924 resultados para Teitalbaum, Leonard
Chistabino is the variety of Aragonese, a Romance dialect descended from Latin, like Spanish, still spoken in the Valley of Gistau, bordering on France and formed by the River Cinqueta, in the central part of the Spanish Pyrenees (Province of Huesca). Although it is spoken mainly in the village of Gistaín (c. 240 inhabitants; c. 1400 m above sea-level, near latitude 42°35′), and is fairly well preserved by the older generations there, fluent speakers can still be found also in the nearby locality of San Juan. The other inhabited villages in the valley (Plan, Serveto, Sin and Saravillo) have suffered much greater degrees of erosion by Castilian (Standard Spanish), which has increased its influence through much improved communications, leading to the development of tourism in the area and emigration by the young in search of greater prosperity. The remaining village, Señes, has been uninhabited since 1970.
How much Aragonese is still spoken remains largely an unknown quantity. Naturally, establishing the number of speakers of any variety begs the question of what speaking a language actually means, and the picture is often clouded by the political interests of particular groups, as is the case in Aragon. The strong claim to the continued widespread use of Aragonese made by such associations as the Consello d"a Fabla in Huesca is counterbalanced by that of the more reactionary, sceptical academics at the University of Saragossa, who maintain that Aragonese varieties, ignoring the Catalan of Aragon spoken right down La Franja, the transition area between Aragon and Catalonia, now only survive in certain pockets of resistance across the north of Huesca. This paper will attempt to provide a summary of the available facts and report on some of the author"s own findings during his more recent trips to Aragon. Keywords Spanish dialectology, Aragonese, standardization of Aragonese, vitality of Aragonese
This paper gives a full description of the phonetics and phonology of Traditional Cockney and Popular London speech, treating these varieties as constituting a continuum rather than two separate dialects. Exemplification of the vowels, diphthongs and consonants is provided, both in isolate words and in connected speech, along with their range of variation. The frequencies of the vowels have been charted on the basis of the pronunciation of three elderly male speakers. Regarding the consonants, there are detailed observations on the features typically associated with the linguistic varieties examined: strong aspiration of unvoiced plosives, glottalization, H-dropping, L-vocalization and TH-fronting. A section on prosody provides coverage of lexical stress, rhythm and intonation. The paper takes into account up-to-date research on these phenomena, but does not deal with the most recent vowel shifts, some of which form part of Multi-cultural London English.
BACKGROUND: Alcohol dependence (AD) carries a high mortality burden, which may be mitigated by reduced alcohol consumption. We conducted a systematic literature review and meta-analysis investigating the risk of all-cause mortality in alcohol-dependent subjects. METHODS: MEDLINE, MEDLINE In-Process, Embase and PsycINFO were searched from database conception through 26th June 2014. Eligible studies reported all-cause mortality in both alcohol-dependent subjects and a comparator population of interest. Two individuals independently reviewed studies. Of 4540 records identified, 39 observational studies were included in meta-analyses. FINDINGS: We identified a significant increase in mortality for alcohol-dependent subjects compared with the general population (27 studies; relative risk [RR] = 3.45; 95% CI [2.96, 4.02]; p < 0.0001). The mortality increase was also significant compared to subjects qualifying for a diagnosis of alcohol abuse or subjects without alcohol use disorders (AUDs). Alcohol-dependent subjects continuing to drink heavily had significantly greater mortality than alcohol-dependent subjects who reduced alcohol intake, even if abstainers were excluded (p < 0.05). INTERPRETATION: AD was found to significantly increase an individual's risk of all-cause mortality. While abstinence in alcohol-dependent subjects led to greater mortality reduction than non-abstinence, this study suggests that alcohol-dependent subjects can significantly reduce their mortality risk by reducing alcohol consumption.
Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma on vuosina 1936–1986 valmistuneiden 11 pitkän Disneypiirroselokuvan fiktiivisten hahmojen suomenkielisten nimien onomastinen tutkimus. Pyrin käsittelemään elokuvien hahmonnimien muodostusta, rakennetta ja merkitystä kognitiivisesta näkökulmasta. Aineistossani analysoimani elokuvien 112 hahmonnimeä ovat johdoksina, yhdyssanoina, kollokaatioina ja appellatiiveina esiintyviä henkilönnimiä. Korpukseeni keräämäni hahmonnimet esiintyvät eri nimityyppien kategorioissa joko varsinaisina niminä (esim. Kulkuri), titteleinä ja ammattia ilmaisevina niminä (esim. Suurherttua), sukulaisuutta ilmaisevina niminä (esim. Äiti Osteri), lempija kutsumaniminä (esim. Tipunen) tai kölliniminä (esim. Vanha Puskajussi). Otan historiallisen morfologian lähtökohdan ainestoni hahmonnimien sananmuodostukseen ja sovellan siihen kognitiivisia menetelmiä. Diakronisista diminutiivisista aineksista esimerkiksi ovat kehittyneet feminiinistävät tai affektiiviset johtimet, kuten -tAr tai -(i)nen. Esitän myös, että useat hahmonnimet kuvailevat tai luonnehtivat takoitettaan niiden sananmuodostustapojen tai appellatiivien perusteella. Johdinten, yhdys- tai kollokaatio-osien tai yksittäisten appellatiivien avulla voidaan nähdä, että nimenainekset kategorisoivat hahmonnimen kokonaan. Hahmonnimien rakenteesta osoitan, että johdosnimissä on sekä kategorisoiva että kategorisoitu nimenelementti. Funktionaalis-semanttisen luokittelumallin näkökulmasta osoitan, että kaikissa hahmonnimissä on joko luokitteleva tai yksilöivä nimenosa tai molemmat. Hahmonnimen kategoriointi perustuu sen nimenelementteihin ja -osiin. Hahmonnimien SUKUPUOLI-kategorioinnissa esimerkiksi naishahmon nimi (37 nimeä) on prototyyppisesti merkitty feminiiniksi joko johtimella (32 %) tai appellatiivilla (46 %), kun taas mieshahmon nimi (75 nimeä) on merkitty selvästi maskuliiniksi vain appellativeilla (44 %) tai on kokonaan merkitsemätön (46 %). Kategorioissa NAISPUOLINEN ja MIESPUOLINEN on myös sukupuolen todennäköisiä tunnusmerkitsijöitä. Tämän hahmonnimistön merkityssuhteet kognitiivisiin alueihin voivat olla joko suoria tai epäsuoria. Suora merkityssuhde koskee tarkoitteiden nimen nimenosiin heijastuvia transparentteja ominaispiirteitä (esim. Pahatar). Epäsuora merkityssuhde voi olla metaforinen, kuten ELÄIN ON IHMINEN (esim. Herttuatar), metonyyminen, kuten ÄÄNI EDUSTAA OLENTOA (esim. Helinä-keiju) tai symbolinen (esim. Tuhkimo). Esitän lisäksi yhden hahmonnimen merkityssuhteen, jossa on pakatun merkityssuhteen piirteitä.
r1950, New York.