187 resultados para TELOMERASE
Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) comprise a heterogenenous group of greater than 50 malignancies of putative mesenchymal cell origin and as such they may arise in diverse tissue types in various anatomical locations throughout the whole body. Collectively they account for approximately 1% of all human malignancies yet have a spectrum of aggressive behaviours amongst their subtypes. They thus pose a particular challenge to manage and remain an under investigated group of cancers with no generally applicable new therapies in the past 40 years and an overall 5-year survival rate that remains stagnant at around 50%. From September 2000 to July 2006 I undertook a full time post-doctoral level research fellowship at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, USA in the department of Surgical Oncology to investigate the biology of soft tissue sarcoma and test novel anti- sarcoma adenovirus-based therapy in the preclinical nude rat model of isolated limb perfusion against human sarcoma xenografts. This work, in collaboration with colleagues as indicated herein, led to a number of publications in the scientific literature furthering our understanding of the malignant phenotype of sarcoma and reported preclinical studies with wild-type p53, in a replication deficient adenovirus vector, and oncolytic adenoviruses administered by isolated limb perfusion. Additional collaborative and pioneering preclinical studies reported the molecular imaging of sarcoma response to systemically delivered therapeutic phage RGD-4c AAVP. Doxorubicin chemotherapy is the single most active broadly applicable anti-sarcoma chemotherapeutic yet only has an approximate 30% overall response rate with additional breakthrough tumour progression and recurrence after initial chemo-responsiveness further problematic features in STS management. Doxorubicin is a substrate for the multi- drug resistance (mdr) gene product p-glycoprotein drug efflux pump and exerts its main mode of action by induction of DNA double-strand breaks during the S-phase of the cell cycle. Two papers in my thesis characterise different aspects of chemoresistance in sarcoma. The first shows that wild-type p53 suppresses Protein Kinase Calpha (PKCα) phosphorylation (and activation) of p-glycoprotein by transcriptional repression of PKCα through a Sp-1 transcription factor binding site in its -244/-234 promoter region. The second paper demonstrates that Rad51 (a central mediator of homologous recombination repair of double strand breaks) has elevated levels in sarcoma and particularly in the S- G2 phase of the cell cycle. Suppression of Rad51 with small interfering RNA in sarcoma cell culture led to doxorubicin chemosensitisation. Reintroduction of wild-type p53 into STS cell lines resulted in decreased Rad51 protein and mRNA expression via transcriptional repression of the Rad51 promoter through increased AP-2 binding. In light of poor response rates to chemotherapy, escape from local control portends a poor prognosis for patients with sarcoma. Two papers in my thesis characterise aspects of sarcoma angiogenesis, invasion and metastasis. Human sarcoma samples were found to have high levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) with expression levels that correlated with p53 mutational status. MMP-9 is known to degrade extracellular collagen, contribute to the control of the angiogenic switch necessary in primary tumour progression and facilitate invasion and metastasis. Reconstitution of wild-type p53 function led to decreased levels of MMP-9 protein and mRNA as well as zymography-assessed MMP-9 proteolytic activity and decreased tumour cell invasiveness. Reintroduction of wild-type p53 into human sarcoma xenografts in-vivo decreased tumour growth and MMP-9 protein expression. Wild-type p53 was found to suppress mmp-9 transcription via decreased binding of NF-κB to its -607/-595 mmp-9 promoter element. Studies on the role of the VEGF165 in sarcoma found that sarcoma cells stably transfected with VEGF165 formed more aggressive xenografted tumours with increased vascularity, growth rate, metastasis, and resistance to chemotherapy. Use of the anti-VEGFR2 antibody DC101 enhanced doxorubicin sensitivity at sub-conventional dosing, inhibited tumour growth, decreased development of metastases, and reduced tumour micro-vessel density while increasing the vessel maturation index. These effects were explained primarily through effects on endothelial cells (e.c.s), rather than the tumour cells per se, where DC101 induced e.c. sensitivity to doxorubicin and suppressed e.c. production of MMPs. The p53 tumour suppressor pathway is the most frequently mutated pathway in sarcoma. Recapitulation of wild-type p53 function in sarcoma exerts a number of anti-cancer outcomes such as growth arrest, resensitisation to chemotherapy, suppression of invasion, and attenuation of angiogenesis. Using a modified nude rat-human sarcoma xenograft model for isolated limb perfusion (ILP) delivery of wild-type p53 in a replication deficient adenovirus vector I showed that functionally competent wild-type p53 could be delivered to and detected in human leiomyosarcoma xenografts confirming preclinical feasibility - although not efficacious due to low transgene expression. Viral fibre modification to express the RGD tripeptide motif led to greater viral uptake by sarcoma cells in vitro (transductional targeting) and changing the transgene promoter to a response element active in cells with active telomerase expression restricted the transgene expression to the tumour intracellular environment (transcriptional targeting). Delivery of the fibre-modified, selectively replication proficient oncolytic adenovirus Ad.hTC.GFP/ E1a.RGD by ILP demonstrated a more robust, and tumour-restricted, transgene expression with evidence of anti-sarcoma effect confirmed microscopically. Collaborative studies using the fibre modified phage RGD-4C AAVP confirmed that systemic delivery specifically, efficiently, and repeatedly targets human sarcoma xenografts, binds to αv integrins in tumours, and demonstrates a durable, though heterogeneous, transgene expression of 1-4 weeks. Incorporation of the Herpes Simplex Virus thymidine kinase (HSVtk) transgene into RGD-4C AAVP permitted CT-PET spatial and temporal molecular imaging in vivo of transgene expression and allowed quantification of tumour metabolic activity both before and after interval administration of a systemic cytotoxic with predictable and measurable response to treatment before becoming apparent clinically. These papers further the medical and scientific community’s understanding of the biology of soft tissue sarcoma and report preclinical studies with novel and promising anti- sarcoma therapeutics.
Age is the highest risk factor for some of the most prevalent human diseases, including cancer. Telomere shortening is thought to play a central role in the aging process in humans. The link between telomeres and aging is highlighted by the fact that genetic diseases causing telomerase deficiency are associated with premature aging and increased risk of cancer. For the last two decades, this link has been mostly investigated using mice that have long telomeres. However, zebrafish has recently emerged as a powerful and complementary model system to study telomere biology. Zebrafish possess human-like short telomeres that progressively decline with age, reaching lengths in old age that are observed when telomerase is mutated. The extensive characterization of its well-conserved molecular and cellular physiology makes this vertebrate an excellent model to unravel the underlying relationship between telomere shortening, tissue regeneration, aging and disease. In this Review, we explore the advantages of using zebrafish in telomere research and discuss the primary discoveries made in this model that have contributed to expanding our knowledge of how telomere attrition contributes to cellular senescence, organ dysfunction and disease.
Telomeres are DNA-protein complexes which cap the ends of eukaryotic linear chromosomes. In normal somatic cells telomeres shorten and become dysfunctional during ageing due to the DNA end replication problem. This leads to activation of signalling pathways that lead to cellular senescence and apoptosis. However, cancer cells typically bypass this barrier to immortalisation in order to proliferate indefinitely. Therefore enhancing our understanding of telomere dysfunction and pathways involved in regulation of the process is essential. However, the pathways involved are highly complex and involve interaction between a wide range of biological processes. Therefore understanding how telomerase dysfunction is regulated is a challenging task and requires a systems biology approach. In this study I have developed a novel methodology for visualisation and analysis of gene lists focusing on the network level rather than individual or small lists of genes. Application of this methodology to an expression data set and a gene methylation data set allowed me to enhance my understanding of the biology underlying a senescence inducing drug and the process of immortalisation respectively. I then used the methodology to compare the effect of genetic background on induction of telomere uncapping. Telomere uncapping was induced in HCT116 WT, p21-/- and p53-/- cells using a viral vector expressing a mutant variant of hTR, the telomerase RNA template. p21-/- cells showed enhanced sensitivity to telomere uncapping. Analysis of a candidate pathway, Mismatch Repair, revealed a role for the process in response to telomere uncapping and that induction of the pathway was p21 dependent. The methodology was then applied to analysis of the telomerase inhibitor GRN163L and synergistic effects of hypoglycaemia with this drug. HCT116 cells were resistant to GRN163L treatment. However, under hypoglycaemic conditions the dose required for ablation of telomerase activity was reduced significantly and telomere shortening was enhanced. Overall this new methodology has allowed our group and collaborators to identify new biology and improve our understanding of processes regulating telomere dysfunction.
Résumé : Chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae, la régulation de la longueur des télomères témoigne de la compensation entre mécanismes d'érosion (exonucléases, réplication semi-conservative et résection), facteurs d’élongation (la télomérase, transcriptase inverse à l'action retrouvée dans 90% des cancers humains) et actions de diverses protéines de régulation télomérique spécifiques, conférant aux télomères leur caractère de « capuchon » protégeant les extrémités des chromosomes eucaryotes. Afin de savoir si les gènes impossibles à déléter, car essentiels à la survie cellulaire, jouent aussi un rôle sur l’homéostasie télomérique, j'ai réalisé un criblage génétique utilisant des mutants tet-off de la levure pour lesquels la sous-expression considérable d'un gène essentiel a été induite de façon conditionnelle. Ceci permet d’étudier les effets qui en résultent sur l’homéostasie des télomères. Au total, mon travail a traité plus de 662 gènes essentiels pour lesquels j'ai analysé le phénotype de longueur des télomères de manière qualitative par comparaison des télomères de souches mutées par rapport à ceux de souches de type sauvage. Puis, grâce à l’amélioration technique que j'ai mise au point, la quantification de la taille des répétitions télomériques de 300 de ces souches a déjà pu être précisément analysée. Il est notable que tous les gènes essentiels étudiés ici ont des effets très différents qui résultent en des chromosomes possédant des télomères de longueur très inégale. Pour près de 40% des mutants analysés, les tailles de télomères sont apparues critiquement différentes de celles normalement présentées par la levure, beaucoup de ces gènes essentiels étant impliqués dans des mécanismes affectant le cycle cellulaire, la réparation, etc. La majorité des gènes criblés apporte un important complément d’information dans une littérature presque inexistante sur les effets de gènes essentiels de la levure au niveau de la biologie des télomères. C’est le cas des mutations de YHR122W (montrant des télomères long) et YOR262W (télomères courts), deux gènes qui sont apparus d'après mes résultats nécessaires au maintien de l'homéostasie télomérique (prenant place dans un grand ensemble de gènes que j’ai dénommé gènes ETL pour Essential for Telomere Length Maintenance).
Background: Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is a progressive inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by mutation of the FXN gene, resulting in decreased frataxin expression, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. A recent study has identified shorter telomeres in FRDA patient leukocytes as a possible disease biomarker. Results: Here we aimed to investigate both telomere structure and function in FRDA cells. Our results confirmed telomere shortening in FRDA patient leukocytes and identified similar telomere shortening in FRDA patient autopsy cerebellar tissues. However, FRDA fibroblasts showed significantly longer telomeres at early passage, occurring in the absence of telomerase activity, but with activation of an alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT)-like mechanism. These cells also showed accelerated telomere shortening as population doubling increases. Furthermore, telomere dysfunction-induced foci (TIF) analysis revealed that FRDA fibroblasts have dysfunctional telomeres. Conclusions: Our finding of dysfunctional telomeres in FRDA cells provides further insight into FRDA molecular disease mechanisms, which may have implications for future FRDA therapy.
While much of the study of molecular biology inevitably focuses on the parts of the genome that contain active genes, there are also non-coding regions that nonetheless play an essential role in maintaining genome integrity. One such region are telomeres, which cap the ends of all eukaryotic chromosomes and play an important role in chromosome protection. Telomere loss occurs at each cell division as a result of the ‘end replication problem’ and a relatively short telomere length is indicative of poor biological state. Thus far, the majority of studies on the dynamics and role of telomeres have been biased towards certain taxa. Research to date has mostly focussed on humans, other mammals and birds. There has been far less research on the telomere dynamics of ectotherms. It is important that we do so, especially since ectothermic vertebrates do not seem to down-regulate telomerase expression in the same way as endotherms, suggesting that their telomere dynamics may be less predictable in the later life stages. The main objective of this thesis was therefore to investigate how life history and environmental effects may influence telomere dynamics in Atlantic salmon Salmo salar. I carried out carefully designed experiments, both in the laboratory and in the wild, using a longitudinal approach where possible, in order to address a number of specific questions that are connected to this central theme. In chapter 2, I demonstrate that there can be significant links between parental life history and offspring telomere dynamics. Maternal life history traits, in particular egg size, were most strongly related to offspring telomere length at the embryonic stages. Paternal life history traits, such as early life growth rate, had a greater association with offspring telomere dynamics in the later stages of development. In chapter 3, using a wild Atlantic salmon population, I found that most individuals experienced a reduction in telomere length during the migratory phase of their life cycle; however the relative rate of telomere loss was dependent on sex, with males experiencing a relatively greater loss. Unexpectedly, I also found that juvenile salmon that had the shortest telomeres at the time of outward migration, had the greatest probability of surviving through to the return migration. In chapter 4, again using a wild system involving experimental manipulations of juvenile Atlantic salmon in Scottish streams, I found that telomere length in juvenile fish was influenced by parental traits and by direct environmental effects. Faster-growing fish had shorter telomeres and there was a greater cost (in terms of reduced telomere length) if the growth occurred in a harsher environment. I also found a positive association between offspring telomere length and the growth history of their fathers (but not mothers), represented by the number of years that fathers had spent at sea. Chapter 5 explored the hypotheses that oxidative DNA damage, catalase (CAT) antioxidant activity and cell proliferation rate are underlying mechanisms linking incubation temperature and telomere dynamics in salmon embryos. No evidence was found for any such effects, but telomere lengths in salmon embryos were found to be significantly affected by the temperature of the water in which they were living. There is also evidence that telomere length significantly increases during embryonic development. In summary, this thesis has shown that a complex mix of environmental and parental effects appear to influence telomere dynamics in Atlantic salmon, with parental effects especially evident during early life stages. It also demonstrated that telomeres lengthen through the embryo stages of development before reducing once the fry begin feeding, indicating that the patterns of telomere loss commonly found in endotherms may differ in ectotherms. Reasons for this variation in telomere dynamics are presented in the final Discussion chapter of the thesis.
Non-B DNA structures like R-loops and G-quadruplexes play a pivotal role in several cellular vital processes like DNA transcription regulation. Misregulation of said non-canonical DNA structures can often lead to genome instability, DNA damage, and, eventually, to the activation of an innate immune response. For such reasons they have been studied as adjuvants in anticancer therapies. Here we studied drugs targeting R-loops (Top1 poisons) and G4s (hydrazone derivatives) in order to observe their effects in terms of DNA damage induction and, subsequently, activation of innate immune response. We studied how non-cytotoxic doses of ampthotecin and LMP-776 impact on genome instability, are capable to induce DNA damage and micronuclei, and, eventually lead to an innate immune gene response via the cGAS/STING pathway. G-quadruplexes are another ubiquitous, non-canonical DNA structure, more abundant in telomeric regions, demonstrating a marked relation with the impairment of telomerase and the regulation of DNA replication and transcription. Furthermore, we investigated the properties of new-synthesized molecules belonging to the highly promising class of hydrazone derivatives, in terms of cytotoxicity, ability to stabilize G4-structures, induce DNA damage, and activate interferon-B production. Both Top1 poisons and G4-stabilizers possess several features that can be very useful in clinical applications, in light of their ability to stimulate innate immune response factors and exert a certain cell-killing power, plus they offer a broad and diverse range of treatment options in order to face a variety of patient treatment needs. It is for these very reasons that it is of uttermost importance that further studies are conducted on these compounds, in order to synthesize new and increasingly powerful and flexible ones, with fewer side effects to customize therapies on specific cancers’ and patients’ features.