894 resultados para Theatre of Chico Buarque
This article discusses emotion as a strategy of political agency in post-Thatcherite documentary theatre. The 1990s saw a renaissance in theatre writing based in directness and immediacy but based in two quite different forms of drama, In-Yer-Face theatre and fact-based drama. There are clear distinctions between these forms: the new brutalist writing was aggressively provocative; documentary theatre engaged the audience by revealing an urgent truth. Both claimed a kind of realism that confronted actuality, be that of situation or experience, through forms of theatre that cultivated emotional engagement. In-Yer-Face theatre used emotional shock to penetrate the numb cynicism that its creators perceived. Documentary theatre used observation and the cultivation of sympathy to enlist its audience in a shared understanding of what was hidden, not understood or not noticed. The article analyses the functioning of emotional enlistment to engage the audience politically in two examples of documentary theatre, Black Watch and Guantanamo
This article analyses how listening is used to develop performances in Alecky Blythe’s verbatim theatre. Listening includes Blythe’s use of recorded oral interviews for devising performances, and also the actors’ creation of performance by precisely imitating an interviewee’s voice. The article focuses on listening, speaking and embodiment in London Road, Blythe’s recent musical play at London’s National Theatre, which adopted and modified theatre strategies used in her other plays, especially The Girlfriend Experience and Do We look Like Refugees. The article draws on interviews with performers and with Blythe herself, in its critical analysis of how voice legitimates claims to authenticity in performance. The work on Blythe is contextualised by brief comparative analyses. One is Clio Barnard’s film The Arbor, a ‘quasi-documentary’ on the playwright, Andrea Dunbar which makes use of an oral script to which the actors lip-sync. The other comparator is the Wooster Group’s Poor Theater, which attempts to recreate Grotowski's Akropolis via vocal impersonation. The article argues that voice in London Road both claims and defers authenticity and authority, inasmuch as voice signifies presence and embodied identity but the reworking of speech into song signals the absence of the real. The translation of voice into written surtitles works similarly in Do We Look Like Refugees. Blythe’s theatre, Barnard’s film and The Wooster Group’s performances are a useful framework for addressing questions of voice and identity, and authenticity and replication in documentary theatre. The article concludes by placing Blythe’s oral texts amid current debates around theatre’s textual practices.
From 1991, when the Dublin Gate Theatre launched their Samuel Beckett Festival featuring nineteen of Beckett’s stage plays, to more recent years, the Gate dominated Irish productions of Beckett’s theater. The Gate Beckett Festival was remounted in 1996 at the Lincoln Center, New York, and at the Barbican Centre, London, in 1999, and individual or grouped productions have toured regularly since then in Ireland and internationally. However, since the Irish premiere of Waiting of Godot at the Pike Theatre in 1955, in addition to several Beckett plays mounted by the National Theatre, many independent Irish theater companies, such as Focus Theatre, Druid Theatre, and more recently Pan Pan Theatre, Blue Raincoat Theatre, The Corn Exchange, and Company SJ (under director Sarah Jane Scaife), have produced Beckett’s drama. While acknowledging earlier Irish productions, this essay will consider the role of the Dublin Gate Beckett Festival and the Beckett Centenary celebrations in Dublin in 2006 in greatly enhancing the marketability of Beckett’s work, and will discuss the proliferation of productions of Beckett’s stage plays (as opposed to stage adaptations of the prose work, which is a topic for another essay) in the independent theater sector in the Republic of Ireland since 2006. In addition to giving an overview of these recent productions, the essay will consider some issues at stake in creating or constructing performance histories
The essay explores the socio-cultural role of the main academy in Parma, the Innominati (1574-1608), which flourished in the years when the Farnese dynasty was beginning to assert more forcefully its political control over the new state of Parma and Piacenza. The Innominati was from the start associated with the ruling dynasty, who must have recognized the importance of its cultural activities to strengthening their regime, particularly in the absence of a strong local university. This essay explores the institution’s contested position within the cultural landscape – as reflected also in its membership of courtiers, clergymen, and feudal aristocrats with more ambivalent relations with the Farnese. In particular, the focus falls on the theatrical activities of the group during the 1580s, a decade which saw the establishment of the Parma Index (1580) and the succession of the internationally celebrated Duke Alessandro Farnese (1587). Based on the little surviving evidence it is argued that the Academy in the 1580s became a creative hub for theatrical experimentation – through theoretical debate and composition, and possibly even performance. However, as relations between the Farnese and the local elites, especially feudal aristocrats, became more contested the Academy’s theatrical production and the public memory of this became increasingly controlled.
The Valle Chico Massif is a member of the Early Cretaceous alkaline magmatic suite of rocks distributed around the Parana Basin. Three magmatic associations are recognized: (1) the Plutonic Association, characterized by syenites, quartz syenites, and syenogranites; (2) the Volcanic Association, mainly composed of porphyritic quartz trachytes; and (3) the Porphyritic Dike Association consisting of rhyolites and trachytes. Judging by their geochemical behavior, the rhyolites exhibit a weak peralkaline affinity, and are genetically connected by progressive melting processes, whereas the other lithologies have a metaluminous nature, and are products of mineral fractionation. An enriched mantle of Transamazonian age, geochemically similar to OIB, is postulated as a possible source.
The present study concerns the acoustical characterisation of Italian historical theatres. It moved from the ISO 3382 which provides the guidelines for the measurement of a well established set of room acoustic parameters inside performance spaces. Nevertheless, the peculiarity of Italian historical theatres needs a more specific approach. The Charter of Ferrara goes in this direction, aiming at qualifying the sound field in this kind of halls and the present work pursues the way forward. Trying to understand how the acoustical qualification should be done, the Bonci Theatre in Cesena has been taken as a case study. In September 2012 acoustical measurements were carried out in the theatre, recording monaural e binaural impulse responses at each seat in the hall. The values of the time criteria, energy criteria and psycho-acoustical and spatial criteria have been extracted according to ISO 3382. Statistics were performed and a 3D model of the theatre was realised and tuned. Statistical investigations were carried out on the whole set of measurement positions and on carefully chosen reduced subsets; it turned out that these subsets are representative only of the “average” acoustics of the hall. Normality tests were carried out to verify whether EDT, T30 and C80 could be described with some degree of reliability with a theoretical distribution. Different results, according to the varying assumptions underlying each test, were found. Finally, an attempt was made to correlate the numerical results emerged from the statistical analysis to the perceptual sphere. Looking for “acoustical equivalent areas”, relative difference limens were considered as threshold values. No rule of thumb emerged. Finally, the significance of the usual representation through mean values and standard deviation, which may be meaningful for normal distributed data, was investigated.