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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: Walking speed seems to be related to aerobic capacity, lower limb strength, and functional mobility, however it is not clear whether there is a direct relationship between improvement in muscle strength and gait performance in early postmenopausal women. Objective: To evaluate the effect of muscle strengthening exercises on the performance of the 6-minute walk test in women within 5 years of menopause. Methods: The women were randomized into control group (n=31), which performed no exercise, and exercise group (n=27), which performed muscle strengthening exercises. The exercises were performed twice a week for 3 months. The exercise protocol consisted of warm-up, stretching, and strengthening of the quadriceps, hamstring, calf, tibialis anterior, gluteus maximus, and abdominal muscles, followed by relaxation. Muscular strength training started with 60% of 1MR (2 series of 10-15 repetitions), reaching 85% until the end of the 3-month period (4 series of 6 repetitions each). Results: The between-group comparisons pre- and post-intervention did not show any difference in distance walked, heart rate or blood pressure (p>0.05), but showed differences in muscle strength post-intervention, with the exercise group showing greater strength (p<0.05). In the within-group comparison, there were differences in final heart rate and quadriceps and hamstring strength pre- and post-intervention in the exercise group (p<0.05). Conclusion: The results suggest that muscle strengthening of the lower limbs did not improve performance in the 6-minute walk test in this population of postmenopausal women. Trial registration ACTRN12609001053213.


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The objective of this work was to develop and validate linear regression models to estimate the production of dry matter by Tanzania grass (Megathyrsus maximus, cultivar Tanzania) as a function of agrometeorological variables. For this purpose, data on the growth of this forage grass from 2000 to 2005, under dry-field conditions in Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil, were correlated to the following climatic parameters: minimum and mean temperatures, degree-days, and potential and actual evapotranspiration. Simple linear regressions were performed between agrometeorological variables (independent) and the dry matter accumulation rate (dependent). The estimates were validated with independent data obtained in Sao Carlos and Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. The best statistical results in the development and validation of the models were obtained with the agrometeorological parameters that consider thermal and water availability effects together, such as actual evapotranspiration, accumulation of degree-days corrected by water availability, and the climatic growth index, based on average temperature, solar radiation, and water availability. These variables can be used in simulations and models to predict the production of Tanzania grass.


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Brood desertion is a life history strategy that allows parents to minimize costs related to parental care and increase their future fecundity. The harvestman Neosadocus maximus is an interesting model organism to study costs and benefits of temporary brood desertion because females abandon their clutches periodically and keep adding eggs to their clutches for some weeks. In this study, we tested if temporary brood desertion (a) imposes a cost to caring females by increasing the risk of egg predation and (b) offers a benefit to caring females by increasing fecundity as a result of increased foraging opportunities. With intensive field observations followed by a model selection approach, we showed that the proportion of consumed eggs was very low during the day and it was not influenced by the frequency of brood desertion. The proportion of consumed eggs was higher at night and it was negatively related to the frequency of brood desertion. However, frequent brood desertion did not result in higher fecundity, measured both as the number of eggs added to the current clutch and the probability of laying a second clutch over the course of the reproductive season. Considering that harvestmen are sensitive to dehydration, brood desertion during the day may attenuate the physiological stress of remaining exposed on the vegetation. Moreover, since brood desertion is higher during the day, when egg predation pressure is lower, caring females could be adjusting their maternal effort to the temporal variation in predation risk, which is regarded as the main cost of brood desertion in ectotherms.


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The environment most diverse in harvestmen species is the Atlantic Forest of Sao Paulo. However, there remains a lack of studies regarding their communities in certain regions. Among these regions is one south of the Paranapiacaba mountain range in the state of Sao Paulo, the Parque da Onca Parda (POP). Through nocturnal collections and pitfall traps, the region's harvestmen community has been studied. The observed richness of this site included 27 species, with dominance of three species: Holcobunus nigripalpis Roewer, 1910, Neosadocus maximus (Giltay, 1928) and Munequita sp., accounting for 68.4% of harvestmen abundance. This makes the diversity of POP more similar to the semideciduous Atlantic Forest communities of the interior than to those of the Coastal Atlantic Forest that contains the park. Its geographic location places it within the Southern Sao Paulo State (SSP) area of endemism, along with the Parque Turistico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR), with which it shares up to 12% similarity regarding harvestmen fauna. Richness and abundance of harvestmen were positively related to temperature and humidity. The period of animal activity (as measured by abundance and richness) varied throughout the night, being highest in the early hours during both studied seasons (summer and winter).


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This article documents the addition of 171 microsatellite marker loci and 27 pairs of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) sequencing primers to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Bombus pauloensis, Cephalorhynchus heavisidii, Cercospora sojina, Harpyhaliaetus coronatus, Hordeum vulgare, Lachnolaimus maximus, Oceanodroma monteiroi, Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, Rhea americana, Salmo salar, Salmo trutta, Schistocephalus solidus, Sousa plumbea and Tursiops aduncus. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Aquila heliaca, Bulweria bulwerii, Buteo buteo, Buteo swainsoni, Falco rusticolus, Haliaeetus albicilla, Halobaena caerulea, Hieraaetus fasciatus, Oceanodroma castro, Puccinia graminis f. sp. Tritici, Puccinia triticina, Rhea pennata and Schistocephalus pungitii. This article also documents the addition of 27 sequencing primer pairs for Puffinus baroli and Bulweria bulwerii and cross-testing of these loci in Oceanodroma castro, Pelagodroma marina, Pelecanoides georgicus, Pelecanoides urinatrix, Thalassarche chrysostoma and Thalassarche melanophrys.


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The environment most diverse in harvestmen species is the Atlantic Forest of São Paulo. However, there remains a lack of studies regarding their communities in certain regions. Among these regions is one south of the Paranapiacaba mountain range in the state of São Paulo, the Parque da Onça Parda (POP). Through nocturnal collections and pitfall traps, the region's harvestmen community has been studied. The observed richness of this site included 27 species, with dominance of three species: Holcobunus nigripalpis Roewer, 1910, Neosadocus maximus (Giltay, 1928) and Munequita sp., accounting for 68.4% of harvestmen abundance. This makes the diversity of POP more similar to the semideciduous Atlantic Forest communities of the interior than to those of the Coastal Atlantic Forest that contains the park. Its geographic location places it within the Southern São Paulo State (SSP) area of endemism, along with the Parque Turístico do Alto Ribeira (PETAR), with which it shares up to 12% similarity regarding harvestmen fauna. Richness and abundance of harvestmen were positively related to temperature and humidity. The period of animal activity (as measured by abundance and richness) varied throughout the night, being highest in the early hours during both studied seasons (summer and winter).


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The labyrinthum Capella quoted in the title (from a Prudentius of Troyes epistle) represents the allegory of the studium of the liberal arts and the looking for knowledge in the early middle age. This is a capital problem in the early Christianity and, in general, for all the western world, concerning the relationship between faith and science. I studied the evolution of this subject from its birth to Carolingian age, focusing on the most relevant figures, for the western Europe, such Saint Augustine (De doctrina christiana), Martianus Capella (De Nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii) and Iohannes Scotus Eriugena (Annotationes in Marcianum). Clearly it emerges that there were two opposite ways about this relatioship. According to the first, the human being is capable of get a knowledge about God thanks to its own reason and logical thought processes (by the analysis of the nature as a Speculum Dei); on the other way, only the faith and the grace could give the man the possibility to perceive God, and the Bible is the only book men need to know. From late antiquity to Iohannes Scotus times, a few christian and pagan authors fall into line with first position (the neoplatonic one): Saint Augustine (first part of his life, then he retracted some of his views), Martianus, Calcidius and Macrobius. Other philosophers were not neoplatonic bat believed in the power of the studium: Boethius, Cassiodorus, Isidorus of Seville, Hrabanus Maurus and Lupus of Ferriéres. In order to get an idea of this conception, I finally focused the research on Iohannes Scotus Eriugena's Annotationes in Marcianum. I commented Eriugena's work phrase by phrase trying to catch the sense of his words, the reference, philosophical influences, to trace antecedents and its clouts to later middle age and Chartres school. In this scholastic text Eriugena comments the Capella's work and poses again the question of the studium to his students. Iohannes was a magister in schola Palatina during the time of Carl the Bald, he knew Saint Augustine works, and he knew Boethius, Calcidius, Macrobius, Isidorus and Cassiodorus ones too. He translated Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite and Maximus the Confessor. He had a neoplatonic view of Christianity and tried to harmonize the impossibility to know God to man's intellectual capability to get a glimpse of God through the study of the nature. According to this point of view, Eriugena's comment of Martianus Capella was no more a secondary work. It gets more and more importance to understand his research and his mystic, and to understand and really grasp the inner sense of his chief work Periphyseon.


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L’arteria principale dell’antica Regio VIII si è dimostrata l’elemento cardine per la fondazione delle città in epoca romana. Le città che nascono sulla via Emilia entrano in un rapporto di simbiosi e di dipendenza con la strada antica, tanto che quest’ultima diventa l’asse generatore di tutta la forma urbis. Questo tracciato generatore è rimasto immutato se non per alcune sporadiche eccezioni e si è consolidato, nella sua forma e funzione, andando a creare così un’integrazione perfetta con l’imago urbis. Anche la città di Claterna deve la sua fondazione alla presenza di questo importante segno, tracciato nel 187 a.C.; un segno che nasce da un’astrazione e dal possesso dell’idea di linea retta da parte dei romani, il cui compito è dare ordine allo spazio che consideravano un caos, e come tale doveva essere organizzato in maniera geometrica e razionale. La via Emilia diventa l’asse generatore della città, la quale segue appunto l’orientamento fornito dall’asse stesso che assume il ruolo di decumanus maximus per l’insediamento, e sulla quale si baserà la costruzione della centuriazione claternate. Il tracciato così forte e importante dal punto di vista funzionale assume però in contemporanea un ruolo di divisione della civitas, in quanto va a separare in maniera netta la zona sud da quella nord. Questa situazione è maggiormente percepibile oggi rispetto al passato, vista la situazione di incolto che prevale sull’area. L’area di progetto risulta infatti tagliata dalla strada statale ed è di conseguenza interessata da problematiche di traffico veicolare anche pesante; tale situazione di attraversamento veloce non permette al viaggiatore di cogliere una lettura completa e unitaria di quello che era l’antico insediamento romano. Inoltre la quota di campagna, che racchiude il layer archeologico, è più bassa rispetto alla quota di percorrenza della strada e non essendoci alcun elemento visivo che possa richiamare l’attenzione di chi percorre questo tratto di via Emilia, l’area d’interesse rimane completamente nascosta e inserita nel contesto paesaggistico. Il paesaggio diventa l’unico immediato protagonista in questo frangente di via Emilia; qui è diverso da molte altre situazioni in cui l’abitato si accosta alla strada, o ancora da quando la strada antica, e ciò si verifica nei maggiori centri urbani, viene ad essere inglobata nel reticolo cittadino fatto di strade ed edifici e con esso si va a confondere ed integrare. Infatti nella porzione compresa tra il comune di Osteria Grande e la frazione di Maggio, ci si trova di fronte ad un vero e proprio spaccato della conformazione geomorfologica del territorio che interessa tutta la regione Emilia Romagna: rivolgendosi verso sud, lo sguardo è catturato dalla presenza della catena appenninica, dove si intravede il grande Parco dei Gessi, che si abbassa dolcemente fino a formare le colline. I lievi pendii si vanno a congiungere con la bassa pianura che si scontra con il segno della via Emilia, ma al di là della quale, verso nord, continua come una distesa senza limite fino all’orizzonte, per andare poi a sfumare nel mare Adriatico. Questi due aspetti, la non percepibilità della città romana nascosta nella terra e la forte presenza del paesaggio che si staglia sul cielo, entrano in contrasto proprio sulla base della loro capacità di manifestarsi all’occhio di chi sta percorrendo la via Emilia: la città romana è composta da un disegno di tracce al livello della terra; il paesaggio circostante invece diventa una vera e propria quinta scenica che non ha però oggetti da poter esporre in quanto sono sepolti e non sono ancora stati adeguatamente valorizzati. Tutte le città, da Rimini a Piacenza, che hanno continuato ad esistere, si sono trasformate fortemente prima in epoca medievale e poi rinascimentale tanto che il layer archeologico romano si è quasi completamente cancellato. La situazione di Claterna è completamente diversa. La città romana è stata mano a mano abbandonata alla fine del IV secolo fino a diventare una delle “semirutarum urbium cadavera” che, insieme a Bononia, Mutina, Regium e Brixillum fino a Placentia, Sant’Ambrogio ha descritto nella sua Epistola all’amico Faustino. Ciò mostra molto chiaramente quale fosse la situazione di tali città in età tardo-antica e in che situazione di degrado e abbandono fossero investite. Mentre alcune di queste importanti urbes riuscirono a risollevare le loro sorti, Claterna non fu più interessata dalla presenza di centri abitati, e ciò è dovuto probabilmente al trasferimento degli occupanti in centri e zone più sicure. Di conseguenza non si è verificato qui quello che è successo nei più importanti centri emiliano-romagnoli. Le successive fasi di sviluppo e di ampliamento di città come Bologna e Piacenza sono andate ad attaccare in maniera irrecuperabile il layer archeologico di epoca romana tanto da rendere lacunosa la conoscenza della forma urbis e delle sue più importanti caratteristiche. A Claterna invece lo strato archeologico romano è rimasto congelato nel tempo e non ha subito danni contingenti come nelle città sopra citate, in quanto il suolo appunto non è stato più interessato da fenomeni di inurbamento, di edificazione e di grandi trasformazioni urbane. Ciò ha garantito che i resti archeologici non venissero distrutti e quindi si sono mantenuti e conservati all’interno della terra che li ha protetti nel corso dei secoli dalla mano dell’uomo. Solo in alcune porzioni sono stati rovinati a causa degli strumenti agricoli che hanno lavorato la terra nell’ultimo secolo andando ad asportare del materiale che è stato quindi riportato alla luce. E’ stata proprio questa serie di ritrovamenti superficiali e fortunati a far intuire la presenza di resti archeologici, e che di conseguenza ha portato ad effettuare delle verifiche archeologiche con sondaggi che si sono concluse con esiti positivi e hanno permesso la collocazione di un vincolo archeologico come tutela dell’area in oggetto. L’area di progetto non è quindi stata contaminata dall’opera dell’uomo e ciò ha garantito probabilmente, secondo le indagini degli archeologi che lavorano presso il sito di Claterna, un buono stato di conservazione per gran parte dell’insediamento urbano e non solo di alcune porzioni minori di città o di abitazioni di epoca romana. Tutto questo attribuisce al sito una grande potenzialità visto che i casi di ritrovamenti archeologici così ampi e ben conservati sono molto limitati, quasi unici. Si tratterebbe quindi di riportare alla luce, in una prospettiva futura, un intero impianto urbano di epoca romana in buono stato di conservazione, di restituire un sapere che è rimasto nascosto e intaccato per secoli e di cui non si hanno che altre limitatissime testimonianze.


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Elasmobranchs are an important by-catch of commercial fisheries targeting bony fishes. Fisheries targeting sharks are rare, but usually almost all specimen bycatched are marketed. They risk extinction if current fishing pressure continues (Ferretti et al., 2008). Accurate species identification is critical for the design of sustainable fisheries and appropriate management plans, especially since not all species are equally sensitive to fishing pressure (Walker & Hislop 1998). The identification of species constitutes the first basic step for biodiversity monitoring and conservation (Dayrat B et al., 2005). More recently, mtDNA sequencing has also been used for species identification and its use has become widespread under the DNA Barcode initiative (e.g. Hebert et al. 2003a, 2003b; Ward et al. 2005, 2008a; Moura et al 2008; Steinke et al. 2009). The aims of this work were: 1) identify sharks and skates species using DNA barcode; 2) compare species of different provenance; 3) use DNA barcode for misidentified species. Using DNA barcode 15 species of sharks (Alopias vulpinus, Centrophorus granulosus, Cetorhinus maximus, Dalatias licha, Etmopterus spinax, Galeorhinus galeus, Galeus melastomus, Heptranchias perlo, Hexanchus griseus, Mustelus mustelus, Mustelus punctulatus, Oxynotus centrina, Scyliorhinus canicula Squalus acanthias, Squalus blainville), 1 species of chimaera (Chimaera monstrosa) and 21 species of rays/skayes (Dasyatis centroura, Dasyatis pastinaca, Dasyatis sp., Dipturus nidarosiensis, Dipturus oxyrinchus, Leucoraja circularis, Leucoraja melitensis, Myliobatis aquila, Pteromylaeus bovinus, Pteroplatytrygon violacea, Raja asterias, Raja brachyura, Raja clavata, Raja miraletus, Raja montagui, Raja radula, Raja polystigma, Raja undulata, Rostroraja alba, Torpedo marmorata, Torpedo nobiliana, Torpedo torpedo) was identified.


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The aim of this thesis was to investigate some important key factors able to promote the prospected growth of the aquaculture sector. The limited availability of fishmeal and fish oil led the attention of the aquafeed industry to reduce the dependency on marine raw materials in favor of vegetable ingredients. In Chapter 2, we reported the effects of fishmeal replacement by a mixture of plant proteins in turbot (Psetta maxima L.) juveniles. At the end of the trial, it was found that over the 15% plant protein inclusion can cause stress and exert negative effects on growth performance and welfare. Climate change aroused the attention of the aquafeed industry toward the production of specific diets capable to counteract high temperatures. In Chapter 3, we investigated the most suitable dietary lipid level for gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) reared at Mediterranean summer temperature. In this trial, it was highlighted that 18% dietary lipid allows a protein sparing effect, thus making the farming of this species economically and environmentally more sustainable. The introduction of new farmed fish species makes necessary the development of new species-specific diets. In Chapter 4, we assessed growth response and feed utilization of common sole (Solea solea L.) juveniles fed graded dietary lipid levels. At the end of the trial, it was found that increasing dietary lipids over 8% led to a substantial decline in growth performance and feed utilization indices. In Chapter 5, we investigated the suitability of mussel meal as alternative ingredient in diets for common sole juveniles. Mussel meal proved to be a very effective alternative ingredient for enhancing growth performance, feed palatability and feed utilization in sole irrespectively to the tested inclusion levels. This thesis highlighted the importance of formulating more specific diets in order to support the aquaculture growth in a sustainable way.


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OBJECTIVE The aim of the therapy is mechanical and functional stabilization of high dislocated hips with dysplasia coxarthrosis using total hip arthroplasty (THA). INDICATIONS Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) in adults, symptomatic dysplasia coxarthrosis, high hip dislocation according to Crowe type III/IV, and symptomatic leg length inequality. CONTRAINDICATIONS Cerebrospinal dysfunction, muscular dystrophy, apparent disturbance of bone metabolism, acute or chronic infections, and immunocompromised patients. SURGICAL TECHNIQUE With the patient in a lateral decubitus position an incision is made between the anterior border of the gluteus maximus muscle and the posterior border of the gluteus medius muscle (Gibson interval). Identification of the sciatic nerve to protect the nerve from traction disorders by visual control. After performing trochanter flip osteotomy, preparation of the true actetabulum if possible. Implantation of the reinforcement ring, preparation of the femur and if necessary for mobilization, resection until the trochanter minor. Test repositioning under control of the sciatic nerve. Finally, refixation of the trochanteric crest. POSTOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT During hospital stay, intensive mobilization of the hip joint using a continuous passive motion machine with maximum flexion of 70°. No active abduction and passive adduction over the body midline. Maximum weight bearing 10-15 kg for 8 weeks, subsequently, first clinical and radiographic follow-up and deep venous thrombosis prophylaxis until full weight bearing. RESULTS From 1995 to 2012, 28 THAs of a Crow type IV high hip-dislocation were performed in our institute. Until now 14 patients have been analyzed during a follow-up of 8 years in 2012. Mid-term results showed an improvement of the postoperative clinical score (Merle d'Aubigné score) in 86 % of patients. Good to excellent results were obtained in 79 % of cases. Long-term results are not yet available. In one case an iatrogenic neuropraxia of the sciatic nerve was observed and after trauma a redislocation of the arthroplasty appeared in another case. In 2 cases an infection of the THA appeared 8 and 15 months after index surgery. No pseudoarthrosis of the trochanter or aseptic loosening was noticed.


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