589 resultados para Taiwan - ulkopolitiikka


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Ying-Ko Vocational High School prepares students to become trained craftspeople to support the local industry. At the School it is understood that part of the mission is to build good citizens who will work and live in the emerging democratic society in modern Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions of the students, parents, and teachers regarding their understanding and appreciation of the code of student conduct currently in use at the school. A three-stage sample clustering was used to obtain the samples of students (N = 2,216), parents (N = 100), and teachers (N = 115) who were surveyed using three distinct but comparable questionnaires. Data were analyzed using t test and ANOVA. ^ After reviewing the results of the analysis of the questionnaire no significant differences were noted which set any one group apart from the others. Each group demonstrated acceptance of the code as written and implemented. It was concluded that Chinese culture and tradition might be stronger than initially thought. This is an important finding as schools in Taiwan move toward teaching democracy and independence to their students. ^


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The Ministry of Education (MOE) of the Republic of China in Taiwan considers English to be one of the keys to raising Taiwan's international competitiveness and requires students attending institutes of technology to receive instruction in English as a foreign language (EFL). This study focused on impacts of the use of cooperative learning as a teaching method on EFL learners. The setting was the English classes of Chung-Hwa Institute of Technology (CHIT). The subjects were 77 students from two classes, majoring in Business Administration. ^ The purpose of this study was to determine the differential effects (i.e., achievement in learning English, motivation orientation and intensity, and attitude concerning English language and culture) on students between the traditional Chinese teaching method and the Jigsaw cooperative learning method at CHIT. ^ The research design for the study was quasi-experimental and descriptive. This study utilized three survey instruments and final exam grades to investigate the effect of Jigsaw on the EFL students' competency in English, and on their attitudes about, and level of motivation toward learning English. The independent variable was the instructional method: one class utilized the Jigsaw approach to cooperative learning while the other utilized the traditional Chinese approach. The dependent variables were academic performance, motivation orientation toward English, motivation intensity toward learning English, and attitude toward learning of English and English culture as determined by final exam and questionnaire scores. The questionnaires and exam were administrated at the beginning and end of the semester. ^ Data analysis indicated that students learning cooperatively had higher final course grades and made more integrative statements on the measure of orientation toward learning English than students who learned using the traditional Chinese methods. Participants who learned using cooperative strategies had more positive attitudes about learning English connected with their desire to associate with English speakers and had more positive attitudes about the learning mechanism they experienced than those instructed though traditional Chinese learning strategies. There were no differences between the groups on the measure of motivation intensity. Recommendations were made to improve the use of the Jigsaw method of cooperative learning through both pedagogical and policy modifications. ^


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The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between working professionals' Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy beliefs (CDMSE beliefs) and their reasons for participating in in-service master's level programs in Taiwan. ^ The data collection instruments used were Grotelueschen's (1985) Participation Reasons Scale (PRS), and Betz, Klein, and Taylor's (1996) Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy-Short Form (CDMSE-SF), and a Demographic Data Form (DDF) developed specifically for this study. ^ Surveys were administered to 800 working professionals who participated in inservice master's level programs at 22 Taiwanese universities. The survey was conducted in May 2004. Data were analyzed by simple descriptive statistics, principal component factor analysis, and multiple regression. Four factors of participation reasons were found and five components of CDMSE beliefs were scored. ^ Five components of CDMSE beliefs are structured into the CDMSE-SF instrument: Self-Appraisal, Occupational Information, Goal-Selection, Planning, and Problem Solving. The reasons for participation found in this study were: Professional Improvement and Development, Professional Service, Personal Benefit and Job Security, and Professional Competence and Collegial Interaction. Pearson-product moment correlations revealed significant positive correlations between the five CDMSE subscales and the four factors of participation reasons. Multiple regression analysis revealed that participants' beliefs in their abilities to obtain information about occupations accounted for the preponderance of variance of scores on the Participation Reasons Scale (PRS). ^ This study concluded that professionals who believed that they were efficacious in obtaining information about occupations or professions tended to believe that the four reasons for participation represented by the factors of the PRS were important to them in making the decision to participate in continuing education. Additionally, it was noted that the reasons for participations for professionals who did not feel confident in their abilities to find such information could not be determined. ^ Recommendations are offered to assist those individuals responsible for developing recruiting programs in continuing education for professionals in Taiwan. These recommendations focus only on strategies intended to attract this target population of professionals who believe that they are efficacious in obtaining information about occupations. ^


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In outsourcing relationships with China, the Electronic Manufacturing (EM) and Information Technology Services (ITS) industry in Taiwan may possess such advantages as the continuing growth of its production value, complete manufacturing supply chain, low production cost and a large-scale Chinese market, and language and culture similarity compared to outsourcing to other countries. Nevertheless, the Council for Economic Planning and Development of Executive Yuan (CEPD) found that Taiwan's IT services outsourcing to China is subject to certain constraints and might not be as successful as the EM outsourcing (Aggarwal, 2003; CEPD, 2004a; CIER, 2003; Einhorn and Kriplani, 2003; Kumar and Zhu, 2006; Li and Gao, 2003; MIC, 2006). Some studies examined this issue, but failed to (1) provide statistical evidence about lower prevalence rates of IT services outsourcing, and (2) clearly explain the lower prevalence rates of IT services outsourcing by identifying similarities and differences between both types of outsourcing contexts. This research seeks to fill that gap and possibly provide potential strategic guidelines to ITS firms in Taiwan. This study adopts Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) as the theoretical basis. The basic premise is that different types of outsourcing activities may incur differing transaction costs and realize varying degrees of outsourcing success due to differential attributes of the transactions in the outsourcing process. Using primary data gathered from questionnaire surveys of ninety two firms, the results from exploratory analysis and binary logistic regression indicated that (1) when outsourcing to China, Taiwanese firms' ITS outsourcing tends to have higher level of asset specificity, uncertainty and technical skills relative to EM outsourcing, and these features indirectly reduce firms' outsourcing prevalence rates via their direct positive impacts on transaction costs; (2) Taiwanese firms' ITS outsourcing tends to have lower level of transaction structurability relative to EM outsourcing, and this feature indirectly increases firms' outsourcing prevalence rates via its direct negative impacts on transaction costs; (3) frequency does influence firms' transaction costs in ITS outsourcing positively, but does not bring impacts into their outsourcing prevalence rates, (4) relatedness does influence firms' transaction costs positively and prevalence rates negatively in ITS outsourcing, but its impacts on the prevalence rates are not caused by the mediation effects of transaction costs, and (5) firm size of outsourcing provider does not affect firms' transaction costs, but does affect their outsourcing prevalence rates in ITS outsourcing directly and positively. Using primary data gathered from face-to-face interviews of executives from seven firms, the results from inductive analysis indicated that (1) IT services outsourcing has lower prevalence rates than EM outsourcing, and (2) this result is mainly attributed to Taiwan's core competence in manufacturing and management and higher overall transaction costs of IT services outsourcing. Specifically, there is not much difference between both types of outsourcing context in the transaction characteristics of reputation and most aspects of overall comparison. Although there are some differences in the feature of firm size of the outsourcing provider, the difference doesn't cause apparent impacts on firms' overall transaction costs. The medium or above medium difference in the transaction characteristics of asset specificity, uncertainty, frequency, technical skills, transaction structurability, and relatedness has caused higher overall transaction costs for IT services outsourcing. This higher cost might cause lower prevalence rates for ITS outsourcing relative to EM outsourcing. Overall, the interview results are consistent with the statistical analyses and provide support to my expectation that in outsourcing to China, Taiwan's electronic manufacturing firms do have lower prevalence rates of IT services outsourcing relative to EM outsourcing due to higher transaction costs caused by certain attributes. To solve this problem, firms' management should aim at identifying alternative strategies and strive to reduce their overall transaction costs of IT services outsourcing by initiating appropriate strategies which fit their environment and needs.


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Catalog of an exhibition held at the Frost Art Museum, Florida International University. Curated by Carol Damian and Catalina Jaramillo.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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La culture est un facteur fondamental déterminant du comportement de l'être humain. Chacun de nous est le produit de sa culture (Wilkie 1986). Elle nous fournit un ensemble de valeurs, de normes et de formes de comportement, apprises et partagées par les membres d'une société et transmises de génération en génération (Petrof 1988). Une culture évolue avec l'environnement. Les systèmes économiques et politiques et le niveau technologique contribuent à l'évolution de l'environnement. Une culture comprend ordinairement plusieurs sous-cultures. Une sous-culture peut être définie comme un groupe d'individus dont les normes et les valeurs sont différentes de celles qu'on retrouve à l'intérieur de la culture globale dont elle fait partie (Dussart 1983; Petrof 1988). Il y a un certain nombre de caractéristiques qui peuvent définir une sous-culture dans une culture: - l'origine ethnique ou l'ethnicité (par exemple, les sous-cultures française, italienne et chinoise au Canada); - les groupes religieux (par exemple, les juifs et les catholiques); - la situation géographique (par exemple, au Canada, les provinces de l'ouest, les provinces de l'est et celles de l'atlantique); - la race (par exemple, les noirs).


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Tämä tutkielma käsittelee Suomen ulkoasianhallinnon suhtautumista Saksojen yhdistymisprosessiin 1989−1990. Jaetusta Saksasta oli vuosien saatossa tullut niin olennainen osa kylmän sodan voimatasapainoa Euroopassa, että vastaus Saksan kysymyksen vaati myös ratkaisua siitä, miten koko Euroopan turvallisuus tulevaisuudessa järjestettäisiin ja kenen tai minkä toimesta tämä tapahtuisi. Siksi yhdistyminen olikin monipolvinen prosessi, jossa erilaiset visiot Euroopan tulevaisuudesta kamppailivat. Voittajaksi selviytyi lopulta Länsi-Saksan liittokanslerin Helmut Kohlin ja Yhdysvaltain ajama malli, jossa DDR liitettiin osaksi Länsi-Saksaa ja yhdistynyt Saksa jäi sekä EY:n että Naton jäseneksi. Suomalaisdiplomaatit suhtautuivat Saksojen kysymyksen kehitykseen alusta asti varsin varovaisesti. Toisen maailmansodan jälkeisen perinnön selvittäminen ja Saksan kysymyksen ratkaiseminen vastasi Suomen tavoitteita poistamalla jännitystä ylläpitäneen tekijän Euroopassa. Lisäksi Saksojen yhdistymiskehitys näytti suomalaisarvioiden mukaan vahvistavan Suomelle tärkeän Euroopan turvallisuus- ja yhteistyökokouksen, Etykin, roolia. Suomen suhtautumista Saksan kysymyksen ratkaisuun voidaankin kuvata Etyk-optimismiksi. Suomalaisten Etyk-optimismi koostui kahdesta osasta, joista ensimmäinen koski turvallisuuspoliittisessa ympäristössä tapahtuneen muutoksen laajuutta: Berliinin muurin murruttua koko toisen maailmansodan jälkeinen Euroopan kahtiajakoon perustunut Jaltan järjestys oli kaatumassa ja edessä oli koko eurooppalaisen turvallisuusjärjestelmän muutos. Ajattelun toinen osa koski ”Jaltan” korvaajaa, joka suomalaisten arvioiden ja toiveiden mukaan rakentuisi Etykin pohjalle. Suomalaisilla olikin koko Saksan yhdistymisprosessin ajan vahva usko siihen, että juuri Etyk on se järjestys, jonka perusteella uusi Eurooppa rakennettaisiin. Saksan kysymyksen ratkaisun synnyttämä uusi turvallisuuspoliittinen ympäristö loi Suomelle myös mahdollisuuden muuttaa asemaansa. Syntyi Operaatio PAX, salainen suunnitelma, jonka avulla Suomi tulkitsi syksyllä 1990 uudelleen Pariisin rauhansopimusta sekä YYA-sopimusta. Operaatio oli irtiotto vanhoista ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikan linjoista ja siten myös Suomessa 1990-luvulla tapahtuneen ulkopoliittisen suunnanmuutoksen ensimmäinen askel. Sen avulla Suomi asemoi itseään uuteen kylmän sodan jälkeiseen tilanteeseen.


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Scopo del presente elaborato è raccontare una delle tante storie che appartengono al passato di Taiwan, in modo da comprendere approfonditamente gli aspetti più importanti del presente e del futuro dell’isola. La storia e l’identità di Taiwan rappresentano infatti punti chiave per la comprensione degli avvenimenti situati nel presente e delle prospettive future dell’isola, proponendo un’analisi che si inserisce nel quadro del conflitto triangolare tra ROC-RPC-USA.


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Arsenic (As) and chromium (Cr) contents were measured in agricultural supplies used at different farms in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The highest mass fractions of As were found in thermophosphates, reaching levels of 4 mg/kg. The highest mass fractions of Cr (21 g/kg) were found in calcium magnesium silicate, while the thermophosphates also presented high values reaching approximately 1 g/kg. The levels of As were within Brazilian guidelines, but the values of Cr in thermophosphates exceeded the levels permitted in Brazil. The As content in fertilizers may be considered safe (5 mg/kg) in terms of environmental pollution. However, the Cr content in calcium magnesium silicate following continuous use may constitute a significant problem in Brazil due to potentially increasing levels of this metal in soils.


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Research of advanced technologies for energy generation contemplates a series of alternatives that are introduced both in the investigation of new energy sources and in the improvement and/or development of new components and systems. Even though significant reductions are observed in the amount of emissions, the proposed alternatives require the use of exhaust gases cleaning systems. The results of environmental analyses based on two configurations proposed for urban waste incineration are presented in this paper; the annexation of integer (Boolean) variables to the environomic model makes it possible to define the best gas cleaning routes based on exergetic cost minimisation criteria. In this first part, the results for steam cogeneration system analysis associated with the incineration of municipal solid wastes (MSW) is presented. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Universities worldwide are seeking objective measures for the assessment of their faculties` research products to evaluate them and to attain prestige. Despite concerns, the impact factors (IF) of journals where faculties publish have been adopted. Research objective: The study aims to explore conditions created within five countries as a result of policies requiring or not requiring faculty to publish in high IF journals, and the extent to which these facilitated or hindered the development of nursing science. Design: The design was a multiple case study of Brazil, Taiwan, Thailand (with IF policies, Group A), United Kingdom and the United States (no IF policies, Group B). Key informants from each country were identified to assist in subject recruitment. Methods: A questionnaire was developed for data collection. The study was approved by a human subject review committee. Five faculty members of senior rank from each country participated. All communication occurred electronically. Findings: Groups A and B countries differed on who used the policy and the purposes for which it was used. There were both similarities and differences across the five countries with respect to hurdles, scholar behaviour, publishing locally vs. internationally, views of their science, steps taken to internationalize their journals. Conclusions: In group A countries, Taiwan seemed most successful in developing its scholarship. Group B countries have continued their scientific progress without such policies. IF policies were not necessary motivators of scholarship; factors such as qualified nurse scientists, the resource base in the country, may be critical factors in supporting science development.


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Accurate price forecasting for agricultural commodities can have significant decision-making implications for suppliers, especially those of biofuels, where the agriculture and energy sectors intersect. Environmental pressures and high oil prices affect demand for biofuels and have reignited the discussion about effects on food prices. Suppliers in the sugar-alcohol sector need to decide the ideal proportion of ethanol and sugar to optimise their financial strategy. Prices can be affected by exogenous factors, such as exchange rates and interest rates, as well as non-observable variables like the convenience yield, which is related to supply shortages. The literature generally uses two approaches: artificial neural networks (ANNs), which are recognised as being in the forefront of exogenous-variable analysis, and stochastic models such as the Kalman filter, which is able to account for non-observable variables. This article proposes a hybrid model for forecasting the prices of agricultural commodities that is built upon both approaches and is applied to forecast the price of sugar. The Kalman filter considers the structure of the stochastic process that describes the evolution of prices. Neural networks allow variables that can impact asset prices in an indirect, nonlinear way, what cannot be incorporated easily into traditional econometric models.