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Increasing awareness of the importance of cardiovascular prevention is not yet matched by the resources and actions within health care systems. Recent publication of the European Commission's European Heart Health Charter in 2008 prompts a review of the role of cardiac rehabilitation (CR) to cardiovascular health outcomes. Secondary prevention through exercise-based CR is the intervention with the best scientific evidence to contribute to decrease morbidity and mortality in coronary artery disease, in particular after myocardial infarction but also incorporating cardiac interventions and chronic stable heart failure. The present position paper aims to provide the practical recommendations on the core components and goals of CR intervention in different cardiovascular conditions, to assist in the design and development of the programmes, and to support healthcare providers, insurers, policy makers and consumers in the recognition of the comprehensive nature of CR. Those charged with responsibility for secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease, whether at European, national or individual centre level, need to consider where and how structured programmes of CR can be delivered to all patients eligible. Thus a novel, disease-oriented document has been generated, where all components of CR for cardiovascular conditions have been revised, presenting both well-established and controversial aspects. A general table applicable to all cardiovascular conditions and specific tables for each clinical disease have been created and commented.
The tubulin-binding mode of C3- and C15-modified analogues of epothilone A (Epo A) was determined by NMR spectroscopy and computational methods and compared with the existing structural models of tubulin-bound natural Epo A. Only minor differences were observed in the conformation of the macrocycle between Epo A and the C3-modified analogues investigated. In particular, 3-deoxy- (compound 2) and 3-deoxy-2,3-didehydro-Epo A (3) were found to adopt similar conformations in the tubulin-binding cleft as Epo A, thus indicating that the 3-OH group is not essential for epothilones to assume their bioactive conformation. None of the available models of the tubulin-epothilone complex is able to fully recapitulate the differences in tubulin-polymerizing activity and microtubule-binding affinity between C20-modified epothilones 6 (C20-propyl), 7 (C20-butyl), and 8 (C20-hydroxypropyl). Based on the results of transferred NOE experiments in the presence of tubulin, the isomeric C15 quinoline-based Epo B analogues 4 and 5 show very similar orientations of the side chain, irrespective of the position of the nitrogen atom in the quinoline ring. The quinoline side chain stacks on the imidazole moiety of beta-His227 with equal efficiency in both cases, thus suggesting that the aromatic side chain moiety in epothilones contributes to tubulin binding through strong van der Waals interactions with the protein rather than hydrogen bonding involving the heteroaromatic nitrogen atom. These conclusions are in line with existing tubulin polymerization and microtubule-binding data for 4, 5, and Epo B.
Purpose: The objective of this review was to systematically screen the literature for data related to the survival and complication rates observed with dental or implant double crown abutments and removable prostheses under functional loading for at least 3 years. Materials and Methods: A systematic review of the dental literature from January 1966 to December 2009 was performed in electronic databases (PubMed and Embase) as well as by an extensive hand search to investigate the clinical outcomes of double crown reconstructions. Results: From the total of 2412 titles retrieved from the search, 65 were selected for full-text review. Subsequently, 17 papers were included for data extraction. An estimation of the cumulative survival and complication rates was not feasible due to the lack of detailed information. Tooth survival rates for telescopic abutment teeth ranged from 82.5% to 96.5% after an observation period of 3.4 to 6 years, and for tooth-supported double crown retained dentures from 66.7% to 98.6% after an observation period of 6 to 10 years. The survival rates of implants were between 97.9% and 100% and for telescopic-retained removable dental prostheses with two mandibular implants, 100% after 3.0 and 10.4 years. The major biological complications affecting the tooth abutments were gingival inflammation, periodontal disease, and caries. The most frequent technical complications were loss of cementation and loss of facings. Conclusions: The main findings of this review are: (I) double crown tooth abutments and dentures demonstrated a wide range of survival rates. (II) Implant-supported mandibular overdentures demonstrated a favorable long-term prognosis. (III) A greater need for prosthetic maintenance is required for both tooth-supported and implant-supported reconstructions. (IV) Future areas of research would involve designing appropriate longitudinal studies for comparisons of survival and complication rates of different reconstruction designs.
The strength decrease in magnesium implants was studied in vitro and in vivo, with and without a protective plasmaelectrolytic coating. In vivo, degradation was examined by implanting rectangular plates on top of the nasal bone of miniature pigs. The presence of gas pockets in the soft tissue surrounding the implants was evaluated with intermediate X-rays and computed X-ray tomography scans before euthanasia. After 12 and 24weeks of in vivo degradation, the large rectangular plates were removed and mechanically tested in three-point bending. In vitro, identical plates were immersed in simulated body fluid for 4, 8 and 12weeks. In vitro and in vivo results showed that onset of gas release can be delayed by the plasmaelectrolytic coating. Mass loss and strength retention during in vivo degradation is about four times slower than during in vitro degradation for the chosen test conditions. Despite the slow degradation of the investigated WE43 alloy, the occurrence of gas pockets could not be completely avoided. Nevertheless, uniformity of degradation and reliable strength retention make this alloy a prime candidate for the use of magnesium in cranio-maxillofacial surgery.
OBJECTIVE: This study tested whether feelings of personal control over one's life circumstances (i.e., personal mastery) would attenuate the relations between stress (i.e., negative life events and caregiving distress) and Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor (PAI)-1 antigen, an inhibitor of fibrinolysis implicated in the development of cardiovascular disease. DESIGN: Seventy-one spousal dementia caregivers were assessed for plasma levels of PAI-1 antigen, negative life events, caregiver distress, and feelings of personal mastery. Regression analysis was used to determine if personal mastery moderated the relations between stress (i.e., life stress and caregiving distress) and PAI-1 antigen levels. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1 antigen in plasma. RESULTS: After controlling for other factors associated with PAI-1 antigen levels, negative life events were positively associated with plasma PAI-1 antigen concentrations in participants low in personal mastery (beta = .31; p = .050) but not in individuals high in personal mastery (beta = .22; p = .184). The moderating effect of mastery on the relations between caregiving distress and PAI-1 antigen did not reach statistical significance (p = .091). CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that mastery may protect individuals from some of the alterations in hemostatic factors that have been linked to cardiovascular risk.
Forests near the Mediterranean coast have been shaped by millennia of human disturbance. Consequently, ecological studies relying on modern observations or historical records may have difficulty assessing natural vegetation dynamics under current and future climate. We combined a sedimentary pollen record from Lago di Massacciucoli, Tuscany, Italy with simulations from the LandClim dynamic vegetation model to determine what vegetation preceded intense human disturbance, how past changes in vegetation relate to fire and browsing, and the potential of an extinct vegetation type under present climate. We simulated vegetation dynamics near Lago di Massaciucoli for the last 7,000 years using a local chironomid-inferred temperature reconstruction with combinations of three fire regimes (small infrequent, large infrequent, small frequent) and three browsing intensities (no browsing, light browsing, and moderate browsing), and compared model output to pollen data. Simulations with low disturbance support pollen-inferred evidence for a mixed forest dominated by Quercus ilex (a Mediterranean species) and Abies alba (a montane species). Whereas pollen data record the collapse of A. alba after 6000 cal yr bp, simulated populations expanded with declining summer temperatures during the late Holocene. Simulations with increased fire and browsing are consistent with evidence for expansion by deciduous species after A. alba collapsed. According to our combined paleo-environmental and modeling evidence, mixed Q. ilex and A. alba forests remain possible with current climate and limited disturbance, and provide a viable management objective for ecosystems near the Mediterranean coast and in regions that are expected to experience a mediterranean-type climate in the future.
Data on short and long term efficacy and safety of d,l sotalol in patients with atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter is limited. The aims of this study were to (1) assess the antiarrhythmic efficacy of d,l sotalol maintaining normal sinus rhythm in patients with refractory atrial fibrillation or flutter, (2) evaluate the efficacy of d,l sotalol in preventing recurrences of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation or flutter, (3) evaluate the control of ventricular rate in patients with paroxysmal or refractory atrial fibrillation or flutter unsuccessfully treated with other antiarrhythmic agents, (4) determine predictors of efficacy (5) assess the safety of d,l sotalol in this setting. Two hundred patients with chronic or paroxysmal atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter or both, who had failed one to six previous antiarrhythmic drug trials were treated with d,l sotalol 80 to 440 mg/day orally. Fifty four percent was female, age 47 +/- 16 years (range 7-79), follow up period 7 +/- 7 months (range 1 to 14 months), 79% of patients had the arrhythmia for more than one year. The atrial fibrillation in 37.5% of patients was chronic and paroxysmal in 23.5. The atrial flutter was chronic in 31% of patients and paroxysmal in 8%. Eighty two percent of patients was in functional class I (NYHA) and 82% had cardiac heart disease: left atrial (LA) size 44 +/- 10 mm, right atrial (RA) size 37 +/- 7 mm and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 58 +/- 8%. Total success was achieved in 58% of patients (atrial fibrillation 40% and 18% in atrial flutter), partial success in 38% (atrial fibrillation in 18% and 20% in atrial flutter) and 4% of patients failure. It was p < 0.07 when compared total success vs partial success among atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter groups. Patients with cardiac heart disease responded worst (p = 0.10) to the drug than those without it, specially if the heart was dilated. We concluded that d,l sotalol has moderate efficacy to convert and maintain normal sinus rhythm, as well as it acts controlling paroxysmal relapses and ventricular heart rate.
Context: Sarcopenia is thought to be associated with mitochondrial (M) loss. It is unclear whether the decrease in M content is consequent to aging per se or to decreased physical activity. Objectives: To examine the influence of fitness on M content and function, and to assess whether exercise could improve M function in older adults. Design and subjects: Three distinct studies were conducted: 1) a cross-sectional observation comparing M content and fitness in a large heterogeneous cohort of older adults; 2) a case-control study comparing chronically endurance-trained older adults (A) and sedentary (S) subjects matched for age and gender; 3) a 4-month exercise intervention in S. Setting: University-based clinical research center Outcomes: M volume density (Mv) was assessed by electron microscopy from vastus lateralis biopsies, electron transport chain proteins (ETC) by western blotting, mRNAs for transcription factors involved in M biogenesis by qRT-PCR and in-vivo oxidative capacity (ATPmax) by (31)P-MR spectroscopy. Peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) was measured by GXT. Results: VO2peak was strongly correlated with Mv in eighty 60-80 yo adults. Comparison of A vs. S revealed differences in Mv, ATPmax and some ETC complexes. Finally, exercise intervention confirmed that S are able to recover Mv, ATPmax and specific transcription factors. Conclusions: These data suggest that 1) aging per se is not the primary culprit leading to M dysfunction, 2) an aerobic exercise program, even at an older age, can ameliorate the loss in skeletal muscle M content and may prevent aging muscle comorbidities and 3) the improvement of M function is all about content.
Ice core measurements (H2O2 and CH4/HCHO) and modeling studies indicate a change in the oxidation capacity of the atmosphere since the onset of the Industrial Revolution due to increases in fossil fuel burning emissions [e. g., Lelieveld et al., 2002; Hauglustaine and Brasseur, 2001; Wang and Jacob, 1998; Staffelbach et al., 1991]. The mass-independent fractionation (MIF) in the oxygen isotopes of sulfate and nitrate from a Greenland ice core reveal that biomass-burning events in North America just prior to the Industrial Revolution significantly impacted the oxidation pathways of sulfur and nitrogen species deposited in Greenland ice. This finding highlights the importance of biomass-burning emissions for atmospheric chemistry in preindustrial North America and warrants the inclusion of this impact in modeling studies estimating changes in atmospheric oxidant chemistry since the Industrial Revolution, particularly when using paleo-oxidant data as a reference for model evaluation.