614 resultados para Tanzania.
This study investigated the gender difference between male and female injection drug users’ (IDUs) life circumstances, income and risky sexual and drug behaviors. The study sample comprised of 318 male and 249 female injection drug users in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. There were gender differences between male and female IDUs in terms of life circumstances and sexual behaviors. There were no differences in the drug behaviors among the two sexes. Women were more likely to be 21-25 years of age, have had more sexual partners in the last 30 days, traded sex for money, and have been sexually abused as a child. On the other hand, the males were more likely to be 26-30 years of age and have never used a condom during sex in the last 30 days. Regardless of the differences in sexual risk behaviors by gender, both male and female injection drug users in Dar es Salaam are at risk of HIV/AIDS, blood borne and other sexually transmitted diseases associated with drug use.^
Since heroin was introduced to East Africa during the 1980s, heroin use practices have changed rapidly in response to various internal and external pressures. The aim of this study was to identify and describe the population of heroin users and locations of heroin use in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, in order to understand recent contexts of heroin use. The study took place between June 30 and August 19, 2011, in all three districts (Kinondoni, Ilala, and Temeke) of Dar es Salaam. We mapped sites using a Global Positioning System device, counted numbers of heroin users, and conducted informal interviews with heroin users. The mixed-methods analyses of the data included quantifying the basic demographic and aggregate information about the sites and heroin users, as well as qualitative analysis and coding of fieldnotes from observations and responses to interviews which was used to identify themes and characteristics of heroin users. ^ We identified a total of 150 sites and counted a total of 1046 male and 46 female non-injecting drug users and 78 male and 9 female injecting drug users (IDUs) of heroin. We found that social organization existed at some of the sites, with 31% (n=47) of sites reporting having a leader and 44% (n=66) of sites reporting mutual aid between users frequenting the site. We had difficulty locating IDUs and female drug users, and the majority of users we encountered were heroin smokers of kokteli, a mixture of heroin, cannabis, and/or tobacco which is smoked like a cigarette. ^ This research highlighted heroin smokers’ desire for access to drug treatment services. The current methadone-based medication assisted treatment (MAT) program is funded and operates as an HIV prevention program for IDUs to reduce HIV infection in this population and slow or stop the spread of a second wave of HIV infection in the general population. However, smokers perceived MAT to be primarily a drug use prevention or cessation program and felt unjustly neglected from the intervention, leading to a tense relationship with IDUs. From a public health standpoint, future interventions should include heroin smokers to prevent HIV transmission. ^
Species diversity is the most common variable reported in recent ecological research articles. Ecological processes, however, are driven by individuals. High abundances make arthropods, despite their small body sizes, important actors in food webs. We sampled arthropod assemblages in disturbed and undisturbed vegetation types along an elevation gradient of from 800 to 4550 m a.s.l. on the southern slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. In our analysis, we focused on 13 different lineages of arthropods that represented three major functional groups: predators, herbivores and decomposers. The samples were collected with pitfall traps on 59 (of 60) study sites within the framework of the KiLi-project (https://www.kilimanjaro.biozentrum.uni-wuerzburg.de/). In each of twelve vegetation types five sampling sites of 50 m x 50 m were established with a minimum distance of 300 m between the individual sites. On each of the 59 sites, ten pitfall traps were evenly spaced along two 50 m transects, with a distance of 10 m between individual traps and 20 m between the parallel transects. Pitfall traps were filled with 100-200 ml of a mixture of ethylenglycol and water (1:1) with a drop of liquid soap to break surface tension. Traps were exposed at 2 to 5 sampling events for seven days in both the dry and wet seasons between May 2011 and October 2012. The reported abundances per lineage were averaged twice: first over all samples per site for each sampling event (3-10 analyzed samples per site and sampling event), and then averaged over all sampling events for each site.
This paper, investigates causal relationships among agriculture, manufacturing and export in Tanzania by using time series data for the period between 1970 and 2005. The empirical results show in both sectors there is Granger causality where agriculture causes both exports and manufacturing. Exports also cause both agricultural GDP and manufacturing GDP and any two variables out of three jointly cause the third one. There is also some evidence that manufacturing does not cause export and agriculture. Regarding cointegration, pairwise agricultural GDP and export are cointegrated, export and manufacture are cointegrated. Agriculture and manufacture are cointegrated but they are lag sensitive. However, three variables, manufacturing, export and agriculture both together are cointegrated showing that they share long run relation and this has important economic implications.
Given the migration premium previously identified in an impact evaluation approach, this paper asks the question of why migration is not more prominent, given such high premium associated with it. Using long-term household panel data drawn from rural Tanzania, Kagera for the period 1991-2004, this study aims to answer this question by exploring the contribution of education in the migration premium. By separating migrants into those that moved out of original villages but remained within Kagera and those who left the region, this study finds that, in consumption, the return on investment in education is higher at both destinations. However, whilst the higher return on education fully explains the gains associated with migration within Kagera, it only partly explains those of external migration. These findings suggest that welfare opportunities are higher at the destination and that an individual's limited investment in education plays a major role in preventing short-distance migration from becoming a significant source of raising welfare, which is not the case for long-distance migration. While education plays a role, it appears that other mechanisms may prohibit rural agents from exploiting the arbitrage opportunity when they migrate to the destination at a great distance from the source.
In a traditional system of exogamous and patrilocal marriage prevalent in much of Sub-Saharan Africa, when she marries, a rural woman typically leaves her kin to reside with her husband living outside her natal village. Since a village that allows a widow to inherit her late husband's land can provide her with old age security, single females living outside the village are more likely to marry into the village. Using a natural experimental setting, provided by the longitudinal household panel data drawn from rural Tanzania for the period from 1991 to 2004, during which several villages that initially banned a widow's land inheritance removed this discrimination, this study provides evidence in support of this view, whereby altering a customary land inheritance rules in a village in favor of widows increased the probability of males marrying in that village. This finding suggests that providing rural women with old age protection (e.g., insurance, livelihood protection) has remarkable spatial and temporal welfare effects by influencing their decision to marry.
Desde los comienzos, la agricultura ha sido una de las actividades más importantes relacionadas con la humanidad y su desarrollo. Es una actividad sin la cual los humanos no hubieran sobrevivido. Por ello es importante, y más aun en aquellos países en vía de desarrollo donde uno de los objetivos principales a mejorar es la disminución de la pobreza que se puede cumplir a través de una mejora de la producción de alimento. El sector agrícola siempre genera mayor crecimiento. En concreto, puede incrementar un 29% del producto interior bruto (PIB) de un país en vías de desarrollo. Es decir, es al menos el doble de eficaz en reducirla pobreza que cualquier otro sector, siendo un claro ejemplo que una vez que incrementan las exportaciones de los productos primarios (agroalimentarios) se generarán divisas. Por todo ello los países se deberían preocupar más en mejorar la agricultura y sus técnicas, así como informar a sus agricultores de que cultivos y formas de manejo son las más adecuadas para la obtención de los mejores rendimientos. Tanzania es uno de esos países y esa ha sido la razón por la cual colaborar con la Fundación Agrónomos Sin Fronteras en la realización del proyecto ha sido de gran satisfacción para mi persona, aportándome conocimiento tanto en mi faceta técnica como en la personal, aprendiendo nuevos lenguajes y culturas. En esta dirección el presente trabajo se llevó a cabo dentro de las líneas de cooperación al desarrollo que Fundación Agrónomos Sin Fronteras (FASF) viene ejecutando en Tanzania desde 2004. Las comarcas donde se ha llevado dicho estudio, Pawaga, Sadani y Kilolo se se sitúan en la zona suroeste de Tanzania. Las tres se caracterizan por sus escasos recursos económicos y su alto nivel de pobreza, dependiendo la población de una agricultura de subsistencia para su supervivencia. Los distritos del estudio se diferencian sobre todo en el clima, que condiciona a los cultivos dominantes entre los que destacan arroz, maíz, judía y girasol.
La variación en calidad y cantidad de agua a lo largo del año en Tanzania provoca que la población de las zonas rurales se vea sometida a falta de acceso a agua potable. Según la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la distancia a la fuente de agua más próxima debe ser menor a 1000 metros y la espera para obtención del agua no mayor a 30 minutos. A lo largo del artículo se analiza la red de abastecimiento y se presentará el estudio de un sistema de tratamiento de potabilización de agua de bajo coste aplicado a pequeñas comunidades de países en desarrollo. La planta potabilizadora consistirá en un canal sedimentador, un filtro lento de arenas y un sistema de cloración en el depósito. Se analizará cada tratamiento realizado en la planta potabilizadora y su acción sobre la calidad del agua.
La oferta de ciudadanía por parte de Tanzania a unos 200.000 refugiados recibió atención y apoyo internacionales. El hecho de reconocer los puntos fuertes y los defectos de este modelo podría potencialmente ayudar a desbloquear otras situaciones de desplazamiento prolongado alrededor del mundo.