877 resultados para System Management Development
Past studies of software maintenance issues have largely concentrated on the average North American firm. While they have made a substantial contribution to good information system management practice, it is believed that further segmentation of sample data and cross-country comparisons will help to identify patterns of behaviour more akin to many less average organizations in North America and elsewhere. This paper compares the Singapore maintenance scene with the reported North American experience. Comparisons are also made between: Government organizations, Singapore corporations and multinational corporations (MNCs); mainframe and minicomputer installations; and fourth-generation language (4GL) and non-4GL computer installations. Study findings, while in many cases were similar to earlier US studies, do show the importance of Singapore's young application portfolio, the widespread usage of 4GLs and the severe maintenance personnel problems.
Using work integrated learning (WIL) in university-industry learning partnerships as a means of developing the deeper and more complex skills of managers is receiving growing interest in the literature. This paper suggests that there are currently, two basic approaches to WIL – the traditional model and the customisation model. While each has strengths, each also has limitations. Responding the call of Patrick et al (2008) for more discussion and research on WIL stratagems, this paper proposes a third model – the sustainable learning partnership – as an option to encourage deeper, more complex and more long-term capacity building in management development.
This project is the result of a collaborative design process involving QUT School of Design, and AREN Consulting and ZIAD (Zheijiang Provincial Institute of Architectural Design and Research). This project is the submission prepared by the above partnership for an invited international design competition, promoted by Hangzhou City, China. ---------- This major urban design and architecture project is for a large transport oriented development on the new Hangzhou Subway system. The development, covering several city blocks, includes the provision of residential, retail, education, commercial, and transport infrastructure; integrated with rail, bus and ferry systems. ---------- The design strategies are based on the development or artificial land forms; the cutting of new canals, raising of the ground plane, and metaphoric reference to the Yellow Mountains (explored in the detail of the central ‘ridge’ of built form). Further to this, the project explores the integration of sustainable technologies and philosophies with large scale building projects in a subtropical context.
This paper, underpinned by a framework of autopoietic principles of creativity/innovation and leadership/governance, argues that open forms of creativity in ‘arts’ provide opportunity for impact upon concepts of development, leadership and governance. The alliance of creativity and governance suggests that by examining various understandings of artistic experiences, readers may perceive new understandings of alliance, application and assessment of such experiences. This critical understanding would include assessing whether such experience supports people changing their aspirations as they become what they want to be. Such understanding may also suggest that different applications of the creative capacity of the ‘arts’ offers relevance in alleged ‘non-creative’ areas of academe, particularly in areas of management, leadership and governance. This alliance also offers the possibility of new staff development programs that facilitate learning and building of individual capacity, as well as facilitate congruent development process and policy, particularly within academic organisational structures.
This paper describes the design process and curriculum for a learning cohort of eight managers who came from public and private providers of vocational education and training. While the authors found no discussion on developing research knowledge and skills of managers using learning cohorts, the general learning cohorts literature provided a number of recommendations for learning cohort design. The initial stages of the learning cohort were evaluated. The results highlighted the importance of clarifying the psychological contract and its use in self-selection, supported the recommendations in the literature of the significance of the careful design and implementation of an initial residential workshop and also found support for further residential workshops of a similar design. The attendance of the cohort members in tow faculty wide core research units drew mixed comments.
The Katz and Kahn (1978) motivational framework is an open system management theory that underscores the importance of self-regulation while stressing the significance of using continuous feedback to adapt in a rapidly changing environment. This study aims to examine Katz and Kahn’s prepositions that the implementation of a system of rule compliance, external rewards, and internalized motivation can decrease employee turnover, increase quantitative and qualitative standards of performance, and enhance cooperation and creativeness. The results among 233 Chinese employees (96.6% response rate) indicated partial support for Katz and Kahn’s motivational framework. The implication for improving the Chinese workforce, in particular blue-collar occupations, is discussed.
Electric Energy Storage (EES) is considered as one of the promising options for reducing the need for costly upgrades in distribution networks in Queensland (QLD). However, It is expected, the full potential for storage for distribution upgrade deferral cannot be fully realized due to high cost of EES. On the other hand, EES used for distribution deferral application can support a variety of complementary storage applications such as energy price arbitrage, time of use (TOU) energy cost reduction, wholesale electricity market ancillary services, and transmission upgrade deferral. Aggregation of benefits of these complementary storage applications would have the potential for increasing the amount of EES that may be financially attractive to defer distribution network augmentation in QLD. In this context, this paper analyzes distribution upgrade deferral, energy price arbitrage, TOU energy cost reduction, and integrated solar PV-storage benefits of EES devices in QLD.
Purpose A previous study found that the quality of education in Cambodia is poor compared to other developing countries. However, the working performance of commercial banks in Cambodia is high. It was speculated that effective training was the main factor underlying this contradiction. Therefore, the main purpose of this article is to explore the elements of training conducted by commercial banks in Cambodia and to examine their relationship with training effectiveness. Design/methodology/approach The research focuses on six factors: training needs assessment; training program; flexibility of training; self-efficacy; social support; and transfer of knowledge. The data came in the form of questionnaires and desk research. A descriptive analytical approach is then used to describe these six factors. Findings The banking industry in Cambodia offers very effective training to its employees. It is also worth noting that more than 80 percent of employees are satisfied with the training, despite few attempts on the part of management to elicit opinions from employees on what training methods should be employed. Research limitations/implications As research studies involving Cambodia are relatively rare, it was difficult for to gather primary data. Because of this limitation and the purpose of this study, descriptive data interpretation was employed. Practical implications – Even though training can make up for poor education, it is only a short-term solution. In the long term, education needs to be enhanced to increase working performance. Originality/value This research provides a good framework for commercial banks in other developing countries to compare. A cross-cultural study is also proposed for future research.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the effectiveness of workshops as a learning tool for small business owner‐managers (SBO‐Ms). It aims to concentrate on workshops delivered over 18 months from January 2007 to July 2008 as part of several publicly‐funded small business development programmes in two Australian local government areas (LGAs). Design/methodology/approach Effectiveness is measured in terms of meeting the overarching learning needs and expectations of participants in the context of the programme goals. The paper analyses data gathered from workshop participants either post‐workshop, in later focus groups or through a questionnaire as well as additional feedback from participants and the organisers' reflections. The thematic analysis is organised through an analogy of “going shopping”, where the SBO‐M shopper is buying “learning” when they attend a workshop. Findings Understanding motivation to participate or the “what's in it for me” is important as SBO‐Ms tend to be reluctant, resist or fail to engage with externally sponsored business support initiatives. Workshops were valued for the “space” they create to reflect on practice. For many SBO‐Ms, content “comes alive” with discussion while networking helps reduce the isolation SBO‐Ms can feel. Practical implications The shopping analogy suggests workshops must cater for purposeful shoppers as well as browsers, while interaction with others in the workshop is critical to realising the value of workshops. Originality/value Knowing whether, and how, workshops deliver learning can help to better target and refine these types of support initiatives to ensure they provide positive outcomes for individuals, organisations and economies.
This work describes recent extensions to the GPFlow scientific workflow system in development at MQUTeR (www.mquter.qut.edu.au), which facilitate interactive experimentation, automatic lifting of computations from single-case to collection-oriented computation and automatic correlation and synthesis of collections. A GPFlow workflow presents as an acyclic data flow graph, yet provides powerful iteration and collection formation capabilities.
This paper reviews the state-of-the-art in the automation of underground mining vehicles and reports on the development of an autonomous navigation system under development through the CMTE with sponsorship arranged by AMIRA. Past attempts at automating LHDs and haul trucks are described and their particular strengths and weaknesses are discussed. The auto-guidance system being developed overcomes some of the limitations of state-of-the-art prototype æcommercialÆ systems. It can be retrofitted to existing remote controlled vehicles, uses minimum installed infrastructure and is flexible enough for rapid relocation to alternate routes. The navigation techniques use data fusion of two separate sets of sensors combining natural feature recognition, nodal maps and inertial navigation techniques. Collision detection is incorporated and people and other traffic are excluded from the tramming area. This paper describes the work being done by the group with regard to auto-tramming and also outlines the future goals.
There is increasing momentum within the construction industry to deploy distributed teams on projects, yet the major challenges that companies face for managing teams in distributed arrangements have yet to be explored in the construction context. Driven by such need, this study is intended to present an account of the major challenges encountered throughout the life cycle of offshore outsourcing arrangements within the South Australian construction industry. To this end, the study describes the observations made within the natural contexts of one construction project in terms of the challenges to the success of deploying distributed teams for outsourcing of works. Discussions remain in dialogue with relevant theories and the pertinent literature to explain the interpretations and lessons learned and to underpin the conclusions made. It is contended that this study contributes to the field by providing an illuminating insight into potential challenges facing distributed teams being implemented in outsourcing tasks in construction projects. Discussions also offer practical guidelines for construction project managers and assist them in dealing with potential challenges of offshore outsourcing through the lenses of distributed team working principles.
Purpose If owner-managers engage in management development activities then chances of success may be improved for small businesses. But small business owner-managers (SBOMs) are a difficult group to engage in management development activities. While practitioners worry about timing, content and location of development activities, the purpose of this paper is to examine what drives SBOMs to participate in an online discussion forum (ODF) as a form of management development. An ODF was run with SBOMs and the factors affecting their participation are reported from this exploratory study. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative methodology was used where data gathered from three sources, the ODF posts, in-depth interviews with participants and a focus group with non-participants. These were analysed to evaluate factors affecting participation of SBOMs in an ODF. Findings The findings point to the importance of owner-managers’ attitudes. Attitudes that positively affected SBOMs participation in the ODF included; appreciating that learning leads to business success; positive self-efficacy developed through prior online experience; and an occupational identity as a business manager. Research limitations/implications Few SBOMs participated in the ODF, which is consistent with research finding that they are a difficult group to engage in management development learning activities. Three forms of data were analysed to strengthen results. Practical implications Caution should be exercised when considering investment in e-learning to develop the managerial capabilities of SBOMs. Originality/value Evidence of the factors important for participation in an informal voluntary ODF. The findings suggest greater emphasis should be placed on changing attitudes if SBOMs are to be encouraged to participate in management development activities.
The primary purpose of introducing a common corporate language in crossborder mergers is to integrate two previously separate organizations and facilitate communication. However, the present case study of a cross-border merger between two Nordic banks shows that the common corporate language decision may have disintegrating effects, particularly at organizational levels below top management. We identify such effects on performance appraisal, language training and management development, career paths, promotion and key personnel. Our findings show that top management needs to work through the consequences of the language decision upon those who are expected to make such a decision work.
Partikkelisysteemien segregaatio eli erottuminen on ilmiö, jossa tasalaatuisen jauheseoksen komponenteilla on taipumus erota toisistaan. Jauheen erottumistaipumus riippuu partikkelien ominaisuuksista, ympäröivistä olosuhteista ja partikkelien välisistä vuorovaikutuksista. Segregaatiomekanismeja on esitetty kirjallisuudessa valtava määrä ja pienetkin erot partikkelien välisissä ominaisuuksissa ja vuorovaikutuksissa voivat johtaa täysin eri segregaatiomekanismeihin. Segregaatioilmiö on lääketeollisuuden näkökulmasta hyvin keskeinen, eikä sitä tunneta vielä riittävän hyvin, jotta siltä osattaisiin systemaattisesti välttyä. Nykyinen segregaatiotutkimus perustuu suurelta osin yrityksen ja erehdyksen kautta tapahtuvaan oppimiseen. Todellisen segregaatioilmiön ymmärtämiseen tarvittaisiin innovatiivisia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Kokeellisen osan tarkoituksena oli kehittää ja perustestata menetelmä, jolla voidaan tutkia erilaisten partikkelisysteemien erottumiskäyttäytymistä, ja käyttää tätä menetelmää farmaseuttisten rae- ja pellettiseosten segregaation tutkimiseen. Tavoitteena oli todistaa kehitetyn Babel-laitteen toimintaperiaatteen soveltuvuus partikkelisysteemien erottumiskäyttäytymisen tutkimiseen, mutta suoritetut kokeet olivat lähinnä menetelmän ja laitteen testausta. Ongelmiksi muodostuivat Babel-laitteen asettamat rajoitukset, partikkelien sähköistyminen ja partikkelien väliset vuorovaikutukset. Käytetyt suoraviivaiset lähestymistavat eivät riittäneet segregaation aiheuttamiseen Babel-laitteella. Vertikaalisen ravistelun seurauksena syntynyt konvektiopyörre esti segregaation syntymisen. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan sanoa, että Babel-laite mittaa hyvin ja toistettavasti sekä se kykenee erottamaan erikokoiset partikkelit ja erilaiset kokojakaumat toisistaan. Laitteen kehittämistavoitteena olisi saada segregaatio paremmin näkyviin jauheseoksissa ravistelun seurauksena. Tällöin voitaisiin tehdä päätelmiä jauheseoksen erottumistaipumuksesta ja systeemissä vallitsevista erottumismekanismeista. Laitteen ja menetelmän jatkokehittäminen voisi tuottaa hyödyllistä lisätietoa, mikä edesauttaisi segregaation ymmärtämistä ilmiönä entistä paremmin