959 resultados para The roots of rationality
The discovery of Neptune in September 1846 is a good example of scientific rationality but it has proven to be surprisingly difficult to explain how this is so from the perspective of Karl Popper, Thomas Kuhn and several other commentators who have been influenced by these thinkers. I try briefly to explain how to avoid these difficulties and understand the achievement of the astronomers who predicted the location of the new planet, Urbain J. J. Leverrier and John Couch Adams.
Knowledge of residual perturbations in the orbit of Uranus in the early 1840s did not lead to the refutation of Newton's law of gravitation but instead to the discovery of Neptune in 1846. Karl Popper asserts that this case is atypical of science and that the law of gravitation was at least prima facie falsified by these perturbations. I argue that these assertions are the product of a false, a priori methodological position I call, 'Weak Popperian Falsificationism' (WPF). Further, on the evidence the law was not prima facie false and was not generally considered so by astronomers at the time. Many of Popper's commentators (Kuhn, Lakatos, Feyerabend and others) presuppose WPF and their views on this case and its implications for scientific rationality and method suffer from this same defect.
The structure constants of quantum Lie algebras depend on a quantum deformation parameter q and they reduce to the classical structure constants of a Lie algebra at q = 1. We explain the relationship between the structure constants of quantum Lie algebras and quantum Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for adjoint x adjoint --> adjoint We present a practical method for the determination of these quantum Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and are thus able to give explicit expressions for the structure constants of the quantum Lie algebras associated to the classical Lie algebras B-l, C-l and D-l. In the quantum case the structure constants of the Cartan subalgebra are non-zero and we observe that they are determined in terms of the simple quantum roots. We introduce an invariant Killing form on the quantum Lie algebras and find that it takes values which are simple q-deformations of the classical ones.
Objectives: To determine if systemic stress affects the biological reactions occurring during orthodontic tooth movement. Methods: Four groups of male 10 week-old Wistar rats were used. Group A animals (N=10) were restrained for one hour per day for 40 days; Group B animals (N=10) were restrained for one hour per day for three days; Group C (N=10) and Group D (N=8) animals were unrestrained. The upper left first molars in the rats in Groups A (long-term stress), B (short-term stress) and C (control) were moved mesially during the last 14 days of the experiment. The animals in Group D (N=8) were used for body weight and hormonal dosage comparisons only. They were not subjected to any stress and did not have appliances fitted. All animals were killed at 18 weeks of age and blood collected for measurement of plasma corticosterone. Tooth movement was measured with an electronic caliper. The right and left hemi-maxillae of five rats from each group were removed and the number of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) positive cells, defined as osteoclasts, adjacent to the mesial roots of the upper first molars counted. The contralateral side in each animal served as the control (split-mouth design). Results: Corticosterone levels were significantly higher in the stressed groups (Groups A and B) than in the control group (Group C). Tooth movement was significantly greater in Group A (long-term stress) compared with Group B (short-term stress) and Group C (control), which did not differ from each other. There were significantly more osteoclasts in the long-term stress group than in the short-term stress and control groups. Conclusion: Persistent systemic stress increases bone resorption during orthodontic tooth movement. Systemic stress may affect the rate of tooth movement during orthodontic treatment.
Dorsal root ganglionectomy for the diagnosis of sensory neuropathies. Surgical technique and results
Background: Inflammatory diseases stand out among sensory neuronopathies because, in their active phase, they can be treated with immunosuppressive agents. Immunosuppressive therapy may present severe adverse effects and requires previous inflammatory activity confirmation. Sensory neuronopathies are diagnosed based on clinical and EMG findings. Diagnostic confirmation and identification of inflammatory activity are based on sensory ganglion histopathological examination. We describe the surgical technique used for dorsal root ganglionectomy in patients with clinical/EMG diagnosis of sensory neuronopathies. Methods: The sensory ganglion was obtained from 15 patients through a small T7-T8 hemilaminectomy and foraminotomy to expose the C7 root from its origin to the spinal nerve bifurcation. In 6 patients, the dural cuff supposed to contain the ganglion was resected en bloc; and in 9 patients, the ganglion was obtained through a longitudinal incision of the dural cuff and microsurgical dissection from the ventral and dorsal roots and radicular arteries. All ganglia were histopathologically examined. Results: No ganglion was found in the dural cuff in 2 patients submitted to en bloc removal, and the ganglion was removed in all patients who underwent microsurgical dissection. All but 2 patients that had ganglion examination presented a neuronopathy of nerve cell loss, 3 with mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate. These patients underwent immunosuppressive therapy, and 2 of them presented clinical improvement. No surgical complications were observed. Conclusions: Microsurgical dorsal root ganglionectomy for diagnosing inflammatory sensory ganglionopathies was effective and safe. Although safe, en bloc resection of the proximal dural cuff was not effective for this purpose. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Inc.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of erbium:yttrium-aluminum-garnet (Er:YAG) laser compared with traditional treatment on dentin permeability to calcitonin and sodium alendronate. Forty bovine roots were sectioned and divided into eight groups. Groups 1 and 2 (G1/G2) were immersed in saline solution; G1T/G2T were immersed in ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid plus sodium lauryl ether sulfate (EDTA-T) and sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl); G1I/G2I were irradiated with Er:YAG laser (2.94 mu m, 6 Hz, 40.4 J/cm(2)); G1TI/G2TI were immersed in EDTA-T, NaOCl and subjected to Er:YAG irradiation. After 4 h the radioactivity of the saline solution was measured. Statistical analysis revealed a significant difference (P < 0.05) when the groups treated with EDTA-T and NaOCl followed by Er:YAG laser irradiation were compared with the groups treated with EDTA-T only and with the groups that received no treatment. Er:YAG laser associated with traditional procedures significantly increased the diffusion of calcitonin and sodium alendronate through dentin. All groups showed calcitonin and sodium alendronate diffusion.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of diseased root surfaces treated by the association of scaling and the application of Carisolv. Twenty-four uniradicular periodontally involved teeth were used in this study The teeth were divided randomly into three groups: eight teeth were scaled and root planed until there was a complete visible removal of calculus (group 1), Carisolv was applied on the root surfaces of eight teeth twice for 30 seconds before scaling with a sharp curette (group 2), and eight teeth received the same treatment as in group 2 but with a blunt curette (group 3). Specimens were examined using scanning electron microscopy The superficial aspect of the roots from group 1 presented scratches that mirrored the curette cutting edge, and the smear layer completely covered the surface. Root surfaces from groups 2 and 3 also presented a smear layer that covered the surface completely but it was somewhat smoother than group 1. The use of Carisolv as an adjunct to scaling and root planing presented no advantage for smear layer removal over scaling alone, suggesting that no benefit is obtained by the use of Carisolv during periodontal mechanical treatment. (Int J Periodontics Restorative Dent 2011;31:91-95.)
Introduction: This study compared the combined use of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and chlorhexidine (CXH) with citric acid and CXH on dentinal permeability and precipitate formation. Methods: Thirty-four upper anterior teeth were prepared by rotary instrumentation and NaOCl. The root canal surfaces were conditioned for smear layer removal using 15% citric acid solution under ultrasonic activation and a final wash with distilled water. All teeth were dried, and 30 specimens were randomly divided into three equal groups as follows: positive control group (PC), no irrigation; 15% citric acid + 2% CHX group (CA + CHX); and 1% NaOCl + 2% CHX group (NaOCl + CHX). All roots were immersed in a 0.2% Rhodamine B solution for 24 hours. One-millimeter-thick slices from the cementum-enamel junction were scanned at 400 dpi and analyzed using the software ImageLab (LIDO-USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil) for the assessment of leakage in percentage. For scanning electron microscopy analysis, four teeth, irrigated for NaOCl + CHX samples, were split in half, and each third was evaluated at 1,000x and 5,000x (at the precipitate). Results: Using the analysis of variance test followed by the Bonferroni comparison method, no statistical differences between groups were found when analyzed at the cervical and medium thirds. At the apical third, differences between the PC and NaOCl + CHX (p<0.05) and CA + CHX and NaOCl + CHX could be seen (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The combination of 1% NaOCl and 2% CHX solutions results in the formation of a flocculate precipitate that acts as a chemical smear layer reducing the dentinal permeability in the apical third. (J Endod 2010;36:847-850)
Objective. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of periapical radiographs, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) sections, and cone beam volumetric data on the determination of periapical bone destruction in endodontically treated distal root canals of premolar canine teeth. Nontreated mesial roots were used as controls. Study design. Enterococcus faecalis strain (ATCC 29212) was inoculated into 30 root canals of 2 mongrel dogs to induce apical periodontitis. After 60 days, the root canals of the distal roots of the 11 mandibular and 4 maxillary premolars were endodontically treated (n = 15). The mesial root canals were used as controls (no treatment). The bone destruction was evaluated after 6 months by 5 evaluators using periapical radiographs and by CBCT (coronal and sagittal sections). After the experimental period, the area of the lesions in periapical radiographs and CBCT sections were measured in mm(2) using the ImageTool software. A single evaluator measured the volumetric data using the OsiriX software. The comparison between the diagnosis methods in treated root canals and controls was performed using parametric and nonparametric criteria. The Pearson correlation coefficient was computed between radiographic values and CBCT volumetric data in treated root canals and controls. Results. The results showed the presence of chronic apical periodontitis in every inoculated tooth. After 6 months, periapical radiographs, coronal CBCT sections, and volumetric data showed lower bone destruction in endodontically treated teeth in comparison with the control group (P < .05). The 5 evaluators found no differences between the apical periodontitis area of treated teeth and controls when CBCT sagittal sections were used (P > .05). No correlation was found between x-ray and CBCT volumetric values in treated root canals. Conclusions. Although selected CBCT sagittal sections showed similar values of bone destruction in endodontically and nontreated root canals, volumetric CBCT data showed that periapical lesions of endodontically treated root canals had half of the volume of periapical lesions in nontreated root canals. No relationship could be found between the periapical values of bone destruction and volumetric data found in CBCT of treated rood canals. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011; 112: 272-279)
P>Objective To evaluate the influence of apical size on cleaning of the apical third of curved canals prepared with rotary instruments. Methodology Forty-four mesiobuccal canals of maxillary molars teeth were instrumented to different apical sizes (30, 0.02; 35, 0.02; 40, 0.02; 45, 0.02) using a crown-down technique. After canal preparation, the apical thirds of the roots were submitted to histological processing and examination. The specimens were analysed at 40x magnification and the images were submitted to morphometric analysis with an integration grid to evaluate the percentage of debris and uninstrumented root canal walls. The action of the instruments on the root canal walls was assessed based on the surface regularity, abrupt change on the continuity of root canal walls, and partial or total pre-dentine removal. The results were statistically compared using one-way anova with post hoc Tukey test. Pearson`s correlation was performed to identify potential correlations between values. Results The percentage of uninstrumented root canal dentine was higher when apical enlargement was performed with instruments 30, 0.02 taper (55.64 +/- 4.62%) and 35, 0.02 taper (49.03 +/- 5.70%) than with instruments 40, 0.02 taper (38.08 +/- 10.44%) and 45, 0.02 taper (32.65 +/- 8.51%) (P < 0.05). More debris were observed when apical enlargement was performed with instruments 30, 0.02 taper (34.62 +/- 9.49%) and 35, 0.02 taper (25.33 +/- 7.37%) (P < 0.05). There was a significant correlation between the amount of remaining debris and the perimeter of uninstrumented root canal dentine (r = 0.9130, P < 0.001). Conclusion No apical enlargement size allowed the root canal walls to be prepared completely. Apical third cleanliness could be predicted by instrument diameter.
P>Aim To investigate the internal and external anatomy of extracted human mandibular canines with two roots and two distinct canals using micro-computed tomography (mu CT). Methodology Fourteen two-rooted human mandibular canines were scanned using a high-resolution mu CT system (SkyScan 1174v2; SkyScan N.V., Kontich, Belgium). The images were processed to evaluate the size of the roots, the furcation regions, the presence of accessory canals, the mean distances between several anatomical landmarks, the position of the apical foramina, the direction of root curvatures, the cross-sectional appearances (SMI index), the volume and surface areas of the root canals. Results Root bifurcation was located in both apical (44%, n = 6) and middle (58%, n = 8) thirds of the root. The size of the buccal and lingual roots was similar in 29% of the sample. From a buccal view, no curvature towards the lingual or buccal direction occurred in either roots. From a proximal view, no straight lingual root occurred. In both views, S-shaped roots were found in 21% of the specimens. Location of the apical foramen varied considerably, tending to the mesio-buccal aspect of both roots. Lateral and furcation canals were observed mostly in the cervical third in 29% and 65% of the sample, respectively. The structure model index (SMI) index ranged from 1.87 to 3.86, with a mean value of 2.93 +/- 0.46. Mean volume and area of the root canals were 11.52 +/- 3.44 mm3 and 71.16 +/- 11.83 mm2, respectively. Conclusions The evaluation of two-rooted mandibular canines revealed that bifurcations occurred in the apical and middle third. S-shaped roots were found in 21% of the specimens. Mean volume, surface area and SMI index of the root canals were 11.52 mm3, 71.16 mm2 and 2.93, respectively.
Introduction: The greatest reduction in microhardness of the most superficial layer of dentin of the root canal lumen is desired. The use of chelating agents during biomechanical preparation of root canals removes smear layer, increasing the access of the irrigant into the dentin tubules to allow adequate disinfection, and also reduces dentin microhardness, facilitating the action of endodontic instruments. This study evaluated the effect of different chelating solutions on the microhardness of the most superficial dentin layer from the root canal lumen. Methods: Thirty-five recently extracted single-rooted maxillary central incisors were instrumented, and the roots were longitudinally sectioned in a mesiodistal direction to expose the entire canal extension. The specimens were distributed in seven groups according to the final irrigation: 15% EDTA, 10% citric acid, 5% malic acid, 5% acetic acid, apple vinegar, 10% sodium citrate, and control (no irrigation). A standardized volume of 50 mu L of each chelating solution was used for 5 minutes. Dentin microhardness was measured with a Knoop indenter under a 10-g load and a 15-second dwell time. Data were analyzed statistically by one-way analysis of variance and Tukey-Kramer multiple-comparison test at 5% significance level. Results: EDTA and citric acid had the greatest overall effect, causing a sharp decrease in dentin microhardness without a significant difference (p > .05) from each other. However, both chelators differed significantly from the other solutions (p < .001). Sodium citrate and deionized water were similar to each other (p > .05) and did not affect dentin microhardness. Apple vinegar, acetic acid, and malic acid were similar to each other (p > .05) and presented intermediate results. Conclusion: Except for sodium citrate, all tested chelating solutions reduced microhardness of the most superficial root canal dentin layer. EDTA and citric acid were the most efficient. (J Endod 2011;37:358-362)
The ramosus (rms) mutation (rms1) of pea (Pisum sativum) causes increased branching through modification of graft-transmissible signal(s) produced in rootstock and shoot. Additional grafting techniques have led us to propose that the novel signal regulated by Rms1 moves acropetally in shoots and acts as a branching inhibitor. Epicotyl interstock grafts showed that wild-type (WT) epicotyls grafted between rms1 scions and rootstocks can revert mutant scions to a WT non-branching phenotype. Mutant scions grafted together with mutant and WT rootstocks did not branch despite a contiguous mutant root-shoot system. The primary action of Rms1 is, therefore, unlikely to be to block transport of a branching stimulus from root to shoot. Rather, Rms1 may influence a long-distance signal that functions, directly or indirectly, as a branching inhibitor. It can be deduced that this signal moves acropetally in shoots because WT rootstocks inhibit branching in rms1 shoots, and although WT scions do not branch when grafted to mutant rootstocks, they do not inhibit branching in rms1 cotyledonary shoots growing from the same rootstocks. The acropetal direction of transport of the Rms1 signal supports previous evidence that the rms1 lesion is not in an auxin biosynthesis or transport pathway. The different branching phenotypes of WT and rms1 shoots growing from the same rms1 rootstock provides further evidence that the shoot has a major role in the regulation of branching and, moreover, that root-exported cytokinin is not the only graft-transmissible signal regulating branching in intact pea plants.
Retention of green leaf area in grain sorghum under post-anthesis drought, known as stay-green, is associated with greater biomass production, lodging resistance and yield. The stay-green phenomenon can be examined at a cell, leaf, or whole plant level. At a cell level, the retention of chloroplast proteins such as LHCP2, OEC33 and Rubisco until late in senescence has been reported in sorghum containing the KS19 source of stay-green, indicating that photosynthesis may be maintained for longer during senescence in these genotypes. At a leaf level, longevity of photosynthetic apparatus is intimately related to nitrogen (N) status. At a whole plant level, stay-green can be viewed as a consequence of the balance between N demand by the grain and N supply during grain filling. To examine some of these concepts, nine hybrids varying in the B35 and KS19 sources of stay-green were grown under a postanthesis water deficit. Genotypic variation in delayed onset and reduced rate of leaf senescence were explained by differences in specific leaf nitrogen (SLN) and N uptake during grain filling. Matching N supply from age-related senescence and N uptake during grain tilling with grain N demand found that the shortfall in N supply for grain filling was greater in the senescent than stay-green hybrids, resulting in more accelerated leaf senescence in the former. We hypothesise that increased N uptake by stay-green hybrids is a result of greater biomass accumulation during grain filling in response to increased sink demand (higher grain numbers) which, in turn, is the result of increased radiation use efficiency and transpiration efficiency due to higher SLN. Delayed leaf senescence resulting from higher SLN should, in turn, allow snore carbon and nitrogen to be allocated to the roots of stay-green hybrids during grain filling, thereby maintaining a greater capacity to extract N from the soil compared with senescent hybrids.
Form factors are derived for a model describing the coherent Josephson tunneling between two coupled Bose-Einstein condensates. This is achieved by studying the exact solution of the model within the framework of the algebraic Bethe ansatz. In this approach the form factors are expressed through determinant representations which are functions of the roots of the Bethe ansatz equations.