el desarrollo del proyecto y desarrollarlo, con los posibles riesgos que pueda conllevar. Asumir acciones innovadoras e interventivas a partir de la construcción permanente del currículum, que promuevan cambios sociales significativos desde la práctica del aula y en el centro educacional. Centro Educacional Martinho Lutero. Proceso de Investigación-acción. Entrevistas, encuestas, diarios de trabajo y observación directa. Análisis de contenido y análisis cualitativo. La investigación consiste en una propuesta de formación del profesorado del Centro Educacional Martinho Lutero en Palmas Tocantins, Brasil. Analiza los efectos de la crisis desencadenada por los aspectos modernistas y postmodernistas que se manifiestas en la sociedad y sus repercusiones sobre el profesorado y la educación. Se presenta una perspectiva crítica como una de las posibles soluciones, que sólo será viable si los docentes tienen motivación y están dispuestos a asumir riesgos al actuar como sujetos de su propia investigación, convirtiéndose en prácticos reflexivos. Se propone la base conceptual para proporcionar la dirección adecuada al proyecto. Se aborda la formación docente como posibilidad de cambios en la enseñanza, es necesario que sea asumida por todo el centro educativo. Se presenta una propuesta de formación del profesorado basada en la metodología de investigación-acción, atendiendo a todos los factores relevantes en la investigación. La formación permanente, fundamentalmente cuando se emplea la investigación-acción presupone un proceso de permanente evaluación, que impulsa y señala tanto el punto de llegada y simultáneamente el punto de partida de nuevos desafíos en la actividad docente, atendiendo el carácter formativo y de soluciones para las situaciones problemáticas. En el proceso formativo defendido en este proyecto, la evaluación debe favorecer el clima de diálogo y reflexión desde el primer momento en que se va a evaluar la realidad. En todas las etapas la reflexión y el análisis han de ser permanente evaluadas observando lo ocurrido y los pasos a ser puestos en marcha. Los procesos de evaluación-acción deben desarrollarse fundamentalmente en colaboración grupal. Se ha de recoger tanto la reflexión-evaluación individual que supone la continuidad de las diferentes fases del proyectos, considerando las distintas variables relacionadas con el docente-investigador y el alumnado.
RESUMO: Este trabalho pretende desenvolver de forma teórica, conceitual e histórica a questão da cidadania no cenário do CEFYA, percebendo a passagem da ideia de cidadania do plano ideal para as realidades práticas vivenciadas na escola. O objetivo desta pesquisa é a compreensão do processo de construção da cidadania em uma escola pública do Tocantins na perspectiva dos alunos do 9º ano da referida escola. Inicialmente foi feito um estudo sobre as principais compreensões de cidadania construídas desde a antiguidade até os tempos atuais, bem como, um resgate de educação popular no Brasil. Daí a compreensão da cidadania como efetivação da dignidade humana e, no âmbito da escola, como direito a participação, a formação de uma consciência crítica e ao respeito à diversidade. O trabalho de identificação do exercício da cidadania no âmbito da escola foi feito através da análise de documentos da própria escola, de questionários e partilha em grupo com os alunos do 9º ano. O estudo evidenciou que o Centro Educacional desenvolve uma pedagogia participativa de pais, da sociedade e da escola, propiciando experiências construtoras de cidadania, relativo à agregação da família, vivência comunitária etc. Portanto, existe no Centro Educacional uma preocupação em qualificar o projeto político-pedagógico e elaborar projetos que são importantes para o avanço dos processos participativos e comunitário. À luz de reflexões críticas, especialmente de Paulo Freire, chega-se à conclusão de que o CEFYA avançou muito nas experiências de cidadania visando à superação das práticas pedagógicas tradicionais. Esse avanço está embasado numa práxis libertadora-emacipatória, fundamentada no diálogo. O Centro Educacional torna-se, a cada dia, num espaço de formação de cidadãos conscientes, críticos e dialógicos. Para tanto, o conhecimento deste ambiente escolar cresce em cidadania, por vir acompanhado de relações democráticas, dialógicas e participativas. ABSTRACT: This work aims to develop a theoretical, conceptual and historical issues of citizenship in the scenario CEFYA, noting the passage of the idea of citizenship ideal plan for the practical realities experienced in school. The objective of this research is the understanding of the construction of citizenship in a public school in Tocantins from the perspective of students in 9th grade of that school. Initially a study was done on the main understandings of citizenship built from ancient to modern times, as well as a recovery of popular education in Brazil. Hence the understanding of citizenship and human dignity and effectiveness within the school, as the right to participation, the formation of a critical awareness and respect for diversity. The identification of the work of citizenship within the school was done by examining documents of the school, questionnaires and group sharing with students in 9th grade. The study showed that the Educational Center develops a participative pedagogy of parents, school and society, providing experience building citizenship on the aggregation of family, community life etc.. Therefore, there is a concern in the Educational Center in describing the political-pedagogical project and develop projects that are important for the advancement of participatory processes and community. In the light of critical reflection, especially Paulo Freire, one comes to the conclusion that the CEFYA progressed much on the experiences of citizenship in order to overcome the traditional pedagogical practices. This progress is rooted in a liberating praxis based on dialogue. The School changes every day, and raise students within a formation of concerned citizens, critical and dialogic. Thus, the knowledge of the school environment grows in citizenship, together with democratic relations, dialogical and participatory.
This study addresses three issues: spatial downscaling, calibration, and combination of seasonal predictions produced by different coupled ocean-atmosphere climate models. It examines the feasibility Of using a Bayesian procedure for producing combined, well-calibrated downscaled seasonal rainfall forecasts for two regions in South America and river flow forecasts for the Parana river in the south of Brazil and the Tocantins river in the north of Brazil. These forecasts are important for national electricity generation management and planning. A Bayesian procedure, referred to here as forecast assimilation, is used to combine and calibrate the rainfall predictions produced by three climate models. Forecast assimilation is able to improve the skill of 3-month lead November-December-January multi-model rainfall predictions over the two South American regions. Improvements are noted in forecast seasonal mean values and uncertainty estimates. River flow forecasts are less skilful than rainfall forecasts. This is partially because natural river flow is a derived quantity that is sensitive to hydrological as well as meteorological processes, and to human intervention in the form of reservoir management.
We present models for the upper-mantle velocity structure beneath SE and Central Brazil using independent tomographic inversions of P- and S-wave relative arrival-time residuals (including core phases) from teleseismic earthquakes. The events were recorded by a total of 92 stations deployed through different projects, institutions and time periods during the years 1992-2004. Our results show correlations with the main tectonic structures and reveal new anomalies not yet observed in previous works. All interpretations are based on robust anomalies, which appear in the different inversions for P-and S-waves. The resolution is variable through our study volume and has been analyzed through different theoretical test inversions. High-velocity anomalies are observed in the western portion of the Sao Francisco Craton, supporting the hypothesis that this Craton was part of a major Neoproterozoic plate (San Franciscan Plate). Low-velocity anomalies beneath the Tocantins Province (mainly fold belts between the Amazon and Sao Francisco Cratons) are interpreted as due to lithospheric thinning, which is consistent with the good correlation between intraplate seismicity and low-velocity anomalies in this region. Our results show that the basement of the Parana Basin is formed by several blocks, separated by suture zones, according to model of Milani & Ramos. The slab of the Nazca Plate can be observed as a high-velocity anomaly beneath the Parana Basin, between the depths of 700 and 1200 km. Further, we confirm the low-velocity anomaly in the NE area of the Parana Basin which has been interpreted by VanDecar et al. as a fossil conduct of the Tristan da Cunha Plume related to the Parana flood basalt eruptions during the opening of the South Atlantic.
Genetic algorithm inversion of the average 1D crustal structure using local and regional earthquakes
Knowing the best 1D model of the crustal and upper mantle structure is useful not only for routine hypocenter determination, but also for linearized joint inversions of hypocenters and 3D crustal structure, where a good choice of the initial model can be very important. Here, we tested the combination of a simple GA inversion with the widely used HYPO71 program to find the best three-layer model (upper crust, lower crust, and upper mantle) by minimizing the overall P- and S-arrival residuals, using local and regional earthquakes in two areas of the Brazilian shield. Results from the Tocantins Province (Central Brazil) and the southern border of the Sao Francisco craton (SE Brazil) indicated an average crustal thickness of 38 and 43 km, respectively, consistent with previous estimates from receiver functions and seismic refraction lines. The GA + HYPO71 inversion produced correct Vp/Vs ratios (1.73 and 1.71, respectively), as expected from Wadati diagrams. Tests with synthetic data showed that the method is robust for the crustal thickness, Pn velocity, and Vp/Vs ratio when using events with distance up to about 400 km, despite the small number of events available (7 and 22, respectively). The velocities of the upper and lower crusts, however, are less well constrained. Interestingly, in the Tocantins Province, the GA + HYPO71 inversion showed a secondary solution (local minimum) for the average crustal thickness, besides the global minimum solution, which was caused by the existence of two distinct domains in the Central Brazil with very different crustal thicknesses. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Community perceptions of four protected areas in the Northern portion of the Cerrado hotspot, Brazil
Establishing effective networks of protected areas (PAS) is one of the major goals of conservation strategies worldwide. However, the success of PAS in promoting biodiversity conservation depends on their integration to local and regional contexts, reducing and mitigating human impacts originating from buffer zones. Community perceptions affect interactions between residents and PAS, and thereby conservation effectiveness. Research at Tocantins state (northern Brazilian Cerrado), aimed to analyse local community perceptions of four PAs, discussing how different factors may influence these. Perceptions were assessed through standardized interviews applied to PA employees and 275 local inhabitants. There was modest community participation in PA establishment and management. Residents were aware of the PAS` existence, but were unfamiliar with their goals. Length of residency and occupation of inhabitants influenced their PA perceptions, shaping different people-park relations in each of the four studied PAs. Involvement of local residents in PA planning and management represents a central strategy to strengthen local support for PAS over the long term. In those areas that still have settlements inside their boundaries, community relocation should follow a careful participatory process to avoid significant changes in local perceptions and attitudes towards these PAS, crucial for conserving Brazilian biodiversity.
A new species of keel-headed amphisbaenian of the genus Anops is described from the Cerrado of the Jalapao region, Tocantins state, Brazil. This new species of Anops is described from a single specimen, which may be easily distinguished from the other species of the genus, Anops bilabialatus and Anops kingii, by showing an extremely narrow head (37.2% head length); a row of eight occipitals anterior to the first body annulus; temporal present, mental and postmental fused; four postgenial rows located between the malars; and two malars posterior to the second infralabial. The new species is the first of the genus found in the Cerrado core area, and, based on the available records, the single species in the genus may be restricted to this region.
Chromosomes of the South American geckos Gymnodactylus amarali and G. geckoides from open and dry areas of the Cerrado and Caatinga biomes in Brazil, respectively, were studied for the first time, after conventional and AgNOR staining, CBG- and RBG-banding, and FISH with telomeric sequences. Comparative analyses between the karyotypes of open areas and the previously studied Atlantic forest species G. darwinii were also performed. The chromosomal polymorphisms detected in populations of G. amarali from the states of Goias and Tocantins is the result of centric fusions (2n = 38, 39 and 40), suggesting a differentiation from a 2n = 40 ancestral karyotype and the presence of supernumerary chromosomes. The CBG- and RBG-banding patterns of the Bs are described. G. geckoides has 40 chromosomes with gradually decreasing sizes, but it is distinct from the 2n = 40 karyotypes of G. amarali and G. darwinii due to occurrence of pericentric inversions or centromere repositioning. NOR location seems to be a marker for Gymnodactylus, as G. amarali and G. geckoides share a medium-sized subtelocentric NOR-bearing pair, while G. darwinii has NORs at the secondary constriction of the long arm of pair 1. The comparative analyses indicate a non-random nature of the Robertsonian rearrangements in the genus Gymnodactylus. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
A new species of Bachia of the bresslaui group, is described from Estacao Ecologica Serra Geral do Tocantins, a recently created protected area in the Central Brazilian Cerrados of state of Tocantins. The new species is most similar to Bachia psamophila from which it differs in limb morphology and head and body scalation. As in Bachia psamophila the shovel-shaped snout of the new species is highly prominent, an adaptation related to its psamophilous habits.
The geographic variation and hemipenial morphology of Siagonodon brasiliensis are described based on a comprehensive sample, allowing the reappraisal of its generic identity, and the proposal of a new nomenclatural combination. We suggest that the presence of two supralabials, as mentioned in the original description of S. brasiliensis, is not a common feature for this species, occurring at low frequencies throughout its geographic distribution. Based on a diagnosis presented in a recently published paper, as well as on additional external traits and on hemipenial characters, we recognize Siagonodon brasiliensis as a species of the genus Tricheilostoma. In addition, a new species of worm snake of the genus Siagonodon is described from the savannas of the state of Tocantins, Brazil. The new species differs from other congeners by having a slightly acuminate snout in lateral and ventral views, subcircular rostral in dorsal view, and 12 scale rows around middle of tail. The diagnosis of the genus Siagonodon is revised and expanded based on direct observation of morphological characters.
The mid-Araguaia River basin in central Brazil is considered a priority area for biodiversity conservation, and Parque Estadual do Cantao (PEC) is one of the most important protected areas in this ecotone between Cerrado and Amazonia. This area suffers an intensive human pressure with high rates of deforestation, and still remains poorly studied in terms of biodiversity. From June 2007 to November 2008 we sampled small mammals from both banks of the mid-Araguaia River, in the states of Tocantins and Para. Data are given about morphological traits, geographic distribution and natural history of 22 species of small non-volant mammals (eight marsupials and 14 rodents) surveyed at PEC and its surroundings. We also present mitochondrial phylogenetic analyses that allow species identification within the genera: Oecomys, Oligoryzomys and Rhipidomys, and delineate an undescribed species of Thrichomys. Based on morphologic and molecular data, we describe a new species of Rhipidomys previously assigned to R. nitela, which is apparently endemic to the Araguaia-Tocantins basin in the Cerrado. Additionally, our phylogenetic analyses provide support for the role played by the Araguaia River as an important geographic barrier for two sister species of Rhipidomys.
Lonomia obliqua caterpillar bristle extract induces hemolysis in vitro on washed human and rat erythrocytes, in either the absence or presence of exogenous lecithin. In the former condition, phospholipases A(2) are key enzymes involved in hemolysis. However, the mechanism whereby this extract causes direct hemolysis is not known. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the hemolytic mechanism of the crude extract of the caterpillar L obliqua on human erythrocytes in the absence of lecithin. The extract significantly increased the erythrocyte osmotic fragility and promoted the removal of glycophorins A and C, and band 3 from the erythrocyte membrane. The use of Ca(2+) and Mg(2+) ions significantly potentiated glycoprotein removal, remarkably of erythrocyte band 3. The composition of fatty acids was analyzed by HPLC in both L obliqua caterpillar bristle extract and human erythrocyte membranes incubated with the extract. The levels of unsaturated fatty acids were remarkably augmented in erythrocytes incubated with the extract than in control erythrocytes, modifying thereby the saturated/unsaturated fatty acid ratio. Altogether, evidence is provided here that the interplay of at least three mechanisms of action accounts for the direct activity of the bristle extract on erythrocyte membrane, leading to hemolysis: the removal of glycoproteins and band 3; the insertion of fatty acids; and the action of phospholipases. Such mechanisms might affect erythrocyte flexibility and deformability, which may induce hemolysis by increasing erythrocyte fragility. However, whether the direct hemolytic activity of L obliqua caterpillar is the major cause of intravascular hemolysis during envenomation still needs further investigation. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We investigated the seasonal patterns of water vapor and sensible heat flux along a tropical biome gradient from forest to savanna. We analyzed data from a network of flux towers in Brazil that were operated within the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA). These tower sites included tropical humid and semideciduous forest, transitional forest, floodplain (with physiognomies of cerrado), and cerrado sensu stricto. The mean annual sensible heat flux at all sites ranged from 20 to 38 Wm(-2), and was generally reduced in the wet season and increased in the late dry season, coincident with seasonal variations of net radiation and soil moisture. The sites were easily divisible into two functional groups based on the seasonality of evaporation: tropical forest and savanna. At sites with an annual precipitation above 1900 mm and a dry season length less than 4 months (Manaus, Santarem and Rondonia), evaporation rates increased in the dry season, coincident with increased radiation. Evaporation rates were as high as 4.0 mm d(-1) in these evergreen or semidecidous forests. In contrast, ecosystems with precipitation less than 1700 mm and a longer dry season (Mato Grosso, Tocantins and Sao Paulo) showed clear evidence of reduced evaporation in the dry season. Evaporation rates were as low as 2.5 mm d(-1) in the transitional forests and 1 mm d(-1) in the cerrado. The controls on evapotranspiration seasonality changed along the biome gradient, with evaporative demand (especially net radiation) playing a more important role in the wetter forests, and soil moisture playing a more important role in the drier savannah sites.
o serviço móvel celular apresentou, nos últimos anos, mudanças significativas em termos de evolução tecnológica e dos produtos e serviços oferecidos ao cliente. O ambiente de prestação do serviço evoluiu a partir de um monopólio estatal para um regime de duopólio regional privado. A introdução da competição trouxe benefícios aos clientes, dentre os quais podem ser citados a redução dos preços de aquisição e das tarifas de uso do serviço e o aumento da oferta de linhas celulares, antes em falta no mercado. A introdução do serviço pré-pago, em 1999, representou um marco na história do Serviço Móvel Celular no Brasil. O produto, adequado para usuários que querem controlar seus gastos com telefonia celular, permitiu o acesso das classes econômicas C e D ao serviço. O pré-pago trouxe vantagens e desvantagens para clientes e prestadores de serviço. Uma de suas limitações, quando lançado, era a impossibilidade de utilização do servIço fora da área de atuação da operadora ("roaming"). O problema técnico que impedia o oferecimento de roammg para chamadas terminadas foi resolvido e as empresas prestadoras adotaram estratégias distintas em relação a isso. Algumas ofereceram o serviço para todos os clientes pré-pago, indistintamente; outras segmentaram o mercado pré-pago, criando produtos novos com a facilidade de roaming e mantendo os produtos já lançados no mercado sem a facilidade de roaming. A Americel, empresa operadora do Serviço Móvel Celular na região Centro Oeste e parte da região Norte, possui dois produtos pré-pago: o primeiro, chamado Legal, não permite o roaming de chamadas terminadas. Foi criado também o Legal Pacas que oferecia, entre outras novas funcionalidades, a possibilidade de roaming de chamadas terminadas. Os dois produtos possuem outras características diferentes e planos de tarifa próprios. O objetivo da pesquisa é avaliar como o cliente pré-pago da Americel percebe a funcionalidade de roaming de chamadas terminadas. A pesquisa pretende avaliar a importância do serviço para o cliente, como ele avalia o serviço prestado pela empresa e como essa funcionalidade é classificada (básica, de desempenho ou de encantamento). A partir da compreensão da percepção do cliente quanto ao roaming, será avaliada a estratégia de marketing de segmentar o mercado pré-pago por meio dessa funcionalidade. VI A metodologia empregada utiliza-se de ferramentas de medição da satisfação dos clientes. A Americel realiza mensalmente uma pesquisa de satisfação com uma amostra de 400 clientes que são entrevistados por telefone. O questionário de pesquisa possui 50 perguntas sobre vários aspectos relacionados à prestação do serviço. Os resultados anteriores dessa pesquisa apontam a cobertura como sendo a característica mais importante do serviço do ponto de vista do cliente e, ao mesmo tempo, uma característica mal avaliada por ele. A pesquisa também demonstra uma confusão do cliente que, quando questionado sobre onde necessita de cobertura, indica regiões onde a empresa não atua e, portanto, não poderia oferecer cobertura, mas roaming. Para uma parte dos clientes, roaming e cobertura são o mesmo atributo. Foram acrescentadas ao questionário padrão perguntas relacionadas ao roaming. As perguntas foram elaboradas para avaliar a freqüência com que os clientes viajam, a importância atribuída ao roaming, a avaliação do serviço de roaming e a avaliação geral da Americel. Os resultados permitem concluir que, apesar do usuário do serviço pré-pago não viajar freqüentemente, ele considera a funcionalidade de roaming como importante ou muito importante. A avaliação do serviço é ruim, o que implica na necessidade de priorizar ações no sentido de melhorar o serviço de roaming para os clientes pré-pago. Isso pode ser feito através da extensão do oferecimento do roaming a todos os clientes pré-pago. O resultado da análise penalidade-recompensa foi de que a funcionalidade de roaming é uma funcionalidade de desempenho do Serviço Móvel Celular. Isso significa que sua ausência causa insatisfação do cliente, enquanto sua presença aumenta a sua satisfação. Sendo assim, mais uma vez é confirmada a necessidade de oferecimento dessa facilidade a toda a base de clientes pré-pago. A pesquisa permite, então, concluir que a estratégia de marketing de segmentar o mercado de clientes pré-pago por meio do uso da facilidade de roaming tem como conseqüência final a insatisfação do cliente, uma vez que, de acordo com sua percepção, o roaming é uma funcionalidade importante do serviço móvel celular, que deve ser oferecido para toda a base de clientes. As características do serviço que devem ser usadas para segmentação devem ser aquelas que, quando ausentes, não causam insatisfação nos clientes, mas, quando presentes, o encantam.