A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) pulse sequence and a corresponding image processing algorithm to localize prostate brachytherapy seeds during or after therapy are presented. Inversion-Recovery with ON-resonant water suppression (IRON) is an MRI methodology that generates positive contrast in regions of magnetic field susceptibility, as created by prostate brachytherapy seeds. Phantoms comprising of several materials found in brachytherapy seeds were created to assess the usability of the IRON pulse sequence for imaging seeds. Resulting images show that seed materials are clearly visible with high contrast using IRON, agreeing with theoretical predictions. A seed localization algorithm to process IRON images demonstrates the potential of this imaging technique for seed localization and dosimetry.
The goal of this work is to develop a method to objectively compare the performance of a digital and a screen-film mammography system in terms of image quality. The method takes into account the dynamic range of the image detector, the detection of high and low contrast structures, the visualisation of the images and the observer response. A test object, designed to represent a compressed breast, was constructed from various tissue equivalent materials ranging from purely adipose to purely glandular composition. Different areas within the test object permitted the evaluation of low and high contrast detection, spatial resolution and image noise. All the images (digital and conventional) were captured using a CCD camera to include the visualisation process in the image quality assessment. A mathematical model observer (non-prewhitening matched filter), that calculates the detectability of high and low contrast structures using spatial resolution, noise and contrast, was used to compare the two technologies. Our results show that for a given patient dose, the detection of high and low contrast structures is significantly better for the digital system than for the conventional screen-film system studied. The method of using a test object with a large tissue composition range combined with a camera to compare conventional and digital imaging modalities can be applied to other radiological imaging techniques. In particular it could be used to optimise the process of radiographic reading of soft copy images.
INTRODUCTION: Radiosurgery (RS) is gaining increasing acceptance in the upfront management of brain metastases (BM). It was initially used in so-called radioresistant metastases (melanoma, renal cell, sarcoma) because it allowed delivering higher dose to the tumor. Now, RS is also used for BM of other cancers. The risk of high incidence of new BM questions the need for associated whole-brain radiotherapy (WBRT). Recent evidence suggests that RS alone allows avoiding cognitive impairment related to WBRT, and the latter should be upheld for salvage therapy. Thus the increase use of RS for single and multiple BM raises new technical challenges for treatment delivery and dosimetry. We present our single institution experience focusing on the criteria that led to patients' selection for RS treatment with Gamma Knife (GK) in lieu of Linac. METHODS: Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion (Elekta, Sweden) was installed in July 2010. Currently, the Swiss federal health care supports the costs of RS for BM with Linac but not with GK. Therefore, in our center, we always consider first the possibility to use Linac for this indication, and only select patients for GK in specific situations. All cases of BM treated with GK were retrospectively reviewed for criteria yielding to GK indication, clinical information, and treatment data. Further work in progress includes a posteriori dosimetry comparison with our Linac planning system (Brainscan V.5.3, Brainlab, Germany). RESULTS: From July 2010 to March 2012, 20 patients had RS for BM with GK (7 patients with single BM, and 13 with multiple BM). During the same period, 31 had Linac-based RS. Primary tumor was melanoma in 9, lung in 7, renal in 2, and gastrointestinal tract in 2 patients. In single BM, the reason for choosing of GK was the anatomical location close to, or in highly functional areas (1 motor cortex, 1 thalamic, 1 ventricular, 1 mesio-temporal, 3 deep cerebellar close to the brainstem), especially since most of these tumors were intended to be treated with high-dose RS (24 Gy at margin) because of their histology (3 melanomas, 1 renal cell). In multiple BM, the reason for choosing GK in relation with the anatomical location of the lesions was either technical (limitations of Linac movements, especially in lower posterior fossa locations) or closeness of multiple lesions to highly functional areas (typically, multiple posterior fossa BM close to the brainstem), precluding optimal dosimetry with Linac. Again, this was made more critical for multiple BM needing high-dose RS (6 melanoma, 2 hypernephroma). CONCLUSION: Radiosurgery for BM may represent some technical challenge in relation with the anatomical location and multiplicity of the lesions. These considerations may be accentuated for so-called radioresistant BM, when higher dose RS in needed. In our experience, Leksell Gamma Knife Perfexion proves to be useful in addressing these challenges for the treatment of BM.
Depth-dose curves in LiF detectors of different effective thicknesses, together with their responses, were calculated for typical nuclear medicine radiation fields with 99mTc, 18F and 90Y sources. Responses were analysed in function of the radionuclide, detector effective thickness and irradiation geometry. On the other hand the results of the nuclear medicine measurement campaign of the ORAMED project were presented focussing on the dose distribution across the hand and on the appropriate position to wear the dosimeter.According to the results, thin LiF detectors provide better responses in all cases. Its use is essential for 18F, since thick dosimeters can underestimate Hp(0.07) up to a 50% because of the very inhomogeneous dose deposition on the active layer. The preliminary results of the measurement campaign showed that the index tip of the non-dominant hand is usually the most exposed position among the 22 monitored positions. It was also found that, in average, wrist dosimeters are likely to underestimate the maximum skin dose by a factor of the order of 20. This factor is reduced to around 6 for a ring dosimeter worn on the base of the index of the non-dominant hand. Thus, for typical nuclear medicine procedures, the base of the index of the non-dominant hand is recommended as the best monitoring option.
A joint project between the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) and the Institute of Radiation Physics was initiated to characterise the PSI whole body counter in detail through measurements and Monte Carlo simulation. Accurate knowledge of the detector geometry is essential for reliable simulations of human body phantoms filled with known activity concentrations. Unfortunately, the technical drawings provided by the manufacturer are often not detailed enough and sometimes the specifications do not agree with the actual set-up. Therefore, the exact detector geometry and the position of the detector crystal inside the housing were determined through radiographic images. X-rays were used to analyse the structure of the detector, and (60)Co radiography was employed to measure the core of the germanium crystal. Moreover, the precise axial alignment of the detector within its housing was determined through a series of radiographic images with different incident angles. The hence obtained information enables us to optimise the Monte Carlo geometry model and to perform much more accurate and reliable simulations.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Experimental assessment of photodynamic therapy (PDT) for malignant pleural mesothelioma using a polyethylene glycol conjugate of meta-tetrahydroxyphenylchlorin (PEG-mTHPC). STUDY DESIGN/MATERIALS AND METHODS: (a) PDT was tested on H-meso-1 xenografts (652 nm laser light; fluence 10 J/cm(2); 0.93, 9.3, or 27.8 mg/kg of PEG-mTHPC; drug-light intervals 3-8 days). (b) Intraoperative PDT with similar treatment conditions was performed in the chest cavity of minipigs (n = 18) following extrapleural pneumonectomy (EPP) using an optical integrating balloon device combined with in situ light dosimetry. RESULTS: (a) PDT using PEG-mTHPC resulted in larger extent of tumor necrosis than in untreated tumors (P < or = 0.01) without causing damage to normal tissue. (b) Intraoperative PDT following EPP was well tolerated in 17 of 18 animals. Mean fluence and fluence rates measured at four sites of the chest cavity ranged from 10.2 +/- 0.2 to 13.2 +/- 2.3 J/cm(2) and 5.5 +/- 1.2 to 7.9 +/- 1.7 mW/cm(2) (mean +/- SD). Histology 3 months after light delivery revealed no PDT related tissue injury in all but one animal. CONCLUSIONS: PEG-mTHPC mediated PDT showed selective destruction of mesothelioma xenografts without causing damage to intrathoracic organs in pigs at similar treatment conditions. The light delivery system afforded regular light distribution to different parts of the chest cavity.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) credentialing for a EORTC study was performed using an anthropomorphic head phantom from the Radiological Physics Center (RPC; RPCPH). Institutions were retrospectively requested to irradiate their institutional phantom (INSTPH) using the same treatment plan in the framework of a Virtual Phantom Project (VPP) for IMRT credentialing. MATERIALS AND METHODS: CT data set of the institutional phantom and measured 2D dose matrices were requested from centers and sent to a dedicated secure EORTC uploader. Data from the RPCPH and INSTPH were thereafter centrally analyzed and inter-compared by the QA team using commercially available software (RIT; ver.5.2; Colorado Springs, USA). RESULTS: Eighteen institutions participated to the VPP. The measurements of 6 (33%) institutions could not be analyzed centrally. All other centers passed both the VPP and the RPC ±7%/4 mm credentialing criteria. At the 5%/5 mm gamma criteria (90% of pixels passing), 11(92%) as compared to 12 (100%) centers pass the credentialing process with RPCPH and INSTPH (p = 0.29), respectively. The corresponding pass rate for the 3%/3 mm gamma criteria (90% of pixels passing) was 2 (17%) and 9 (75%; p = 0.01), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: IMRT dosimetry gamma evaluations in a single plane for a H&N prospective trial using the INSTPH measurements showed agreement at the gamma index criteria of ±5%/5 mm (90% of pixels passing) for a small number of VPP measurements. Using more stringent, criteria, the RPCPH and INSTPH comparison showed disagreement. More data is warranted and urgently required within the framework of prospective studies.
The purpose of this study was to assess the spatial resolution of a computed tomography (CT) scanner with an automatic approach developed for routine quality controls when varying CT parameters. The methods available to assess the modulation transfer functions (MTF) with the automatic approach were Droege's and the bead point source (BPS) methods. These MTFs were compared with presampled ones obtained using Boone's method. The results show that Droege's method is not accurate in the low-frequency range, whereas the BPS method is highly sensitive to image noise. While both methods are well adapted to routine stability controls, it was shown that they are not able to provide absolute measurements. On the other hand, Boone's method, which is robust with respect to aliasing, more resilient to noise and provides absolute measurements, satisfies the commissioning requirements perfectly. Thus, Boone's method combined with a modified Catphan 600 phantom could be a good solution to assess CT spatial resolution in the different CT planes.
PURPOSE: Effective cancer treatment generally requires combination therapy. The combination of external beam therapy (XRT) with radiopharmaceutical therapy (RPT) requires accurate three-dimensional dose calculations to avoid toxicity and evaluate efficacy. We have developed and tested a treatment planning method, using the patient-specific three-dimensional dosimetry package 3D-RD, for sequentially combined RPT/XRT therapy designed to limit toxicity to organs at risk. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The biologic effective dose (BED) was used to translate voxelized RPT absorbed dose (D(RPT)) values into a normalized total dose (or equivalent 2-Gy-fraction XRT absorbed dose), NTD(RPT) map. The BED was calculated numerically using an algorithmic approach, which enabled a more accurate calculation of BED and NTD(RPT). A treatment plan from the combined Samarium-153 and external beam was designed that would deliver a tumoricidal dose while delivering no more than 50 Gy of NTD(sum) to the spinal cord of a patient with a paraspinal tumor. RESULTS: The average voxel NTD(RPT) to tumor from RPT was 22.6 Gy (range, 1-85 Gy); the maximum spinal cord voxel NTD(RPT) from RPT was 6.8 Gy. The combined therapy NTD(sum) to tumor was 71.5 Gy (range, 40-135 Gy) for a maximum voxel spinal cord NTD(sum) equal to the maximum tolerated dose of 50 Gy. CONCLUSIONS: A method that enables real-time treatment planning of combined RPT-XRT has been developed. By implementing a more generalized conversion between the dose values from the two modalities and an activity-based treatment of partial volume effects, the reliability of combination therapy treatment planning has been expanded.
Exposure to solar ultraviolet (UV) light is the main causative factor for skin cancer. UV exposure depends on environmental and individual factors. Individual exposure data remain scarce and development of alternative assessment methods is greatly needed. We developed a model simulating human exposure to solar UV. The model predicts the dose and distribution of UV exposure received on the basis of ground irradiation and morphological data. Standard 3D computer graphics techniques were adapted to develop a rendering engine that estimates the solar exposure of a virtual manikin depicted as a triangle mesh surface. The amount of solar energy received by each triangle was calculated, taking into account reflected, direct and diffuse radiation, and shading from other body parts. Dosimetric measurements (n = 54) were conducted in field conditions using a foam manikin as surrogate for an exposed individual. Dosimetric results were compared to the model predictions. The model predicted exposure to solar UV adequately. The symmetric mean absolute percentage error was 13%. Half of the predictions were within 17% range of the measurements. This model provides a tool to assess outdoor occupational and recreational UV exposures, without necessitating time-consuming individual dosimetry, with numerous potential uses in skin cancer prevention and research.
PURPOSE: EOS (EOS imaging S.A, Paris, France) is an x-ray imaging system that uses slot-scanning technology in order to optimize the trade-off between image quality and dose. The goal of this study was to characterize the EOS system in terms of occupational exposure, organ doses to patients as well as image quality for full spine examinations. METHODS: Occupational exposure was determined by measuring the ambient dose equivalents in the radiological room during a standard full spine examination. The patient dosimetry was performed using anthropomorphic phantoms representing an adolescent and a five-year-old child. The organ doses were measured with thermoluminescent detectors and then used to calculate effective doses. Patient exposure with EOS was then compared to dose levels reported for conventional radiological systems. Image quality was assessed in terms of spatial resolution and different noise contributions to evaluate the detector's performances of the system. The spatial-frequency signal transfer efficiency of the imaging system was quantified by the detective quantum efficiency (DQE). RESULTS: The use of a protective apron when the medical staff or parents have to stand near to the cubicle in the radiological room is recommended. The estimated effective dose to patients undergoing a full spine examination with the EOS system was 290μSv for an adult and 200 μSv for a child. MTF and NPS are nonisotropic, with higher values in the scanning direction; they are in addition energy-dependent, but scanning speed independent. The system was shown to be quantum-limited, with a maximum DQE of 13%. The relevance of the DQE for slot-scanning system has been addressed. CONCLUSIONS: As a summary, the estimated effective dose was 290μSv for an adult; the image quality remains comparable to conventional systems.
Diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) were established for 21 indication-based CT examinations for adults in Switzerland. One hundred and seventy-nine of 225 computed tomography (CT) scanners operated in hospitals and private radiology institutes were audited on-site and patient doses were collected. For each CT scanner, a correction factor was calculated expressing the deviation of the measured weighted computed tomography dose index (CTDI) to the nominal weighted CTDI as displayed on the workstation. Patient doses were corrected by this factor providing a realistic basis for establishing national DRLs. Results showed large variations in doses between different radiology departments in Switzerland, especially for examinations of the petrous bone, pelvis, lower limbs and heart. This indicates that the concept of DRLs has not yet been correctly applied for CT examinations in clinical routine. A close collaboration of all stakeholders is mandatory to assure an effective radiation protection of patients. On-site audits will be intensified to further establish the concept of DRLs in Switzerland.
Exposure to solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation is the main causative factor for skin cancer. UV exposure depends on environmental and individual factors, but individual exposure data remain scarce. UV irradiance is monitored via different techniques including ground measurements and satellite observations. However it is difficult to translate such observations into human UV exposure or dose because of confounding factors (shape of the exposed surface, shading, behavior, etc.) A collaboration between public health institutions, a meteorological office and an institute specialized in computing techniques developed a model predicting the dose and distribution of UV exposure on the basis of ground irradiation and morphological data. Standard 3D computer graphics techniques were adapted to develop this tool, which estimates solar exposure of a virtual manikin depicted as a triangle mesh surface. The amount of solar energy received by various body locations is computed for direct, diffuse and reflected radiation separately. The radiation components are deduced from corresponding measurements of UV irradiance, and the related UV dose received by each triangle of the virtual manikin is computed accounting for shading by other body parts and eventual protection measures. The model was verified with dosimetric measurements (n=54) in field conditions using a foam manikin as surrogate for an exposed individual. Dosimetric results were compared to the model predictions. The model predicted exposure to solar UV adequately. The symmetric mean absolute percentage error was 13%. Half of the predictions were within 17% range of the measurements. This model allows assessing outdoor occupational and recreational UV exposures, without necessitating time-consuming individual dosimetry, with numerous potential uses in skin cancer prevention and research. Using this tool, we investigated solar UV exposure patterns with respect to the relative contribution of the direct, diffuse and reflected radiation. We assessed exposure doses for various body parts and exposure scenarios of a standing individual (static and dynamic postures). As input, the model used erythemally-weighted ground irradiance data measured in 2009 at Payerne, Switzerland. A year-round daily exposure (8 am to 5 pm) without protection was assumed. For most anatomical sites, mean daily doses were high (typically 6.2-14.6 SED) and exceeded recommended exposure values. Direct exposure was important during specific periods (e.g. midday during summer), but contributed moderately to the annual dose, ranging from 15 to 24% for vertical and horizontal body parts, respectively. Diffuse irradiation explained about 80% of the cumulative annual exposure dose. Acute diffuse exposures were also obtained for cloudy summer days. The importance of diffuse UV radiation should not be underestimated when advocating preventive measures. Messages focused on avoiding acute direct exposures may be of limited efficiency to prevent skin cancers associated with chronic exposure (e.g., squamous cell carcinomas).
The implementation of new techniques of imaging in the daily practice of the radiation oncologist is a major advance in these last 10 years. This allows optimizing the therapeutic intervals and locoregional control of the disease while limiting side effects. Among them, positron emission tomography (PET) offers an opportunity to the clinician to obtain data relative to the tumoral biological mechanisms, while benefiting from the morphological images of the computed tomography (CT) scan. Recently hybrid PET/CT has been developed and numerous studies aimed at optimizing its use in the planning, the evaluation of the treatment response and the prognostic value. The choice of the radiotracer (according to the type of cancer and to the studied biological mechanism) and the various methods of tumoral delineation, require a regular update to optimize the practices. We propose throughout this article, an exhaustive review of the published researches (and in process of publication) until December 2011, as user guide of PET/CT in all the aspects of the modern radiotherapy (from the diagnosis to the follow-up): biopsy guiding, optimization of treatment planning and dosimetry, evaluation of tumor response and prognostic value, follow-up and early detection of recurrence versus tumoral necrosis. In a didactic purpose, each of these aspects is approached by primary tumoral location, and illustrated with representative iconographic examples. The current contribution of PET/CT and its perspectives of development are described to offer to the radiation oncologist a clear and up to date reading in this expanding domain.
Since January 2008-de facto 2012-medical physics experts (MPEs) are, by law, to be involved in the optimisation process of radiological diagnostic procedures in Switzerland. Computed tomography, fluoroscopy and nuclear medicine imaging units have been assessed for patient exposure and image quality. Large spreads in clinical practice have been observed. For example, the number of scans per abdominal CT examination went from 1 to 9. Fluoroscopy units showed, for the same device settings, dose rate variations up to a factor of 3 to 7. Quantitative image quality for positron emission tomography (PET)/CT examinations varied significantly depending on the local image reconstruction algorithms. Future work will be focused on promoting team cooperation between MPEs, radiologists and radiographers and on implementing task-oriented objective image quality indicators.