923 resultados para TEMPORAL DYNAMICS


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Patients with homonymous hemianopia have altered visual search patterns, but it is unclear how rapidly this develops and whether it reflects a strategic adaptation to altered perception or plastic changes to tissue damage. To study the temporal dynamics of adaptation alone, we used a gaze-contingent display to simulate left or right hemianopia in 10 healthy individuals as they performed 25 visual search trials. Visual search was slower and less accurate in hemianopic than in full-field viewing. With full-field viewing, there were improvements in search speed, fixation density, and number of fixations over the first 9 trials, then stable performance. With hemianopic viewing, there was a rapid shift of fixation into the blind field over the first 5-7 trials, followed by continuing gradual improvements in completion time, number of fixations, and fixation density over all 25 trials. We conclude that in the first minutes after onset of hemianopia, there is a biphasic pattern of adaptation to altered perception: an early rapid qualitative change that shifts visual search into the blind side, followed by more gradual gains in the efficiency of using this new strategy, a pattern that has parallels in other studies of motor learning.


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Music is capable of inducing emotional arousal. While previous studies used brief musical excerpts to induce one specific emotion, the current study aimed to identify the physiological correlates of continuous changes in subjective emotional states while listening to a complete music piece. A total of 19 participants listened to the first movement of Ludwig van Beethoven's 5th symphony (duration: ~7.4 min), during which a continuous 76-channel EEG was recorded. In a second session, the subjects evaluated their emotional arousal during the listening. A fast fourier transform was performed and covariance maps of spectral power were computed in association with the subjective arousal ratings. Subjective arousal ratings had good inter-individual correlations. Covariance maps showed a right-frontal suppression of lower alpha-band activity during high arousal. The results indicate that music is a powerful arousal-modulating stimulus. The temporal dynamics of the piece are well suited for sequential analysis, and could be necessary in helping unfold the full emotional power of music.


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Incipient diabetic retinopathy is characterized by increased capillary permeability and progressive capillary occlusion. The earliest structural change is the loss of pericytes (PC) from the retinal capillaries. With the availability of the XLacZ mouse, which expresses the LacZ reporter in a PC/vascular smooth muscle cell (vSMC) specific fashion, we quantitatively assessed the temporal dynamics of smooth muscle cells in arterioles under hyperglycemic conditions. We induced stable hyperglycemia in XLacZ mice. After 4, 8, and 12 weeks of diabetes retinae were isolated and beta-galactosidase/lectin stained. The numbers of smooth muscle cells were counted in retinal whole mounts, and diameters of retinal radial and branching arterioles and venules were analyzed at different distances apart from the center of the retina. After eight weeks of diabetes, the numbers of vSMCs were significantly reduced in radial arterioles 1000 microm distant from the optic disc. At proximal sites of branching arterioles (400 microm distant from the center), and at distal sites (1000 microm), vSMC were significantly reduced already after 4 weeks (to a maximum of 31 %). These changes were not associated with any measurable variation in vessel diameters. These data indicate quantitatively that hyperglycemia not only causes pericyte loss, but also loss of vSMCs in the retinal vasculature. Our data suggest that arteriolar vSMC in the eye underlie similar regulations which induce early pericyte loss in the diabetic retina.


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In the memory antisaccade task, subjects are instructed to look at an imaginary point precisely at the opposite side of a peripheral visual stimulus presented short time previously. To perform this task accurately, the visual vector, i.e., the distance between a central fixation point and the peripheral stimulus, must be inverted from one visual hemifield to the other. Recent data in humans and monkeys suggest that the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) might be critically involved in the process of visual vector inversion. In the present study, we investigated the temporal dynamics of visual vector inversion in the human PPC by using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). In six healthy subjects, single pulse TMS was applied over the right PPC during a memory antisaccade task at four different time intervals: 100 ms, 217 ms, 333 ms, or 450 ms after target onset. The results indicate that for rightward antisaccades, i.e., when the visual target was presented in the left screen-half, TMS had a significant effect on saccade gain when applied 100 ms after target onset, but not later. For leftward antisaccades, i.e., when the visual target was presented in the right screen-half, a significant TMS effect on gain was found for the 333 ms and 450 ms conditions, but not for the earlier ones. This double dissociation of saccade gain suggests that the initial process of vector inversion can be disrupted 100 ms after onset of the visual stimulus and that TMS interfered with motor saccade planning based on an inversed vector signal at 333 ms and 450 ms after stimulus onset.


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Integrating evidence from different imaging modalities is important to overcome specific limitations of any given imaging method, such as insensitivity of the EEG to unsynchronized neural events, or the lack of fMRI sensitivity to events of low metabolic demand. Processes that are visible in one modality may be related in a nontrivial way to other processes visible in another modality and insight may only be obtained by integrating both methods through a common analysis. For example, brain activity at rest seems to be at least partly determined by an interaction of cortical rhythms (visible to EEG but not to fMRI) with sub-cortical activity (visible to fMRI, but usually not to EEG without averaging). A combination of EEG and fMRI data during rest may thus be more informative than the sum of two separate analyses in both modalities. Integration is also an important source of converging evidence about specific aspects and general principles of neural functions and their dysfunctions in certain pathologies. This is because not only electrical, but also energetic, biochemical, hemodynamic and metabolic processes characterize neural states and functions, and because brain structure provides crucial constraints upon neural functions. Focusing on multimodal integration of functional data should not distract from the privileged status of the electric field as the primary direct, noninvasive real-time measure of neural transmission. The preceding chapters illustrate how electrical neuroimaging has turned scalp EEG into an imaging modality which directly captures the full temporal dynamics of neural activity in the brain.


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The general model The aim of this chapter is to introduce a structured overview of the different possibilities available to display and analyze brain electric scalp potentials. First, a general formal model of time-varying distributed EEG potentials is introduced. Based on this model, the most common analysis strategies used in EEG research are introduced and discussed as specific cases of this general model. Both the general model and particular methods are also expressed in mathematical terms. It is however not necessary to understand these terms to understand the chapter. The general model that we propose here is based on the statement made in Chapter 3, stating that the electric field produced by active neurons in the brain propagates in brain tissue without delay in time. Contrary to other imaging methods that are based on hemodynamic or metabolic processes, the EEG scalp potentials are thus “real-time,” not delayed and not a-priori frequency-filtered measurements. If only a single dipolar source in the brain were active, the temporal dynamics of the activity of that source would be exactly reproduced by the temporal dynamics observed in the scalp potentials produced by that source. This is illustrated in Figure 5.1, where the expected EEG signal of a single source with spindle-like dynamics in time has been computed. The dynamics of the scalp potentials exactly reproduce the dynamics of the source. The amplitude of the measured potentials depends on the relation between the location and orientation of the active source, its strength and the electrode position.


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Brain activity relies on transient, fluctuating interactions between segregated neuronal populations. Synchronization within a single and between distributed neuronal clusters reflects the dynamics of these cooperative patterns. Thus absence epilepsy can be used as a model for integrated, large-scale investigation of the emergence of pathological collective dynamics in the brain. Indeed, spike-wave discharges (SWD) of an absence seizure are thought to reflect abnormal cortical hypersynchronization. In this paper, we address two questions: how and where do SWD arise in the human brain? Therefore, we explored the spatio-temporal dynamics of interactions within and between widely distributed cortical sites using magneto-encephalographic recordings of spontaneous absence seizures. We then extracted, from their time-frequency analysis, local synchronization of cortical sources and long-range synchronization linking distant sites. Our analyses revealed a reproducible sequence of 1) long-range desynchronization, 2) increased local synchronization and 3) increased long-range synchronization. Although both local and long-range synchronization displayed different spatio-temporal profiles, their cortical projection within an initiation time window overlap and reveal a multifocal fronto-central network. These observations contradict the classical view of sudden generalized synchronous activities in absence epilepsy. Furthermore, they suggest that brain states transition may rely on multi-scale processes involving both local and distant interactions.


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Artificial neural networks are based on computational units that resemble basic information processing properties of biological neurons in an abstract and simplified manner. Generally, these formal neurons model an input-output behaviour as it is also often used to characterize biological neurons. The neuron is treated as a black box; spatial extension and temporal dynamics present in biological neurons are most often neglected. Even though artificial neurons are simplified, they can show a variety of input-output relations, depending on the transfer functions they apply. This unit on transfer functions provides an overview of different transfer functions and offers a simulation that visualizes the input-output behaviour of an artificial neuron depending on the specific combination of transfer functions.


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Mapping ecosystem services (ES) and their trade-offs is a key requirement for informed decision making for land use planning and management of natural resources that aim to move towards increasing the sustainability of landscapes. The negotiations of the purposes of landscapes and the services they should provide are difficult as there is an increasing number of stakeholders active at different levels with a variety of interests present on one particular landscape.Traditionally, land cover data is at the basis for mapping and spatial monitoring of ecosystem services. In light of complex landscapes it is however questionable whether land cover per se and as a spatial base unit is suitable for monitoring and management at the meso-scale. Often the characteristics of a landscape are defined by prevalence, composition and specific spatial and temporal patterns of different land cover types. The spatial delineation of shifting cultivation agriculture represents a prominent example of a land use system with its different land use intensities that requires alternative methodologies that go beyond the common remote sensing approaches of pixel-based land cover analysis due to the spatial and temporal dynamics of rotating cultivated and fallow fields.Against this background we advocate that adopting a landscape perspective to spatial planning and decision making offers new space for negotiation and collaboration, taking into account the needs of local resource users, and of the global community. For this purpose we introduce landscape mosaicsdefined as new spatial unit describing generalized land use types. Landscape mosaics have allowed us to chart different land use systems and land use intensities and permitted us to delineate changes in these land use systems based on changes of external claims on these landscapes. The underlying idea behindthe landscape mosaics is to use land cover data typically derived from remote sensing data and to analyse and classify spatial patterns of this land cover data using a moving window approach. We developed the landscape mosaics approach in tropical, forest dominated landscapesparticularly shifting cultivation areas and present examples ofour work from northern Laos, eastern Madagascarand Yunnan Province in China.


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Calmodulin (CaM) is a ubiquitous Ca(2+) buffer and second messenger that affects cellular function as diverse as cardiac excitability, synaptic plasticity, and gene transcription. In CA1 pyramidal neurons, CaM regulates two opposing Ca(2+)-dependent processes that underlie memory formation: long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term depression (LTD). Induction of LTP and LTD require activation of Ca(2+)-CaM-dependent enzymes: Ca(2+)/CaM-dependent kinase II (CaMKII) and calcineurin, respectively. Yet, it remains unclear as to how Ca(2+) and CaM produce these two opposing effects, LTP and LTD. CaM binds 4 Ca(2+) ions: two in its N-terminal lobe and two in its C-terminal lobe. Experimental studies have shown that the N- and C-terminal lobes of CaM have different binding kinetics toward Ca(2+) and its downstream targets. This may suggest that each lobe of CaM differentially responds to Ca(2+) signal patterns. Here, we use a novel event-driven particle-based Monte Carlo simulation and statistical point pattern analysis to explore the spatial and temporal dynamics of lobe-specific Ca(2+)-CaM interaction at the single molecule level. We show that the N-lobe of CaM, but not the C-lobe, exhibits a nano-scale domain of activation that is highly sensitive to the location of Ca(2+) channels, and to the microscopic injection rate of Ca(2+) ions. We also demonstrate that Ca(2+) saturation takes place via two different pathways depending on the Ca(2+) injection rate, one dominated by the N-terminal lobe, and the other one by the C-terminal lobe. Taken together, these results suggest that the two lobes of CaM function as distinct Ca(2+) sensors that can differentially transduce Ca(2+) influx to downstream targets. We discuss a possible role of the N-terminal lobe-specific Ca(2+)-CaM nano-domain in CaMKII activation required for the induction of synaptic plasticity.


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Olfactory glomeruli are the loci where the first odor-representation map emerges. The glomerular layer comprises exquisite local synaptic circuits for the processing of olfactory coding patterns immediately after their emergence. To understand how an odor map is transferred from afferent terminals to postsynaptic dendrites, it is essential to directly monitor the odor-evoked glomerular postsynaptic activity patterns. Here we report the use of a transgenic mouse expressing a Ca(2+)-sensitive green fluorescence protein (GCaMP2) under a Kv3.1 potassium-channel promoter. Immunostaining revealed that GCaMP2 was specifically expressed in mitral and tufted cells and a subpopulation of juxtaglomerular cells but not in olfactory nerve terminals. Both in vitro and in vivo imaging combined with glutamate receptor pharmacology confirmed that odor maps reported by GCaMP2 were of a postsynaptic origin. These mice thus provided an unprecedented opportunity to analyze the spatial activity pattern reflecting purely postsynaptic olfactory codes. The odor-evoked GCaMP2 signal had both focal and diffuse spatial components. The focalized hot spots corresponded to individually activated glomeruli. In GCaMP2-reported postsynaptic odor maps, different odorants activated distinct but overlapping sets of glomeruli. Increasing odor concentration increased both individual glomerular response amplitude and the total number of activated glomeruli. Furthermore, the GCaMP2 response displayed a fast time course that enabled us to analyze the temporal dynamics of odor maps over consecutive sniff cycles. In summary, with cell-specific targeting of a genetically encoded Ca(2+) indicator, we have successfully isolated and characterized an intermediate level of odor representation between olfactory nerve input and principal mitral/tufted cell output.


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Currently, dramatic changes are happening in the IS development industry. The incumbent system developers (hubs) are embracing partnerships with less well established companies (spokes), acting in specific niches. This paper seeks to establish a better understanding of the motives for this strategy. Relying on existing work on strategic alliance formation, it is argued that partnering is particularly attractive, if these small companies possess certain capabilities that are difficult to obtain through other arrangements than partnering. Again drawing on the literature, three categories of capabilities are identified: the capability to innovate within their niche, the capability to provide a specific functionality that can be integrated with the incumbents’ systems, and the capability to address novel markets. These factors are analyzed through a case study. The case represents a market leader in the global IS development industry, which fosters a network of smaller partner firms. The study reveals that temporal dynamics between the identified factors are playing a dominant role in these networks. A cyclical partnership model is developed that attempts to explain the life cycle of a partnership within such a network.


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Temporal dynamics create unique and often ephemeral conditions that can influence soil microbial biogeography at different spatial scales. This study investigated the relation between decimeter to meter spatial variability of soil microbial community structure, plant diversity, and soil properties at six dates from April through November. We also explored the robustness of these interactions over time. An historically unfertilized, unplowed grassland in southwest Germany was selected to characterize how seasonal variability in the composition of plant communities and substrate quality changed the biogeography of soil microorganisms at the plot scale (10 m x 10 m). Microbial community spatial structure was positively correlated with the local environment, i.e. physical and chemical soil properties, in spring and autumn, while the density and diversity of plants had an additional effect in the summer period. Spatial relationships among plant and microbial communities were detected only in the early summer and autumn periods when aboveground biomass increase was most rapid and its influence on soil microbial communities was greatest due to increased demand by plants for nutrients. Individual properties exhibited varying degrees of spatial structure over the season. Differential responses of Gram positive and Gram negative bacterial communities to seasonal shifts in soil nutrients were detected. We concluded that spatial distribution patterns of soil microorganisms change over a season and that chemical soil properties are more important controlling factors than plant density and diversity. Finer spatial resolution, such as the mm to cm scale, as well as taxonomic resolution of microbial groups, could help determine the importance of plant species density, composition, and growth stage in shaping microbial community composition and spatial patterns. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The coordinated exit of intracellular pathogens from host cells is a process critical to the success and spread of an infection. While phospholipases have been shown to play important roles in bacteria host cell egress and virulence, their role in the release of intracellular eukaryotic parasites is largely unknown. We examined a malaria parasite protein with phospholipase activity and found it to be involved in hepatocyte egress. In hepatocytes, Plasmodium parasites are surrounded by a parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM), which must be disrupted before parasites are released into the blood. However, on a molecular basis, little is known about how the PVM is ruptured. We show that Plasmodium berghei phospholipase, PbPL, localizes to the PVM in infected hepatocytes. We provide evidence that parasites lacking PbPL undergo completely normal liver stage development until merozoites are produced but have a defect in egress from host hepatocytes. To investigate this further, we established a live-cell imaging-based assay, which enabled us to study the temporal dynamics of PVM rupture on a quantitative basis. Using this assay we could show that PbPL-deficient parasites exhibit impaired PVM rupture, resulting in delayed parasite egress. A wild-type phenotype could be re-established by gene complementation, demonstrating the specificity of the PbPL deletion phenotype. In conclusion, we have identified for the first time a Plasmodium phospholipase that is important for PVM rupture and in turn for parasite exit from the infected hepatocyte and therefore established a key role of a parasite phospholipase in egress.


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Recent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies consistently revealed contributions of fronto-parietal and related networks to the execution of a visuospatial judgment task, the so-called "Clock Task". However, due to the low temporal resolution of fMRI, the exact cortical dynamics and timing of processing during task performance could not be resolved until now. In order to clarify the detailed cortical activity and temporal dynamics, 14 healthy subjects performed an established version of the "Clock Task", which comprises a visuospatial task (angle discrimination) and a control task (color discrimination) with the same stimulus material, in an electroencephalography (EEG) experiment. Based on the time-resolved analysis of network activations (microstate analysis), differences in timing between the angle compared to the color discrimination task were found after sensory processing in a time window starting around 200ms. Significant differences between the two tasks were observed in an analysis window from 192ms to 776ms. We divided this window in two parts: an early phase - from 192ms to ∼440ms, and a late phase - from ∼440ms to 776ms. For both tasks, the order of network activations and the types of networks were the same, but, in each phase, activations for the two conditions were dominated by differing network states with divergent temporal dynamics. Our results provide an important basis for the assessment of deviations in processing dynamics during visuospatial tasks in clinical populations.