1000 resultados para Terapias psicológicas e comportamentais
The exposure to stressors produces physiological changes of the organism in order to adapt the individual to the environment. Depending on the type, intensity and duration, stress can affect some cognitive functions, particularly processes of learning and memory. Several studies have also proposed that some level of anxiety would be necessary for memory formation. In this context, memories of previously aversive experiences may determine the manner and intensity with which are expressed fear responses, which explains the great interest in analyzing both anxiety and memory in animals. In addition, males and females demonstrate different reactions in relation to stressful stimuli, showing different levels of anxiety and differences in processing of the acquisition, retention and recall of information. Based on this information, the present study aimed to verify the effect of stress on learning, memory and anxiety behavioral parameters in rats exposed at different types of stressors of long duration (seven consecutive days): restraint (4h/day), overcrowding (18h/day) and social isolation (18h/day) in the different phases of the estrous cycle. Our results showed that the stress induced by restraint and social isolation did not cause changes in the acquisition process, but impaired the recall of memory in rats. Furthermore, it is suggested a protective effect of sex hormones on retrieval of aversive memory, since female rats in proestrus or estrus phase, characterized by high estrogen concentrations, showed no aversive memory deficits. Furthermore, despite the increased plasma levels of corticosterone observed in female rats subjected to restraint stress and social isolation, anxiety levels were unaltered, compared to those various stress conditions. Animal models based on psychological and social stress have been extensively discussed in the literature. Correlate behavioral responses, physiological and psychological have contributed in increasing the understanding of stress-induced psychophysiological disorders
Carciniculture in Brazil occupies world-wide prominence due to shrimp culture, and the state of Rio Grande do Norte has presented the best results in the culture of the Litopenaeus vannamei in the last decade. This species has been shown to adapt easily to different environments and is between the five most cultivated penaeids of the world. The ponds are usually constructed in areas close to water courses and estuaries. Stock density and substrate ponds can pollute environment, causing losses in the growth and survival of the shrimps, being considered stress factors. Shrimps in inadequate densities and substrates can result reduced productivity of the farm; and favor diseases. So, it is important to verify how these variables influence the development of the animals in the culture farms. Our objective was to study the influence of the type of substrate and the stock density on the behavior and haemocyte count of the L. vannamei. Individually marked juvenile shrimps were kept in aquaria with 30 L of seawater and continuous aeration, in 12L-12D photoperiod. They were observed through Ad libitum and focal sampling instantaneous methods during thirty days, five times per week, six times per day (8:00 to 18:00) in windows of 15 minutes every two hours. The marking of carapace permitted quantifying molting and the feeding was supplied three times a day. Two experiments were carried out: the first one tested animals in the three different substrates (fine sand, smaller rocks-SPP and biggest rocks-SGR) with 33 shrimp/m2. In the second one, the animals were tested in three stock densities (26, 52 and 66 shrimp/m2) in fine sand substrate. At the end of experiment, biometry (first and second ones) and haemocyte count (second one) were made. The behavior of the L. vannamei seems to have been influenced by substrate and stocking density. In low granulometry of the substrate; the exploratory behavior became more frequent and inactivity of the shrimps was reduced. Burrowing was registered in sand substrate, specially in the initial period of the day. Cleaning was gradually higher along the day, presenting the biggest levels as the dark phase approached. The ingestion of feeding was more frequent in low density, and the animals were bigger and heavier at the end of the experiment. In the fine sand condition, the animals presented better growth, probably associated with the burrowing. The molting was equivalent in all types of substrate, but it was more frequent in high densities. Mortality of the shrimps was more frequent in high densities, and cannibalism and diseases were also registered in that condition. The clinical signals were similar to the ones of infectious mionecrosis (IMNV), generally associated with environment and physical stress. The haemocyte count was low for the hematologic standards of the penaeid, which we attributed for greater dilution of haemolymph in the postmolting phase. Smaller shrimps presented lower levels of haemocytes in relation to the bigger animals, count was also low in 26 shrimp/m2 density. The study demonstrates that stocking density and the granulometry of the substrate can affect the welfare, the health and the behavior of the L. vannamei. The sand substrate and low stocking density can be important tools in the management systems of shrimp production
The object of this study was to identify the possibility of predicting the involvement in traffic infractions from the results of the psychological tests carried out by psychologists specialized in the process of driver licensing in the state of Rio Grande do Norte (RN). The proposal consisted in identifying the penalty points recorded in national driving licenses (CNH) and identifying the corresponding tests and scores obtained, verifying if the average scores in the tests of drivers with and without an infraction record were significantly different and if there is any relation between the test scores and the frequency of the infractions. The results of the psychological instruments were collected in two moments the first being in the act of acquisition of the CNH and the second being during license renewal at the only certified clinic and at the DETRAN-RN. A population of 839 drivers of 14 municipalities were identified. 127 protocols of psychological tests were identified in the records of the DETRAN-RN (2002) and 76 at the clinic (2007), pointing out failures in the process of safekeeping of the psychological material, as well as in its retrieval from the record files. The sample was thus reduced to 68 drivers, all male, with age range between 18 and 41 years old, mean of 21,72 years old (DP = 5,24). 54 drivers were identified without a record of infraction, and 14 with a record. The latter committed 29 infractions. The penalty points recorded in their CNH ranged from 0 to 35 and the typical value of points (median) was zero. In the group with a record of infractions the number of points ranged between 3 and 35, mean of 10,79 (DP = 7,73). Differences were observed in the composition of the battery of tests in the two moments with the same subjects. The use of different tests to assess the same construct of the subject, first and second moment of assessment, did not allow for some analyzes with more efficient statistical proof. It was pointed out that five tests were not carried out and 118 were not corrected/analyzed. Significant differences between the groups were not identified with the psychological instruments used. In another attempt to establish differences between the means, the application of the independent t-Test evidenced a significant difference in the scores of the instruments of concentrated attention in 2002 (t = 2,21, gl = 25, p = 0.037) and of diffuse attention in 2002 (t = 2,37, gl = 24, p = 0.026). The results also did not evidence significant correlation between the scores of the tests and the penalty points of the infractions. Based on this study, it cannot be concluded with precision that the high or low scores are good criteria to determine that a driver will commit more or less traffic infractions, nor that the drivers with higher scores in the tests commit less infractions and vice-versa. Furthermore, the problems to find the instruments and the most basic data require a stronger monitoring on the part of the certified clinic and of the DETRAN-RN.
Introduction: This work intents to characterize behavioral indicators of tack to the hemodialysis treatment in a sample of carrying patients of chronic kidney failure (CKF) in the great Natal/RN. The therapeutical adherence represents the agreement degree between the patient behavior and the health team lapsings. The CKF is the gradual and irreversible loss of the renal function, being the hemodialysis treatment an important alternative to assist or to substitute the kidneys. Method: The sample consisted in 80 chronic kidney patients in hemodialysis treatment in two located clinical centers in the region of the great Natal, RN. It was used as instruments (a) a protocol of clinical data collection, (b) the Millon Index of Personality Styles (MIPS) and (c) a script of halfstructuralized interview. Results: The results show a balance between the genders (51% of female and 48.8% of the male sex), average age and equal average time of dialysis respectively to the 43,4 years (±13,25 years) and 22,04 years (±4,24 years). The marital status of half of the sample is married, predominating basic education (43.6%) and a familiar income until a minimum wage (43.8%). It had been defined six physicianlaboratorial indicators to evaluate the therapeutical adherence, further the use of the evaluation of the health team and the patient themselves. Thus, there was an average adherence around 55.97% of the sample ±18.37%). However only between selfassessment of the patients about the adherence and the assessment made by blood pressure post-dialysis indicated a significant association (p=0,029, qui-square test). On the other hand, there was a significant association (p <0.05, chi-square test) among the criteria for treatment adherence and issues investigated in the interview - the perception on the quality of the health services provided to patients, the difficulties following the prescribed diet, the characterization of the days between dialysis sessions and the perception of patients about the dialysis sessions. It was also noted a significant association (p <0.05, Levene test) between adherence to therapy and scales that constitute the MIPS. The health team characterized the patients more adherent behavior as an attitude of acceptance of the treatment, looking actively for their implementation, for more information and knowledge, and establishing a positive communication with the team and with other patients. Similar results were confirmed by the MIPS evaluation. According to that assessment the more compliant patients adopt a more optimistic attitude, trying to act or adapt themselves to their environment, processing cognitively both concrete and objective information, such as more speculative and symbolic information. In addition they establish a gregarious, cooperative, submissive and flexibly pattern of interpersonal relationships to social demands. These characteristics managed to explain 55.7% of the adherence variation according the health team and 23.3% of the variation according the CaxP laboratory indicator. Conclusions: The MIPS shown to be able to identify the most and least adherent to therapy patients. The use of different adherence indicators is important for an evaluation covering the different facets of this process. The adhesion levels are observed within registered by the relevant literature. There is need for further studies with a larger sample to deepen the data findings in this work
Currently one of the major concerns in sports is to identify, select, discover and reveal talents in soccer. As principal reasons is perceived the search direct or indirect for resources for players, clubs, media, sports brands and their sponsors. However, high salaries are an exception and not a rule, because the majority of professional players in Brazil receives 1 minimum salary per month. It is also known that on professional clubs, daily, arriving several players to try to be a professional soccer player, however, the majority of clubs - almost all does not present methodological, systematic and analytical aspects to select promising players. The selective processes ("sieves" or "big sieves") developed by technical observers ( olheiros") summarized in the observation of the sportive performance of a big group of players in a period of few minutes given to each player. In this period the target behavior is the ability with the ball. If promising players are identified on that selection, they are referred to the club for a new observation, which will be conducted by the responsible coach of base category in question. It is understood by base categories, the amateur categories (not professional), to serve as a "base" for the formation of the cast of professional clubs. What are sub-13 (under 13 years), sub-15 (under 15 years), sub-17 (under 17 years) and sub-20 (under 20 years). The absence of common criterias and performance indicators of these professionals may hamper the evaluation of promising players, and be a costly activity for the club. This study proposes to identify, characterize and categorize the criterias and methods of behavioral evaluation, used by coaches of base categories of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) to evaluate the sportive performance of young soccer players, with the purpose of to compare the criterias of evaluation of sportive performance of young soccer players, used by coaches with different time of experience in function. The proposal had 2 pilot studies, the first (June and July, 2007) were interviewed 29 coaches, 17 of category sub-13 and 12 of category sub-17. The data were tabulated and organized into spreadsheets in order to describe, and developed a set of descriptors of behavior. And the second (May and June, 2008), with revisions made based on observations, analysis and descriptions found in the first, were interviewed 14 technical of category sub-15. After the results found in pilots, it was possible to outline the study in question, which had 46 coaches base categories of the RN. And from the results show that the characteristic of greatest importance, according to the interviewees was the behavior, the 2nd most important characteristic considered was the motivation, the 3rd was the ability and the 4th was the physical condition and the last was the affiliation. And by analyzing the results to the methods of evaluation of sportive performance used by coaches, it was noted clearly that most uses only the observation to select young soccer players. Therefore, needs a systematization to the selection of soccer players, since there is complexity in the verification of characteristics and aspects involved with purpose to avoid wrong evaluations and selections and the results negligible
Embora a escassez de água seja reconhecida como um dos principais problemas mundiais a ser enfrentado pela humanidade, padrões comportamentais ecologicamente insustentáveis ainda persistem. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar determinantes do comportamento pró-ambiental relativo à água, bem como os significados que lhe são atribuídos por alunos do ensino médio do Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte, em Natal. Compuseram a amostra de conveniência 315 estudantes, 146 mulheres e 169 homens, que responderam a um questionário sobre uso e percepção da água, contendo também indicadores de pró-ambientalismo, cuidado ambiental, desenvolvimento sustentável, perspectiva temporal, externalidades e coletivismo, além de inquérito sócio-demográfico. Para os participantes, água é sinônimo de vida, muito embora a relação que mantém com ela parece dúbia e, muito mais funcional que ecológica; consideram-na um recurso finito, um patrimônio indispensável à vida, contudo não foi observada coerência entre as concepções manifestadas e os comportamentos auto-relatados de uso da água. Os resultados encontrados apontaram preditores importantes do comportamento pró-ambiental relativo à água: sexo do respondente, Escala Novo Paradigma Ecológico e deixar forma de contato para participar de campanhas futuras. Seja para aprofundamento teórico em novos estudos, seja para auxiliar na elaboração de programas de educação ambiental, que poderiam contribuir para inibir os efeitos de uma cultura de consumo e de uma visão utilitarista da água, ampliando esforços individuais e coletivos para a preservação de bens comuns, como a água. Palavras-chave: psicologia ambiental; sustentabilidade; água; comportamento próambiental. x xi Abstract Although water scarcity is recognized as one of the main world-wide problems to be faced by human kind, ecologically unsustainable patterns of behavior still persist. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze pro-environmental behavior related to water, as well as meanings associated to it by high school students of Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio Grande do Norte, in Natal. The convenience sample was composed by 315 students, 146 women and 169 men, who answered a questionnaire about use and perception of water, containing indicators of proenvironmentalism, environmental care, sustainable development, time perspective, externalities and collectivism, besides socio-demographic items. According to participants, water is synonymous of life, even though the relationship they present with it is ambiguous, much more functional than ecological; they consider it a finite resource, an indispensable life patrimony, however there was no coherence between such conceptions and the self-reported behaviors of water use. Results indicated three important predictors of pro-environmental behavior: sex of respondent, New Ecological Paradigm Scale and telephone/address left for eventual contact to participate in future environmental campaigns. They may be used in additional studies for theoretical development, or to assist in the planning of programs of environmental education, aimed at the inhibition of the effects of a culture of consumption and of an utilitarian perception of water, extending individual and collective efforts towards the preservation of common resources as water
Nowadays, the urban chaos brings some problems to the citizens such as mental fatigue, irritability and lack of attention, emphasizing the need for open urban spaces, capable to contribute to the restoration of physical and mental balance of people. By the variety of alternative uses available, many of them related to the stimulus of entertainment activities, the squares have been identified as restorative environments, especially by its potential as a place of leisure. In this context, the objective of this dissertation is to understand the use of the square as leisure environment, by a square in Natal RN, establishing the relationship between environmental and behavioral characteristics. More specifically, I attempt to identify the major activities that happen there, the people that develop them and the spatial and temporal configurations of this occupation. Among the 290 squares available in the city, the Kalina Maia Square was selected, which is located in the district of Lagoa Nova. The case study chosen was based on criteria relating to scale, shape, location on the urban environment, variability of uses and conservation status. In the study were used behavioral mapping place-centered and people-centered, behavior trace analysis and 14 interviews. The results show that the square is used by people from different ages and social classes, subdivided into groups with specific days and times. These users are usually engaged in activities related to various types of leisure, with sports predominance. The relationship between spatial configuration and behavior shows that there is a sectorization of uses, being possible to identify the environmental characteristics that most favor observed activities, especially in relation to shading and presence of furniture and equipment. Moreover, throughout the day it appears that the affordances inherent to the various fixed objects on the square are decoded differently by various categories of users, by giving them insights that help the development of leisure activities that characterize each group
Although water scarcity is recognized as one of the main world-wide problems to be faced by human kind, ecologically unsustainable patterns of behavior still persist. Thus, the objective of this study was to analyze pro-environmental behavior related to water, as well as meanings associated to it by high school students of Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio Grande do Norte, in Natal. The convenience sample was composed by 315 students, 146 women and 169 men, who answered a questionnaire about use and perception of water, containing indicators of proenvironmentalism, environmental care, sustainable development, time perspective, externalities and collectivism, besides socio-demographic items. According to participants, water is synonymous of life, even though the relationship they present with it is ambiguous, much more functional than ecological; they consider it a finite resource, an indispensable life patrimony, however there was no coherence between such conceptions and the self-reported behaviors of water use. Results indicated three important predictors of pro-environmental behavior: sex of respondent, New Ecological Paradigm Scale and telephone/address left for eventual contact to participate in future environmental campaigns. They may be used in additional studies for theoretical development, or to assist in the planning of programs of environmental education, aimed at the inhibition of the effects of a culture of consumption and of an utilitarian perception of water, extending individual and collective efforts towards the preservation of common resources as water
Foram entrevistados via ligação telefônica 1.410 indivíduos, amostra aleatória e representativa da população acima de 18 anos residente em domicílios conectados à rede de telefonia fixa. A prevalência de tabagismo foi de 21,8%, maior em homens (25%) e em indivíduos na faixa entre 18 e 29 anos. Tabagismo e sedentarismo juntos ocorrem em 13,9% dos homens e 14,2% das mulheres; tabagismo e baixo consumo de frutas em 12,9% dos homens e 12,3% das mulheres; e tabagismo e baixo consumo de legumes em 5,8% dos homens e 5,1% das mulheres. A associação de tabagismo e consumo excessivo de álcool foi observada apenas nos homens (em 3,5% deles) e, da mesma forma que verificada para tabagismo isoladamente, sua ocorrência concomitante a outros fatores comportamentais de risco de doenças e agravos crônicos não transmissíveis (DANT) associou-se inversamente à escolaridade. Os dados apontam indícios de efeito de aglomeração entre tabagismo e sedentarismo, tabagismo e álcool em excesso, tabagismo e dieta inadequada, justificando intervenções focadas na prevenção e redução concomitante dos principais fatores comportamentais de risco de DANT.
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a relação entre a cárie precoce, variáveis sócio-comportamentais e o locus de controle da saúde em um grupo de crianças de 24 a 35 meses de idade de Araraquara, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram envolvidas todas as crianças de ambos os sexos, na mencionada faixa etária, matriculadas em sete Centros Municipais de Educação e Recreação Infantil, totalizando 110 crianças. Os exames foram realizados por um examinador, previamente, calibrado para a aplicação dos critérios propostos pela OMS para determinação da condição dentária. Um questionário foi respondido pelas mães, sendo que seu conteúdo incluía informações referentes às características sócio-econômicas, comportamentos e atitudes relacionados à saúde bucal da criança, além da escala multidimensional do locus de controle da saúde. A prevalência de cárie precoce (lesões cavitadas e não cavitadas) foi de 28,2%. Observou-se associação significativa entre a escolaridade paterna (p = 0,01) e cárie precoce; não houve associação significativa entre as médias de nenhuma das subescalas do locus de controle e a cárie precoce. Os resultados sugerem que os pais não devam ser tidos apenas como provedores, mas como uma importante influência no desenvolvimento infantil como um todo.
TEMA: o objetivo deste estudo foi descrever os aspectos clínico, comportamental, cognitivo e comunicativo de indivíduos com o diagnóstico genético da Síndrome Smith-Magenis. PROCEDIMENTOS: participaram dois indivíduos do sexo masculino, de nove e 19 anos. Realizou-se a avaliação genética clínica e laboratorial (teste FISH, utilizando sonda para região 17p11.2). A avaliação psicológica constou da observação comportamental e aplicação da Escala Wechsler de Inteligência. A avaliação Fonoaudiológica foi realizada por meio de procedimentos formais e informais e avaliação auditiva periférica. RESULTADOS: a análise genética clínica evidenciou as características fenotípicas da síndrome Smith-Magenis, confirmada pela avaliação laboratorial. A avaliação psicológica evidenciou o fenótipo comportamental peculiar da síndrome Smith-Magenis e comprovou a deficiência intelectual de grau moderado nos dois indivíduos. A avaliação fonoaudiológica mostrou alterações no desempenho linguístico, com alterações nos níveis fonológico, semântico, sintático e pragmático e nas habilidades psicolinguísticas, interferindo nas habilidades comunicativas e de aprendizagem. A avaliação auditiva indicou audição periférica dentro de parâmetros de normalidade. CONCLUSÃO: a avaliação multidisciplinar favoreceu a descrição dos aspectos clínicos, comportamentais, cognitivos que pertencem ao fenótipo comportamental da síndrome Smith-Magenis e permitiu verificar que estes apresentam graves alterações da linguagem oral, das habilidades psicolinguísticas e do processamento das informações visuais e auditivas com reflexos marcantes no desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicativas e processos de aprendizagem.
To deal with restrictions takes in them to a boarding that has been studied as perspective theoretician to understand as the practitioners acquire standards of coordination in the chosen sports (ARAUJO, 2005). It is basic for the training that if has a knowledge concerning the restrictions more significant than they act on the human performance of the athletes, because this will make possible one adequate recital in the work proposal of the team staff. The question of the theory application, in the world of the sport, is a tool has very desired and pursued, however, nor always if they apply the theoretical knowledge in experimental research that promotes enough and important alterations, that can favor the real additions to Sport Sciences. This study it is an attempt to collaborate in this intention, in way to locate and to modify beginning usual routines between experts and of the sports, in special to the considered situation sports, as the Volleyball (IVOILOV, 2001). This objective is not fixed only in the relative questions to the teach-learning processes, nor so little to the sportive training, but it advances, also, for the instructions given for the coaches to commanded its, at moments any of the sportive trajectory of these; it innovates when searching to exemplify, directly, in a modality of international domain but with few systematic analyses on the human performances in question.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Twetve external morphological traits and seven traits of food-gathering behavior were studied in africanized and caucasian (A. m. caucasica), bees. Discriminant analysis showed that neither the length of the fourth segment of the abdomen, nor bee weight can be considered as the traits with the highest discriminatory power between africanized and caucasian bees, with any in-bred bees. In the case of in-bred bees the discriminam traits had a lower interorbital width and time to reach the feeder. Multivariate comparisons between the data of in-bred colonies and twenty hibrid colonies, suggest dominance of the genes group of the africanized subspecies.
A obesidade é atualmente um problema de saúde pública que provoca sérias conseqüências sociais, físicas e psicológicas. A etiologia da obesidade não é de fácil identificação, uma vez que a mesma é caracterizada como doença multifatorial de complexa interação entre fatores comportamentais, culturais, genéticos, fisiológicos e psicológicos. Recentes avanços na área de endocrinologia e metabolismo mostram que, diferentemente do que se acreditava há alguns anos, o adipócito sintetiza e libera diversas substâncias, não sendo apenas uma célula armazenadora de energia. Entre as substâncias liberadas pelo adipócito incluem-se a adiponectina, o fator de necrose tumoral-alfa, a interleucina-6 e a leptina. Especificamente, a leptina desempenha importante papel no controle da ingestão alimentar e no controle do peso corporal em mamíferos. Além disso, o hormônio ghrelina, recentemente descoberto, também parece influenciar o metabolismo energético e a obesidade. As alterações que o exercício físico provoca na fisiologia endócrino-metabólica podem contribuir sobremaneira para a prática clínica. Assim, essa revisão abordará os conhecimentos mais recentes sobre a leptina, a ghrelina e o papel dos diferentes tipos de exercício físico sobre estes hormônios. Os trabalhos mostram que a relação entre o exercício físico e a concentração plasmática desses peptídeos ainda não está clara. As razões para isso poderiam ser devidas aos diferentes protocolos de treinamento físico empregados nos estudos. Além disso, diferenças genéticas também podem explicar as discrepâncias entre os resultados obtidos em seres humanos, pois a existência de polimorfismo em alguns genes pode acarretar respostas celulares diferentes frente ao exercício físico.