253 resultados para Thawing


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In response to the increasing global demand for energy, oil exploration and development are expanding into frontier areas of the Arctic, where slow-growing tundra vegetation and the underlying permafrost soils are very sensitive to disturbance. The creation of vehicle trails on the tundra from seismic exploration for oil has accelerated in the past decade, and the cumulative impact represents a geographic footprint that covers a greater extent of Alaska’s North Slope tundra than all other direct human impacts combined. Seismic exploration for oil and gas was conducted on the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, USA, in the winters of 1984 and 1985. This study documents recovery of vegetation and permafrost soils over a two-decade period after vehicle traffic on snow-covered tundra. Paired permanent vegetation plots (disturbed vs. reference) were monitored six times from 1984 to 2002. Data were collected on percent vegetative cover by plant species and on soil and ground ice characteristics. We developed Bayesian hierarchical models, with temporally and spatially autocorrelated errors, to analyze the effects of vegetation type and initial disturbance levels on recovery patterns of the different plant growth forms as well as soil thaw depth. Plant community composition was altered on the trails by species-specific responses to initial disturbance and subsequent changes in substrate. Long-term changes included increased cover of graminoids and decreased cover of evergreen shrubs and mosses. Trails with low levels of initial disturbance usually improved well over time, whereas those with medium to high levels of initial disturbance recovered slowly. Trails on ice-poor, gravel substrates of riparian areas recovered better than those on ice-rich loamy soils of the uplands, even after severe initial damage. Recovery to pre-disturbance communities was not possible where trail subsidence occurred due to thawing of ground ice. Previous studies of disturbance from winter seismic vehicles in the Arctic predicted short-term and mostly aesthetic impacts, but we found that severe impacts to tundra vegetation persisted for two decades after disturbance under some conditions. We recommend management approaches that should be used to prevent persistent tundra damage.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objectives were to evaluate the reexpansion blastocoele rate, post-thaw viability, and in vitro development of canine blastocysts cryopreserved by slow freezing in 1.0 m glycerol (GLY) or 1.5 m ethylene glycol (EG). Fifty-one in vivo-produced canine blastocysts were randomly allocated in two groups: GLY (n = 26) and EG (n = 25). After thawing, embryos from MO were immediately stained with the fluorescent probes propidium iodide and Hoechst 33 342 to evaluate cellular viability. Frozen-thawed embryos from M3 and M6 were cultured in SOFaa medium + 10% FCS at 38.5 degrees C under an atmosphere of 5% CO2 with maximum humidity, for 3 and 6 days, respectively, and similarly stained. The blastocoele reexpansion rate (24 h after in vitro culture) did not differ between GLY (76.5%) and EG (68.8%). Post-thaw viable cells rate were not significantly different between GLY and EG (66.5 +/- 4.8 and 57.3 +/- 4.8, respectively, mean +/- SEM), or among MO (62.3 +/- 5.7%), M3 (56.9 +/- 6.0%), and M6 (66.5 +/- 6.0%). In conclusion, canine blastocysts cryopreserved by slow freezing in 1.0 m glycerol or 1.5 m ethylene glycol, had satisfactory blastocoele reexpansion rates, similar post-thawing viability, and remained viable for up to 6 days of in vitro culture. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Amniotic fluid (AF) was described as a potential source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for biomedicine purposes. Therefore, evaluation of alternative cryoprotectants and freezing protocols capable to maintain the viability and stemness of these cells after cooling is still needed. AF stem cells (AFSCs) were tested for different freezing methods and cryoprotectants. Cell viability, gene expression, surface markers, and plasticity were evaluated after thawing. AFSCs expressed undifferentiated genes Oct4 and Nanog; presented typical markers (CD29, CD44, CD90, and CD105) and were able to differentiate into mesenchymal lineages. All tested cryoprotectants preserved the features of AFSCs however, variations in cell viability were observed. In this concern, dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) showed the best results. The freezing protocols tested did not promote significant changes in the AFSCs viability. Time programmed and nonprogrammed freezing methods could be used for successful AFSCs cryopreservation for 6 months. Although tested cryoprotectants maintained undifferentiated gene expression, typical markers, and plasticity of AFSCs, only Me2SO and glycerol presented workable viability ratios.


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In order to provide information that may help researchers to understand the main cause(s) of differences in bull fertility frequently observed in field trials, this study aimed to investigate conception rates as well as several in vitro sperm characteristics of different sires of unknown fertility utilized in a Timed-AI (TAI) program. Suckled Nelore cows submitted to the same TAI protocol were allocated into eight breeding groups of approximately 120 animals each. Frozen semen doses from three Angus bulls and three different batches from each bull were utilized. Approximately 100 doses from each batch were used in TAI. Sires, batches and AI technicians were equally distributed across breeding groups. Cows were examined for pregnancy diagnosis 40 d after TAI. For in vitro sperm analyses, the same thawing procedure was repeated in the laboratory to mimic field conditions. The following in vitro sperm characteristics were assessed: computerized motility, thermal resistance, plasma and acrosomal membrane integrity, lipid peroxidation, morphology, morphometry and chromatin structure. No effect of breeding group, body condition score, AI technician and sire was observed. However, some significant differences among bulls were detected in laboratory analyses. Semen from sire presenting numerically lower (P > 0.05) pregnancy/AI also presented lower (P < 0.05) values in all sperm characteristics analyzed in thermal resistance test at 4 h (Total Motility, Progressive Motility, Average Path Velocity, Straight-Line Velocity, Curvilinear Velocity, Amplitude of Lateral Head Displacement, Beat Cross Frequency, Straightness, Linearity, and Percentage of Rapidly Moving Cells), higher (P < 0.05) Major and Total Defects in sperm morphological test, lower (P < 0.05) Length, Ellipticity and Fourier parameter (Fourier 0) in sperm morphometric analysis as well as higher (P < 0.05) chromatin heterogeneity. It was concluded that, although no bull effect was observed in the field experiment, the sire that presented numerically lower pregnancy/AI also presented lower semen quality according to the laboratory analyses performed. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background Transformed cells of Escherichia coli DH5-α with pGFPuv, induced by IPTG (isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactopyranoside), express the green fluorescent protein (gfpuv) during growth phases. E. coli subjected to the combination of selective permeation by freezing/thawing/sonication cycles followed by the three-phase partitioning extraction (TPP) method were compared to the direct application of TPP to the same culture of E. coli on releasing gfpuv from the over-expressing cells. Material and Methods Cultures (37°C/100 rpm/ 24 h; μ = 0.99 h-1 - 1.10 h-1) of transformed (pGFP) Escherichia coli DH5-α, expressing the green fluorescent protein (gfpuv, absorbance at 394 nm and emission at 509 nm) were sonicated in successive intervals of sonication (25 vibrations/pulse) to determine the maximum amount of gfpuv released from the cells. For selective permeation, the transformed previously frozen (-75°C) cells were subjected to three freeze/thaw (-20°C/ 0.83°C/min) cycles interlaid by sonication (3 pulses/ 6 seconds/ 25 vibrations). The intracellular permeate with gfpuv in extraction buffer (TE) solution (25 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 1 mM β-mercaptoethanol β-ME, 0.1 mM PMSF) was subjected to the three-phase partitioning (TPP) method with t-butanol and 1.6 M ammonium sulfate. Sonication efficiency was verified on the application to the cells previously treated by the TPP method. The intra-cell releases were mixed and eluted through methyl HIC column with a buffer solution (10 mM Tris-HCl, 10 mM EDTA, pH 8.0). Results The sonication maximum released amount obtained from the cells was 327.67 μg gfpuv/mL (20.73 μg gfpuv/mg total proteins – BSA), after 9 min of treatment. Through the selective permeation by three repeated freezing/thawing/sonication cycles applied to the cells, a close content of 241.19 μg gfpuv/mL (29.74 μg gfpuv/mg BSA) was obtained. The specific mass range of gfpuv released from the same cultures, by the three-phase partitioning (TPP) method, in relation to total proteins, was higher, between 107.28 μg/mg and 135.10 μg/mg. Conclusions The selective permeation of gfpuv by freezing/thawing/sonication followed by TPP separation method was equivalent to the amount of gfpuv extracted from the cells directly by TPP; although selective permeation extracts showed better elution through the HIC column.


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Cinco cavalos adultos foram submetidos à coleta de medula óssea do esterno e de tecido adiposo da região glútea. As amostras foram processadas para obtenção da fração mononuclear da medula óssea e fração vascular estromal do tecido adiposo, o número de células obtidas e a viabilidade celular foram determinados. Em seguida, realizou-se o congelamento das amostras em solução contendo 20% de soro fetal bovino e 10% de dimetilsulfóxido. Depois de um mês, realizou-se o descongelamento das amostras e a viabilidade celular foi novamente mensurada. Os resultados revelaram que as técnicas utilizadas tanto para coleta de medula óssea quanto de tecido adiposo em equinos são simples, rápidas e seguras. As metodologias adotadas para o processamento das amostras foram eficientes, obtendo-se aproximadamente 95% de viabilidade celular. Após o descongelamento, a viabilidade média das amostras de células mononucleares da medula óssea foi de 86% e da fração vascular estromal do tecido adiposo de 64%. Frente à importância da terapia celular na clínica médica de equinos, concluiu-se que é necessária a realização de mais estudos, visando padronizar uma técnica de criopreservação que mantenha a integridade das células da fração mononuclear da medula óssea e da fração vascular estromal do tecido adiposo de equinos.


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O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do congelamento e da incubação do leite de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês sobre os resultados da cultura bacteriológica. Desta forma, 45 amostras de leite ovino foram coletadas, e submetidas aos seguintes tratamentos: cultura bacteriológica (T1), e simultaneamente incubadas a 37°C por 18 horas (T2) e congeladas a -20°C por 24 horas (T3). Após esses períodos, as amostras dos T2 e T3 foram submetidas à cultura bacteriológica. O T2 possibilitou aumento no isolamento de estafilococos coagulase-negativo (ECN) comparadas ao T1, não ocorrendo o mesmo com o T3. No entanto, o T2 permitiu o desenvolvimento de bactérias normalmente presentes na microbiota dos ductos dos tetos em ovelhas sadias, como o Bacillus spp. Os resultados do presente estudo indicam que a incubação pode ser aplicada para a detecção de ECN na tentativa de reduzir resultados falso-negativos na cultura bacteriológica do leite de ovelhas da raça Santa Inês, determinando o uso mais eficiente dos recursos laboratoriais e a redução dos custos para os proprietários.


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Liposomes were discovered about 40 years ago by A. Bangham and since then they became very versatile tools in biology, biochemistry and medicine. Liposomes are the smallest artificial vesicles of spherical shape that can be produced from natural untoxic phospholipids and cholesterol. Liposome vesicles can be used as drug carriers and become loaded with a great variety of molecules, such as small drug molecules, proteins, nucleotides and even plasmids. Due to the variability of liposomal compositions they can be used for a large number of applications. In this thesis the β-adrenoceptor antagonists propranolol, metoprolol, atenolol and pindolol, glucose, 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) and Er-DTPA were used for encapsulation in liposomes, characterization and in vitro release studies. Multilamellar vesicles (MLV), large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) and smaller unilamellar vesicles (SUV) were prepared using one of the following lipids: 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DMPC), 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DSPC), Phospholipone 90H (Ph90H) or a mixture of DSPC and DMPC (1:1). The freeze thawing method was used for preparation of liposomes because it has three advantages (1) avoiding the use of chloroform, which is used in other methods and causes toxicity (2) it is a simple method and (3) it gives high entrapping efficiency. The percentage of entrapping efficiencies (EE) was different depending on the type and phase transition temperature (Tc) of the lipid used. The average particle size and particle size distribution of the prepared liposomes were determined using both dynamic light scattering (DLS) and laser diffraction analyzer (LDA). The average particle size of the prepared liposomes differs according to both liposomal type and lipid type. Dispersion and dialysis techniques were used for the study of the in vitro release of β-adrenoceptor antagonists. The in vitro release rate of β-adrenoceptor antagonists was increased from MLV to LUV to SUV. Regarding the lipid type, β-adrenoceptor antagonists exhibited different in vitro release pattern from one lipid to another. Two different concentrations (50 and 100mg/ml) of Ph90H were used for studying the effect of lipid concentration on the in vitro release of β-adrenoceptor antagonists. It was found that liposomes made from 50 mg/ml Ph90H exhibited higher release rates than liposomes made at 100 mg/ml Ph90H. Also glucose was encapsulated in MLV, LUV and SUV using 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DMPC), 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DSPC), Phospholipone 90H (Ph90H), soybean lipid (Syb) or a mixture of DSPC and DMPC (1:1). The average particle size and size distribution were determined using laser diffraction analysis. It was found that both EE and average particle size differ depending on both lipid and liposomal types. The in vitro release of glucose from different types of liposomes was performed using a dispersion method. It was found that the in vitro release of glucose from different liposomes is dependent on the lipid type. 18F-FDG was encapsulated in MLV 1,2-Dimyristoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DMPC), 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-Glycero-3-Phosphocholine (DSPC), Phospholipone 90H (Ph90H), soybean lipid (Syb) or a mixture of DSPC and DMPC (1:1). FDG-containing LUV and SUV were prepared using Ph90H lipid. The in vitro release of FDG from the different types of lipids was accomplished using a dispersion method. Results similar to that of glucose release were obtained. In vivo imaging of FDG in both uncapsulated FDG and FDG-containing MLV was performed in the brain and the whole body of rats using PET scanner. It was found that the release of FDG from FDG-containing MLV was sustained. In vitro-In vivo correlation was studied using the in vitro release data of FDG from liposomes and in vivo absorption data of FDG from injected liposomes using microPET. Erbium, which is a lanthanide metal, was used as a chelate with DTPA for encapsulation in SUV liposomes for the indirect radiation therapy of cancer. The liposomes were prepared using three different concentrations of soybean lipid (30, 50 and 70 mg/ml). The stability of Er-DTPA SUV liposomes was carried out by storage of the prepared liposomes at three different temperatures (4, 25 and 37 °C). It was found that the release of Er-DTPA complex is temperature dependent, the higher the temperature, the higher the release. There was an inverse relationship between the release of the Er-DTPA complex and the concentration of lipid.


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Introduzione L’efficacia dei chemio/radioterapici ha aumentato notevolmente l’aspettativa di vita delle pazienti oncologiche, tuttavia, questi trattamenti possono compromettere la funzionalità ovarica. La crioconservazione di tessuto ovarico, con il successivo reimpianto, ha lo scopo di preservare la fertilità delle pazienti a rischio di fallimento ovarico precoce. Scopo dello studio Definire la migliore procedura di crioconservazione e reimpianto in grado di ottenere la neovascolarizzazione del tessuto reimpiantato nel minor tempo possibile al fine di diminuire la perdita follicolare causata dall’ischemia durante la procedura. Materiali e metodi Per ciascuna paziente (3) le biopsie ovariche, sono state prelevate laparoscopicamente e crioconservate secondo il protocollo di congelamento lento/scongelamento rapido. Campioni di corticale ovarica sono stati processati per l’analisi istologica, ultrastrutturale, immuistochimica e confocale per valutare la preservazione morfologiaca del tessuto. Le fettine di corticale ovarica sono state scongelate e reimpiantate ortotopicamente (2), nelle ovaia e in due tasche peritoneali, o eterotopicamente (1), in due tasche create nel sottocute sovrapubico. Risultati Le analisi di microscopia hanno mostrato il mantenimento di una discreta morfologia dello stroma, e dei vasi criopreservati e un lieve ma non significativo danneggiamento dei follicoli scongelati. Tutte le pazienti hanno mostrato la ripresa della funzionalità endocrina rispettivamente dopo 2/4 mesi dal reimpianto. Il color-doppler, inoltre ha rivelato un significativo aumento della vascolarizzazione ovarica rispetto alla quasi totale assenza di vascolarizzazione prima del reimpianto, quando le pazienti mostravano una conclamata menopausa. Conclusioni Lo studio ha confermato la ripresa della vascolarizzazione dell’ovaio in seguito a reimpianto avascolare di fettine di corticale, senza l’impiego di fattori esogeni o meccanici aggiuntivi, in tempi concordanti con i dati della letteratura. I risultati sono incoraggianti e l’avanzare degli studi e della ricerca potranno contribuire allo sviluppo di nuove metodologie di reimpianto che possano avere un successo clinico ed una sicurezza superiori a quelle finora ottenute.


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According to recent studies, antioxidant supplementation on gamete processing and/or storage solutions improvesgamete quality parameters, after cooling or storage at sub zero temperature. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of antioxidant supplementation on pig and horse gamete storage. The first study aimed to determine the effects of resveratrol (RESV) on the apoptotic status of porcine oocytes vitrified by Cryotop method, evaluating phosphatidylserine (PS) exteriorization and caspases activation. RESV(2µM) was added during: IVM (A); 2 h post-warming incubation (B); vitrification/warming and 2 h post-warming incubation (C); all previous phases (D). The obtained data demonstrate that RESV supplementation in the various steps of IVM and vitrification/warming procedure can modulate the apoptotic process, improving the resistance of porcine oocytes to cryopreservation-induced damage. In the second work different concentrations of RESV (10, 20, 40, and 80µM) were added during liquid storage of stallion sperm for 24 hours at either 10°C or 4°C, under anaerobic conditions. Our findings demonstrate that RESV supplementation does not enhance sperm quality of stallion semen after 24 hours of storage. Moreover, the highest RESV concentrations tested (40 and 80µM) could damage sperm functional status, probably acting as pro-oxidant. Finally, in the third work other two antioxidants, ascorbic acid (AA) (100 µM) and glutathione (GSH) (5mM) were added on boar freezing and/or thawing solutions. In our study different sperm parameters were evaluated before freezing and at 30 and 240 minutes after thawing. Our results showed that GSH and AA significantly improved boar sperm cryotolerance, especially when supplemented together to both freezing and thawing media. This improvement was observed in sperm viability and acrosome integrity, sperm motility, and nucleoprotein structure. Although ROS levels were not much increased by freeze-thawing procedures, the addition of GSH and AA to both freezing and thawing extenders significantly decreased intracellular peroxide levels.


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The best characteristics of phenological observations are their description of seasons and seasonal patterns. Specific phenological phases are used to define the beginning and the end of seasons that form phenological calendars. Phenological observations more closely capture the integrated seasonal rhythm than statistically derived means or thresholds from climate elements. They only provide approximate indicators of seasonal changes and cannot replace visible or directly measurable phenomena. Including abiotic observations such as the timing of frost, thawing, icing, snow and fog even provides seasonality descriptions beyond the vegetation period. The length and position of seasons within the year is a foundation for an integrated description of seasonality presented as a phenological season diagram. Phenological observations are the indispensable basis for an integral description of a seasonal classification and seasonality. A well designed phenological diagram could offer a comprehensive picture of the rhythm and amplitude of seasons.


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BACKGROUND: Recent studies have shown that a low clinical pretest probability may be adequate for excluding heparin-induced thrombocytopenia. However, for patients with intermediate or high pretest probability, laboratory testing is essential for confirming or refuting the diagnosis. Rapid assessment of anti-PF4/heparin-antibodies may assist clinical decision-making. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the performance of rapid ID-H/PF4-PaGIA. In particular, we verified reproducibility of results between plasma and serum specimens, between fresh and frozen samples, and between different ID-H/PF4-polymer lots (polystyrene beads coated with heparin/PF4-complexes). PATIENTS/METHODS: The samples studied were 1376 plasma and 914 corresponding serum samples from patients investigated for suspected heparin-induced thrombocytopenia between January 2000 and October 2008. Anti-PF4/heparin-antibodies were assessed by ID-H/PF4-PaGIA, commercially available ELISAs and heparin-induced platelet aggregation test. RESULTS: Among 914 paired plasma/serum samples we noted discordant results (negative vs. low-titre positive) in nine instances (1%; 95%CI, 0.4-1.6%). Overall, agreement between titres assessed in plasma vs. serum was highly significant (Spearman correlation coefficient, 0.975; P < 0.0001). Forty-seven samples tested both fresh and after freezing/thawing showed a good agreement, with one discordant positive/negative result (Spearman correlation coefficient, 0.970; P < 0.0001). Among 1376 plasma samples we noted a strikingly variable incidence of false negative results (none - 82%; 95%CI, 66-98%), depending on the employed ID-H/PF4-polymer lot. Faulty lots can be recognized by titrating commercial positive controls and stored samples of HIT-patients. CONCLUSION: Laboratories performing the assay should implement stringent internal quality controls in order to recognize potentially faulty ID-H/PF4-polymer lots, thus avoiding false negative results.


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During a mammary immune response, the integrity of the blood-milk barrier is negatively affected and becomes leaky. The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the blood origin, and to investigate changes in the concentration, of various constituents including immunoglobulins in blood and milk during the early phase of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced mastitis. Five lactating dairy cows received continuous β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) clamp infusions to maintain elevated BHBA blood concentrations (1.5 to 2.0 mmol/L) from 48 h before and 8h after LPS administration. One udder quarter was infused with 200 μg of Escherichia coli LPS. A second quarter served as control. Milk and blood samples were taken hourly for 8h postchallenge (PC). The somatic cell count in LPS-challenged quarters was increased from 4h PC to the end of the experiment compared with control quarters. In LPS-challenged quarters, l-lactate, BHBA, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), IgG(1), and IgG(2) were increased at 3h PC and remained elevated until the end of experiment (8h PC) compared with control quarters. In addition, the optical density values in milk in a nonquantitative ELISA for antibodies directed against bluetongue virus (used as a measure of nonspecific antibody transfer; all animals were vaccinated) increased and, thus, indicates an increase in these antibodies in response to LPS treatment. l-Lactate concentration also increased in blood 2h PC and in the milk of control quarters during the experiment from 3h PC. A second experiment was conducted in vitro to investigate a possible contribution from destructed milk cells to l-lactate concentration and activity of LDH in milk. Aliquots of milk samples (n=8) were frozen (-20°C) or disrupted with ultrasound, respectively. Freeze thawing and ultrasound treatment increased LDH in milk samples, but had no effect on l-lactate concentrations. Results suggest that intramammary infusion of LPS induces a systemic response, as evidenced by an elevation of blood l-lactate concentration. The concomitant changes of all investigated components suggest that they were blood derived. However, the increase in blood components in the milk is not necessarily supportive of the mammary immune system, and likely a side effect of reduced blood-milk barrier integrity.


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The causes of a greening trend detected in the Arctic using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) are still poorly understood. Changes in NDVI are a result of multiple ecological and social factors that affect tundra net primary productivity. Here we use a 25 year time series of AVHRR-derived NDVI data (AVHRR: advanced very high resolution radiometer), climate analysis, a global geographic information database and ground-based studies to examine the spatial and temporal patterns of vegetation greenness on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia. We assess the effects of climate change, gas-field development, reindeer grazing and permafrost degradation. In contrast to the case for Arctic North America, there has not been a significant trend in summer temperature or NDVI, and much of the pattern of NDVI in this region is due to disturbances. There has been a 37% change in early-summer coastal sea-ice concentration, a 4% increase in summer land temperatures and a 7% change in the average time-integrated NDVI over the length of the satellite observations. Gas-field infrastructure is not currently extensive enough to affect regional NDVI patterns. The effect of reindeer is difficult to quantitatively assess because of the lack of control areas where reindeer are excluded. Many of the greenest landscapes on the Yamal are associated with landslides and drainage networks that have resulted from ongoing rapid permafrost degradation. A warming climate and enhanced winter snow are likely to exacerbate positive feedbacks between climate and permafrost thawing. We present a diagram that summarizes the social and ecological factors that influence Arctic NDVI. The NDVI should be viewed as a powerful monitoring tool that integrates the cumulative effect of a multitude of factors affecting Arctic land-cover change.